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/lit/ - Literature

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7005933 No.7005933 [Reply] [Original]

Elitism is inevitable when one has studied philosophy, literature, and other critical liberal arts.

I can't help but look down on 95% of the population. These are people who accept all their beliefs to the point of dogma. They have never rationally questioned their own ideologies and most of the time have no other reason for preferring one thing over another than that it strikes their fancy in the moment. Challenge anyone's beliefs and they create pitiful fabrications that are logically unsound and embarrassingly bad. Politics is one example. The average person's knowledge of the political process usually ends at the most flamboyant candidate. Even academics, particularly in the STEM fields, oftentimes have opinions no better than high schoolers. There is a blinding trust towards one's own political party that only compares to the brain-dead adhesion of religion. No one actually looks at their beliefs in a critical lens or subjects them to rationality. It is pitiful.

This extends to more than just ethical beliefs, as it is rare to find someone who can justify their liking of a book or film to an adequate extent. I understand why I enjoy a certain piece of art, yet most chalk this up to their "feelings." Feelings are perhaps the most needless piece of a rational lifestyle. They are easily corrupted and never held to rationality. I have recognized this for a while now, yet it is striking to see how most still follow their animal instincts.

How else am I supposed to treat those who live life on such a base level? The vast majority of the world's population is little more than apes following their current whims and instincts. There is no critical thinking whatsoever. Even you, reading this, follow the same trend. I can predict the responses calling me a fedora-tipper or a high schooler. No one critically engages; instead, they simply lash out, a symptom of their weak wills. I have thought of all facets of me posting this thread, have you? Chances say no.

>> No.7005947


>> No.7006019

Your superiority is evident, and I indulge in the same conviction when considering myself and my interests along those of the general public. I have come to regard 'looking down' on others as beyond me; there is no benefit to doing so, and if rationality is your motivator, than nothing but what is to your advantage can be assumed to suffice to impel you towards any direction.

What is it to you what others do? Strive for your betterment and leave them to bask in the trivial cesspool of ease and comfort that they worship. You are probably as intolerable to them as they are to you, so you can either learn to compromise and simply consider yourself as different, or you can disregard them all together and refine yourself to the ideal before you. I have decided on the latter and although I am without any significant companions, I am with my conviction which propels me towards perfection and promises those divine fruits no longer recognized by men.

Godspeed my friend; may your superiority never diminish.

>> No.7006023

You replied to a copypasta lol

>> No.7006050

That is irrelevant; indulging in the opportunity to make manifest my conviction of superiority has produced the effects I anticipated and I am satisfied. Whether it is to a bot or a man is of no consequence to me.

>> No.7006054

Damn I was baited lol

>> No.7006131

>particularly the STEM fields

Almost got me. Almost.

>> No.7006213

STEM field undergrads are arguably the flockest of them all

>> No.7006223

>These are people who accept all their beliefs to the point of dogma. They have never rationally questioned their own ideologies

Talked like a true fedora who can't cope with the uncertainty of being an active person.

>> No.7006241

this thread again

>> No.7006260

Undergrads being the key word there.

I feel like a fucking moron as a post grad Physics student at the masters level. I only play one instrument, and I can't quote entire chapters from philosophers by heart. Half my fellow students can. It's a veritable shit storm of renaissance men.

>> No.7006296

>They have never rationally questioned their own ideologies and most of the time have no other reason for preferring one thing over another than that it strikes their fancy in the moment
ok thanks for putting that in early

>> No.7006494


The truly intelligent don't look down on others, but understand what could be done to better improve their lives.

>> No.7006539

Truly intelligent people don't look down at all. They become consumed by whatever work they choose to apply their massive intelligence to. If they choose something social, they kill themselves.

>> No.7006601


So how can they truly be intelligent, if they cannot deal with or understand social situations?

More importantly, what intelligent person would study something only he himself would benefit? If he was intelligent, he would be able to articulate goals greater than himself.

Look, I'm a hardcore introvert. But that only means I engage with people by necessity. And anyone with two brain cells knows that engaging people is a necessity.

>> No.7006643

Who said they can't understand social situations? The only reason they kill themselves is because having to devote their significant knowledge to the betterment of those who are too lazy to enact their work drives them over the edge. And you don't need to be concerned with lesser minded folk to help them, I know plenty of physicists who don't give two shits about people but their work will benefit them. They don't think about the people, i didn't say their work didn't help them.

>> No.7006825
File: 219 KB, 1200x1200, Confucius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who are too lazy to enact their work drives them over the edge

It's Narcissism in the vast majority of cases. If these intellectuals lived twenty years ago, or manage to live another twenty years, they would be celebrated and known throughout the world.

Only our peculiar time inhibits excellence.

Honestly though, some of our brightest need to understand that work done today can have tremendous benefit in the future, even if they themselves would never live to see it.

The hard part is figuring out how to transmit the useful knowledge.

>Pic related
>Most prominent scholar in East Asian history
>Actually defined the culture of East Asia as we know it.
>Lived in a time of utter decadence, was ignored.
>Died in Obscurity.
>Was recognized for his genius only after two centuries of hellish warfare, followed by (the worlds first?) totalitarian dictatorship.;

Its hard to overestimate people today, but too many people underestimate what mankind will be in the future, and what it was in the past.