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6977563 No.6977563 [Reply] [Original]

Mildly instructive facts about writers. Ted Hughes's favourite animal were hedgehogs.

>> No.6977573

I once got rimmed by Pynchon. His teeth made it better.

>> No.6977589

I once got rimmed by Pynchon. His teeth made it better.

>> No.6977789

The plaque on the house where John Keats died in Italy lists him as Giovanni Keats.

>> No.6977810

Thomas Wolfe thought Dickens was a hack.

>> No.6977818

W Sommerset Maugham was a spy during WWI.

>> No.6977822

Nabokov collected butterflies and couldn't drive

lmao what an aspie

>> No.6977826

Trelawny kept Shelley's heart in a box in his flat.

>> No.6977842

Guy de Maupassant ate lunch under the Eiffel tower every day because he hated looking at it. Under it is the only vantage point from which it could not be seen.

>> No.6977847

As a child, Victor Hugo would learn 25 to 30 verses of Horace or Virgil by heart every night before sleep, and translate them in French as soon as he was up the following morning.

>> No.6977852

Charles McCarry was also a real spy before writing spy novels.

>> No.6977853

Dante was married but never mentions his wife in his writing. He does talk in length, however, about other women.

>> No.6977868

A circular imprint and cheese stain on one of the pages of one of the extant manuscripts of the Song of Roland indicate that at least one of its scribes used the page as a place-matt for his lunch.

>> No.6977919

Louis Bromfield, though only slightly successful as a novelist, hosted the wedding of Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall at his Malabar Farm in Ohio. They liked it so much, they honeymooned there too.

>> No.6977934

David Markson wrote his last four novels by scribbling out the snippets on index cards, then arranging the index cards in the order he wanted.

>> No.6977943


You guys too?

Jeez, he told me I was the first.

>> No.6977945

Mark Strand was so impressed with Calvino's book that he sent William Gass a postcard that just said, "Read Invisible Cities. - MS"

>> No.6977951

William Faulkner wrote up his impressions of a hockey game for Sports Illustrated magazine once.

>> No.6977975

While working as the London bureau chief of the New York Herald-Tribune, the same job previously held by Karl Marx, Charles Portis once told his boss that the paper might have saved the world a lot of trouble if they had paid Marx better.

>> No.6977986

Roy Blount Jr. referred to Portis once as "like Cormac McCarthy, but funny."

>> No.6978032

Hemingway was a Soviet spy but he sucked so much at it they just let him be.

>> No.6978038

Markson was really the Forrest Gump of late 20th and early 21st century literature. Everywhere famous and notorious writers were raising eyebrows, Markson was there, off to the side, in the background, pouring a drink.

>> No.6978060

Faulkner used to write drafts/outlines of his novels on the walls of his house (possibly in his own shit)

when he was finished he would paint over them and start again

>> No.6978065

That Maupassant died insane of syphilis, may, of course, re-calibrate the legacy of his criticism of Eiffel's architecture.

>> No.6978072

He wasn't the only one to say that.
I mean come one, the Eiffel Tower is interesting architecture but it's rather ugly expect at night when they don't use the strass lighting. It's nothing compared to Notre-Dame or almost any church in Paris actually.

Thomas Aquinas was fat and Orson Welles was huge.

>> No.6978083

If I had been Shelley, I probably would have participated in an incestuous dalliance with my sister too. Everybody's else was sticking it into everything that moved, so better me than Byron.

>> No.6978087

>(possibly in his own shit)

Did he have German family ties?

>> No.6978110
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>trying to make this thread read like The Last Novel.
>Drop like four Markson hints
>thread has to derail into German obsession with anality.

>> No.6978116

dfw was mildly autistic

>> No.6978117

Chinese silk, and no, they were just his.

>> No.6978119
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>> No.6979104

Byron was so edgy, he drank tea from a human skull.

>> No.6979114

David Foster Wallace simply could not write

>> No.6979122

Cormac McCarthy's Great Grandfather was a tortilla.

>> No.6979131

>Mildly instructive facts about writers. Ted Hughes's constructively murdered Plath, and then murdered her works.