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File: 8 KB, 270x180, neil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
700971 No.700971 [Reply] [Original]

oh hey /lit/

it's me, Niel Strauss
>notice I went right into the introduction, this is what alpha-males do

enjoying your books you fat neckbeards?
>take it easy, I just 'kino'd you, thats where I jab at you with a negative remark to lower your own value and raise my own, causing you to be attracted to me

how about reading a real book, and one I wrote
>again, I'm raising my own value... now you're in Attraction Phase II

it's called The Game, and its the Fountainhead of Getting Pussy
>don't use too many intellectual references or you will seem to eager, remember: not everyone has heard of Neichzee!

Guess I'll be getting that phone number from you...

oh btw /lit/

you just entered Seduction Phase I...

>> No.700977

His name is Neil, not Niel.

>> No.700975

I'm so wet right now

>> No.700982
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>> No.700981

my butthole is all a-quiver

>> No.700984

of course a BETA would say that

enjoy mother-nature weeding out your DNA from the gene pool

>> No.700985

You're an asshole, Niel Strauss.

>> No.700988

>"thats where I jab at you with a negative remark to lower your own value and raise my own, causing you to be attracted to me"

oh god I lol'd

these "Pickup Artists" actually believe this shit

>> No.700990

Today, in the book store, I actually considered buying his book...

>> No.700992

Hey, My name's Anon.

You don't sweat much, for a fat bird.

You think that will work, Niel, neil w/e?

>> No.700995
File: 46 KB, 604x454, 1271386876283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh hey /lit/
>it's me, Niel Strauss
>enjoying your books you fat neckbeards?
>how about reading a real book, and one I wrote
>it's called The Game, and its the Fountainhead of Getting Pussy
>Guess I'll be getting that phone number from you...
>oh btw /lit/
>you just entered Seduction Phase I...


>> No.701008


>> No.701015

Unlike OP, Neil actually is socially competent. I recommend his books.

>> No.701021


>> No.701027

>socially competent
>writes books about how to be a club monkey and have one night stands with tramps


>> No.701029
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I just lost the game.

>> No.701031

>you just entered Seduction Phase I...
Well I'm scared.

>> No.701034


You obviously haven't read his books. You're confusing him with Mystery.

>> No.701047

no, he isnt confusing him with mystery. you aren't privvy to some wealth of socially beneficial information all thanks to this monstrosity neil strauss calls his book. It isn't that we simply "missed something" or "didn't get it": it's that you are a fucking pathetic moron. Go ahead and heed Neil's sage advice, we'll see where you end up with it. gl hf

>> No.701050


fuck off OP Neil is the man

>> No.701051

PUA is generally pretty bullshit, but The Game was still an entertaining read. It doesn't really defend the PUA community; he pretty much admits that they're a bunch of assholes.

Oh, and that wasn't kino, that was a neg.

>> No.701053
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>> No.701073
File: 235 KB, 400x283, nsss1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll never, EVER, have a girl like this one

and I do, every god damn night

>> No.701085

One day you'll have an epiphany and realize all the years you've been wasting your time with vapid melon-breasted whores you could've been finding someone you truly synced up with.

>> No.701088
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>> No.701099

I thought The Game was a good book. Memorable, quirky characters going on adventures, seducing women, overcoming personal problems, dealing with living in a mansion with Courtney Love. It was entertaining.

>> No.701112


One day you'll realize you wish you were better with women generally so you would be able to catch and keep the woman you really sync up with.

>> No.701139

i'd rather never get laid and not be a douche

>> No.701142

1) it is good as a book of pointers
2) the level of shallow any person brings to an activity is directly relational to etc etc etc

a) it is good deconstruction for us fuckfaces that are stuck w/ girl's at a 5 year old perception (I have not progressed any far than my excitement as a 7 year old, getting chicks to pull their pants down and let me check the same shit I see now all the time, this bald sideways joker products)

except for that whole growing up thing doing older women / sitcom moms.

now they could be cast as sitcom moms, but are so much YOUNGER than me, sigh, sigh.

yeah. na na

>> No.701146


is that supposed to be intelligible?

>> No.701167


The thing is, it's how to not be a douche

>> No.701186

Is English not your first language or something?

>> No.701238

You just have to know how females work. They will always do the opposite of what you really need and want in a particular moment.

If you want to get laid, they stay away and leave you unhappy.
Once you're happy being alone, then they come and make you unahppy again.
Show you're happy with them and you're alone again.

The result is always unhapiness with women. Fuck I need to leave my girlfriend.

>> No.701248

I don't even

>> No.701361
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>this bald sideways joker products

>> No.701467

I've heard that explained a different way: Women like when guys are passionate about some activity (hobby job etc.), because they want to come in and turn that passion around to be about them.

Of course, if you do let a woman lead you around, she loses respect for you and winds up drinking at a bar with her slutty friends and going home with some dumbass.

So, just do your own thing and try to find a girl you can get along with, but don't change too much to "make it work" with this one particular lady.

Anyway picking up girls does not have to be a science. All you have to do is: 1) Don't be a loser 2) Apply alcohol liberally if needed

You only have to insult other people to make yourself look good if you failed at step 1 in the first place.

>> No.702316


>> No.702341
File: 153 KB, 1752x1168, hoSnyPH5hoN0HS2v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.702350

*sigh* I love Gianna Michaels

>> No.702365

>it's me, Niel Strauus

Hello Neil.

>enjoying your books you fat neckbeards?

I guess so.

>how about reading a real book, and one i wrote

Oh that sounds fun. What's your book called?

>it's called The Game, and its the Fountainhead of Getting Pussy

That's really interesting. You want my number?

oh btw neil

i'm a male you faggot

>> No.702367

Oh, I lol'd. I doubt I can unsee that.

>> No.702377

so... you are saying we will never have 20bucks to spare for a cheap-ass hooker?

>> No.702384

this is true

once while making out with a chick on my bed, she pushes me away and says" I'm not going to sleep with you"
" I actually respect you more because you didn't just have sex with me on the first date" or something, I was being kind of honest because I had been getting laid a lot and didn't care too much about sex then.
anyways we ended up fucking

sorry about sounding like I'm bragging or being a douche, cause I'm getting absolutely no action at all right now at this hopeless point in my life

but at the time it really illustrated to me how contrary human nature really is, especially from 18 yr old girls

>> No.702401

The only definition of an alpha male: if you try to be an alpha male you will never be one.