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7010628 No.7010628 [Reply] [Original]

most intense,deepest, edgiest(in a good way) book you have ever read. looking for some "heavy shit". any genre you like, but preferably a book that has a strong plot and the philosophical terms are just good additions to the book. or it could be a book with a disturbing and brave plot that ends up being the deep heavy part.

>> No.7010855

Moby dick.

>> No.7010859

You will love Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.7011653 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7011664

Second this

For Whom The Bell Tolls is a decent fit as well. I wouldn't describe it as 'edgy' but it seems like it might be what you're looking for.

>> No.7011665

it's really not that intense or disturbing, though. dude starves and goes crazy, yeah, but there isn't much else going on.

>> No.7011678 [DELETED] 

My diary, tbh

>> No.7011681

Moby Dick

>> No.7011729

I don't know what means edgy in a good way. I don't agree with the description, but the only things that come to mind are Nietzsche and Schopenhauer.
Or The Fall, by Camus. That's pretty intense if you play a little game of being a film director your mind.
Maybe By Night in Chile.

On intensity, I'd say maybe Henry Miller and surely Céline.

For some people it's Lautréamont, but Maldoror is not philosophical in any way. Just edgy poetic imagery with some nice aesthetics, that some people found mind blowing (in a very European 1930s way). Bolaño called him and Rimbaud "juvenile" or "young poets" probably because they were genius and madly idiotic at times.

>For Whom The Bell Tolls
Nah, I wouldn't call it edgy. It's pretty sentimental, even similar to The Plague (Camus) in a sense, but Hemingway idolized a lot of the culture, made it dignified in very literal ways, and other stuff because he seemed to be very easily impressed. Plot is strong but "philosophically" (whatever that means) I'd call it shallow, it's just about a few subtle themes (rebellion, life/death, honor).
Journey, on the other hand, idolizes nothing but being helplessly bound to bitterness.

>> No.7011988

Moby Dick

>> No.7011993

The Whale

>> No.7012009

definitely not true for everyone, but Notes From The Underground crushed me

i can only admit this because i'm on an anonymous image board but i relate to and sympathize with the underground man deeply. to see your own bitterness spelled out on the page like that is a really heavy, far out experience

>> No.7012030

blood memedian

>> No.7012060
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Nothing will strike you more than a randomly read poem about motherhood you pick'd up while wandering drunk in downtown at the moment you were looking for a book to steal. Thing is, the 'this shit is going to make me throw the book against the damn wall" moments won't come after you if you chase them, at least in my experience, so it's all subjective. >>7010859 had some good moments like this though, where you have to stop reading and going "shieeet", for all I can recall. I'd recommend The Book Of Disquiet which gives me the same feeling over and over to the point it tires me to read it in some way. Good luck OP.

>> No.7012081

i too experienced this several times with dostoevsky. to see my past sentiments articulated so clearly and thoroughly in the translated words of a dead man was a life changing event for me and one of the main reasons i continue to read.

dostoevsky helped me to mature

>> No.7012093

You only related so completely to the protagonist because your brains are a pile of malleable adolescent mush.

>> No.7012133

yeah i guess the effect one person's writing can have on another's mind is unimportant and i should fixate on the execrable state of my brain during adolescence

>> No.7012138


speak of the devil! it's the underground man himself!

>> No.7012166

Hmm. I was going to say Blood Meridian, which seems like a negative Moby Dick to me.

>> No.7012273

Wow, I am surprised no one has said Notes from the Underground.

>> No.7012280
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>> No.7012294

you're the sad, stupid girl who adapts whatever personality and hobby her current boyfriend has only for some reason you are assuming people are universally like

>> No.7014055


>> No.7014065

Yukio Mishima probably fits your criteria. I particularly like The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea.

They also made a really good movie out of it.

>> No.7014515

Infinite Jest

>> No.7016531

Mother Night

>> No.7016538

No Longer Human is pretty edgy. I feel like it would be considered ultimate edge tier if it had been released in America in the past 20 years.

>> No.7016857

is this a meme or should i actually read this book? so many mixed comments I'm afraid of being baited.

>> No.7016863

the pale king, assuming you arent retarded/autistic and can understand it

He kinda cheated though

>> No.7016876

>Notes from the Underground

I bet you put an apostrophe in Finnegans, too.

>> No.7018842

book of the new sun.

>> No.7018846

phenomenology of the spirit

>> No.7018884

I think it's a good book

Try DFW's short stories first to see if you like it. "Oblivion" is a good collection

>> No.7019359

Thomas Carlyle - Sartor Resartus

>> No.7019376

It's been translated both with and without the 'the', you pretentious arse.

>> No.7019415

Catch-22 fucked me up

>> No.7019622
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Being and Time is like LSD

No one who does it is the same ever again

>> No.7019642

Justine by the Marquis de Sade.

>> No.7019670
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>> No.7019721

You sound like a teenager.