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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 53 KB, 292x432, The_Perks_of_Being_a_Wallflower_Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6984104 No.6984104 [Reply] [Original]

john greene before john greene

>> No.6984141

Ehhhhhhh, I wouldn't say so exactly. Maybe if john green had a child with Salinger.
It's obviously teen fiction, but I wouldn't consider it as bad as something john green wrote. His work is so pseudo-intellectual, shallow, and preachy. I thought that perks of being a wallflower wasn't as bad for what it was for. Though I read it awhile ago when my sister got it as a gift in highschool and she was rankings and raving about it. Take things for face value. Not everyone can be a Punchyon or Proust. And good thing. You appreciate the works of those authors because something sets them apart from others. If ever book was infinite jest, what would be the point in reading? In order for their to be good books, their has to be mediocre and shitty books. Why waste your time making such a thread? Who cares? Perks of being a wallflower is a 90's catcher in the rye, poorly packaged. The author must have been partially intelligent though. He knew that catcher in the rye was extremely popular even though everyone complained about it being a "terrible book because the main character was so unlikeable," so he made a less complex version with a character teenagers would like, or maybe even pity.

>> No.6984618

I hated it until I realized it'd pulled one on me and then it wasn't bad

>> No.6984714

Perks is decent YA. The prose actually develops as he progresses throughout the year. A vanilla version of Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man.
The story isn't great and the whole molestation thing didn't really pull through but at least the book tried to make an actual character.
I'd recommend it to teenagers. If I knew any.

>> No.6984784

>I'd recommend it to teenagers. If I knew any.
I think there's something you should know about 90% of this board.

>> No.6984799

over half this board is over 20 mate

>> No.6984804

Not anymore, /mu/ & /pol/ make up half the board now

>> No.6984808

Why do you keep spelling it with an e? Are you rEtardEd or somEthing?

>> No.6984898

Probably an English way of spelling "green"

>> No.6984902

How come nobody seems to complain about rape scenes in literature? It was pretty fucked up.

>> No.6984924

ive seen the film but how is it done in the book? it's never shown in the film, just some rubbing

>> No.6984930

>rape scenes in literature
only plebs complain about this.
in any case, while fucked up, it's 'tasteful,' ie not gratuitously graphic or detailed. it served its purpose and was shuffled away.

>> No.6984954
File: 1.53 MB, 250x250, thinking about rape.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about rape

>> No.6985035

There's a line that goes something like "he sticked his penis in my mouth"

>implying I'm complaining
I should have worded that better. I'm just saying it's bullshit how other types of media always pussy out when it comes to that stuff.

>> No.6985038

>/lit/ suddenly hates John Green

Wtf happened!?

>> No.6985054

Not that other guy, but: IMHO Rape as a "plot device" is an extremely shitty and lazy cliché by now -

need your heroine to be super tough but also damaged? Have her be raped!

Need your bad guy to come off as really bad? Have him rape someone!

Want your world to come off as grimdark? Raaaaape!

>> No.6985062

Everything is a lazy and shitty cliche as a "plot device". Rape is fine to include in a story so long as there isn't an undue amount of focus on it. It's a thing that happens and that's about it.

>> No.6985064

IMHO there can never be enough writing about rape.

>> No.6985079

This tbh

>> No.6985081

But what if the raped ends up enjoying it mid-rape?

>> No.6985115

If you make the rape any more complex than "it was bad", you won't get published

>> No.6985147
File: 48 KB, 224x358, Tampa_cover_2241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you make the rape any more complex than "it was bad", you won't get published

>> No.6985151

He's actually related to old Graham's paternal line you dweeb. Changed name when granpap went to work in the New World

>> No.6985152

No one read that shit so you might as well just explain yourself.

>> No.6985153

implying you've read "Greene"

>> No.6985166

>moving the goalposts

>> No.6985174

>autism speaks
Dude, I'm asking about the rape in that book because no one here read it, not arguing about whether it was published or not.

>> No.6985179

That looks like a vajimbo kek

>> No.6985185
File: 1.29 MB, 2200x3037, 23-thomas-pynchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alissa Nutting

>> No.6985187

>no one here read it
christ you're insufferable

>> No.6985196
File: 520 KB, 1500x951, alissanutting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd nut on her, tbh.

>> No.6985517

I thought this was John Green tbqh fam