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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 88 KB, 454x598, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6995055 No.6995055 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the oldest poster here on /lit/? If you are 30 years or older please respond. Would you say you have gained any wisdom or perspective from your many years reading and existing? What is one piece of knowledge you would pass on to a 20 year old like myself, if you were so inclined?

>> No.6995062

36, M

Don't bother with memes, they fuck you up.

>> No.6995068
File: 115 KB, 599x603, Lizzer - RELAX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of wisdom are you looking for exactly?

>> No.6995078

How best to spend time wisely, what perspective does having read so much give one on life, what to avoid/cultivate. I don't know, I've always wanted to talk to a person older and more well-read than myself and learn their opinions after them having been subject to time and encroaching ennui more than myself

>> No.6995083


real talk right here

>> No.6995094

Get in the habit of lending people your ears. Listen to people, talk less yourself, and doors open very quickly. Genuinely get in the habit of complimenting people, don't be afraid of it sounding awkward.

>> No.6995096
File: 39 KB, 473x355, Qu-Bertrand Russell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the basic simple stuff. Learn to love yourself, your world, cultivate friends, (quality friends, not the abusive kinds) whether you want to take life by the horns or live leisurely do it with a smile, have fun with it.
Don't spend so much time on the computer/smartphone

F 42

>> No.6995099

I'm 55 years old.

Here's some advice I can pass on that I had to learn the hard way: tricked ya m8

>> No.6995108

40. Everyone wants to fuck. Methodology and theory are more important than you think. If you're a worker you're fucked.

>> No.6995132

38 here. Smart doesn't mean shit. There's nothing to understand.

(Still read it all.)

>> No.6995135
File: 708 KB, 613x652, 1438865663074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>F 42
This might be the best thread ever. Not even joking.

How does one of that age end up here? What do you think about /lit/ and 4chan in general?

>> No.6995136

>Methodology and theory are more important than you think

In what context? What sort of methodology?

>> No.6995139

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.6995141

does experience from old age actually bring more knowledge or is it just a misconception?

how old are you
« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » ?

>> No.6995145

1. Lift weights and read every day
2. Don't get married until your 30s
3. Put money into the stock market (index funds, set and forget)
4. Have a winner mindset
5. Ignore plebs.

Basically this:


>> No.6995146

This tbh. I can't imagine I ever would've heard about this website if I were 20 years older.

>> No.6995149

Oh is that your real age?

I always thought « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » was a teenager from those pictures and that saying she was actually old was some kind of meme

>> No.6995153


I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you fine gents.

>> No.6995155

33 M

Money's actually pretty important. I used to wrack my brains trying to figure out 'what I REALLY want to do with my life' still no idea and oddly making enough money to live well never really came into consideration.

>> No.6995157

>In what context?

Western intellectual life since the 1840s has involved the concept of "disciplinarity," or theory and methodology particularly applicable to a field or domain that it declares. For example, one could sociologically engage with a literature.

>What sort of methodology?
I like hermeneutics, but I am an unusual fellow.

>> No.6995158

I was younger when it started.
I liked the picture feature.
I'm planing on leave soon actually.

Late 30s in the pics. Low res on purpose.

Going to sleep now. Back to thread topic please.

>> No.6995162

>I will live a good life at your expense.
You'll be shot.

>> No.6995163

I really do hope you do leave. You offer nothing to this board.

>> No.6995170

You never have either. Probably done more harm.

>> No.6995176

>I have already experienced three existential crises
Wow, what did you do wrong?
The first crisis should be over your personal mortality. The second one is about can only be about humanities as a whole.

>> No.6995179

Wow that's actually really embarassing
Also makes perfect sense since your humor has always struck me as outdated

>> No.6995187

>F 42

>> No.6995194

post pic

>> No.6995213

you should just post anonymously again so we can at least pretend you are still here

>> No.6995217

More non gay notes on being a man.

Miyamoto Musashi said: whatever state of mind you're in, ignore it. Think only of cutting."

Masculine is strength, control and detached courage

The will and tenacity to finish the job - finish it quickly and cleanly

Character is not made of sunshine and roses. Like steel, it is forged in fire, between the hammer and the anvil

An enlightened man has joy, clarity, courage and compassion

A low tier man has anger, self doubt, greed, self limitation, jealousy, envy, fear, shame, worry, small mindedness, hatred, delusion, desire, selfishness, laziness, hypocrisy, and pretension.

The warrior accept harsh discipline as a privilege and honor

A good man in harmony does not seek or need external approval. Protect yourself from self doubt and criticism by having thick skin (or thick face)

The goal of a man's path in life is the walk to his perfection.

>> No.6995221

When a tripfag eats the bait it just shows we don't shame enough.

>> No.6995222
File: 134 KB, 833x632, party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I turned 25 today. I felt old and miserable when I woke up, but seeing you farts here made me happier.

>> No.6995224

You are old.

If you don't publish a book within the next year you will NEVER be canon

>> No.6995227

A man's ultimate goal in life is his way to perfection (ie, become the best mother fucker he can be)

Everything comes with a price - what are you willing to lose, in order to gain.

Enjoy your work because life is too short.

Get rich by scaling (ie, selling a product or service


Non action to action, action to effective action.

Is it too late to start? No. Time is going to past by anyways, so why not start today?


Money is not who you are. You're not born with it and you don't bring with it when you die. With that said, money is important.

>> No.6995229

I'm 38, I've probably learned more from my years as a professional wrestler than I've learned from literature and philosophy.

>> No.6995246

guaranteed stoic, tries to be indifferent but there it is, regret.

>> No.6995257

I'm a historian, and I've learnt more from eating cunt. Of course, that learning has nothing to do with history or literature.

>> No.6995269

I killed fiddy men

>> No.6995274

Every man should walk the path to his perfection (ie, become the best mother fucker he can be)

Everything comes with a price - what are you willing to lose, in order to gain.

Study strategy over the years and achieve the spirit of the warrior. Today is victory over yourself of yesterday; tomorrow is your victory over lesser men.

All things entail rising and falling timing. You must be able to discern this (ed: a woman gets married before she's is too old. A huge company gets massively profitable then goes bankrupt. Great empires come and go)

Do nothing which is of no use.

>> No.6995278

Philosophy and literature is easily replaced with life experience.

>> No.6995286

How to progress? No action to action, action to effective action. Every day.

Is it too late to start? No. Time is going to pass by anyways.

Do nothing which is of no use (best time management advice ever)

>> No.6995287

You don't really "plan" to leave 4chan. It just sorta happens to you.

Like with me, I left this place months ago and I still don't know really why.

>> No.6995289

>Philosophy and literature is easily replaced with life experience.

For what purpose?

>> No.6995297

They both share the same goal.

>> No.6995299
File: 22 KB, 500x500, grapefruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning how to eat properly eat pussy changed my life.

>> No.6995304

Reminds me of a certain carpenter that taught his philosophy at the age of 30.

>> No.6995312

Literature and life experience share the same purpose. Cogent. What doth life?

>> No.6995376

You are what you eat.

>> No.6995406


>> No.6995420

The wrong philosophy can fuck you up.

Don't think you can just dabble with beliefs--what you entertain, you come to subconsciously accept, and it will inform your actions and shape your life.

>> No.6995441

. . . . .I am chicken escabeche?

>> No.6995457

>til I'm babies

>> No.6995460

49m. Learn to let go of stuff.

>> No.6995465

The 19 comes across pretty strongly.

>> No.6995525

Waiter, this pasta is stale.

>> No.6995557

>A low tier man has anger, self doubt, greed, self limitation, jealousy, envy, fear, shame, worry, small mindedness, hatred, delusion, desire, selfishness, laziness, hypocrisy, and pretension.
Spooks confirmed.

>> No.6995836

I don't care really. I know it was fake. I'm reacting to the fake, so what?

It sucks posting anonymously. It's very isolating and it only encourages bad behaviour. You see this all over the site. I did it for years and it sucks. My advice to you and OP is to get away from the place.


That some 30 year old would post on some slow image board called /b/? You must get embarrassed easily. "outdated" humor. Pfffsh.

>> No.6995932

But I have already published. It didn't make me feel any better.

>> No.6995946

al dente

>> No.6996624

god, you're a fucking fanny

>> No.6996631

>If you're a worker you're fucked.
what does this even mean?

>> No.6996643

I think I'm winning.

54 here.

My advice would be to enjoy it. That said, don't let yourself get fooled by all the "these are the best years of your life" types. It's not true and needlessly adds anxiety. I never had a particularly good high school or college experience.

Next week is my twenty-fourth anniversary. This is my youngest's last year in high school. It just keeps getting better.

>> No.6996677



I'm 32 (and a teacher). Don't feel oppressed by the need to have "the best experiences" at any certain point. Don't feel the need to get married because your parents want you to. I've seen kids I've taught get married, have kids and gotten divorced already. It's sobering, actually.

Don't feel stuck in the age trap. It's a number. I have more friends now at 32 than I did at 23 because teaching, I feel, humanized me.

>> No.6996708

23 m here, thanks for this. I feel the age pressure fairly often since I'm still single and getting my career established.

>> No.6996725

>people still don't know this is a copypasta

>> No.6996730

You're gonna make it.

>> No.6996732
File: 92 KB, 736x1106, Twiggy006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may say the wisest thing you can, old man — you who have lived seventy years, not without honor of a kind — I hear an irresistible voice which invites me away from all that. One generation abandons the enterprises of another like stranded vessels.


>> No.6996762

This made me feel better about turning 25 with no life to speak of, thanks.

>> No.6996775
File: 80 KB, 960x780, 11220878_901439139931344_1772321087106471628_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op asks advice from the wise
>gets spooked into oblivion

>> No.6996872

Post link to book.
I promise that if I think it is good, I'll buy it.

>> No.6996902

>All of these old people
The worst part about old people is knowing that they have a much longer period of time to consume written material. Basically meaning that I will be relatively uninformed when in any conversation with them, at-least a majority of the time.

For example if anyone over 30 posts their backlog on here it will probably contain a few books that I haven't even heard of yet.

>> No.6996907

Having a steady job, wife, family is the best life. Do not mistake your circumstance (being cut off from those 3 things) for genuine intellectual curiosity, conviction or talent.

>> No.6996960


>makes a “social ladder” with no base beyond his own fantasies;
>speaks as if rappers and wall-street yuppies were alpha and examples of greatness;
>doesn’t recognize great scientists and artists as the epitome of human race;
>is simply the owner of a blog and has fear of even showing his real name, all the while talking about being confident;
>doesn’t have any palpable achievements to present;

Your advices in the post seem all solid and quite logic (I myself already follow them), but this blog is kind of a bad joke.

>> No.6996972

*intense shuddering motions*

>> No.6996980

>Having a steady job, wife, family is the best life.
How spooky

>> No.6997012

What kind of teaching?

Probably going in for a dual English and social studies credential.

>> No.6997024


High school and community college. It pays the bills.

>> No.6997026

>I'm planing on leave soon actually

>> No.6997029

>Generally speaking, reading fiction is for plebs.
he's right tbh. i'd fuck him

>> No.6997047

So you got your MA somewhere down the line?


I'm a TA at a spec ed program now and was considering going for my cred considering its a guaranteed job but job ends up feeling more like being a prison guard and nanny and paper pusher than a teacher.

>> No.6997063
File: 525 KB, 464x634, vincent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20, what is the deal with you old fags?

>> No.6997091

What's the deal with you? You're the worst poster on /lit/.

>> No.6997100

>You see this all over the site. I did it for years and it sucks

She typed, her fingers tapping rythmically (congruently, she mused) in tandem with the intro to Kim Wilde's View From a Bridge. This anonymous homosexual Lankesian witticism trading post was naught but a time of her past, soon.

>> No.6997108
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>> No.6997117

it's you fucking namefags who are ruining lilt

>> No.6997120
File: 85 KB, 1024x640, chk_jschl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6997128


I have a Master's in English.

>> No.6997130


"Even a pig gets old"

>> No.6997135

This might explain some things.

>> No.6997136
File: 59 KB, 846x846, StraightOuttaSomewhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheeky meme
OP my advice would be to read good books and never take nofap seriously

>> No.6997140

Old people serving cans of ice cold Pure Ideology™

>> No.6997142

How's middle school going

>> No.6997153

Heh you must not know much about pigs little buddy

>> No.6997156

>implying that 250 lb 60 yr old woman with foodstamps driving around walmart on one of those wheely things is somehow more wise than anyone whos ever read one book ever
>these women are an archetype present in every walmart, at any given time, accross america

>> No.6997162
File: 112 KB, 1300x957, young-african-american-military-man-saluting-horizontal-black-34253177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you empirically back that up? huh? huh?
Yeah. Didn't think so.

>> No.6997166


>> No.6997168

I can go to walmart and snap a pic if you want

I can also go to the club and take some pics of white girls dressed like sluts grinding on Tyrone

These archetypes are real

>> No.6997189

Are you trying to say that describes the common /lit/ demographic?

>> No.6997190

(I'm the guy you're replying to in this post)

Age can certainly bring wisdom as regards how to handle and endure things particular to aging, like family and friends dying and the body becoming weak and old. In certain societies, certain other kinds of wisdom (how to retire, for example).

But I have met people younger than myself who were also wiser, and people older who were fools. They don't correlate in any profound way.

The quote comes from a(n old) Vietnamese professor as he discussed the Confucian ethic of respecting elders.

>> No.6997197

I just think you're overthinking this thread

>> No.6997198

No that wasnt what i ws trying to imply with the greentext, just making a point that age doesn't always equal wisdom, it only equates to wisdom if the person is a little wise in the first place

>> No.6997202


I don't think overthinking is a thing, sorry.

When I was younger I sometimes found myself drinking with older folks, and so I put the question to them. They usually said something or other about exercising and being healthy.

>> No.6997257

But they're just giving advice, you don't have to take it. You don't even have to read this thread.

>> No.6997266

32 year old here
i haven't learned anything except i'm as smart as i once thought i was
also it's nicer to be nice than to be a cunt. being a cunt is all kinds of stressful when you get into it

>> No.6997267

47. Get off my lawn.
Ha, I can't afford a lawn!

>> No.6997271

well shit i meant to say 'not as smart' but i guess that error probably doesn't hurt my point

>> No.6997324
File: 39 KB, 700x525, 451de208ebdb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 44, and yes, a life of reading and university (student and instructor) has taught me a lot, though I still barely know anything. I will give two pieces of advice that regularly enrage other anons: read everything that interests you, regardless of pleb/patrician tier crap, and don't get a graduate degree in the humanities unless you already have a good career job locked down in some other field.

>> No.6997419

Speaking from experience, the first two are pretty good.

>> No.6997433

things may not get better and may just get worse and worse

>> No.6997455

well fuck Im 22 and think of money as the least important thing in my life. I haven't put in the effort to make any and can't see my self trying to make any in the future. Oh well, books are free

>> No.6997456

Are you 30 years +?

>> No.6997464


Half of the people here in including me are doing humanities degrees, but anyway fuck it, I don't give a shit about the job I get, it's slavery either way.

>> No.6997499


>> No.6997516

>« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » will never be your mom teaching you to love the world and all walks of life as you grow older and eventually rebel against her in your teens

>> No.6997518

have any of you older poster traveled frequently? how did travel affect you and your life's trajectory?

>> No.6997532

i don't like to travel. i like to stay at home and read books about people traveling
from what i can tell from my friends, it tends to make you smugger. if you're looking to be smug i highly recommend it

>> No.6997566


The sooner you realize pride and edginess are stupid, the better. Also throw external expectations into the trash because it's your own life and it's very short, and whoever is unable to comprehend that simple fact (true ever since slavery was abolished) either cares a lot about you (but is just stupid) or is actually very bad for you.
Read Marcus Aurelius and learn to ignore (or "better process") anything that annoys you. I mean, sure, hit your head against different walls as many times as you want, but in the long run it will all be pointless as life is short and memories are usually either meaningless or lies.

Try to relax and don't be embarrassed by your older selves.

Take good care of your teeth and your body.

If you can't find your way, just hang on.

>> No.6997605


>The sooner you realize pride and edginess are stupid, the better

>memories are usually either meaningless or lies

That's a very edgy statement m80

>> No.6997606

When I was young I used to think of it with some big Other attached and that it would be a life changing experience but nah, everywhere just seemed really commercialized and really became disillusioned with capitalism.

>> No.6997641

I think going abroad to teach English did a lot to transform me from being a lonely depressed teenager to a pretty well-adjusted person who enjoys life and has had some fun experiences. I don't think it's necessarily the travelling itself that did it, though, just the change of environment/people.

>> No.6997662

>it's slavery either way
Even if you view working for a wage as inevitable slavery, though, there's different levels of slavery.

>> No.6997684

where did you go?

>> No.6997690

I disagree. Being smart is helpful. It would be harder for other people to screw you over. You'll have less dependence on other people. You're less likely to make stupid decisions that end up ruining your life.

>> No.6997706


I would argue that doing menial repetitive service jobs is less of torture than working desk jobs,because the disillusionment is less big.

I'l take my alienation like everyone else, rather than become a coked up zombie on the verge of breakdown.

>> No.6997719


Full disclosure: by that point I think I'd left the really horrible teenage years behind, emotionally speaking. But as a result of those years I was very lacking in social experience, so being in a completely new environment with new people was about the best thing that could have happened for me.

>> No.6997732

Personally I doubt that. I mean, I could do menial work, no doubt, but I do appreciate the fact that my work requires some thought. Plus holidays and the money to go places and do things doesn't hurt.

>like everyone else
I think at this point most people in the developed world have desk jobs, at least past a certain age.

>a coked up zombie on the verge of breakdown
...that, on the other hand, doesn't describe many jobs/people at all, in my opinion.

>> No.6997752

...having said that, I should make clear that I don't think the humanities means you're waiting tables forever (unless you genuinely want to be, of course).

>> No.6997760
File: 39 KB, 528x960, vegetables.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 29 and I've developed my subject/interest in a very good way. Thus, I could not advice myself on that.
I could advice myself on how to make legs spread more easily, but I'm honestly unsure if I'd to it, fearing the younger me would become another university life pleb - people who suck at my subject.
In the end, "eat and sleep more healthy" is all I could honestly say. Maybe also an appeal to read /lit/ 20 minutes each day. Although, again, the gained thoughts would maybe distract me from the path I liked.

>> No.6997784

>Maybe also an appeal to read /lit/ 20 minutes each day
Lit, or /lit/? Because thinking about it, younger me would actually have benefited from knowing about/visiting this site. Sure, it has memes and insults and idiocy, but I haven't found many opportunities in life to casually talk or find out about literature and ideas, even at university.

On the other hand it is a giant meme-filled timesink, so maybe it's for the best.

>> No.6997855


>> No.6997937


Stay away from liberal bullshit, I was a hippie and current progressivism is pure poison

This should be enough to form guidelines for your entire life

>> No.6997942

>I was a hippie


>> No.6997951

What of it? The 70s hippie movement of the usa isn't the only hippies in history

>> No.6997971


disgusting pagans

>> No.6997977


thanks for this i actually really strongly relate to it without realising

>> No.6997988

But the 60s hippies are the only ones that mattered anyway. Of course you'd be disillusioned with a failed movement, you goof. The tricky part is knowing which movements are going to be worthwhile beforehand.

>> No.6997991

My point stands regardless

>> No.6998001
File: 56 KB, 960x559, Disappointment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I find it refreshing seeing a 20 year-old asking for advice instead of trying to prove he is just as wise as his elders.

I'm 26, I'm in fine arts so I don't know if my two cents interest you. But if I had to say something that would really help me back in your age it would be to do things instead of imagining or planning them. Procrastination really tampered my progress as an artist as there is no safety net in the Arts, let alone any other career.

So find something that excites you, something that you can see you could do for the rest of your life and don't stop even if you master it.

tl;dr: Just do it.

>> No.6998004


What marvelous sounding bullshit. I've been doing this all my life and Few doors have opened but many have closed.

I'm 40 btw.

My advice is be careful from whom you take advice.

>> No.6998024


as an 18 year old who browsed here since 13, i can honestly say it really helped me

i have a large circle of friends, hobbies and I'm academically on track. I really think i owe an awful lot of my sense of humour (right from /b/ tier dogshit to /lit/ tier slightly better smelling dogshit) to this website, as well as a ton of knowledge, and most importantly, warnings and examples of what happens if one becomes too invested in this shit

>> No.6998086

33, M. Life's to short to do anything difficult, you'll regret every minute of it. Stick to action movies and YA fiction.

>> No.6998114

Expect the unexpected,,,Masturbate every day.if you have a chance at fucking an ugly bitch ..just fuck her and forget..Take as many risks as you can while you can...and Never trust a woman

>> No.6998122


Well, let me tell you my story. I was a loser in high school. Decent potential, but didn't have the balls to make anything of myself. So I made a bunch of pussy friends who had the same problem. I spent my twenties bar hopping and smoking weed and playing video games with these same friends, turned twenty five and decided to turn it all around (I've always been a late bloomer). Now I wish I hadn't spent my twenties with these guys. It was all such a miserable waste of my time, and I wonder where I could have gone if I didn't waste it with a bunch of losers. It got to a point where I swore I could hear the Grim Reaper laughing at me every time I mined a block in Minecraft. Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming them for a single thing, I'm just saying I wish I knew better.

tl;dr: Drop manchildren friends, unless you want to be a manchild, too.

>> No.6998125


got the masturbating thing down
only got propositioned once and i didnt want it
will remember the risks bit but its on you if i invest badly and throw myself from a skyscraper

>> No.6998160

nAH Yon will be fine... Just dont waste a minute... .

>> No.6998202

I'm 20 and on a very decisive moment.

From now on, things will happen or they will never happen.

I can't evade my existential angst.

I can't forget , no matter what I read or do.

I dont want to sit in a desk for money, It is hard for me to grasp but I prefer being poor.

I plan on enlisting the FFL. If I die I would have died anyways at some other point.

Advice pls

>> No.6998225

Holy shit I thought you were in your 20s from the few pics of you

>> No.6998246

>I plan on enlisting the FFL.

lol good luck with that

Hope you've started training already

>> No.6998276

Honestly, I think that 4chan has helped me develop some decent self-awareness. Anonymity is a relentless form of checks and balances.

While I'm a slow reader, /lit/ has at least exposed me to different works and names. /mu/ is an amazing way of finding new music and it helped me expand my taste quite a bit.

>> No.6998292

Nice advice m8

>> No.6998389



>> No.6999347
File: 60 KB, 396x395, Bury Pink Seal of App.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ktf ( ._.)

Good stuff ITT. I like this one especially.

You're my surrogate children, anon. You've already done this.

Travel while you are rootless. Just any ol'where you'd like, on the cheap. I wish I had done it earlier in life.

Another great post.

A very cozy thread.

>> No.6999572

same here, glad it wasn't only me that felt this

>> No.6999632

>what does this even mean?
You'll find out.

>> No.6999729

Too many syllables at all at once, u gonna wanna scale it back a bit unless you meant to sound pretentious.

>> No.6999749

I'm 33, have worked as a barrister most of my professional life.

My only advice is this: If you're 20 and you want to be successful, you haven't got a moment to lose. I'm serious. Life will pass you by quickly so start doing whatever it is you want to do now.

>> No.6999752

Also, don't go to law school.

>> No.6999761

It's intentional superfluous hyperbolé
Multi-syllabications do not denote pretensions.

>> No.6999780

someone post the butterfly pictures, i gotta see if i can picture her in her 40s

>> No.6999791 [SPOILER] 
File: 51 KB, 641x480, 1439967584572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. The resolution is low
2. I am rather young looking for my age
3. 37~ish here

I don't think I've changed much. Though I've found some little grey hairs by my ears.

>> No.6999792

In the long run you'll remember things you did with other people more brightly than anything that seemed important in some book you liked once.

All the deep understanding in the world is going to take you right back to where you are now, sitting there.

The endless length of time stretching out in front of you in life is an optical illusion. It's a lot shorter than it seems.

Eat sensibly. Exercise. Don't get too much direct sunlight. Sounds boring but pile on a couple of decades and it makes a difference in where you end up.

M 51

>> No.6999797

reminds me of ok soda

>> No.6999798

butterfly, what do you do? Do you have a /lit/approved job? How do you have so much time for /lit/?

Apologies if this got too personal.

>> No.6999800

i can believe it

>> No.6999808
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>there are people on /lit/ who don't salt the water when they make pasta

>> No.6999809
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>> No.6999811

Travelled throughout Europe. Realized 'it's not you, it's me'. Also it's possible to be unhappy in heaven

>> No.6999815


>> No.6999817

if that cat hangs in there, it's never getting down. stuck up a tree till it starves

>> No.6999818

How did you shop out the noose?

>> No.6999828

It's a FT job, I just make some comments when I get home, sleep, post one or two before work and really it only seems like a lot because they stay up.
Maybe I post more than average? Can't tell.

>> No.7000002

>7000000 get i leave this place forever

>> No.7000014


>> No.7000220


20 but with a lot of travels on record.

It depends on your state of mind. It can be shitty or it can be great, but it all depends on you.

I have learned most people are friendly and most adults are reasonable, even if within their own cultural perspective.

I have also learned the romanticism travels with you in your mind. Nothing is specially good or bad, you are the one that should transform it.

>> No.7000224


Montaigne writes along the lines of whatever you see is in fact what you carry.

The edge is probably in you. However edgy his post seems to you he probably didnt mean it.

>> No.7000225


I have.

I can hardly picture a better life, exercise and reading, with the ocasional travel

>> No.7000243

>2. Don't get married until your 30s

If het-cis-male, marry a woman in her early 20s. Don't buy into the old = mature scam.

>> No.7000294

What an utterly meaningless pair of sentences.

Were you trying to sound clever without actually saying anything?

>> No.7000316

Going to turn 29 in two months. The best piece of advise I wish I would have taken seriously in my early twenties was carpe fuckign diem. If you want to do something, get up your lazy ass and do it. Also, failure is good. You learn and hopefully grow better from it. So choose what you're interested in, put effort into it, and stick with it. You'll be frustrated and tired and want to quit but if you persevere, you'll be happier in the long run. You might even accomplish something on some small scale.

>> No.7000334
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>> No.7000397


I'm trying to say if you see or interpret everything as edgy is you yourself who is edgy or has the edge on your eyes, not what you read in itself.

>> No.7000557

>This might be the best thread ever. Not even joking.

Thanks for this thread, guys.

>> No.7000601

>What an utterly meaningless pair of sentences.

Not at all, the meaning was clear. Did you just not understand his point?

>> No.7000616

I'm sorry to annoy you, but what does 'spook' mean in /lit/ context?

>> No.7000672

Hahaha. That won't be your life at all.

>> No.7000840
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The English translation of "einzige"

>> No.7000929
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36, M

Keep reading.

>> No.7000940


>> No.7001002
File: 169 KB, 1226x410, Einzige.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"No" to what?

>> No.7001076

What does Gravity's Rainbow have to do with this?

>> No.7001274

OK, I've never read Stirner, but how are individuals the reality? Surely they're just as spooky as everything else, if not more so? I mean, that's Buddhism 101.

>> No.7001314
File: 76 KB, 1017x709, Qu-Stirner 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read Stirner yet, unfortunately. The way I parse it is probably more Epicurean.
What's in our minds, what we imagine are spooks. The real world is there, but sometimes our perceptions of it can be skewed. The stories we tell ourselves about creation/afterlife/souls and the value we place on gold, paper or electronic blips in a banks computer, are all easily not real.
The only thing that matters is yourself. You eat to maintain yourself. You love because you want to feel that way. The object of your love has to be shown this affection, they can never really know how it feels to be you in love with them. Even if no one else is real (a preposterous idea imo) doing right by them is best for you.

>> No.7001342

Stirner sounds like he's just rehashing everything Jesus said but in a way more pseudo-intellectual way.

>> No.7001359

Start an individualists Christian-anarchist cult do go with the socialist one.

>> No.7001398

he does state in the einzinge that he admires jesus for what he believed in. he admires jesus the man but not jesus the role model, figurehead, spokesperson, god, etc.

>> No.7001593

Are there any writers here? I mean, people who got published and could live from it, stuff like that. If so, advice a 22 years old writer who sees no future in his art.

This thread was great.

>> No.7001645

jesus never said anything about exploiting your neighbors for the benefit of yourself or that god is only a limiting factor to your owness

>> No.7003914


- fanboyism is a trap. star wars/anime/comic books are products. don't devote your life to them. enjoy them, sure, but don't devote your life to them.
- exercise and eat properly.
- dont worry so much about being smart.
- not taking risks is also detrimental, but in a less obvious way than being overly risky.

>> No.7004967

>If you're a worker you're fucked

As in like a blue collar/lower tier worker or like anything that isn't NEET?

The former requires some explanation, the latter is retarded.

>> No.7004991

4chan is good for you in the same way that an older sibling who makes fun of you is. You go through some stupid fucking phase and you have a red streak in your hair and watch anime and they'll tell you you look like a lame retard. Most of the boards here do the same thing.

/mu/ is pretty shit though. 50% of people there are underage and the other 50% are just shitposting about Kanye West.

>> No.7004997

I like that first one. Its kind of odd, but it feels personal. People get too pent up about associating their identity with one thing. And yeah, if you really fucking love LOTR and you can quote The Silmarillion verbatim because you've read it 20 times, go for it, but its dumb when its one of the main personality traits about a person.

>> No.7005032

>/mu/ is pretty shit though. 50% of people there are underage and the other 50% are just shitposting about Kanye West.

That's an exageration but it comes close to the truth. When I lurked there over the course of approximately five months, I've read some good comments here and there and had a few laughs but I doubt it was worth investing the time browsing there. I shitposted a POS music video together with an image of le epic hanging guy, btw.

>> No.7005068

>As in like a blue collar/lower tier worker or like anything that isn't NEET?
As in you don't subsist off profit.

>> No.7006622

>fanboyism is a trap

This is great.

>> No.7006752

> So choose what you're interested in
It is not so easy for everyone. I'm 29 and still don't know what I want to do. So I just do what I like without much effort.