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/lit/ - Literature

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7008703 No.7008703 [Reply] [Original]

Get the nearest book. Flip it to page 35. Post the first sentence. Others try to guess where it's from.

>Because I could not stop for Death, he kindly stopped for me; the carriage held but just ourselves and Immortality.

>> No.7008732
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sounds like shite fantasy.

>When we'd finished off the six-pack, I put the suit and tie and shoe box into a large paper bag.

>> No.7008739

Debats Roses: Le Journal de Debats, dont l'edition ordinaire paraissait le matin a cette epoque, annonca dans son numero du 26 fevrier 1893 la publication d'une edition du soir imprimee sur papier rose.

>> No.7008751

And perhaps many will, like myself, recall how amid the dangers and terrors of dreams they have occasionally said to themselves in self-encouragement, and not without success: "It is a dream! I will dream on!"

>> No.7008752

Tough to say, something disney is adapting soon?

>> No.7008759

Dickinson is now shit fantasy lmao

Dean, who had the tremendous energy of a new kind of American saint, and Carlo were the underground monsters of that season in Denver, together with the poolhall gang, and, symbolizing this most beautifully, Carlo had a basement apartment on Grant Street and we all met there many a night that went to dawn- Carlo, Dean, myself, Tom Snark, Ed Dunkel, and Roy Johnson.

What a long sentence.

>> No.7008771

They were not tautologies for them, for tautologies are always revolting and can at least never please, but when one chorus explained or determined the other, or made the presented picture new with nuances, this satisfied eye and ear

>> No.7008836

On the Road?

>> No.7008840

isn't that Thanatopsis?

>> No.7008853

It is not.

>>7008759 rightly pointed out that it's Dickinson. "The Chariot", to be precise.

>> No.7008875
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And at last, when the great statue arose from the morning haze where, ready to be ignited by the sun, pale, spellbound buildings stood like those mysterious rectangles of unequal height that you see in bar graph representations of compared percentages (natural resources, the frequency of mirages in different deserts), *Character* resolutely walked up to the *Characters* and identified himself - 'because all three of us must enter the land of liberty with pure hearts'.

>> No.7008898

I'm still not sure I made the right choice when I told my wife about the bakery attack.

>> No.7008904

That's some haruki, from his short stories forget the title.

>> No.7008906

Si corpus dato tempore, vi sola M, ferretur ab A ad B, & vi sola N, ab A ad C, compleatur parallelogrammum ABDC, & vi utraq; feretur id eodem tempore ab A ad D. Nam quoniam vis N agit secundum lineam AC ipsi BD parallelam, hæc vis nihil mutabit velocitatem accedendi ad lineam illam BD a vi altera genitam. Accedet igitur corpus eodem tempore ad lineam BD sive vis N imprimatur, sive non, atq; adeo in fine illius temporis reperietur alicubi in linea illa BD. Eodem argumento in fine temporis ejusdem reperietur alicubi in linea CD, & idcirco in utriusq; lineæ concursu D reperiri necesse est.

>> No.7008909

Under the beneficent influence of the Company, our customs are saturated with chance.

>> No.7008913

Yes, The Elephant Vanishes.

>> No.7008919

Catch 22?

>> No.7008947

"Exactly," I smiled. But I could have throttled him for taking that tone.

>> No.7008955

'just look at her' she said, 'living with us, eating and drinking, and kept snug and warm, the lazy slut!' - though what the poor thing could have been eating and drinking when the little children did not have a crust for the last three days

>> No.7008956

Something Happened?

>> No.7008963

"Look at the madness, the fear, the greed!"

>> No.7008966

R is called the radius of convergence of the power series, and the circle |z| = R is called the circle of convergence.

>> No.7008967


>> No.7008973

You think that if you pay the bills, that's enough, don't you?

>> No.7008977

"yes yes yes"

>> No.7008990


Does anyone have the /lit/ post of the guy mimicking On The Road IRL

>> No.7008992

Not technically the first sentence, but the first sentence of the new chapter starting on page 35.

"It was late, as if time had slipped up on us while we were still caught, enmeshed by the sound of the musket and we were too busy to notice it; the sun shone almost level into our faces while we stood at the edge of the back gallery, spitting, rinsing the soap from our mouths turn and turn about from the gourd dipper, spitting straight into the sun."

>> No.7009005

Something says Crime and Punishment, though not my translation. It sounds like Marmeladov recounting Katerina Ivanovna arguing with the German lady about Sofya Semyonovna.

>> No.7009007

"In these legs, notice the marked inward curve to the center of the body line. This inward curve especially applies to all shin bones (Tibia)."

>> No.7009010

>Animal eyes contain water which can be extracted by sucking them.

I'll honestly be surprised if you guys guess this one because it isn't a /lit/ book, it's just the closest book I had on hand.

>> No.7009019

Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.

>> No.7009049


>> No.7009051

Fuck off memelord

>> No.7009070


>> No.7009077

Uh... Dune?

>> No.7009081


Moby Dick?

>> No.7009098

"Pet minuta je do polaska autobusa i ja pitam šofera imam li vremena da zapalim još jednu, a on mi kaže da ima čak vremena da šuknemo po jednu duplu u staničnom bifeu."

>> No.7009128

>But this is only her artful way of getting 'ee there without raising your hopes.

>> No.7009149

>I suspect Mailer may create more interest in himself by having made this "clean breast of it" than he would have got by publishing a distinguished novel.

>> No.7009155

This sounds like the Pale King to me, but I don't recognize that exact sentence.

>> No.7009158

I was a college correspondent for the town Gazette and editor of the literary magazine and secretary of Honor Board, which deals with academic and social offenses and punishments-a popular office-and I had a well know woman poet and professor on the faculty championing me for graduate school at the biggest universities in the east, and promises of full scholarships all the way, and now I was apprenticed to the best editor on an intellectual fashion magazine, and what did I do but balk and balk like a dull cart horse?

>> No.7009210

>Lafargue was Marx's son-in-law and the only person to whom Marx ever dictated any work.

>> No.7009237

I was, at that time, in Germany, whither the wars, which have not yet finished there, had called me, and as I was returning from the coronation of the Emperor to join the army, the onset of winter held me up in quarters in which, finding no company to distract me, and having, fortunately, no cares or passions to disturb me, I spent the whole day shut up in a room heated by an enclosed stove, where I had complete leisure to meditate on my own thoughts.

>hint: non-fiction
>hint: you've seen his face on /lit/ before

>> No.7009262

This should be real easy:

--C'est tordant, vous savez. Moi, je suis socialiste. Je ne crois pas en l'existence de Dieu. Faut pas le dire à mon père.

>> No.7009269


Oh, shoot, I guess I just should've posted C'est tordant, vous savez. Makes it even easier then.

>> No.7009286

Ain't dat the stranger?

>> No.7009292

Thow the light to him.

>> No.7009314

I looked to see if her breasts were shaking as she walked, but she wore a tight brassiere and they were as motionless as her face.

>> No.7009318


Yup. From the short story The Lottery in Babylon in the collection Labyrinths. Coincidentally that was the first of the two stories I've read so far from the collection.

>> No.7009322

- a consciência de que não faltava muito para alcançar o tamanho suficiente para fazer isso. Ainda bem que ele não tinha nas mãos um revolver de verdade, pensou Winston.

That's kind of giving away though.

>> No.7009356

> Secondly, what happened on September 11 has virtually nothing to do with globalization, in my opinion.

>> No.7009364
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Without being an an enemy of virtue, a cool observer, one that does not mistake the wish for good, however lively, for its reality, may sometimes doubt whether true virtue is actually found anywhere in the world, and this especially as years increase and the judgement is partly made wiser by experience, and partly also made more acute in observation.

>> No.7009366



Don't stop reading Borges.

>> No.7009386


Dario Džamonja.

>> No.7009398

So on April 1, when the medical attache is (it is alleged) insufficiently deft with a Q-tip on an ulcerated sinal necrosis and is subjected at just 1800h. to a fit of febrile thrushive pique from the florally imbalanced Minister of Home Entertainment, and is by high-volume fiat replaced at the royal bedside by the Prince's personal physician, who's summoned by a beeper from the Hilton's sauna, and when the damp personal physician pats the medical attache on the shoulder and tells him to pay the pique no mind, that it's just the yeast talking, but to just head on home and unwind and for once make a well-deserved early Wednesday evening of it, and but so when the attache does get home, at like 1840h., his spacious Boston apartments are empty, the living room lights undimmed, dinner unheated and the attachable tray still in the dishwasher and - worst - of course no entertainment cartridges have been obtained from the Boylston st. InterLace outlet where the medical attache's wife, like all the veiled wives and companions of the Prince's legatees, has a complimentary goodwill account.

>> No.7009409

By 'productivity' of course, we always mean the productivity of concrete useful labour; in reality this determines only the degree of effectiveness of productive activity directed towards a given purpose within a given period of time.

>> No.7009413

Keynes? No clue, but all my econ friends have his books close-by.

>> No.7009414

You are a clever woman, versed in evil arts, and you are angry at me having lost your husband's love.

>> No.7009429

With its shaggy pelt that made magnificent blankets and rich red flesh that could feed almost the whole clan.

>> No.7009431

"There's a certain quality about her, a certain fineness. She seems to be absolutely fine and straight."

>> No.7009439

call of the wild?

road to serfdom? if not it's communist manifesto or das capital

>> No.7009492
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But since I need to pee! It's proof I'm not dead!

>> No.7009517

Reflections on great and good actions, however they are received or returned by those in whose favour they are performed, always administer some comfort to us; but what consolation shall we receive of our friend, when our wounded conscience at the same time flies in our face, and upbraids us with having spotted it in the service of one so worthless!

>> No.7009519

What makes a bombshell?

>> No.7009529

good one.

>> No.7009531

"Consequently, while Parker's management rid the LAPD of political patronage and corruption, and instilled some needed structure and standards, he seemed oblivious to the growing animosity toward the police in the city's black and Latino populations."

>> No.7009535

Pascal? Kant?

>> No.7009551

No not COTW.
Not exactly a classic.
I'll be surprised if someone gets it honestly.

>> No.7009564

He was wearing a large green foam glove molded to resemble a lizard paw on his right hand, and his right hand was placed very determinedly on his crotch.

>> No.7009567

strangely reminds me of Rise of the Horde

>> No.7009587

>It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times.

>> No.7009589

Oh shit.
You were right nigger, lol.
Didn't think many /lit/ziens would have read it.

>> No.7009594

Yet, yet,... through the crystalline spray, how gilded comes she,-- how corposantly edg'd in a persisting and, if Glories there be, glorious light...and he knows her, it must be from a Dream, how could it be other?

>> No.7009597

"It is in such a way, monks, that there is non-agitation through non-clinging."

>> No.7009667

If we'd had the good fortune to meet under more normal circumstances, we might have spent our time together more pleasantly.

>> No.7009670

Infinite Jest

>> No.7009682

The unpublished novel by the monkeys.

>> No.7009691

"Yes, at that time he had been living for about a year in our monastery, and it seemed he was preparing to shut himself up in it for the rest of his life. "

Double points if you can guess the translation.

>> No.7009701

"The largest single collection is through the PAYG withholding system, which accounted for around 47.5% of total tax collected by the ATO in 2010/11"

>> No.7009942

>"Hello sir," said the datapoint chattily. "Would you like to hear the customer options available to-"

>> No.7009955

>Even though progress may be measured only by the number of false ideas from which we free ourselves, clearly it is the goal of faithfully representing nature and not that of expanding explanatory paradigms or our technological dominion over nature that dictates this conception of progress.

>> No.7009968

This option is available for use on the flat face; in-plane displacements are allowed and rotation in the direction normal to the plane is allowed.

>> No.7010002


>> No.7010003

>Irony is the infinitely light playing with nothing that is not terrified by it but even rises to the surface on occasion.

>> No.7010024

>Machines are capital's main weapon for subordinating labour to capital in the course of the process of production.

>> No.7010033

The crippling stones of the pavement, with their many little reservoirs of mud and water, had no footways, but broke off abruptly at the doors.

>> No.7010038

Han hinner ikapp henne vid Barnhusbron.

I guess this is near impossible.

>> No.7010044

Samlade svenska kulter

>> No.7010058

Indeed it is!

>> No.7010062

>In front of the door a carriage waited in which he took place with the detective and two soldiers. Tha cabin closes and the carriage moved along to marseille

(Vor der Tür wartete ein wagen, in dem er mit dem KOmmisar und zwei Soldaten platz nahm; der Schlag fiel zu unda das Gefährt setzte sich in der Richtung nach Marseille in Bewegung) -> I know my English is poor

>> No.7010070

nice prose, what is this?

>> No.7010075

mine's just selfies of Kim Kardashian? can you ges tho hehe

>> No.7010102

Sounds a bit like Lovecraft, but it probably isn't.

Latin and about geometry, no idea though.

This is not fiction, is it?

Survival manual?

>> No.7010116

At break of day, when you are reluctant to get up, have this thought ready to mind: 'I am getting up for a man's work.
God, it reads like the worst of self-help books.

>> No.7010132


Marcus Aurelius' Mediations?

>> No.7010139

The racers were ready at dawn.

>> No.7010146

>As if this were not enough, ever since a few months ago she had taken advantage of the lack of vigilance occasioned by the recent disorder and atmosphere of anxiety to get herself appointed - through the influence of her lover, the chief of police - as president of the women's committee, her jowls wobbling with pride and triumphant glee, or, as a neighbour so neatly put it, 'glowing with a nauseating smirk of what she considers charm'.

>> No.7010152

C'est tordant, vous savez.

>> No.7010163


Fear and Loathing at Las Vegas?

>> No.7010203


'Genoeg!' zei hij, en in de stilte na de slag praatte hij koud en afgemeten zoals iemand die zelfs door de stomste mensen verstaan wil worden.


>> No.7010384

What is ctrl+f

>> No.7010393

Das Kapital?

>> No.7010398

Total shot in the dark but is it Les Misérables? Monastery shutting in seems relevant

>> No.7010409

>Olina no llegaba.

>> No.7010431

The same morning, without any delay, she went round to all the houses in the town and everywhere, shedding tears, she asserted in the most flattering terms the girl's innocence and the nobility of her feelings and behaviour.

>> No.7010436

But that's cheating.

>> No.7010465

Since Dorothea did not speak immediately, he repeated.

Name should make it easy.

>> No.7010471

This one is e-z mode.

"The White Visitation", being devoted to psychological warfare, harbors a few of each, a Behaviorist here, a Pavlovian there.

>> No.7010475

Oh, oh. I know; I know: it's Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.7010481

Crime and Punishment

>> No.7010492


>> No.7010533

Translation to english is mine

If the double task of the revolutionary intelligence is bringing down intellecutal hegemony and stablish contact with the revolutionary masses, it failed almost entirely in the second part of this task, for this can no longer be realized contemplatively

>> No.7010536

It must experience them, or else it must possess a numinous symbol that expresses them and leads to their synthesis.

The Birth of Tragedy

>> No.7010538

Very good anon, 50 points for Hufflepuff.

>> No.7010542

Winner winner chicken dinner!

>> No.7010547

I'm not about to PROVE the completeness of the functions sin(n pi x / a), but if you've studied advanced calculus you will recognize that Equation 2.32 is nothing but the Fourier series for f(x), and the fact that "any" function can be expanded in this way is sometimes called Dirichlet's theorem.

>> No.7010577

Thenk yu misser dumberdork.

>> No.7010618

not him, and idk.
but you know, so many marxists writers have followed him, it could be 100 different authors...

>> No.7010623

=> back to >>>/sci/

>> No.7010630

this one is so easy, what's wrong with you faggots? the grammar and spelling gives it away.

oh wait
>implying /lit/ actually reads anything

>> No.7010634

It seemed like the chapter where the college kids do meth and go crazy. It might not even be from the pale king though.

>> No.7010637

Is it Mason & Dixon?

Going solely off the sentence structure

>> No.7010639

ayy penguins edition volume 1 of Capital, from Mendel's introduction

>> No.7010640


>> No.7010648

Is this Mason thinking about his wife? I dont remember this happening so early.

Such a beautiful book. Top 5.

>> No.7010653

I can't screw you Jack, you is about to become my father, and better 'twere to cut your throat and screw my mother playing it straight than fuck my father or visa versa mutatis mutandis as the case may be, and cut my mother's throat, that sainted gash, though it be the best way I know to stem her word hoard and freeze her asset.

>> No.7010666

No, it's Captain Smith of the Seahorse, describing his ship.

>> No.7010671


No idea. Mülisch? Minco?

>> No.7010675

The creature that had once been padan fain walked down the side of a hill

>> No.7010677


*in Las Vegas, woops, dumb old me.

Honestly I think I recognised it from the film as opposed to the book. But I love both anyway.

>> No.7010678

>Their persistent inteference seemed much more objectionable to him than the reserve of the others, nor were they free from reserve either, for if he had sat down at their table they would not have stayed.
Du côté de chez Swann?

>> No.7010680

Ahh yes I was going to guess ship description second because I figured the visions of his wife came much later

>> No.7010722

>We recognize this as the schizo position, being on the periphery, holding on by a hand or a foot, as opposed to the paranoid position of the mass subject, with all the identifications of the individual with the group, the group with the leader, and the leader with the group; be securely embedded in the mass, get close to the center, never be at the edge except in the line of duty.

>> No.7010895
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>> No.7010911

I shit you not, this sentence was gathered from the closest book I had this very moment, and it's a Journal of Student Research I use as a mouse pad because, admittedly, I can make no use of it. You'll see what I mean now.

>I didn't know I was Black until I was in 5th grade . . . .

>> No.7011027


Ok? Why is that significant whitey?

>> No.7011380

"He was a hero to his valet, who bullied him, and a terror to most of his relations, whom he bullied in turn."

>> No.7011610


>> No.7011642

The only sentence on page 35:

"To His Royal Highness, the Prince Regent, this work is by His Royal Highness's permission, most respectfully dedicated, by His Royal Highness's most dutiful and obedient humble servant, the author"

>> No.7012038

"He knew she wanted to say more - anything at all, so long as the conversation kept him there."

>> No.7012078

Deleuze about Canetti, in his book about capitalism, thousand plateaus or anti-oedipus.

>> No.7012082

"Part Two"

>> No.7012103

let's stick to the Driver meme, ok?

>> No.7012128

it was a thousand plateaus, yeah

>> No.7012129

Growing up in rural Pennsylvania I had little exposure to the outside world, culturally speaking, except for the piddly local library.

>> No.7012195

Charlotte's Web ?

Part 2 at page 35, fuck, that's a children's book.

>> No.7012300

The film? No chicken dinner for you, get out

>> No.7012406


>> No.7013427

"Though I did declare at the beginning that consciousness, in my opinion, is man's greatest misfortune, still I know that man loves it and will not exchange it for any satisfactions."

>> No.7013510

Then, English, French, and mere Spanish will disappear from this planet.

>> No.7013535

Sounds like something Bolano would write.

Mine: "You were trembling all over in my trembling hands"

Hint: it's poetry.

>> No.7013552

>Dans ce metier d'etre tué, faut pas etre difficile, faut faire comme si la vie continuait, c'est ca le plus dur, ce mensonge.

In this occupation of being killed, you musn't be difficult, you must act as though your life were continuing, it is this that's the hardest, this lie.

This one should be very easy to anyone who's, read the book, which is very well-known

>> No.7013586

Close enough. SAS Survival Guide, Revised Edition. Upon reflection, I'm not even certain why it's on my desk.

>> No.7013631

This will be a toughie:
"The ORV has become an extreme example of one kind of symbol, just as the motor-home recreational vehicle has or another - that of the passive visitor, unable to leave home and its comforts behind, sitting watching TV in the midst of the nations' most magnificent country."

>> No.7013639

>You will hardly know who I am or what I mean,
>But I shall be good health to you nevertheless,
>And filter and fibre your blood.

>> No.7013652

"I never knew the president could authorize such an action, even with the support of Mr. Bubbles!"

>> No.7013659

If the world of sense does not fit the mathematics, so much worse for the world of sense.

>> No.7013663

that fucking retarded book about philosophy and motorcycles? zen and the art of impotent ramblings
christ do i hate that book

>> No.7013787

Traffic signs regulate traffic and provide important information.

>> No.7013821

Close. It's Ficciones

>> No.7013839

Bublanski leaned forward, almost as if to confide in the other man.

>> No.7013882

gosh, you had me pick basically the longest sentence in the book...

>But already tens and tens of thousands of millennia had gone by since the moment when I had made it (rather, since the few seconds in which i had scrawled it down in the constant movement of the Milky Way) and now, just when i needed to bear in mind its every detail (the slightest uncertainty about its form made uncertain the possible distinctions between it and other signs I might make), I realised that, though i recalled its general outline, its overall appearance, still something about it eluded me, I mean if i tried to break it down into its various elements, I couldn't remember whether, between one part and the other, it went like this or like that.

>> No.7013896

"What they completely failed to understand was why Zaphod was doing it."


>> No.7013898

that doesn't even count, no other popluar book had a character named zaphod

>> No.7013900

Perhaps that made her severe against Parnell.

>> No.7013903

Hey man, Zaphod sounds Middle Eastern as fuck tho

Could've been from The Kite Runner

>> No.7013904

First full sentence?

A constant stream of raw data goes pulsing home to Earth, a flood of rumors, whispers, hints of transgalactic traffic.

>> No.7013919

could have been the short story, maybe

men in black?

>> No.7013944

Silk turned from the students to contemplate the images of Pas and his consort, Echidna: Twice-Headed Pas with his lightnings, Echidna with her serpents.

>> No.7013968

No. Didn't even realize there was an MiB book.

>> No.7013997

Emily dickinson's poetry book?

>> No.7014283

This one is kinda easy

Suddenly I turned to Garrpe who was fully engaged in his battle with the lice, and unburdened myself: "If one of us could go to Nagasaki we might find some Christians who know Father Ferreira."

>> No.7014300

Yam, the king of crops, was a man's crop.

>> No.7014303

hahaha, is this really the line that randomly came up?

>> No.7014448

It's a malay book. Ah fuck it

Hal ini kerana semua benda di dalam universe ini boleh dianggap sebagai "merah" atau "bukan merah".

>> No.7014471

>Clearly the blue river chimes in its flowing/Under my eye;/Warmly and broadly the south winds are blowing/Over the sky.

>> No.7014485

Emily Dickinson go hard as fuck on the beat.

This one's a bit easy:
"Bigfoot, can we at least try to be professional here?"

>> No.7014526

Inherent Vice

>> No.7014540

Winner winner massive dinger!

>> No.7014554
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>> No.7014566

Second nearest book:
Such, my most honourable and magnificent lords, are the citizens, and even the common inhabitants of the state which you govern; such are those intelligent and sensible men, of whom, under the name of workmen and the people, it is usual, in other nations, to have a low and false opinion.

>> No.7014587

Pride and prejudice?

>> No.7014622

Nup. But if you meet a piggy on the road, kill him.

>> No.7014633

Go set a watchman

>> No.7015012

When Luther saw Chan wearing Marcel's purple crime-fighting gloves, he didn't know what to say.

>> No.7015065

My father already or not yet?

>> No.7015101

Der wohltätige Einfluß der beschützten und geehrten Dichter zeigte sich im ganzen Lande, besonders aber am Hofe.

>> No.7015113


>--The story, John, said Mr Dedalus smiling. Let us have the story anyhow.

>> No.7015124

"Thufir!" Paul called.

>> No.7015132

"How much is a plate of peas?" he asked.

>> No.7015140

Is it calc 2 or analysis?

>> No.7015147

The issue is knowing whether the black man can overcome his feeling of abasement and expunge the compulsive characteristic that resembles so much that of the phobic.

>> No.7015149


>> No.7015152

Things fall apart?

>> No.7015159

>"yes yes yes"
>not "yas yas yas"

u dun goof'd

also, Keroauc is shiiiiiiiiiiit

>> No.7015163

Although at the same time, there was something enviable about them.

>> No.7015179

"The Baron admitted that he had, he wished a son who would feel as he felt about the 'great past.' "

>> No.7015180

>The circle of sitters is not at all distracted.
Gonna be pretty fuckin' bummed with you if you don't guess this, /lit/.

>> No.7015226

gr tbh smh

>> No.7015242

My father already or not yet?

>> No.7015300

"Es enthält unter anderem die Durchsetzung des Gewaltmonopols gegen die eigenen Bürger, das hieß unmittelbar nach der Staatsgründung: keine Duldung von autonomen bewaffneten Formationen auf dem eigenen Territorium, und es bedeutet konsequente, gegebenenfalls präventive, aber stets den eigenen ethischen Ansprüchen genügende Verteidigung gegen jegliche Bedrohung."

>> No.7015426

That was her feeling--Othello's feeling, and she felt it, she was convinced, as strongly as Shakespeare meant Othello to feel it, all because she was coming down to dinner in a white frock to meet Sally Seton!

Pretty easy honestly

>> No.7015442
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Mrs Dalloway by my main bitch Vagina Woolf of Wall Street

>> No.7015469

>'None is rich and fair enough for him,' said Pippin.

good luck figuring this one out nerds

>> No.7015483 [SPOILER] 
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gg cuck

>> No.7015611

Infinite Jest

>> No.7015632

Verträge, welche die politischen Beziehungen des Bundes regeln oder sich auf Gegenstände der Bundesgesetzgebung beziehen, bedürfen der Zustimmung oder der Mitwirkung der jeweils für die Bundesgesetzgebung zuständigen Körperschaften in der Form eines Bundesgesetzes.

>> No.7015677
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>> No.7015692

>Jimmy made a speech, a long speech, Villona saying: "Hear! hear!"

>> No.7015702

"This tradition tells us quite categorically that tragedy arose from the tragic chorus, and was originally only chorus and nothing else.

Lookin' for you philosophy nerds.

>> No.7015715
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Nietzsche plebs fuck off pls

>> No.7015716

Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany

>> No.7015717

he stood in the porch and watched the laggard hurry towards the scrappy field where sharp voices were in strife.

>> No.7015720

Author is correct, good job anon ;^)

>> No.7015728

Gleich, als er gegangen war - vor dem Öffnen der Türe hatte er noch ein wenig mit der Schulter an der Tür gelehnt und mit einem Blick, der keinem einzelnen mehr galt, die Stube umfaßt -, sagte K. zu den Gehilfen: "Ich hole aus dem Zimmer meine Aufzeichnungen, dann besprechen wir die nächste Arbeit."

>> No.7015730

> Of all the fiery afternoon blunders and flurried rashnesses of Turkey, was his once moistening a ginger-cake between his lips, and clapping it on to a mortgage for a seal.

>> No.7015741

My man Stevey D. watching his students tear shit up on the sporting field.
The only reason I remembered that line was the odd use of "in the porch" seemed weird but ily James pls resurrect and sniff my farts pls

>> No.7015742

Kafka - Das Schloß

>> No.7015879

Nope. That doesn't achieve what is searched for.

>> No.7015888

On rare occasions some fool might ask what he's being required to swallow

>> No.7015902

He asked her name, and she said she was called Molinera, the miller's girl, and that she was the daughter of an honorable miller from Antequera, and Don Quixote also implored her to ennoble herself and call herself Doña Molinera, offering her more services and good turns.

>> No.7015912

Bianca: Is it for him you do envy me so?

>> No.7015938

The Taming of the Shrew

>> No.7015965
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The three credit-reporting agencies and Fair Isaac will gladly sell you a copy of your credit report and your credit score any-time you'd like one.

>> No.7015991

i will gladly pay my masters to shit in my mouth

>> No.7016042

>There were many harsh truths he had to admit to himself.

>> No.7016153

cheers niggah

>> No.7016182

>Under this skull, Samoyeds, Nyam-Nyams, Madagascans, and Fuegians are celebrating the strangest solemnities, eating their aged fathers and their children, spinning to the sound of tom-toms until they faint, giving themselves up to the frenzy of the amuck, burning their dead, exposing them on the rooftops, abandoning them to the river current in a boat lighted by a torch, copulating at random, mother with son, father with daughter, distending their lips with plates and having monstrous animals carved on their backs

>> No.7016204

Hence in carrying out some day the plan prescribed by the critique, i.e, in [composing] the future system of metaphysics, we shall have to follow the strict method of the illustrious Wolff, the greatest among all the dogmatic philosophers

>> No.7016208

The next morning I woke up at Oh eight Oh oh hours, my brother, and as I still felt snagged and fagged and fashed and bashed and my glazzies were stuck together real horrorshow with sleepglue, I thought I would not go to school.

Well fuck... That one's easy.

>> No.7016223

Keynes is the Freud of economics, his work is experimental but has been proven meaningless over time

>> No.7016236

Ya fucked up m8

>> No.7016349

That's pretty much exactly wrong. All of modern macro is just tweaks of keynes.

>> No.7016366

>Nevertheless, this method of introspection can be brought into any secular or scientific context without embarrassment.

>> No.7016384
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>"But if you aren't trying to prove Creationism to us, then what are you trying to prove?"

I returned home for the last time before going back to school to find my mother had left a copy of "Venti Jesus Please" on my desk.

>> No.7016392

I always forget how fun that book was to read.

>> No.7016397

Sounds like Nabokov

>> No.7016400

The next day we saw a great number of whales of an immense size, that had two spout-holes on the back of the head.

>> No.7016408

>The great word in the Christendom?

It's German

>> No.7016421

"How is he?" asked Espinoza.


>> No.7016453

I don't have any books that go up to 35 pages

>> No.7016462
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>Puppetting her head while he rocks his hips back and forth, the black man fucks her mouth with growing intensity.

well this is embarrassing

>> No.7016477

I closed my arms under my breasts and bent over to where he was shining his light.

>> No.7016489
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Google's coming up with nothing, friend :^(
i need it tho

>> No.7016716
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>> No.7017067

Bell jar?

>> No.7017238

Ez mode
Then the sleeping earth trembled at the beat of his golden hooves, and in the twilight of the world Oromë would sound the Valaróma his great horn upon the planes of Arda; whereat the mountains echoed, and the shadows of evil fled away, and Melkor himself quailed in Utumno, foreboding the wrath to come.

>> No.7017250

>"I screw the old gash like a crossword puzzle what relation to me is the outcome if it outcome?"

>> No.7017259

In my view, he said, the only important choice to make, the only serious decision to be taken as regards the teaching of History is whether we should teach it from back to front, or as I believe from front to back, everything else, while by no means insignificant, depends on that choice, and everyone knows this to be true, however much they may continue to pretend it is not.

>> No.7017267

The question of 'nationalizing' a people is first and foremost one of establishing healthy social conditions which will furnish the grounds that are necessary for the education of the individual.

>> No.7017424

Atlas Shrugged? Just wildly guessing

>> No.7017440

> Now, if it is admitted that the absurd is the contrary of hope, it is seen that existential thought for Chestov presupposes the absurd but proves it only to dispel it.

Damn, this is too fucking easy.

>> No.7017451

This book was written by Mr. Manzi to explain physics to college girls, and if it worked on us he would try to have it published.

>> No.7017459

>The general value-form, in which all the products of labour are presented as mere congealed quantities of undifferentiated human labour, shows by its very structure that it is the social expression of the world of commodities.

>> No.7017488

Well, I wouldn't give twopence for immortality if it doesn't include the continued existence of my individuality.

>> No.7017515

Finally someone gets the author

>> No.7017522

Shouldn't be too difficult.
"Fuyant l'aube, le convoi reprenait sa route, en crissant de toutes ses roues tordues, il s'en allait avec mon vœu qu'il serait surpris, mis en pièces, brûlé enfin au cours de cette journée même, comme on voit dans les gravures militaires, pillé le convoi, à jamais, avec tout son équipage de gorilles gendarmes, de fers à chevaux et de rengagés à lanternes et tout ce qu'il contenait de corvées et de lentilles encore et d'autres farines, qu'on ne le reverrait plus jamais."

>> No.7017543

>He made it possible for professors to discuss with a good conscience matters previously considered literary, if that.

>> No.7017546

Sanjaya saud: O king, after looking over the army arranged in military formation by the sons of Pandu, King Duryodhanda went to his teacher and spoke the following words.

>> No.7017580

My big fish must be somewhere.

>> No.7017585

And thus we see how natural freedom and subjection to parents may consist together and are both founded on the same principle.

>> No.7017621

A woman too brought Parnell low.

>> No.7017634

After the Race. You beat me to it.

>> No.7017907

[prev] >Nic. and do you suppose that the physician or any other artist knows this, or any one indeed, except he who is skilled in the grounds of fear and hope? [35] And him I call the courageous

>> No.7017911

What need you, being come to sense,
But fumble in a greasy till
And add the halfpence to the pence
And prayer to shivering prayer, until
You have dried the marrow from the bone?

>> No.7017918

Here's an easy one
>as we mentioned above, Caesar was in Nearer Gaul; there he heard a host of rumours, confirmed by a letter from Labienus, that all the Belgae (who make up one-third of Gaul, as we said before) where hatching a plot against the Roman people and exchanging hostages.

>> No.7017929

Mein Kampf?

>> No.7017939

Sounds like a historical account of the L.A./Rodney King riots and their lead up. No idea which book, though.

>> No.7017954

From the gunman's end, of course, the mound looks like a field full of false hair.

>> No.7017964

Superior of the Bene Gesserit school on Wallach IX.


>> No.7017988

Mr. Utterson was sitting by his firesde one evening after dinner, when he was suprised to receive a visit from Poole.

>> No.7018044

It's an spanish translation of an english book, but maybe someone here will understand it:
"Había unido dos eslabones de una gran cadena. Había un barco cerca de la costa y no muy lejos de allí había un pergamino, no un papel, con una calavera dibujada."

>> No.7018046

Darlene sounded worried.

>> No.7018070

Some Dune novel.

>> No.7018121

>She was sober, very clean, and having no other fault but that of laziness, nonchalance reigned in all her movements and doings and everywhere about her person, despite the liveliness announced by her bright eyes.

>> No.7018124

Edgar Allen Poe's The Gold Bug

>> No.7018171


Sounds like Hitchens or Dawkins.

>> No.7018178

A Confederacy of Dunces

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

William Gass - The Tunnel

The Gallic War: Seven Commentaries on The Gallic War

yeats - September 1913

The Dialogues of Plato


John Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government

“The Old Man and the Sea”

Bhagavad-gita As It Is


Journey to the end of the night

On the Suffering of the World

marxist something

The Bell Jar

The Myth of Sisyphus

Mein Kampf

The Double

Naked Lunch

something with Hobbits

>> No.7018458
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>> No.7018468
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>an actual wellread person on /lit/

>> No.7018529
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Since you are all so desperate for the answer

>> No.7018574

>Tommy told Raphael not to worry, that when they got "more emotion" into the scene, it would all make sense.
And another
>Still, as his Publicist had promised, he had become a brand.

>> No.7018600

The roads grew to a crescendo; I turned around and saw that Blanchard had entered the ring.

>> No.7018627

>This is why armed prophets have airways achieved victory, while unarmed prophets have always suffered disaster.

Not too tricky

>> No.7018637

Lest it should appear unintelligible from the very first, I had to persuade the public to accept the new word crystallization, which was intended vividly to convey the whole congeries of strange follies about the beloved which come to be regarded as true and beyond question.

>> No.7019233

>A boat sails forth chock-a-block with Cardinals who start laboriously climbing that rocky promontory on which, through thick and thin, Aignan is living out his martyrdom.
This should be fairly easy if you know the book.

>> No.7019315

When the record adds that God drove men out of the Garden of Eden to prevent their eating of the tree of life, it only means that on his natural side certainly man is finite and mortal, but in knowledge infinite.

>> No.7019342

It was The Double indeed...

>> No.7019367

"It is impossible that a person so well known to thousands as this young woman was, should have passed three blocks without some one having seen her; and any one who saw her would have remembered it, for she interested all who knew her."

>> No.7019497

"A very large and dark duck showing white on secondaries at rest (usually) and in flight.

>> No.7019513

>No cais se viam as fachadas das casas cinzentas dos pescadores, com redes vermelhas estendidas por sobre varas curtas, e dos barcos atracados alguns rapazinhos levantavam peixes cor de chumbo e os passavam a moças paradas com cestas de bordas baixas presas ao quadril, e homens com minúsculos brincos de ouro sentados no chão com as pernas esticadas costuravam redes intermináveis, e em alguns fogareiros ferviam caldeirões de tanino para tingi-las, e muretas de pedra dividiam pequenas hortas sobre o mar onde os barcos jaziam ao lado das varetas das sementeiras, e mulheres com a boca cheia de pregos ajudavam os maridos estirados debaixo da quilha a consertar fendas, ou sobre cada casa rosa um telheiro cobria os tomates cortados em dois e postos para secar com sal em cima de uma grade, e junto dos pés de aspargos os filhos procuravam minhocas, e alguns velhos com uma bombinha punham inseticida em suas nêsperas, e os melões amarelos cresciam debaixo de folhas que se arrastavam, e as mulheres idosas fritavam nas frigideiras lulas e polvos ou então flores de abóbora envoltas em farinha, e se erguiam proas de pesqueiros em canteiros cheirosos de madeira recém-saída da plaina, e uma briga entre jovens calafates acabava com ameaças de pincéis negros de alcatrão, e ali começava a praia com castelinhos e vulcões de areia abandonados pelas crianças.

>> No.7019517

The racers were ready at dawn.

>> No.7019521

"It was old Bil - I mean, Master Congar, not me! Blood and ashes, I-"

>> No.7019534

>I need a ticket for the next flight, said Korin at the desk, and when he leaned across it to explain the matter to the clerk who was staring into her computer, making it clear to her that this was no ordinary journey, nor he an ordinary traveler, meaning he was not a tourist, not on a family visit, nor was he a businessman, all she said, after a lot of hemming and hawing and shaking of heads, was that she would be grateful if he would stop leaning across her desk, and that his one very faint hope of success lay in a so-called "lahsminih" flight, though he would have to wait for that too in order to discover whether it was in fact worth waiting, and so, if in the meantime, he would be so good as to return to his seat … but Korin begged her pardon, asking what that meant, and she had to enunciate it clearly, syllable by syllable, "lahs-min-ih" while he kept turning it over and over in his mind, aloud, until his English lessons of the last few months kicked in and he realized that what she meant to say was probably "last minute," yes, that was it, now he understood, he said, though he was far from understanding anything until, on his puzzled return to the bench, the stewardess explained it to him, though it transpired that he would also need a "so-called visa," and naturally he didn't have one, at which point the stewardess's beautiful face darkened for a minute, and everyone looked at him repeating, Visa? does he, Korin, mean to say he has no visa? but does he know what this means? does he understand that it can take up to a week to obtain a visa? and how can he present himself at the desk with an on-the-spot request for a ticket? indeed, too bad, the stewardess nodded in melancholy fashion, then, seeing how Korin had sunk back beside her in desperation, advised him that he shouldn't despair and that she would have a go, and, so saying, she stepped across to the nearest telephone and began phoning, ringing first one place then another, though because of all the noise Korin couldn't understand a word she was saying, and after half an hour or so someone appeared announcing that it would be all right, sir, regard the problem as solved, and Korin solemnly declared that the stewardess was not only enchantingly lovely, but that she could work magic in other ways too, until the man returned to inform Korin that the visa would cost him fifteen thousand, fifteen thousand! Korin repeated aloud,

>> No.7019537

>the color draining from his face as he stood up, but the man merely repeated fifteen thousand, saying Korin could, if he wished, try going to the consulate himself, and stand in the long queue on his own, perhaps returning after three or four days, he might have the time to spare, but if he didn't this was the price, there was not much chance of anything else turning up, in consequence of which Korin excused himself and popped into the toilet, took three five-thousand bills from the lining of his coat, came out and handed the money over to the man who told him that everything would be all right, he could relax, for he would fill the necessary parts of the form out for Korin, then take it in and go through all the proper procedures which meant he could stop fretting, it was all in the safest possible hands, he would have his darn visa by that afternoon and could therefore, he winked before disappearing with the appropriate information, take it easy for the next ten years, sleep soundly for ten years; and so Korin told the desk clerk that he would after all have need of a ticket for the next flight, then sat down again beside the stewardess and confessed that he had no idea what would happen to him if the old lady in the wheelchair happened to arrive, for, to tell the truth, he had never flown before, had no idea what to do, was in constant need of advice and his prospects, which had brightened so dramatically, would immediately cloud over again if she was required to attend on the old lady with the wheelchair and so leave him.

>> No.7019544

OP said first sentence, not first two paragraphs.

>> No.7020159


>> No.7020175

Would you rec the book?

>> No.7020181

Read any McCarthy before?

>> No.7020193

"She gave me to understand that she would be reluctant to leave paris"

>> No.7020225

War and war? Laszlo Krasznahorkai?

>> No.7020238

Well, I wouldn't give twopence for your immortality if it doesn't include the continued existence of my individuality.

>> No.7020252


>> No.7021438

Fear and Loathing

>> No.7021616

This done he brings the pack forward and you spread it, revealing one reversed card : divide the pack at this point, have him name his card, turn over the card below the reversed card, it is his card, thus proving that he found it himself.

>> No.7021721

discarding her empty tray, she dived into the bustling activity, blending in with the rest of the wait staff. Nobody give her a second look.