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/lit/ - Literature

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6979577 No.6979577 [Reply] [Original]

How do you define literature? Would you say that it's the quality of the text?

>> No.6979583

Quality & length of story. Keep Eggman memes on /r9k/, m8.

>> No.6979587

In its broadest sense, Literature is any written work. Etymologically the term derives from Greek litaritura/litteratura which means "writing formed with letters", but some definitions include spoken or sung texts.

>> No.6979596

With that definition, the twilight saga would be considered literature.

>> No.6979602

It is.

>> No.6979607
File: 327 KB, 1396x1000, literature-genre-fiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6979615

>genre fiction
Tripfag pls kill yourself

>> No.6979619
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>thinking LOTR and narnia aren't genre fiction
you must have at least a 2-digit IQ to post on this board

>> No.6979646

Back to reddit.

>> No.6979648

>the great gatsby
dumb americunts

>> No.6979651

this tbh my nigga Derrida is w it

>> No.6979683

a collection of words

lit v genrefic is a simplistic pretty lie

>> No.6979686

>I like it therefore it's not genre fiction
Stop. Just because you like that middle brow, pedestrian tripe doesn't mean it's not genre fiction. Stop being an idiot, you didn't complain about A Game of Thrones being on there, despite being as obviously genre fiction as Lord of the Rings.

>> No.6979688 [DELETED] 

why do people make circular logic comments like these as if they challenge anything?

>> No.6979691

>comparing LoTR to GOT
Fucking kill yourself, my man.

>> No.6979701

They're the same thing. Both just shallow, pedestrian bathroom 'literature'. Tolkienfags are the worst, none of you actually understand literature, and I'm certain textual analysis is beyond your obviously meagre intellectual abilities.

>> No.6979733


>> No.6979740

Go back to reddit, Tolkienfag.

>> No.6979744

Spoken like a true /v/edditor.

>> No.6979755

I think /v/ would like Tolkien, they think literature is about stories and characters, just like that pedestrian philistine, Tolkien.

>> No.6979880

are you asking the difference between literature and 'regular books'?

literature focuses on language, character, themes, form, ideas, etc. and engages in a long tradition.

genre books have conventions, commercial books are focused on getting the pages to turn, manipulating emotions, escapism, wish fulfillment. both are not concerned with the above mentioned features of literature

>> No.6980526

There are books written about defining literature. The Terry Eagleton one is pretty good. It's been ages since I read it but I think the conclusion was that it was arbitrary. What is considered literature depends on the context, mostly defined by institutions etc. For example: in the 19th century a lot more non-fiction was considered literature in the same sense that poetry and novels are in a contemporary academic setting.

You can determine literature as just "high quality writing" if you like, but that means it's on an individual basis whether you can consider something literature or not, or if it meets some criteria set by academia, awards or Harold Bloom (this one goes for a lot of people here)

>> No.6980578

Literature isn't a value judgement my friend

I think you're thinking of 'literary fiction'