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/lit/ - Literature

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7001441 No.7001441 [Reply] [Original]

Was her debut novel good?

>> No.7002241 [DELETED] 

>implying I don't masturbate to photos of this kike


>> No.7004758

Who the fuck comes out with a memoir BEFORE becoming famous
That's just bullshit

>> No.7004765
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On a serious note, her book was shittily annoying and boring. I have no idea why the propagate this novel in middle school.

>> No.7004771

>I have no idea why they propagate thin novel in middle school.

Remember the holocaust, goy. But no, seriously, it's both considered an interesting historical primary source and a tearjerker that promotes the dominant narrative about the Second World War. Not even saying that narrative is wrong, but that's the thought process behind promoting it.

>> No.7004772


It reveals a promising life terminated prior to its full potential. The diary showed the mind of an artist-in-progress that was terminated by murderous thugs. She's become a symbol of lost dreams, lost youth, etc.

>> No.7004777
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I read her book and Mein Kampf. I'm not going to be edgy and say I liked Hitler more, (especially because were frankly boring) but at least it peaked into his mind and how his hatred developed.

Anne Frank was like "I'm hiding. Here's what we did today."

>> No.7004799


Hitler was a psychopath

Anne Frank was a teenage girl who was trapped in a fucking attic who might have been a great literary talent one day

>> No.7004811

>Insane Drama
>Talented Autobiography

Pick one

>> No.7004816


You can't be serious, there is no comparing the two books. One is pure ignorant hate, the other is a teenage girl starting to figure herself out as a person amidst insane conditions

>> No.7004832

>there is no comparing the two books

Both can bore a man to tears

>> No.7004833
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Mein Kampf is much more useful as a historical document, which is why it's so sad that some people want it suppressed. It would be so much better if people understood where hatred came from instead of just plugging their ears and repeating the tired old, "no explaining racism/antisemitism/homophobia" like it's some virus from outer space. Mein Kampf is the key to understanding the most significant events in the 20th century.

Writing Hitler off as a psycopath delivered straight from hell does a huge disservice to future generations. I agree about the tragedy of Anne Frank.

>> No.7004838

>want to talk about the holocaust
>can't because the teenagers on here can't even accept that it happened because it doesn't fit into their worldview

>> No.7004868

Just read the whole thread again to check for holocaust denial and found none. Fuck off m8.

>> No.7004875


>hitler was a psychopath

If only. His beliefs were pretty common in Austria and Germany, especially in Munich.

>> No.7004878

Hitler's prose was really bad and his notions are profoundly flawed.

At least Frank had an excuse fro not being up to par with people's standards.

>> No.7004884
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>> No.7004890

It was atrociously written, and it can't even be blamed on translation errors as I read it in the original Dutch.

Sure, she was a teenage girl, but she was utterly devoid of any degree of literary talent or skill.

It would be far more interesting for educational establishments to focus more on writings by those who actually had in-depth personal perspectives of the events, such as ranking Nazi and Soviet officials, or a solid account of a Polish ghetto survivor. Anne Frank is just teenage drivel, except it happens during WW2.

>> No.7004893


>> No.7004900

that meme makes sense now tbh

>> No.7004938

It's not a novel.

It's a primary document, more than anything. Nothing she touches upon vis-a-vis interpersonal relationships is exceptional or groundbreaking because she was fucking 13. The details on how they were able to survive and stay mostly sane, as well as how material conditions for their preservers changed over the war, are for sure worth noting.

Mostly we just make kids read it to get big, teary eyes over muh 6 billion. At this point, though, there are both documentary and dramatized films and series which adequately convey both that notion and the key details of their life as fugitives. Some of them even elaborate on the family after capture, the few that survived, and how her father came upon the diary.

It's important as a historical document, but its execution and about a third of its content are unexceptional. Much like Mein Kampf, in a cruel twist of fate - though obviously different in content and an arguable peg lower than that oft-whispered text.

>> No.7005050


I hope to shit both of you are trolling. Hitler was a lunatic and a psychopath. The mass extermination of Jews, homosexuals, Communists amounted to what in the end? Basically, you're both (ironically or unironically) advocating genocide.

And it doesn't matter if Hitler's beliefs were "pretty common" ... have you ever spoken to a white man in the American South? Those "opinions" cannot be taken seriously on any level.

>> No.7005053
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>The diary showed the mind of an artist-in-progress that was terminated by murderous thugs

>> No.7005058

what he said wasn't too far from the truth
even if the soldiers were just pressured into the arrests it doesn't matter, they killed the jews regardless.
the gestapo weren't nice people, history can tell us that much.

>> No.7005059

Confirmed for accurate

>> No.7005061


>> No.7005072
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>the gestapo weren't nice people, history can tell us that much.

>> No.7005099

fucking kek

>> No.7005108

hello tumblr

>> No.7005119
File: 346 KB, 900x1200, Playboy 1965-10 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /pol/

you have a containment board, remember?
this is why nobody likes you
but go ahead and reply to this post with an overweight, unshaven man wearing a fedora
it'll really drive home the point

>> No.7005169

Hitler wasn't a psychopath by most current definitions
you can't just label every bad person a psychopath

>> No.7005260

It's true.

Furthermore, the majority of people who commit violent acts are found perfectly sane in a court of law, and as are such, culpable.

>> No.7005276

Do anyone here know anyone that /likes/ jews? Not just tolerates, but /likes/? Tell me one good thing about jews, and i'm not talking intelligence or somesuch here, but how jews act in a manner conducive to liking them.

>> No.7005294

Where there is a dearth of knowledge there is psychologization to compensate.

>> No.7005296
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first tell me what you like about white people. in what ways do white people act that's so great?

oh wait, you can't, since there are good white people and bad white people
oh wait, that means that we can't just lump together jews and say they're all bad unless we're just going to be hypocrites and not lump together whites
or about black people

>> No.7005306

Heil Hitler!

>> No.7005310

they seem alright to me. a little shifty with the money but i'm a tight ass anglo with some koori ancestry. i'll rob you, put the money into a low yield savings account, and explain that it was for your own good that i stole. who the hell am i to judge?

>> No.7005316
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you marxists have a containment board, it's called reddit

>> No.7005323

libertarian actually but thanks

>> No.7005457

Hitler was a good man. It's a shame the way the Jews conspired to kill him.

>> No.7005536

did anyone else develop a crush for her when you had to learn about her in school?

>> No.7005547

Their containment board is /lit/

>> No.7005567

Your statement seems to be very controversial these days.

>> No.7005571

She's a good fiction writer, tbh.

>> No.7005585

wahhhhh muh 6 gorrillion.

50 million Europeans also died, faggot. Why is the focus always on da joos?

>> No.7005598

>not white
looks like someone bought into the /pol/ memes.

>> No.7005599

forced meme


>> No.7005615

>Basically, you're both (ironically or unironically) advocating genocide.

What the fuck is this bullshit?

Hitler was a human being. Denying that, conveying Otherness to him, positive or negative, does a tremendous disservice to every single damn person who died in that conflict. It posits that it was accomplished as the feat of someone whose control happened solely through his interference, when in reality he did what every successful radical in history has done: catapult the momentum given to him by like-minded people into a real, actionable force. Hitler does not EXIST without the component parts of post-Kaiser Germany that either aided his rise to power in a direct manner or abetted it through resounding non-opposition.

The reason why Hitler and other dictators of the 20th century were so effective was because of direct support for or lack of unified contest against them. To label him as a flat, single-dimensional monster is to ignore the cauldron of effects and miseries that led to thousands of people being in a position that Hitler and his rhetoric could seem not only correct, but correct enough that the cause warranted death of others or in extreme cases of themselves.

There is primordial anger in Mein Kampf, tribal and uncouth, often bordering on indecipherable, but all the more real for it. It is the dark, disjointed half which we have attempted time and time again to shun and proclaim as separate and something possessed of supernatural ability to change history and indeed the world to the collective detriment of others in favor of the Posse, the Circle, the Clan that is our own. Trying to control that other Part and contain its effects is wholly understandable, even desirable, but to assign terms to it which imply a separate nature would be disingenuous.

Hitler succeeded because humans are capable, on an individual and collective level, of great damage and destruction in the name of intangibles. If we DON'T take that seriously as being something that can, and does, and will take hold of population segments or cells at points in history, then we've decided to just blind ourselves to the possibility that such atrocities are preventable. That blindness is comfortable, and alluring. It allows us to rest on our laurels and wash our hands of involvement until the tragedy has already struck. But to allow that blindness to set in is greater the sin than trying to understand what causes these dramatic shifts toward darkness to occur in the first place.

>> No.7005626

Yeah, less Frank and more Dirlewanger, /pol/io.

>> No.7005660

Here: two answers. I couldnt decide on which one:

Hello drone 32468782294!

I see you're well programmed into the Virtues of the Overland. Program #338722 General statements not allowed, is up and running.

Great! Well, carry on, nothing to see here.

Have you ever heard about gypsies? Gypsies are an ethnic group that because of their genes, their tradition and culture acts more like a homogenous group. That is, their genes, tradition and culture makes them act as one collective force. Now, this collective force usually makes choices that makes the out-group, this is everyone else, dislike them.

The jews are exactly the same, their group is one based on race, religion and culture. The group acts as a collective entity more than an individualistic, and in line with their race,religion and culture they make choices that make everyone hate them. In contradistinction to the gypsies however, guile and subterfuge are much more so weapons of the jew and that allows them to infiltrate other peoples until they get found out and thrown out. The jews have been thrown out of 96 countries of the world, they have one moral for themselves(jews), and one for gentiles. If the jew is not disgusting in race he soon becomes disgusting through his culture & religion.

>> No.7005712

They shouldn't have cut off the part about her masturbating.

Woulda been a true 10/10 that way.

>> No.7005718

This kind of idiot has no understanding or knowledge of human history whatsoever.

>> No.7005746 [DELETED] 

Ayy lmao

>> No.7005748

- original
- beautiful
- really funny
- smart and thought provoking

It has flaws, but these things make up for it. Just don't nit pick and you'll enjoy it.

>> No.7005958

Yeah it's a good fictional work. Her father did a good job. I'm not sure which versions i prefer though.

>> No.7005962

Still waiting for the sequel.

>> No.7006669
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I unironically enjoy a lot of things about secular Jewish culture, especially the openness, even eagerness, to debate any subject.

Went to school with loads of Jews. There's nothing across-the-board wrong with them, but it's easy to resent the rampant nepotism even though everyone does it, they just tend to do it in higher places than average. The ones that look super inbred-Ashkenazi can be annoyingly neurotic and physically pitiful but that's not so common as you might think.

There are really two sides to secular Jewish culture, the radical side that generates both SJW and orthodox Marxist activists in contrast with the neoconservative side that rules the finance world and promotes zionism. These two groups only get along because they feel like they have to. People get the idea that there's a united Jewish conspiracy because plenty of SJW types are pro-Israel and both sides feel obliged not to murder each other.

The guy you're replying to quoted my post. You just said what I was getting at in a much more eloquent way. Are you a professional?