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6992591 No.6992591 [Reply] [Original]

write whats on your mind

>> No.6992596

Será que isso é presunto ou é só um bacon rosa nesse hambúrguer?

>> No.6992599

I'm thinking about fasting for a week.

>> No.6992601

whats on your mind

>> No.6992603

I just started my internship with the government today, and I'm looking forward to starting my final year in university :^)

>> No.6992613

meat it's murder

>> No.6992618

is that possible.

>> No.6992621

that looks delicious
I have diahrrea
im a bad person
doesn't matter since I determine the definition of morality

>> No.6992622

Ophila should really get to a nunary.

>> No.6992624


Yes, I've done it before. It's not a dry fast; I will drink water.

>> No.6992637

why you are doing that

>> No.6992651


>> No.6992685


I'm Japanese, and a Nichiren Buddhist. Sometimes I feel the need to fast, chant, and meditate. It helps cultivates a sense of impermanence and mindfulness. I've been doing ritual meditations since I was 10 years old.

>Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō

>> No.6992730

I now know why a lot of soldiers kill themselves after deployment. I don't blame them.

>> No.6992751


Why? Lack of brotherhood? Boredom? Possibly guilt- but I doubt it.

>> No.6992766

I have no idea if I am bored.

For a long time I tried convincing myself I was so damn interesting that I could never let my mind lull around, now I am rather unsure

>> No.6992783

You are so used to being busy and working. Then you get back and they just throw you back into a barracks room (if you aren't married like myself) and you have nothing to do. I don't even have bed sheets or a pillow, toilet paper or shampoo. They just say okay, see you Wednesday back for work. I got back last night.

>> No.6992916

You think I'm into you for your mind?
I'm getting into your behind

>> No.6992918

You have to learn to enjoy boredom.

>> No.6992923

I just signed an awesome apartment 30 minutes ago and the first thing I'm going to do is bang three barely legal teenager girls I met on the internet in it.

>> No.6992938

Teach me

>> No.6992986

Lay back, relax, breathe, and daydream about positive things and tell yourself "This is nice" and eventually you'll fall asleep since you haven't been sleeping well lately and you'll wake up rejuvenated for the next day.

>> No.6993007

>you haven't been sleeping well lately
Who are you

>> No.6993099
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Man, pushing thoughts out of your head is easier said than done. I've had this shitty,non-nonsensical thought for days that my laptop is infected with malware or some shit but I literally have no proof except my paranoia and asking 'what if?' suddenly and freaking out over nothing.

Just fucking kill me.

>> No.6993138


>> No.6993168

One point five billion people have been born in my lifetime.

>> No.6993238

there aren't enough pictures of breasts on the internet.

>> No.6993241

Don't worry about that. You won't need to wait much longer.

>> No.6993253

If only there was was a switch for sleep

>> No.6993274

Ele quis dizer na língua dele, filho da puta.

>> No.6993281

Infinite Jest is pure shit. Goddamn ebonics, muh marijuana addictions, asspull and pandering endnotes (seriously, first endnote is what everyone learns in high school chemistry), and unbelievable terrible conceptual technology. Fell for the /lit/ meme, never again

>> No.6993292
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Então por que você escreveu em português?

>> No.6993298

you must still be in high school

>> No.6993312

Para que você, falho que não fala americanês, entender o objetivo do parênquima.

>> No.6993340


Not necessarily. He might just not want any nonsense.

>> No.6993353

>text lists a date with citation
>go to endnote
>endnote corrects the date
Literally asspull. Pulls me right out, because then I have to picture DFW's face smugly contriving such nonsense, probably one hand stroking his cock in vigour as he fantasizes of new ways to trick his readers

>> No.6993354

I hate having this dirty arse, it's hard to masturbate with traces of liquid shit around your arse, but on the other hand I love the smell of it on my fingers.

>> No.6993364
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>> No.6993375

Why did you let yourself fall for the meme, you impressionable faggot?

>> No.6993393

I just want to be real in love with someone and feel loved by this one. But, it's repulsive the feeling of someone kissing me without feeling nothing.

>> No.6993399
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>> No.6993402

I switch daily from apathy towards life and acceptance of death to passion for life and protest of death. I think I will die young. I have not felt well in years. I am a compulsive liar. I am disgusted by everything I do and regret most of it.

>> No.6993419

Why can't I get into bed, get the cover even and get the laptop on top without the covers sticking to back, and the sheets underneath me moving because of my disgusting fucking bulk? Then I turn and my pen has rolled off the table. I won't be able to get it for hours because then I'd have to get everything out of position all over again. It'll be hours. I want to smash this computer to matchsticks like a mongoloid, but then I'd be really alone.

>> No.6993424

Probably the same reason why I down the drink someone hands me when I'm already nearly on my ass.

>> No.6993426

I need to have a cup of coffee, write a post up, then work on my book. And I need a shower.

>> No.6993445

I used to have thoughts like this and still do from time to time. You have to remember that you are in control of your thoughts and you are the one that attaches emotional and feeling to them. If you think its nonsensical and outlandish, push them aside and think of something else.

I usually do something like this to remind myself when i start getting into those black holes of insane thoughts. I say something along the lines of, "Okay, I have a thought of me playing my guitar in my room. I remember what song i played and how i felt about it. That is an actual thought that popped up and i know that its real because i remember it happening. But what if i decide that thought was me playing guitar in my room, the same song, but there was also a naked chick fingering herself on my bed at the time and jeff goldblum in the closet whacking off? I know PARTS of that thought are real but i also know that some arent for whatever reasons. My point being, just because some thoughts can be real doesnt make every single one of them real. And its your duty to separate the two and learn not to hold emotional attachments to the negative thoughts you know arent real.

>> No.6993576

Sai dai, brchan. Acorda pra Jesus.