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/lit/ - Literature

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7015060 No.7015060 [Reply] [Original]

I'm starting to feel cucked by novels. Society encourages / pressures us to read to "better ourselves" / learn / probably other reasons yet nobody will care about my feels until I've done something valued by society [capitalism]. So shouldn't I spend all my time trying to get money or achieving whatever goals I set myself? I'm giving some author attention when they would never care about me irl.

>> No.7015063

Why are women to stupid?

>> No.7015068

I (OP) should also mention that I'm a litizen, not someone who only got in to novels recently.

Why should novels be difficult btw? What does it add apart from multiple interpretations? When pynchon doesn't try very hard to tell us who the characters are, the setting, their relations etc, does he just want to avoid all that stuff or is he trying to get me to pay attention?

>> No.7015077

I'm starting to feel cucked by my brand of toothpaste. I blame the Jews.

>> No.7015079

Sounds like you need some philosophy tbh. You need to work on dismantling that ego of yours.

>> No.7015081


i got bored of stirner about 60 pages in but i get the gist.

>> No.7015086
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>81% of men are considered unattractive

>> No.7015090

>women on dating sites are choosier than men
no fucking shit

>> No.7015091

tbh your viewpoint is correct

>> No.7015093

that's how attractiveness works

>> No.7015106

Men are cucking themselves with their collectively low standards

>> No.7015116

to be fair, this could in large part be do 80+% of "men" of breeding age today being useless millennial faggots who can't even

>> No.7015117

He's trying to encourage you to think. And the kind of issues that Pynchon tackles have no definitive solution anyway; I think he's more interested in asking questions than answering them. This is largely what disillusioned DFW with American postmodern fiction, btw. Say what you will about Wallace, but at least he dared to try and provide answers.

>> No.7015120

>I'm a litizen
>in to

yeah nah

>> No.7015138 [DELETED] 
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