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/lit/ - Literature

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7014328 No.7014328 [Reply] [Original]

Is your average pleb truely that stupid and un-motivated? I'm not interested in statistics - I want to hear your stories, of your parents or relatives or friends, who do plebs stuff like watch TV and ever read, or they read pleb tier stuff like 50 shades of grey or games of throne.

>> No.7014329

To add, here are some pleb mentality:

The profile of a pleb:

1. They're tired. The pleb is a wage cuck that works 9 to 5 with a family to feed. After work, they want to hurrr durrr on the internet, watch some tv, eat dinner and go to sleep. This means, they want things that are easy, automatic, doesn't require hard work, don't have to think so much. Reason why shake weight exist is because there is a market for it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2W0FfkaIEXE top kek

2. They don't want anything that requires change or belief in their identity or hard work. One man tried to help obese people by opening a gym but he saw the reality that most people would rather eat and get fat then exercise and eat healthy, so he assisted them by opening a "burger heart attack" restaurant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqf_SIQ3JAk

If you count the number of Americans who are both fat and obese, it amounts to 70 percent. How to lose weight? Eat less and exercise. Yet the diet industry is a multi-billion dollars because fat fucks wouldn't put the fork down. The best selling diet books and products are easy, instant, magically, and "effortless".

3. The pleb would rather be entertained than educated. Pleb tier books like "50 shades of grey" sold 50 million copies, contrast to philsopher tier books that only sold 50k or less during the author's life time. The majority of book published sells 10k copies or less. If you look at popular videos on youtube, it's "LOL PRANKZ It's jus prank!" and feel good "give money to homeless people" videos and some autisic guy playing video games and screaming at the screen

>> No.7014331

A few years back, "The secret" (the book promises that if you just wished hard enough, the universe will give you what you want) sold millions and millions of copies, the primary target audience were bored and fat middle aged house wives. It made the marketers really rich.

4. The pleb is dumb. Any popular book or music churched and marketed for mainstream consumption is shit tier. If you want to write a sales letter to inspire the pleb, write in a grade 8 level or below. Otherwise you'll lose the pleb's interest because it's just TOO HARD to comprehend.

5. Emotion over logic. Hilter understood this when he stood on the podium delivering his speech. That's why popular videos on youtube either fall into "feel goods" or "hilariously funny!". A video on "social experiment on kidnapping" will get MILLIONS of views, while a summary of Thus Spoke Zarathustra will get 50 views. *cricket*

>> No.7014336

n the defense of plebs.

Plebs are aware that they're plebs, deep down. Truth be told, life beats them down. They work at some job they hate pushing paper and have to report to a boss. They get stuck in traffic jam and they fucking hate it. They get feels. Plebs is like the feel guy and sad pepe. But they can't changed because of social conditioning - they have been programmed to think this way since birth.

Interestingly enough, most people who try to start a business are middle aged men and women. At middle age, they realize that life is beating them down and that the lies about working at a job and living a middle class is great - but after 20 years of bullshit, they desperately want to be a business owner themselves. Lookat any investment or business entrepeneur and you'll see the audience is filled with 40+ years old people.

The average person just wants shelter, perhaps a job that isn't so bad, care for their family and live a stable life. Think of the pleb as a plant - they just want to avoid pain and exist. The pleb may fantasize about being an international playboy making bank and momentary they may be inspired but reality comes back to them, as they put their head down and drive their car to work. Just another dull day at work.

>> No.7014339

I don't shit down on plebs nor do I try to elevate them. I simply accept the harsh, brutal natural of reality and make money off the plebs in the most ethical way possible by selling what they WANT and NEED. After all, not everyone can be a business owner or zyzz; in a capitalist society you need the plebs to be the clog in the system. You need the plebs to buy shit tier stuff and to consume mediocre media. Kim Kardashian isn't sitting at home watching herself.

Plebs are plebs because it's human nature to NOT put more effort them necessary. 2000 years ago there are plebs. I reckon that 200 years from now, there will be still a guy in his VR head set sitting his mom's basement jacking off to porn and playing Call of duty. Accept human nature for what it is - embrace it.

The elites now the true nature of reality (plebs), so they create multi billion dollar companies (ie, Coke Cola) selling people diabetes inducing sugar water.

>> No.7014419

Teenage elitism clearly written by a neet with no real world experience.

>> No.7014440

In my opinion it's all about class. You can draw satisfactory lines between the lazy and motivated, the fat and the healthy, the pleb and the erudite simply by drawing the proper lines in income, upbringing and geography.

>> No.7014511


I work at both a 24 hour diner off the highway and a sports bar in order o pay for school. I deal with "plebs" on a daily basis.

Some of them are hard-working, blue-collar folk who simply want to make a living for themselves and their family; some are lazy, lying drug addicts; some are worldly and have a great deal of common sense; Some are shallow and stupid; some like to read and some like to spend obscene amounts of money on scratch offs. They're people with different interests and values than you. Are they knocking down your door, trying to get you to join them? No? Then who gives a shit?

>> No.7014523

The saddest thing about this post is that by limiting your argument to the realms of capitalist society, you have shown that you yourself are a pleb.

>> No.7014529
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>being motivated
>not being a pleb

pick one

>> No.7014535

this. Most patricians are effortlessly cultured. ou have to be born into it

>> No.7014543
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A welcome post.

>> No.7014547

So no one since the nineteenth century has been a patrician?

>> No.7014555

pretty much

>> No.7014557

how the fuck is this literature

>> No.7014558

Well technically there hasn't been a pleb or a patrician since the Roman empire

>> No.7014559

Yep. Pop culture has become too memetically powerful and omnipresent. We're all plebs now.

>> No.7014565

/lit/ has become wasteful and decadent capitalist pig-dogs.

>> No.7014576

What is disturbing is that the ones that are supposed to be the opposite of plebs are consuming exactly the same entertainment and have more or less adopted their mannerisms, albeit sligthly adjusted to their wealth, it still is plebbish behaviour. Is this the equality between the human species that I have heard? That plain?

>> No.7014585

I just don't understand why this garbage is on a board for literature

>> No.7014592



>> No.7014619

Yeah, definitely. I come from a (upper) middle class family and I have met few people from that stratum who were not bourgie anti-intellectuals who think expensive, uninspired food, clothing and furniture are 'culture'. Nearly all my close friends are working class and they seem far more self-aware, grounded in reality and able to deal with actual problems than the bulk non-individuals that the middle class churns out with worrying regularity.

Also, the culture(hegemony even) of mandatory enjoyment, well-being and general 'well-adjusted'-ness now prevalent in the western world makes me sick.

>> No.7014681

>9 to 5
I fucking wish. More like 6 to 4:30, 6 days a week. You privileged little shit.