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6984855 No.6984855 [Reply] [Original]

Why do philosophers universally fail with women, have terrible love lives, become bitter misogynists while secretly being hopeless romantics?

>> No.6984858

spending too much time in their heads

>> No.6984863

>tfw no big eyebrows gf

>> No.6984865

>become bitter misogynists while secretly being hopeless romantics
These two don't contradict eachother, they lead to eachother. Being unable to find equally platonic and intellectually stimulating woman is exactly what causes misogyny.

>> No.6984866

>become bitter misogynists
They always knew deep down that women couldn't offer their sharp minds anything other than physical pleasure, irrationally drawn to it they just couldn't benefit from telling others about their dilemma then, in fact they benefited from concealing it... They usually wait until they can no longer gain from hiding their opinion to speak it.

>> No.6984884


Love trumps intellectual pleasure.
Eventually smart people realize intellectualism is just word games and sophistry. The problem is that these philosophers weren't intellectual ENOUGH to realize this.

Without love life just passes you by.

>> No.6984885
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>misogyny is a thing

>> No.6984886

Why do men everywhere fail with women, have terrible love lives, become bitter misogynists while secretly being hopeless romantics?

>> No.6984896
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Schopenhauer would write awful shit about women and then cry about being rejected by a 16 year old loli, while he was 45 year old virgin wizard.

>> No.6984904


>> No.6984909

it's 5 in the morning and this makes a lot of sense to me

>> No.6984910

Feyerabend got his dick blown off in the war but he still managesd to fuck a bunch of married women and students and earn a nefarious reputation of giving great oral sex.

>> No.6984916
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>tfw no gf of any sort

I just want a girl who isn't too fat or too deformed. ;_;

>> No.6984925
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because the woman is the emboodiment of the hedonism. every philosopher knows that there is something beyond the hedonism.

contrary to philosophers, the intellectuals love hedonism, this gives entertainment.

>> No.6984927

>while he was 45 year old virgin wizard

You clearly haven't got a fucking clue, have you.

>> No.6984929
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"Hey anon, I go out with my friends tonight. Do you like me outfit? Do you think John will like it?"

>> No.6984934
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J-john doesn't deserve you. He won't love you like I do...please will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?

>> No.6984939

Hegel Heidegger and Sartre Camus were amazing with women

>> No.6984949

>good with women


>> No.6984950


Yeah. . . . no.

>> No.6984951

jesus christ that body

>> No.6984952


They were shitty philosophers though.

>> No.6984955

Stirner didn't do too bad either

>> No.6984963 [DELETED] 

Are retarded pieces of ignorant shits like OP allowed to even breathe the same air as everyone else?
Does reading people biography's (arguably one the easiest types of literature that exist) bother you that much?

>> No.6984966

Citation needed?

>> No.6984970

Why are retarded pieces of ignorant shits like OP allowed to even breathe the same air as everyone else?
Does reading people biography's (arguably one the easiest types of literature that exist) bother you that much?

Women have a deceptive character, even if they are enjoyable to be with this is a fact which everyone until recent times were capable of acknowledging. That's excluding other things of whether they have contributed at all to civilization or not, if female insight is more wise, etc. which is actually something tangible and verifiable by investigating in history.

>> No.6984973



He married a girl and when he saw her naked the first timr he was disgusted and said he'd never have sex. She thought he was awkward and weird. And their marriage was for financial reasons not love.

He died a virgin. Died of a bug bite.

>> No.6984975

I have eyebrows like her but I'm a guy

>> No.6984982

See, this is the shit I'm talking about. Complete shit for brains, this isn't even trolling. Trolling would constitute sophism and setting up a fallacy in argument which draws people to debate each other trying to one up one another.
This is pure shit-posting, spouting outright lies either in resentment or being an underageb&

There's a biography of Stirner written by Mackay, now go read it and get informed you fucking troglodyte.

>> No.6984986
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>hurrr women suck and lie and men can do no wrong!

You're literally gay & ugly, pic related

>> No.6984989

Stirner had a kid, silly. And more than one marriage. Read more.

>> No.6985042

But John understands girls. Also, he is a famous author. What are you?

WHAT are you!?

>> No.6985063
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>Women have a deceptive character, even if they are enjoyable to be with this is a fact which everyone until recent times were capable of acknowledging.
This acknowledging is simply not done easily anymore, when this large fraction of people called women are now also part of the work force, the students and profs in your department.
I'm not going into whether any of your claims is true or not, but one should raise the question if women weren't just an easy target for all of those philosophers - a stand pretty much out academic discourse, you could blame failures of men and history more broadly on them and non of the targeted readership (men) would feel the incentive to respond to such theories as a personal defense mechanism. It's just like if you're an English guy, writing a text in anthropology, and describe black people in some native village. You can shit-talk whatever you want, nobody in your lifetime reading it would be offended.

>> No.6985069

>Why do philosophers universally fail with women

>> No.6985072

Not even, Camus had a wife and 3 well documented mistresses at the same time. Simone had interviews where she talks about how women were all over Sartre and he would lie to each of them about being with the others, Heidegger had Hanna his wife and two other mistresses in his life. Hegel had kids, was engaged to another girl but her father got mad because he took her v, and he was caught with a student.

Just Google this shit.

>> No.6985091


read the elephant though

>> No.6985111
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2 much drama 4 me


>> No.6985130

Holy fuck I am so fucking tired of hearing about this horseshit. I want to go a single day without hearing about women, just fucking one Is that too much

>> No.6985141
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she has been my toposfu for quite a while

>> No.6985142

fine, we instead can debate how all atheists are greasy and fat men wearing funny hats, would that be better for you?

>> No.6985189
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Well, how many toposfu alternatives are there...

>> No.6985348

more like NEETzche

>> No.6985722

That's basically cheating.

>> No.6985733

who is semen demon?

>> No.6985774
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>> No.6986000
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thanks for ruining my 5 day no-fap

>> No.6986858

Philosophers are as autistic as mathematicians that's why they don't have gfs

>> No.6987931

>lets just pose with a book topless

Why do all women only care about being seen with the book and not actually reading the book for the actual book.

>> No.6987984


Why do all men make hasty generalizations based on a small sample size?

>> No.6988865
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what the fuck

>> No.6989368

Why are woman allowed to make opinions? They don't even deserve to live.

>> No.6989578


but without women life would be pointless and men would have no reason to work, struggle and fight each other

>> No.6989588

why are sjw women hypocrites and liars?

>> No.6989629
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Who cares?

>> No.6989644
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why are short men insecure about their height?

>> No.6989651

I'm 6'3 want pics?

>> No.6989689

You need to step outside your system of thinking to see faults in it. Its why Philosophers and STEMs don't get along

>> No.6989698

Used to be, STEMs were philosophers (Newton)

>> No.6989739

This doesn't mean they weren't woman-haters. They didn't even fancy romantic love, since they knew it was bullshit.

>> No.6989747
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>romantic love is bullshit

then how come I experienced it and it was great?

>> No.6989774

So the quality of the philosophy is inversely related to their success with women?

>> No.6989778


this to be honest

>> No.6989782

Thats cause your a fucking cuck.

>> No.6989809

What are the most misogynistic novels?

>> No.6989834


the novels telling women to be empowered sluts, usually written by feminists sjw