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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 221 KB, 1000x667, Walden_Pond_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6991668 No.6991668 [Reply] [Original]

You guys read Walden yet?

>> No.6991686

yeah it sucked fuck off

>> No.6991691


>> No.6991766
File: 186 KB, 480x594, Twiggy016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going kayaking.

Will a few of my disciples keep this thread bumped near the front page for the rest of the day? I would appreciate it.

>> No.6991838


I read it. My favorite chapters were the winter ones. Brute Neighbors was awesome. Also, that silly loon on the lake. Twas a silly loon...

The conclusion was good too.

>> No.6992004

it sucked

>> No.6992035

Yeah of course. Have fun. Be safe. See some birds.

im in love with you

>> No.6992048

Yeah it was okay

>> No.6992183
File: 30 KB, 1280x800, boat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude seriously nobody cares about your childish shitposting. You obviously lack the historical and literary capacity to understand Walden.

During the 1840s, there were authors making an attempt to revolutionize American literary culture by infusing into it this spirit of radical independence and originality. It was an interesting time for American literature. They would no longer achieve cultural recognition by importing and imitating acknowledged English and continental models, but would discover and promulgate their own unique cultural genius. The hallmark of this genius, according to literary scholars/historians, would be Americans' heightened sense of self-reliance. Walden is a historic literary piece birthed out of the transcendentalist movement. Which is why Thoreau's Walden serves more as a critique on American cultural than an adventure story.

Furthermore, Thoreau's changing seasons correspond to changing psychological and moral conditions, just as descriptive passages often modulate into moral and symbolic reflections. The individual, or participant-observer is at the heart of Thoreau's writings; it serves as a fulcrum for his mythopoetic experience. Indeed, it's Thoreau's mythopoeic intentions that allow his book to situate this world in a deeper, more mythically and even morally resonate reality, (to ground the temporal seasonal changes) that reinforces the awakening motif announced in the epigraph.

Hence, Walden is an ultimate expression of New England elite culture: liberal in sentiment but hopelessly compromised by its entanglement with social institutions promoting the interest of the status quo.

>> No.6992186

it sucked, emerson and whitman did it better

>> No.6992191
File: 181 KB, 504x800, evasiongallery1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but who gives a shit

>> No.6992211


>plebs everywhere.

>> No.6992230

i agree, there are way too many people that think thoreau was anything but a hack

>> No.6992243

Walden sounds fucking gay

>> No.6992259

because it is, it's about a bearded man living in a cabin having sex with various other bearded men, and his mother occasionally does his laundry and brings him food while he pretends he's roughin it in the wild and surviving on his own. he's a big fat gay poser

>> No.6992278


You are truly lowbrow. It's obvious:
>You lack the seasons of all natures

>> No.6992287

>of all natures
more gay mumbo jumbo. i like my natures to be female but thanks for trying to get into my pants thoreau clone

>> No.6992294
File: 85 KB, 700x560, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get a load of these jokesters.

Pic related. It's the swamp. Why don't you all head back there

>> No.6992299

Nature? Lmao I bet you like flowers and shit you gaylord

>> No.6992308

Hey man, you're a rockstar ;)

>> No.6992316


Clearly, you have never read Shakespeare. Why are you even on /lit/? You contribute nothing.

Is it boredom? Are you in wait for school to start up? Geniuenly you must see you lack the knowledge and understanding to engage in a discussion on this topic, so why are you here?

You must get a fun high trolling me. You enjoy me responding to you, yes?

>School will start soon.

>> No.6992324

is this a euphemism for your grody sweaty ass gooch area? fuck off homo stop trying to have sex with me

>> No.6992329


Another pleb who has never read Shakespeare. It must be one of those crappy day for literary discussion.

>> No.6992335

>school will start soon
Nice try but I won't be stepping anywhere near your gay nature school of mother laundry baby penis worship, queerboy. Go back to reading your bearded bitchboy thoreau while the grown ups read proper books

>> No.6992336

Days' *
Literary's *

>> No.6992338

Yeah, it's ok. I prefer Meditations and Letters from a Stoic

>> No.6992365

This one? >>6992308

>> No.6992371

>proper books
>hasn't read Shakespeare

>> No.6992373

>>6991668 (OP)
There seems to be an obvious IQ discrepancy in this thread, and it is not hard to spot.

This >>6992183 seems to be the only quality post in this thread, regardless if you disagree with it or not.

This one >>6992183

>> No.6992375


>> No.6992382

>can't even post properly
>thinks he has the authority to claim which post is of quality
back to leddit

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA literally who are you newqueer?

>> No.6992393

Again, not hard to spot the discrepancy.

>> No.6992396
File: 28 KB, 500x436, MI0001105595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this book comfy? Is it cozy?
I long for a book that will leave me rosy
Not one pretentious, obtuse or posy
Just ensure me it has good prosy - John Green

>Pic related due to cozy cover

>> No.6992398

yeah, because of the retard that puts weight behind IQ

>> No.6992436

it was boring as fuck.
plus he lived like 5 minutes away from neighbors and the town.
I felt completely ripped off.

Emerson is vastly superior. I read Walden and thought the Transcendentalists were a joke then got some of Emerson's essays and really bought into it.

>> No.6992534

>Hey guys here is a list of everything I've ever bought and how much it cost
yeah no.

>> No.6992824


>> No.6993245

another bump

>> No.6994567


>> No.6994615

Is Twiggy a grill?

>> No.6994706
File: 27 KB, 321x475, Mills - Epicurean Simplicity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw. Too soon. Read this a few months ago.

>> No.6994907

Did you drown on the lake OP?

>> No.6994912

stop bumping this gay thread faglord

>> No.6995060


>> No.6995185

I was in the middle of the Greeks, but this looks pretty sweet. Is it OK to just jump in? Any background needed?

>> No.6995198

Just jump straight on in. Don't forget to finish the greeks tho kid. Can't achieve literary eudaimonia without em.

>> No.6995209

the greeks cannot be finished

only restarted with

>> No.6995219

A restart would imply an end of some form. One can finish their personal reading of the Greeks, but that mine will remain plentiful.

>> No.6995237
File: 803 KB, 945x1254, Untitled79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6995243


>> No.6995248


>> No.6995260

Ezra's a talentless hack.

>> No.6995261


>> No.6995281


>> No.6995288


>> No.6995295

I liked the first half of Walden better than the second half.

>> No.6995302


>> No.6995964

Morning ;)

>> No.6995979
File: 70 KB, 900x900, 1403554177153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have someone who lets you live on their land for free while mommy brings you food and on top of that becoming a renowned novelist


>> No.6995997

That naturalist drivel in the second half got old real quick

>> No.6996520
File: 752 KB, 540x800, Twiggy024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still alive. The pond was full of alligators but they seemed benevolent. About to paddle out again.

To my disciples, my hounds, read the following in whispers. First, thank you for keeping our thread bumped. I will post another one soon. Second, how do we bring about the New Dawn, the Renaissance? The meme trilogy meme and "start with the Greeks" meme must both be DESTROYED. For our weak-willed, philistine friends, the Greeks pure and unalloyed are essentially useless. Step one, Walden. Step two, familiarity with the references and recommendations from the third chapter. For then and only then will the two hawks appear.

Signed, the Leman.


>> No.6996523


>> No.6996562

Read it but it felt like it was written by an elitist twat with no moving insights nor beautiful passages save few that, in the end, weren't worth it if it meant reading through it all.

>> No.6996582

Your persona would be much more attractive if you didn't acknowledge /lit/ memes. It breaks the suspension of disbelief that you're an actual mentally ill person and not just a tryhard tripfag.

>> No.6996609
File: 37 KB, 500x738, Twiggy30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not mentally ill. Shut up and bump my new thread.


>> No.6996618
File: 97 KB, 490x750, Twiggy27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move your bumping to this thread please. When I finish copy and pasting all of chapter three I am leaving until November. Please, please, please keep the Walden threads alive. There needs to be at least one posted DAILY.

>> No.6996619

Deviant would be a more proper term. My point is, a true deviant would not concern himself with memes. I'm just trying to help you improve your act.

>> No.6996633

why are you leaving/??

>> No.6996650
File: 88 KB, 500x747, Twiggy34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every soul is quitting its whole system of things, its friends, and home, and laws, and faith, as the shell-fish crawls out of its beautiful but stony case, because it no longer admits of its growth, and slowly forms a new house.


>> No.6996699
File: 265 KB, 938x951, 1424306692219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6997478


>> No.6997514

>two hawks
what do you mean by this?

>> No.6998880

I want to read Waldem but I've already read pretty deep into post structuralism and post modern ideas about geography and nature. Will it be shit? Is it all >muh nature ?

>> No.6999366

Hey Twiggy, I'm >>6995185. I read the first chapter and am really loving this. I also bought the field guide to identify birds. Thanks.