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/lit/ - Literature

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6975544 No.6975544 [Reply] [Original]

Is misogyny, specifically in literature, a result of inferiority and/or insecurity by males?

>> No.6975548


>> No.6975554 [SPOILER] 
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Did anyone else...?

>> No.6975566

Femanon here. I'm really interested in misogyny and while I don't think only single guys "hate" or feel an instinctive, general dislike for the female gender, their loneliness and inability to find a mate does cause them to lose touch with reason and rational thought. Love, or at least companionship and physical affection, is one of our primary needs, and going without these things (especially while living in a culture where these things are advertised and glamorized) must be suffering. I saw a thread on 4chan where a guy said he hadn't even kissed a girl in like three months, I mean I can't imagine how horrible that must feel not to kiss someone for so long. As a female I have my own frustrations not with women but with the stereotype that many women, for whatever reason, attempt to replicate. Not only does it involve being gentle and nurturing, which is fine IMO, but it also causes many women to act as dainty, weak and helpless as possible for the sake of seeming attractive and worthy of helping / saving. But to return to males and misogyny, it really goes beyond any rational concerns a lot of the time and, reinforced by confirmation bias and the echo of groupthink, degenerates into a sort of Us vs. Them mentality, where the Us group is largely composed of angry, bitter, broken men who would not even like each other should they meet in person.

>> No.6975574

>three months

this must be bait

>> No.6975580

>I can't imagine how horrible that must feel not to kiss someone for 3 months
Great job overcoming female stereotypes, anon

>> No.6975587

I don't understand?

>> No.6975589

>specifically in literature
you don't get to add that and then suddenly make your thread /lit/ relevant.

>> No.6975593
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>three months

You had me

>> No.6975594

three months, really?

try 27 years m8

>> No.6975603

Another femanon here. I agree.

>> No.6975612

>I can't imagine how horrible that must feel not to kiss someone for three months
You almost had a good troll post, but that is far too obvious.3/10, has potential

>> No.6975616

I'd actually like to address some of your points, but I can't bring myself to believe that anyone is actually this new. Sorry anon.

>> No.6975617

I want /r9k/ to leave

>> No.6975622

No one is saying "ree normies", it's just that it's impossible to be on 4chan for any length of time and still believe that three months without kissing is somehow deviant or surprising. The only offensive thing about it is that it's a blatantly false sentiment.

>> No.6975632

If you're past the age of like 18 then going three whole months without so much as kissing another person is weird in my opinion. Everyone I know would agree.

>> No.6975636

can you really be this normal?

>> No.6975644
File: 79 KB, 724x418, NietzscheonFeminism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the biggest women haters are feminist. And they use men as the scapegoat.

>> No.6975646

Please stop talking to me. Thanks,

>> No.6975651

Do you think that people who are unattractive/have bad social skills don't exist? Do you think they're an urban legend or something? I really don't want to believe you're serious.

>> No.6975653

I enjoy misogynistic themes in literature and film for the same reasons that I enjoy themes violence and domination in art. They reveal the primal unconscious desires hiding beneath the thin facade of sophisticated civilized society. It's the same reason I like watching boxing. It feels authentic. I wouldn't describe myself as a misogynist though.

>> No.6975659

>Everyone I know would agree.
degeneracy, everyone

>> No.6975662

they're familiar with /r9k/, it's b8

>> No.6975664


*tips fedora*

>> No.6975665

>tfw havent kissed anyone ever and I'm not a sniveling bitch
>allegedly this is abnormal

reeee i guess.

>> No.6975667


>> No.6975674

Here we are: insecurity and inferiority.

>> No.6975689

Misogyny is not real. What you refer to as misogyny is merely the realization that women are inferior to men in the number of meaningful and significant ways. Nothing to do with feeling insecure or inferior. It's sole motivator is in the desire to act in a proper way and help steer/inform women in what they actually want as they are incapable of becoming happy and content by themselves. Honestly the man who is considered a misogynist by today's public opinion will soon be seen as a wholly benevolent and responsible group of individuals who only want what's best for women.

>> No.6975693

tell me all about it, I'm curious

>> No.6975694


>> No.6975696

*tips fedora*

>> No.6975699

Pretty much same, it's a good feel tbh.

I don't know what brought you to this point in your life, but I'm very sorry that you're not able to be happy.

>> No.6975706
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>their loneliness and inability to find a mate does cause them to lose touch with reason and rational thought

>> No.6975707

>muh pseudo sympathetic comment to look superior

I can see through you

>> No.6975709

-clears throat
-Shouldn't you be in the kitchen milady?
Also it's a trilby you are referring to, a fedora is a fine accompaniment to a classy gentlemen, unlike that plebian hat often adorning the heads of those repulsive little boys.

>> No.6975714

Calling someone misogenystic is a way to mantaining people as monogaming investors

There is a reason why when a guy tries to start dating several woman at the same time he is called a mysogenistic, but once woman do it and get fucked by needy friends it's fine.

>> No.6975719
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>I'm not capable of kindness, so I'll lash out at people who try to be nice to me

You're very tsundere, anon, but you can let your guard down now. You're safe here.

>> No.6975721
File: 1.27 MB, 499x499, 1431248839356.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have gf
>still hate women
What now roastie?

>> No.6975725

Read The Rational Male by Rollo Timossi

even if you hate the content, it will help you to see what the fuck is going on with the MRA and shit

>> No.6975741

*tips fedora*

>> No.6975742 [DELETED] 
File: 436 KB, 1024x733, Vaginal Road-fs8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is misogyny, specifically in literature, a result of inferiority and/or insecurity by males?
misogyny is not insecurity. it is only the acknowledgement of the fact that women are
-different from men
-seek to follow their desires, especially those leading to pleasures

like this little minx rationalizing her behavior

>Love, or at least companionship and physical affection, is one of our primary needs, and going without these things (especially while living in a culture where these things are advertised and glamorized) must be suffering

where ofc, she tries to justify her basic hedonism at all costs.

bitterness emerges once you refuse to see the woman as a different creature than mankind and you are led to put an order between men and women.

>> No.6975748

virgin hahahahaha

>> No.6975753

Why be around a person you don't like?

>> No.6975873
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This is some damn good trolling done off of some obvious bait.


>> No.6975890
File: 27 KB, 639x463, chilled vilar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice dubs

have you read Esther Vilar? what do you think about her?

>> No.6975926

I'm shit at social skills but I could have a casual kiss with average to ugly girls if I really wanted. I'd rather have a real relationship though to someone I truely like, does that make me weird?

>> No.6975959


No.. it makes you ordinary.

>> No.6976011

it makes you a ordinary beta

>> No.6976050

She's 100% right that women in industrialized countries aren't oppressed.

>> No.6976061


If anything, misogyny is a result of inferiority of women.

>> No.6976078

The resentment comes from the fact that women are incapable of doing anything on their own, and so constantly intrude on male enterprises.

>males: okay, let's make it!
>*males create something neat*
>males: uhhh... no? we made it?
>males: no, fuck off. we made this.

Women are weak and dumb. Otherwise, they wouldn't be begging males all the time. Males do everything excellent.

Don't blame me, blame God.

>> No.6976095

>we made it

God you are so pathetic.

>> No.6976099

They also hate it when the man they are dating is interested in something more than them. A career is a good thing, until it takes priority over her, then it's problematic.

>> No.6976101

Fuck off, cunt. I'll gladly take credit for the accomplishments of my gender. What has your idiot sex done? Nothing that males couldn't have done better.

Holy shit do I hate women.

>> No.6976112

Not that I support either, but calling women weaker or inferior is not necessarily misogyny.

Most of the time is not actual hated of women being expressed, rather a view of their traits.

Also assuming all judgements come from fear is a very female thing to do tbh fam.

That being said I think men and women are mostly equal

>> No.6976123
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>Don't blame me, blame God.

top banter

>> No.6976245

Well meme'd, pal!

>> No.6976673

Until recently I hadn't kissed a woman in 3 years.

This is probably one of the most level headed posts I've seen on the subject from a femanon. 10/10.

>> No.6976721

My accomplishments are my own, you fucking commie.

>> No.6976755

Men and women live vastly different lives, especially while they are young. I think that is the subject and what writers think about and what males observe.

Holden hates the whole notion of it, but not women themselves, I think, and hates that women are different just because they are, and what other men will give them just because they are. Then some detest women for enjoying it or inhabiting it at all (which they usually cannot help). Women attracting scorn for being bad at things do not attract it for being bad at things, but for not caring about being bad at things, or living in the affections of others. A woman is bad at chess because she doesn't need to be good at chess because she doesn't need approval or success and she doesn't need a hobby because she can live in the company and affections of others. Males resent that (sometimes), but that is childish, OR they recognise it and see the distance and resent that instead. Not necessarily because they WANT it, but because they just see it and it seems insurmountable. There is a great and obvious distance between men and women, and particularly when you are young. Look at you and your apparent peers at fifteen.

I think it is less plain hatred but distance and difference.

>> No.6976786

This is by far the sanest opinion I've seen on the subject of gender relations, and it's very close to my own. But what exactly do you mean by "living in the affections of others"?

>> No.6976802

Can't you just not like people? Why does it have to be a gender thing? You're all insufferable.

>> No.6976814

women as a whole will never be as accomplished as men in anything because they don't need to be. to receive as much attention and be valued value as much as a man who has created some great work of art or became rich, a woman only has to exist and not be fat.

>> No.6976855

In reference to Holden, I don't know what I was talking about.

By 'living in the affections of others', I suppose I mean a woman a forgoing a dedicated interest in something abstract or detached or non-social in favour of enjoying the company (sometimes even presence) of others. I don't think a males company or social standing is ever so safe as a woman's, especially when he is young. It is understandable and it sounds anti-woman but I don't mean it to be. I mean living almost entirely in other people. Women have a guaranteed 'place' and particularly so if they are pretty. Men are perhaps forced to be more solitary and pursue things non-social to advance, or to even have company, like as part of a club or whatever. I don't think starting to learn guitar when you're 12 is noble or something but I think the need to, and it often is a need, is a great distinction between young men and women.

>> No.6976867

Man you're based. Liking these insights.

I think this gender stuff is fascinating, think about it every day practically

>> No.6976878
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I agree.

A woman can only reasonably get 10 to 20 kids max in their life (world record is over 60, though), while a man can have thousands (Genghis Khan did). We have twice as many female than male ancestors, women choose, men try to stick out.

The resulting problem with
>women are inherently valued
(as opposed to nobody every caring to get in touch with basement dwelling guys)
and the traditional roles, as well as with biological preference,
is that women are dis proportionally valued only by their birth giving capacity and hence looks.

There is no outer incentive for a women to get on the team for solving quanutum gravitiy - an ugly women with a doctorate is not really more attractive than the ugly women without the mastery. Meanwhile, the ugly doctor/president women is not even more attractive than the hot cleaning lady.
Men don't expect monetary gain or more than sex+emotional warmth. A man (unless he happens to share the exact same trait as the ugly ass scientist entrepreneur whatever) will rather want to spend time with the young cleaning lady.
It's a (probably true) meme that feminists are ugly, but I mean the core value for their crying is valid. Women, even if they can get someone (they don't like) to fuck them whenever, have the shit card in society.

>> No.6976900


"The gulf that divides men and women is wider that any ocean." - Kaji

>> No.6976925 [DELETED] 
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>There is a great and obvious distance between men and women, and particularly when you are young. Look at you and your apparent peers at fifteen.
not when they are young, it is forever

and women's life revolves around sex and nothing else

most men's life revolves around women

>> No.6976941

No, it's a result of the feudal modeof production being evident in capitalist society. Anything else is misgynistic.

>> No.6978556

Yes tbh

>> No.6978573

I haven't kissed another human being in years, I'm not miserable, nor am I a misogynist. I think you're projecting your own codependency.

>> No.6978579

Virgin tho

>> No.6978600

Not really, but I notice how defensive people in relationships get when they know you're single and NOT miserable. It's kind of pathetic, and that's not to say everyone in a relationship is like this, but most people in american society are in codependent unhealthy relationships, based on fear and jealousy.

>> No.6978611

>Not really

>> No.6978638

>A woman is bad at chess because she doesn't need to be good at chess because she doesn't need approval or success and she doesn't need a hobby because she can live in the company and affections of others.
>she doesn't need approval

>> No.6978654

Yes, I believe the root of all misogyny is men realizing that they hold a certain power, and seeing women as having the ability to take away that power. They feel that they will not be able to survive, be happy without said power.

>> No.6978674

Most intelligent males tend to be "misogynists", so do most intelligent females. The average woman is insufferable.

>> No.6978720

Rape feels good, you should try it.

>> No.6978767

Probably a troll post, but is still the most reasonable post in this thread.

Your ideology is showing you bitter fuck nuts

>> No.6978778

>Probably a troll post, but is still the most reasonable post in this thread.
Surely you mean the most REEsonable.

The one comparing OP's pic with Willy Wonka was the actual most reasonable.

>> No.6978786
File: 7 KB, 196x250, 1439597362729s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets just have that thread over this worthless one till the mod deletes it too.

As I was saying:

>The long forgotten rule: Don't Feed the Trolls, has never worked.
Me: [Ftfy] Yes. Good reminder. Other tactics must be developed.

Anon: It does work, it's just no one fucking does it. They never go away because they can't be gotten rid of but unless they pose actual questions or arguments instead of shitposting then you just shouldn't give them you're time.

Me: They give themselves their time.
You sound so new to this.

>> No.6979612


Like really what the fuck how pseudo-empathetic can one post be. At best this is some tumblr blogger coming to 4chan to look at it like a zoo and getting upset that not everyone goes to clubs every weekend and whines about cultural appropriation during the day.

Im convinced anyone saying this post is "reasonable" is retarded.

>> No.6979653

Kill yourself, thanks.

>> No.6979658

Something newish to ponder. Cool, thanks.

>> No.6979693

Stupid whore. Get out.

>> No.6979703

No. It's a result of females becoming scum.

See: The Sexual Revolution

>> No.6979704

>ever inferior to females

C'mon. Let's at least be realistic here.

"Misogyny" is the result of realizing women's nature and how they can easily manipulate others.

Even then, there's another definition which is entirely subjective, being when women hate traditional feminine roles of society and label them sexist for whatever reason.

>> No.6979741

And you all wonder why you're kissless virgins...

>> No.6979759


>> No.6979760
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>muh holes

>> No.6979766

what the fuck is that picture

>> No.6979767


>> No.6979768
File: 8 KB, 400x343, normie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>3 months

Oh my sweet Jesus. If you're not a troll and want to educate yourself, https://wizchan.org/

Get on the non-Chad level of the male psyche. There's a lot of pain that you may not be aware of. But, with you being a female, men that aren't Chad are invisible to you.

>> No.6979769

/R9K/ is now in this thread


>> No.6979772

They started this thread

>> No.6979775

>you have to be /r9k/ to dislike female mentality

Western women have it easy and as a result tend to be more arrogant and entitled because they tend to lead on a gang of beta orbiters, control the sex game, and can summon white knights and effeminate men to fight their battles for them.

>how can she slap?!

You'd have to be an idiot not to notice this. Or just a woman.

>> No.6979781

>effeminate men
>tfw effeminate man
>tfw progressively becoming more and more of a chad
>tfw externally the results are reflected perfectly, but it just doesn't quite feel right.

>> No.6979784



Here, have some soul food.

>> No.6979791

Shhh, no tears, only justice now


>> No.6979797

>Western women have it easy...
You start your whine as if you're about to have a breakthrough, but its just a bleating cry for revenge.
Why don't you care about women outside the "western world"?

Calling someone out a pol or r9k doesn't even have to mean they are actually from there, who care? You're behaving as if you are from there. Never been? Go there. It's your board.

>> No.6979800

>Western women have it easy
It's easier for a women to get laid. But that's literally the only area where they have an advantage over men. Get your head out your ass

>> No.6979806

Nothing here is worth reading. I doubt anyone here seriously reads for enjoyment, rather to just brag. I'm glad nobody here will ever create anything worthy because truthfully this is the most pretentious board on 4chan. Good luck growing up though. :)

>> No.6979812

it's amazing how a post can have so much fluff yet say absolutely nothing.

>> No.6979817

There's millions of reasons why an author might include misogynistic views in a work of literature. I think insecurity and a feeling of inferiority are certainly among those, but are too simplistic to be the sole cause.

Sage report hide

>> No.6979819

yeah, nah

child custody
not having to be in the draft
having lower standards of entry for physically-demaning jobs such as police, firemen, or military.


>> No.6979820

Misogyny is a teenage/YA normal part of the nest leaving process, mental bonds between mother / child safety being forcibly broken internally. Not everyone experiences it as nurture can override or reduce the outwards affect of the process, however its not abnormal and its usually something that is grown out of unless brain development or mal-nurture reduces the pushing past it. With younger male teens there is also the pre-mating hierarchy system, they are creating hierarchies within their peer groups and females need to be given a place in them (hierarchy creation is another big part of the process -see every board on this site to find lists, tiers and so forth - its teenagers finding out the place of things in the world through peer agreement). When females are not yet considered for mating they put them far down the list, when breeding instinct kicks in their male peer group shrinks rapidly unless its enforced through metaphor (supporting a football team and going to games for example) and the females are raised in the hierarchy, but its a new internal hierarchy shared with less people (keeping more of your thoughts to yourself as the social rules of adults kick and prevent free speaking and action), previous learning and growth has given enough info by this point for peer discussion to not be as necessary. TLDR: You grow out of it or you don't, but both are common enough to be considered normal if not optimum.

>> No.6979829
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I wonder how many people in this thread crying muh soggy knee were raised with sisters or have worked in a predominantly female work environment.

>> No.6979833
File: 42 KB, 532x1370, the hard work of feminism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's easier for a women to get laid. But that's literally the only area where they have an advantage over men. Get your head out your ass

at last you admit that you are a good beta

>> No.6979835

I'll summarize it.

Western women may have it good, but why are you against feminism when there's still a whole non-western world out there?
"r9k" is what you are not where you're from.

Your post was "no u"

>> No.6979842

>using feminism as a blanket concept

there are three waves of feminism. Do you think I hate women having the right to vote or the ability to get an education?

What people complain about now is 3rd wave feminism which is essentially just social justice with a new name.

Also, why are bothering to use something in the namefield? This is an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.6979843

I wonder how many people in this thread crying muh masculinity grew up without an adequate father figure.

>> No.6979844

I'm a guy. I'm ugly and chubby yet I'm always being hit on by women (well, if I leave the house), getting laid and physical contact is one thing but if you're not even getting any attention at all from women then you're either not paying attention or there's something wrong with you. Figure out what your weaknesses are (your actual weaknesses, don't fall for other people's ignorant bullshit) and be yourself, seriously: fuck everybody that tells you how to live and act, why the hell would you want to attract people that you won't like beyond superficial things like sex?

Do these things if you want a chance with the opposite sex:
Basic hygiene: make sure you shower every day, brush your teeth and make don't smell like cow shit. Would you want to go near a disgusting woman? Most people don't.
Clothes: if you look like you browse 4chan then you're doing it wrong. Wear whatever you want but be aware that certain clothes will make people avoid you.
Mental health/attitude: If you have issues then address them and question whether you're actually ready for a relationship because lots of people simply are not. If you have any opinions that are eccentric then question them, having your own views on the world is very important but being racist, sexist, homophobic etc. is borderline retarded and nobody will want to be anywhere near you let alone talk to you. At the very least be willing to have your ideas challenged, make it clear that you're willing to change your mind: why would anybody take you seriously if you can't even take yourself seriously? Finally don't be desperate, that shit repels people and if anything you're likely to attract the wrong kind of people.
Conversations: small talk is for finding common subjects to discuss and for passing time but if you're boring as fuck nobody is going to be interested in you. When talking to somebody you can't just talk about yourself all of the time because you have to actually get to know the other person and the opposite is also true; if you never talk about yourself then how are they supposed to get to know you?

I got bored so there's still loads missing. If all you want is sex with strangers then all you care about it physical attraction and all other aspects of the other person are meaningless, remember that this is true for both people. Get out of the house and talk to people, eventually you will find somebody willing to have sex with you. Knowing people who know other people is a great way to get introduced to potential partners.

>> No.6979851

My only sibling is a Sister and i work as a nurse. If anything this has made me realize there is no sisterhood only callous bitches.

>> No.6979857

No, seriously. Having a sister or sisters opens your eyes.

The reason I brought it up is because the Pew Research Center said men raised with sisters have more conservative attitudes towards gender roles.

My sister is complete coward and expects men to fight for her, cries a lot, and throws tantrums, yet she's in her mid-twenties. And it's not limited to her. A lot of women act like this. It bugs the crap out of me because men let them get away with it.

>> No.6979858
File: 51 KB, 944x631, Simone de Beauvoir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What part of summarize did you not get?

Whine whine whine.

>This is an anonymous imageboard.
You're thinking of /b/ newfig. Gtfo my /lit/

>> No.6979864

>thinking of /b/ when it comes to anonymous posting
>has the audacity to call me a newfag

>my /lit/

Ignorant and arrogant. What a terrible combination.

>> No.6979867

I generally act in a mocking and sarcastic way to people in public and girls who know me are shocked at the fact I don't tiptoe around everyone watching carefully what I say.
I wish I would benefit from telling them the truth of the matter.
If someone wants to kill me, then they can just kill me. I'm not worried about being inconvenienced. Trying to live without inconvenience is of no value at all to me. If you think that the best life is the most convenient one, then go offer yourself up as a pet or a slave. That strategy is as useless to me as it is impossible.

>> No.6979871

Fuck off retard, this isn't "your" /lit/. You almost NEVER talk about books either

>> No.6979873

There's a difrerence between telling the truth and sarcastically pushing your shitty opinions on people. I don't tiptoe around anything and most people tend to like me. Are you sure you're not a slave to opinions that you accept as fact but are actually untrue?

>> No.6979876

>a woman posts once
>entirely thread becomes about said woman
>agreeing, disagreeing, but mostly making unjustifiable assumptions about said woman's character that have little to do with the original post

stay classy, /lit/. you're the intellectual jewel of the internet

>> No.6979879

I don't accept anything as fact. I get only a dry chuckle out of the ideas of people like you, who think that some ideas are worth embodying and others aren't.

>> No.6979889

I'm reacting to your ignorance and arrogance actually. Or is that anon gone already?

People complain about 3rd wave. And then go onto promote "masculinism" deny/promote misogyny and rape, they post pictures of girls who they judge and ridicule. Around and around we go with this same old bullshit. No solutions explored, no getting in a proper frame of mind. No promotion of 2nd wave feminism.
This isn't literature anon. The comment field is meant for the discussion of literature. The name field for names.

>> No.6979896

You never talk about books either. Just your bullshit memes.

It was the theme of the thread. So funny how r9k threads stay on topic

>> No.6979990
File: 134 KB, 620x533, FEMINISMwomen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No promotion of 2nd wave feminism.
only the feminists think that the second wave was not as deluded, hypocritical, hysterical as the third wave

>> No.6980000
File: 1.91 MB, 180x135, 1417918719751.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blah blah blah blah let me further demonstrate my arrogance.

Don't bother replying. Let's see if your ego can let you do that.

>> No.6980016
File: 478 KB, 480x270, 1366756661814.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your quads

>> No.6980047
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>> No.6980284

you have not had the desire to acquire a female for so long or you're at least 12 years more pathetic.

>> No.6980290

are you a part of reality? no third wavers think second wave is cool

>> No.6980291

hierarchies a shit tbh

>> No.6980294

Is misandry, specifically in literature, a result of inferiority and/or insecurity by females?


Is misogyny, specifically in literature, a result of inferiority and/or insecurity by males?


Ask yourself this question: Who is more hateable, women or men?

I would say women and so would most people on this earth. Everyone hates women, women included. The only ones who hate men are lesbian feminists. Which makes sense because they can't get any attention and/or dick from men. Women are basically like overgrown children, only separable from real children in the amount of experience they have accumulated; a natural result of the fact that they can't think very well and so everything is based on experience, not cognitive thought. Now, why should this enrage anyone? Noone but the feminists mistreats a woman for being a woman, men in general certainly don't care(although some of us also demand intelligence in a woman). If you combine their niggardly thinking apparatus with their emotional natures there may very quickly be something to hate, especially in this society where you have the added idiocy of feminism and the idea that women shouldn't have any responsibilities and "can do whatever I want" which seems to be the mantra of modern woman.

>> No.6980296

>I'll gladly take credit for the accomplishments of my gender.

>> No.6980300

>in the number of meaningful and significant ways

either sex can be meaningful and significant in only one way which is reproduction. women aren't inferior in terms of reproduction. intangibles aren't meaningful or significant unless you're deluded

>> No.6980302

you'll take credit for the accomplishments of the other gender too

>> No.6980304

it's not like men expressing anxiety over the growing power of women is anything new or even rare in society. it seems to effect the middle class the most

>> No.6980305
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All relationships with women are completely one sided.

They want you to be a big, strong man they can drain of resources--in exchange for sex with their stinky holes.

It's a primitive dupe job, something suitable for primates, not people.

The second you show any need or weakness, they dump you like a garbage can. They're disgustingly immoral.

They're also dumb.

I don't want a parasitic barnacle hitching a ride on me. I'm wise to their game.

I'm slowly becoming gay. I can't stand women--awful creatures.

>> No.6980308

>wanting sex like a primate

rekt yourself

>> No.6980310

This shit pisses me off. Women are the ones inspiring us to great lengths. It is only afterwards do they stop us from achieving or ambitions.


I'm prob replying to obvious bait but it still makes me mad

>> No.6980312

I acknowledge that I'm biologically/instinctively cursed to want women, but it really is a curse. They suck. There's nothing I want from them but sex. I wish I was gay. I don't like women.

>> No.6980313

>an ugly women with a doctorate is not really more attractive than the ugly women without the mastery
I disagree.

>> No.6980314

child custody privilege is a myth. there are no statistics supporting it

being in the draft i.e doing literally nothing is not a negative

lower standards of entry is irrelevant if they're still exerting themselves to their maximum ability, as the men would be as well

>> No.6980317

yeah it's too bad you can't be a big strong man

>> No.6980321
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This widely believed misandrist propaganda needs to die. Males discover, explore, and master for their own sake.

It's a deplorable crime against males that all our finest qualities are reduced to "durr he just thirsty for pussy and wanna impress gurl." Absolutely not. Only a intellectually lacking female mind could conceive of such a thing.

Males love beauty, creation, and truth, and seek them out. That's motivation enough.

>> No.6980323

You're absolutely right, I don't even hate women like some people, I just understand what they are, and what they aren't. There are flaws that are more prominent in women, but there are also good things about them, same goes for men but differently.

>> No.6980324

>Males love beauty, creation, and truth,

no they just like pretending to other men that they do, hence places like /lit/

>> No.6980326
File: 207 KB, 750x1124, feminism the poor, the ugly, the weak, the non-poor, non-ugly , non-weak robertc_personal_cartoon27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art is to communicate emotions through drama and tragedy

this is why women are interested in art, but are shit artists

this is why men are not interested in art, but are good artists

>> No.6980330

>art is to communicate emotions through drama and tragedy

i can smell the pseud on your breath

>your comic
>good art

>> No.6980337

However, since woman don't really know what she want, this "freedom", only means that she ends up doing what Chad wants. And here i define chad as any of those males that have grown up in feminism and which put women on a pedestal, because that is what society has taught them women are: gods, and they have problems separating themselves from this phantom because their sexual natures makes them want women at the same time, and then they become experts at social manipulation to get to get what they desire(the "natural" chads also exist of course). Which eventually ends up with women being dumped from guys that have options and ending up hating guys and becoming "lesbian".

>> No.6980350

Woman is a truly pathetic creature and if we don't soon instill humility in them they will, like a petulant child, continue to wreak havoc on the world until all the institutions of Man crumbles and we have to rebuild everything. When feminism have destroyed all Good Principles and they don't like the world they have helped destroyed(enablers & ignoramuses & effeminate men will also help) they will blame men.

>> No.6980354 [DELETED] 
File: 364 KB, 795x855, feminarchy failure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen. Putting women in charge means the collapse of society.

>> No.6980373

>>However, since woman don't really know what she want, this "freedom", only means that she ends up doing what Chad wants.
no women drive men, not the converse

>> No.6980379
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>> No.6980392

Have you ever thought that they both drive each other in different ways?

>> No.6980405

I certainly drive women, and im a man. Just because you can't drive a woman doesn't mean it's impossible. But i agree that we live in Vagina-world, although i think that says more about society, indecent clothes, porn, idiocy more than it says about any power women supposedly have.

>> No.6980416

no! you're giving the normies a chance to intrude onto our spaces!!!
they will ridicule and troll and ruin wiz as much as arcanine!!!

>> No.6980423

>three months
99% sure it's bait now, but being single for long doesn't necessarily degrade your mental processes. In fact, I know people with girlfriends who are pretty blatantly misogynistic.

>> No.6980440
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>free abortions

Where the fuck do they actually do this?

>> No.6980444
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>> No.6980449

in any civilized country

>> No.6980450

>three months

>> No.6980451

>>I certainly drive women,

and how do you drive them, mate ? do you sleep with them and leave ? this is how you drive them ?

>> No.6980458

It's people like you that make me hate women.

>> No.6980461

Female college graduates have lower unemployment rates and higher salaries than their male counterparts. Despite this, they can still whine about the imaginary wage gap. TRULY THE LIFE OF A WESTERN WOMAN IS HELL

>> No.6980465
File: 181 KB, 848x1139, hard work of feminism finland Life expectancy of Finnish men and women aged 35 by income quintile in 1988-2007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's easier for a women to get laid. But that's literally the only area where they have an advantage over men. Get your head out your ass

>> No.6980467

I don't know about europe but here in amerifat you have to pay for them and they're not cheap.

inb4 "american isn't a civilized country"

>> No.6980469

Fucking grade A b8

>> No.6980731

>Love, or at least companionship and physical affection, is one of our primary needs
Nope it isn't. It is something doled out to those who deserve from those who decide.

If love was a basic need comparable to food, water, shelter, work and education, then it would have a place in the welfare system.

But OK, why not let the failures visit whores in secrecy? No, because that would undermine the power of those who decide. And that's also why western men who find SA wives are constantly belittled, even called pedos (because SA women don't have the same disposition to become tall and big-titted).

>> No.6980747

tbh men who aren't misogynists probably are inferior. of course being misogynist does not make one superior, but misogyny seems to accompany being a superior man.

>> No.6980782

>3 months

>> No.6980856

>If you're past the age of like 18 then going three whole months without so much as kissing another person is weird in my opinion

But that's a retarded norm that reeks of post-2000 YOLO syndrome. You really don't think some people enjoy solitude ? I sure as shit ain't gonna waste time playing the social game for a kiss if my time is better spent in my own company

>> No.6980888

don't knock em till you've tried em anon

>> No.6980889

Have women considered the possibility that they're as flawed as men?

>> No.6982075

>3 months

Wasted potential tbh

>> No.6982078


Don't you like companionship bro? You should try to kiss a woman, maybe you'll like it

>> No.6982153

Don't be stupid, any faults of a woman are down to patriachy.

>> No.6982158

Yes. Hence the call for "equality" not the superiority that men want

>> No.6982411

This is some beta cuck shit. To be honest, it's 2015, we have Tinder for fuck's sake. Kissing every three months is seriously loser tier. Getting laid twice a week is pretty average for the people I know.

>> No.6982494
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Enjoy your herps and HPV.
Make sure to check the roastie for any bumps you don't already have before you lick it.

>> No.6982508

>loser tier
By what standard?

>> No.6983510


>> No.6983514

please god no let this thread die

>> No.6984161
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good beta
live to please pussy, rise and shine, she is your master, abide by her

>> No.6984217


>> No.6984513


Why do I get the distinct impression this guy is an objectivist?

>> No.6984525

Women are inferior in terms of reproduction. Whilst a man can impregnate as many women as he can during a set period of time, women can only give birth to one child, or rarely twins. Men have a much greater chance of passing down their genetics to a wider generation of children than women do.

>> No.6984543

>child custody privilege is a myth

Poor bait game bro

>> No.6984548
File: 38 KB, 749x747, InspiroBot_20.25.32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men have a much greater chance of passing down their genetics to a wider generation of children than women do.
hopefully, nobody now cares about genes, now that marriages are about ''love'' and that men accepts to raise children who are not theirs and the homos demanded a legal filiation in adopting little bespoke children.

What remains is pleasures throughout the sex and women are the best hedonist creatures on earth.

because their pleasure is for them AND the men, especially for the betas:

betas feel fulfilled when they give women orgasms, whenthey see how the women shake when the betas give them their seizures, they see how powerful they can be on a female

the orgasm of women is nothing but enticing for men to feel alive, to continue to exist after sex.

so this is how it goes:

men feel alive, relevant, and powerful when they give pleasure to a woman. the more miserable and pitiful the men are, the more they live through women.

this gift is addictive, men want more [and women want more since they are all about pleasures]

the woman has then plenty of providers now

the woman chooses the men from which she expects the most pleasures

the competition of men increases

men still think they are relevant, especially betas

thanks to women, betas no longer want to commit suicide and, once they have finished with the woman , before coming back to them for a quick fix of course, they go in society under the guidance of the alphas.

>> No.6984551

Well from what i've read, most men don't fight over custody, so they don't get it most of the time.
Can you defend your claim with facts and figures?

>> No.6984684

What relevance does love have to reproduction which I specifically responded to? You've just gone off topic with a post which frankly reads like a cult recruitment brochure. Also I don't think you quite understand the concept of alpha and beta's.

>> No.6984852

What a load of drivel.
Look up Terence Mckenna and his thoughts on the repression of the feminine and the cancerous (male) ego