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6976557 No.6976557[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

People who have read Felicia Days book, what did you honestly think of it?

>> No.6976564

modern masterpiece

>> No.6976614
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Felicia is truly the voice of a generation.

>> No.6976695

If I had a pair of pliers and her face available for a couple of hours, I'd show you a modern masterpiece.

>> No.6976710

If only all women could be as sharp as her.

>> No.6976746

waiting for this

>> No.6976757


GTFO, Felicia.

>> No.6976785

I haven't read it, but let me give you my opinion on it anyway.

>> No.6976789
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Can't be worse than this.

>> No.6976831
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I looked up the author. Somehow makes the book seem worse..

>> No.6976836

i bet she's got a nice cock

>> No.6976839


>> No.6976846

That was her? What a gigantic cunt

>> No.6976881

>People who have read Felicia Day's book
Why the fuck would you do that?

Probably because she's smoking hot, intelligent, and a nerd just like we are


>> No.6976883

I'm not a nerd

>> No.6976887

If you like books, then you're not just a nerd, you're SUCH a nerd

>> No.6976903

I don't like books
I only started reading on a serious level yesterday

>> No.6976918

>reading on a serious level yesterday
So two days ago you were not a nerd, but you are today :)

>> No.6976929

I was curious to see if it's as good as reviewers are saying
Spoiler: it's terrible

>> No.6976940

I'd rather have my testicles eviscerated in a blender than read this garbage.

>> No.6977090

Fuck, I'm seriously considering buying this book, but I'm sure I will regret it

>> No.6977096

lmao. Cyber rape.

A detective is 'looking into it'

>> No.6977102

She doesn't bring up that many people playing female characters are actually men hoping to get raped.

That's what I would be doing at least.

>> No.6977140
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Shd pads out her books by posting screencaps of her tweets in it.

>> No.6977146

I can't tell if you added those arrows there because you hate her or if she added them because she thinks they're funny.

>> No.6977169
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These aren't edited, the book is full of screencaps and photos that she scribbled on. It's almost more like a scrapbook than a text narrative.

>> No.6977179

I think you're a faggot for posting this shit over and over again.

>> No.6977183

genre liminal mediadefying postmodern masterpiece tbh

>> No.6977227

They're in the actual book.

>> No.6977600

no i'd rather read it than have that happen to me. i don't think i'd go farther than having my fingers slammed in a door

>> No.6977857

Oh wait, is this girl an actual published author? What the fuck.

>> No.6978008

so is stephen fry and about a dozen footballers.

It's the money, honey.

>> No.6978022



>> No.6978241


>> No.6978268


>DAT ass

Will this ebonics nigger garbage ever end? Now people say "tho" and "vidya" too. I think "vidya" makes me most angry because it's almost like a child's way of saying it and akin to "veggies."

>> No.6978271

You don't have to play a modded map

>> No.6978276

I hate nerd culture

>> No.6978282

Why anon? I'm excited that people are finally taking my hobbies seriously!

lls why this nigga so mad tho smh

>> No.6978287

It's based off of conspicuous consumption and following trends.

Most of these "geeks" create entire identities out of the things that they buy. It's pretty pathetic my mans.

>> No.6978318

I fucking hate nerd culture, I can't wait for it to die.
My gf is partially into that shit and I don't know why, and she was shocked when I expressed my dislike of it, saying that I'm a nerd because I like to read, can play instruments, and play video games (I'm phasing this out of my life anyways, not like it matters, the majority of people play them nowadays anyways).
If I were to be labeled I want to be known as bohemian.

>> No.6978350

The change began when household computersl started becoming a source of entertainment rather than utility. 'Nerd culture', which was previously frowned upon, became something extremely versatile and accessible. All cohesive digital cultures were fragmented and any attempts at making one leads to it becoming a disgusting paste of anime screenshots and irony or a haven for the nu-'nerds'.
If you want to be knowm as a bohemian, learn three languages and busk on Paris streets. If you don't want to be known as an advocate of nerd culture, get a new girlfriend. Preferrably one who's never touched a computer for more than two hours at a time.

>> No.6979137

>intelligent AND cute
Where do some people get off?

>> No.6979147

I think having his testicles eviscerated is his fetish :^)

>> No.6979264

geek and nerd are different things

there is an important difference between spending a whole day reading a work of philosophy and spending a whole day watching Game of Thrones

the main difference is that one takes mental effort and is done with a desire to improve your understanding of the world you live in, and one is a whole day spent giving up on yourself

This is not necessarily a difference between books and other mediums. Spending a lot of time watching only the best film is going to improve your outlook more than reading Dan Brown. The difference comes down, essentially, to a difference in self-discipline. Are you willing to try things you don't immediately like in order to learn how to appreciate life in some new way?

Geek culture answers with an emphatic "No." Geek culture is about being the weird and quirky person you already are and not feeling ashamed about spending a whole evening on your couch with pizza and snacks and Netflix. Nerd culture is about learning. Their only similarity is abnormality, which is not a thing in common at all if one considers that there is such a thing as being above or below normality.

I don't mean to sound too harsh on geeks. All of us necessarily fall short of what we ought to be. And there are things more important than being really smart—like being generous, or honest. But strictly speaking, nerd culture encourages virtue while geek culture encourages idleness. Morally they could not be more different.

>> No.6979280
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>> No.6979288

>this stupid fuck is published and you aren't

>> No.6979293

>who's really the stupid fuck though

>> No.6979297

I'd fuck her stupid if you know what I mean

>> No.6979306

Felicia Day?
More like Fellatio [all] Day (oh!)

>> No.6979310

Lear is a lot worse than 3.88 stars tbh

>> No.6979434

Good post

>> No.6979455
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>> No.6979483
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>> No.6979485

lolled out loud, to be tbh

>> No.6979541


shit, so would I.

Then again I'm from /d/ so that's not saying much

>> No.6979557


>> No.6979559

I remember that vid. I love the look of distress on her face as she's being sexually assaulted by a greasy chinaman.

>> No.6979594

>Smoking hot
Alright dude what the fuck like I get how some people could think shes attractive and some not but I don't know what standards you're using to shove "Smoking hot" to her.

>> No.6979598

Holy shit thats conceited. Shes really been spoon fed compliments for 15 years and it shows.

>> No.6980123


>> No.6980127

>I give good tweet
this sounds sexual

>> No.6980130

Stephen Fry's book on technical poetry is better than you think it'd be

>> No.6980133

that's actually not that bad in terms of hilarity tbh

>> No.6980136

might be sarcastic/ironic. i could hope.

>> No.6980825
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>I don’t know if it was a cumulative effect of the breakfast trauma, or a mini aneurysm, but in the middle of the night something inside me snapped. I woke up at 3: 54 a.m. with a full-on panic attack.

>and a huge epiphany: I was going to die someday. I was going to END. And I know you can say that to yourself a million times, Live for the now!—I mean, it’s the message of half the Ben Stiller movies ever made— but you can’t understand something unless you FEEL it. Deep in your bones.

>For some reason that night, I felt it. A vivid terror gripped me. I was mortal, and I was going to die. I was twenty-eight years old. Old. Near death, in 1557 terms. Every sleep was bringing me closer to the grave, and if I didn’t do something with my life RIGHT NOW, the totality of “Felicia Day” would add up to nothing. This might sound extreme, but that voice is my day-to-day inner dialogue to myself anyway, just magnified a healthy percent. A milder version accompanies me everywhere I go. It always has. I’ve never been in a car accident , because on every street (especially skinny neighborhood ones) I always picture a child or animal dashing out in front of my car, trying to commit suicide on my front grill.

>Anyway, as the cat started to cough up a hair ball in the next room, at 4: 00 a.m. on December 21, 2006, I decided that if I didn’t accomplish something huge by the end of the year, I would die a failure.

>> No.6981252

oh the irony

>> No.6981263

yr just a super sperg tho, didya play a lotta vidjya games as a keeeed

>> No.6981292
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it gets worse every day. they're trying to make you forget that there was ever anything there at all. they're trying to write over it. forgetting really hurts

>> No.6981300


>> No.6981307

>not intellectual artistocracy

>> No.6981360

>Le ebin random stories about teenage love or female empowerment in a sci fi or fantasy setting

I want this trend to stop.

However, i do love g and s.

>> No.6981585

Heh, this reads like you're really hoping to get your post quoted as an example of what's wrong with the kids on the internet today.

>> No.6981765

Unfortunately, I'm not an aristocrat.

>> No.6981856

That's why I said intellectual aristocracy, the one which will arise during this century, where the intellectuals and artists form a new type of aristocracy.

>> No.6982032
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>> No.6982399

>Old. Near death, in 1557 terms

What? Does she think people only lived to 30 or something in the medieval times?

>> No.6982444

Do you think 1557 is medieval?

>> No.6982467


No, I didn't mean it as "medieval" but it was the first thing that popped into my head (even though I was 57 years off technically) when talking about what I assume is shortened lifespan misconception.

>> No.6982478
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>smoking hot
>a nerd just like we are
Wrong on all accounts

>> No.6982488

I would say that it's actually the other way around. I always understood that geeks are the scientific, learning type, and nerds are the yugi-oh, anime type.

Is it not? What country are you from?

>> No.6982491

Haha I love Adventure Time too we're such nerds

>> No.6982524
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That bit's followed by what's probably my favorite passage in the book.

>> No.6982552


>scripting everything and dominating it and the actors instead of letting them develop what they think and relying on their acting skills

I assume it's for that The Guild shit though.

>> No.6982571

She didn't even have actors yet fuckhead, it was a pilot script that she had to write before starting anything else.

>> No.6982577


How was I supposed to know that? I'm not reading that abomination of English.

>> No.6982617


>> No.6982650

You're not supposed to know it. You're just supposed to not assume the worst about people.

>> No.6982682
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>Morally they could not be more different.

>> No.6982704

Isn't the "strong female character" trope the same type of female characters in rape explotation films?

They both get hurt at the start and find great strength in it. They then go and physically hurt/kill the people who hurt them to show that strength.

>> No.6982747

Toronto. Here it's the other way around.

>> No.6982761

When I've heard geek and nerd used they have pretty much meant the same thing.

>> No.6982849



An insignificant, foolish, or socially inept person; a person who is boringly conventional or studious. Now also: spec. a person who pursues an unfashionable or highly technical interest with obsessive or exclusive dedication.


b. Freq. depreciative. An overly diligent, unsociable student; any unsociable person obsessively devoted to a particular pursuit (usually specified in a preceding attrib. noun).

Almost the same word but the meaning is diverging in one important way. This difference is evident in the way the OED says "highly technical interest" about the nerd's obsession, whereas a geek can be devoted to any "particular pursuit".

Both imply abnormal obsession, but nerd tends to imply intelligence allied to obsession whereas geek does not.

>> No.6983438

I read a few chapters, and what would drive someone who is such an OCD and anxiety ridden wreck to pursue a career in fucking showbusiness of all places?

>I am shy and awkward and painfully unassertive and have no friends

I know there's some "follow your dreams, do what makes you happy" platitude here but I don't understand how that personality and that ambition even connect in the first place.

>> No.6983482

It seems to me that it is an act; if that were her personality it would be as ridiculous for her to pursue such a path as it would be for a voracious extrovert to strive for an ascetic life among monks in the depths of Asia. From what I understand, she is adopting and exaggerating qualities that are common in this 'internet generation' so as to appear relatable to those willing to extol anyone who is of such a contemptible character. She, like many others who have grown dependent on the attention of the rabble, has confined herself to this excessive portrayal and now cannot revert back to her natural disposition lest she returns to the insignificance her deluded mind allows her to believe she has escaped.

>> No.6983518


how do you manage to put two comma splices in one sentence?

>> No.6983663

In all fairness the armor and clothes of the 1500s is what people visualize when they think of medieval times even though its not historically correct

>> No.6983703

Huh. Im America the ones you describe as "Geeks" call themselves Nerds (in the most obnoxious ways possible) while "Geek" retains the "good with tech/knowledgeable" reputation

>> No.6983877
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>> No.6983943


This, for whichever group is the opposite of whatever you identify as

>> No.6983965

The shilling has been going on for 2long

>> No.6983981

Middle Ages ended in 1453. May 29 1453.

>> No.6983997

I guess I'm just a social ineptitude.

>> No.6984000

Post of the week tbh.

>> No.6984003

You mean autist?

>> No.6984009

Can you repeat the question?

>> No.6984013


>> No.6984015

I could...

>> No.6984024

Fuck off

>> No.6984765

Trick answer, the middle ages never existed.

>> No.6984991

Yeah it's a mystery why people on /lit/ might want to talk about a brand new best seller

>> No.6985205

Why does obsession have to be a thing? Can't I just like something?

>> No.6985239

Are women ever better than just consumers? What's creative about watching sci-fi series and reading fantasy books and fangirling over that shit? Why do women always opt into something via consumption of media? They never make anything.

>> No.6985269

She's interesting in a way because she's one of the few girls who enjoy anime, video games, sex, etc. while not being an absolutely hideous lard,

Note: I don't like anime but I would date her.

>> No.6985287

she actually doesn't like anime at all

>> No.6985354

Not now in the era of social media and effeminate posturing of men and women alike, where the majority of people claim enjoyment for public status rather than actual personal preference.

It's like how on the new music streaming services you don't simply mark something as a track you enjoy, you have to "<3 LOVE IT" instead.

>> No.6985401

her book and personality is offensive to me because i actually have the problems she complains about.

normies need to stay in their lane

>> No.6985441

I just find her really tiresome at this stage. When she was in her twenties making The Guild then sure her quirky personality was pretty cute but now she's pushing forty and still doing the same act and it's just so uncomfortable to watch. She can't keep doing this forever so I wonder how she's going to spend her 40's, 50's

>> No.6985461

Because it's proper grammar, comma, fuckface

>> No.6985473
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Geeky girls are pretty cute, but it is paragraphs like these that should remind you to not even look at them, much less talk to them.

>> No.6985496

Joss Whedon is such a faggot it is beyond belief

>> No.6985516
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>mfw picking up 16yo pussy in the "YouTube" section of my local Watertones

>> No.6985522

December 21 is my birthday. I turned 15 in 2006 :^)

>> No.6985524
File: 153 KB, 640x480, Felicia-Day-Joss-Whedon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reads Joss Whedon's foreword in her book
>experiences so much second hand embarrassment I have to close the book for a few minutes

I have lost a lot of respect for the guy over the past few years but this was a real kicker

>> No.6985533

I never had respect for him. Firefly is cool but overrated, and everything he has ever done including Firefly is Le Strong Womyn faggotry.

>> No.6986044

"Felicia Day is better than me in every way"


>> No.6986689

Made me chortle

>> No.6986807

You sound like a fucking geek.

>> No.6986840


>If I were to be labeled I want to be known as bohemian.

If we met IRL I'm pretty sure the label that'd leap to mind would be "fag"

>> No.6986903

>I'm phasing this out of my life anyways, not like it matters, the majority of people play them nowadays anyways

Well, this is pretty dumb if you like video games then play video games. 90% of 'gamers' just play trash anyway

>> No.6986948


>he thinks you should do whatever you like

>> No.6986960
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I guess no one read the book then

>> No.6987019

many people have to read Shakespeare since it is assigned to them, so there will be low ratings from people who would have never read it by choice

however felicia day is well known and her book title makes it pretty clear what kind of book that is, so people who think that it sounds godawful aren't going to read it

>> No.6987070

No, but he gives an asinine reason for doing so. Nothing wrong with playing actual quality video games, just stay away from AAA cancer and you're golden

>> No.6987088

holy shit his head looks like a hard boiled egg

>> No.6987189
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>this person has a book published and you don't

>> No.6987228
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She also crosses the street when she sees a guy in a Halo shirt coming at her, because she's afraid he might ask her if she actually plays any games.

>> No.6987245

Consumerism defines near as makes no difference 98% of all people in modern countries, dude.

>> No.6987536

why? did you?

>> No.6987551

>dyed red hair
>oversized glasses
>quirky t-shirt
>le geek gurl
aaaaaaand check

Yep, that's it folks. Fits the stereotype perfectly.

>> No.6987582

So does this woman. Being published doesn't mean what it used to be.

>> No.6987593

Because unlike /lit/, she has AT LEAST ammased enough motivation, has enough consistence, power of will and does not hate herself enough to actually do that shit and finish it.
I ask myself, who is the better author. The mediocre who got published or the incomparable genius who never did?

>> No.6987605

> i actually have the problems she complains about.
Are you a cute nerdy redhaired slightly depressed girl who likes to read and play games?


>> No.6988330
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All right who did this?

>> No.6988343

the second one and the last two have /lit/ all over em.

first one is a triggered SJW female.

>> No.6988405


>> No.6988646

Look who's talking.
That's the thing, I don't like video games that much anymore, I've outgrown them.

>> No.6988741
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Her book came out on my birthday.

>> No.6988934

She's exactly the same as all these other fucking "im such a nerrrrd lol xD" types; they're more about the image than actually enjoying the things they claim to be a fan of (note that I'm limiting this to just women). Couple that with the hyperactive quirky attitude and I've yet to see anything even remotely unique about her.

>> No.6988960

Wasn't "vidya" a /v/ meme?

>> No.6988979

What a horrible name. It should have been, "You're (Almost) Never Weird on the Internet."

>> No.6988988

even the title is a lie

>> No.6988991
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Wow maybe that was a Freudian slip but I fucked that up. I meant to say I *wasn't* limiting my statement to just women.

>> No.6989001

Yeah there's no more being weird and getting away with it now that Google, et al. all want you to do post/share/"like"/tweet using your real name.

>> No.6989002

It was. You're just responding to a particularly autistic /pol/ack.

>> No.6989182


>Geek culture is about being the weird and quirky person you already are and not feeling ashamed about spending a whole evening on your couch with pizza and snacks and Netflix.

I hate this . . . when you try to criticize people like that they think you hate them because they're different, but what they don't realize is that they themselves are basically the same as an average joe sixpack spending all day watching football and drinking beer, but instead theyre watching some shitty syfy show and eating hot pockets. Everything in Geek culture is so lazily made and exploitative, the artists don't seem to have any passion at all for what they do . . . just throw in a bunch of memes like zombies and ninjas or whatever and people will buy it.

>> No.6989193


are you saying its abnormal to experience the fear of death? does the thought of your own life ending not make you anxious?

>> No.6989211

If you've never put a shotgun to your throat you barely are alive

>> No.6989919

>the graphics are so good, this attack is eerily realistic

>everyone is wearing trousers
>traffic cone floating around
>bitch leans on fucking thin air

Man, sometimes I forget that GTA isn't actually real life

>> No.6989937

Two years or so ago I was into nerd culture.
Now I have one friend who's into it, and I hate it whenever he's like "oh, that's a cool shirt, it has a franchise mashup on it!" or "hey, let's watch Dr Who and Adventure Time" (like Adventure Time, just don't have to fucking geek out over it).
To me, it's a staple of young men who refuse to grow up and just float in that 17-19ish limbo where you're a boy who goes "oh, *real* men don't have to be like that. Growing up is an individual thing"

Nerd Culture is despicable.

>> No.6989940

It's mainly escapism

>> No.6989942


>she's published
I don't even want to get published anymore now.

>> No.6989949

Stephen Fry's books are actually good. We had his intro to poetry (or whatever) in some class, and I enjoyed it because Fry doesn't go "Ooooooh literary studies is just as much as science as physics or maths"

>> No.6989955

This is very good b8

>> No.6989963

I'm not upset that Lear is just 3.88, that's fine. But why would that shit be rated 4.45? There's only very few books that I'd rate higher than 4, and that's just because I like them, not even because they're necessarily masterpieces.

>> No.6989965

>published author
>not only that
>books are celbrated as masterpieces

she's like the worse, younger, female, LESS talented version of John Meme.

>> No.6989971

>Fry doesn't go "Ooooooh literary studies is just as much as science as physics or maths"
Who does?

>> No.6989974

>I mean, it’s the message of half the Ben Stiller movies ever made
She has to be fucking with her readeres

>> No.6989987

>thinking the middle ages are a well-defined time period
The only definition I adhere to is the linguistic one.

>> No.6990064

Everyone in literary studies ever. I'm so pissed that it's part of my degree, because I have to listen to "people say literary studies isn't hard or doesn't use the scientific method, but that's not actually" at least twice a semester and have given up on arguing about it because literary studies people are basically like feminists.

>> No.6990079

was meant for

no idea how that happened.

>> No.6990111


fuckin MDE man

>> No.6990143

>Everyone in literary studies ever
Any examples of any serious writers making this claim? Seems unlikely.

>> No.6990168

Writers are not part of literary studies the same way that quarks are not physicists. I'm talking about the academic group.

>> No.6990178

Are there a lot of people here who have never had a "real" job, I.E. exchanging hours of white or blue collar labor for a wage?

I'm reading how much Felicia struggles to scrounge up $1,500 or $2,000 at different points and I realized that she "worked" hard in school and hard at social networking/auditions/etc. but she never had a conventional job a day in her life and I can't gauge how unusual that is.

>> No.6990186

I meant academic writers, not poets or novelists. Kinda thought that was obvious from context, tbh

>> No.6990214

> floating cone
> guy twerking in front of another guy, both fully clothed
> dog humps thin air
> "eerily realistic"
> "virtual rape"

What's the difference between these people are the out of date conservative politicians that believe video games cause school shootings?

>> No.6990219

Remember when "nerd" or "geek" was an insult used towards yourself because you enjoyed reading or you got good results due to your hard work, before it became something printed on dude-bro sweaters?

>> No.6990229

If anyone has this on their shelves, you should disown them completely, no matter what relationship you have with them.

If your daughter is a trans-rainbow-coloured-otherkin-moleman with Hitler for a head mate, you should disown them too.

>> No.6990235

> not reading Stephen Fry books for all the gay sex in school, the drugs and crippling depression

He's actually very good, anon.

>> No.6990244

> bohemian

You're just as bad, anon. Go back to Portland, you fuck.

>> No.6990249

some people get off on Felicia Day, clearly

>> No.6990264

I know, right?

>buying physical books
>in 2015

>> No.6990268


>> No.6990271

There's a YouTube section in Waterstones now? Fuck's sake

>> No.6990272

>nothing wrong with playing actual quality video games

Sure, convince yourself there are “worthy” and “artsy” video games so you do need to explain why you're wasting three to four hours a day instead of reading.

>> No.6990281
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 1439576864819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if some hipster has gotten Felicia to autograph their Kindle yet

>> No.6990283

If you aren't memeing, then you're too pleb to live tbh.

>> No.6990284


I don't know what I just read there but it sent me into a fit of laughter.

>> No.6990296
File: 16 KB, 320x371, triggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the greatest argument against democracy that I've ever seen.

>> No.6990302

Well 1557 is during the renaissance, but yes, people are retarded and believe that the average life expectancy for people of a given era is the age that most people live too. This is because your average street idiot is too dumb or too uneducated to realize that there used to be a very high rate of death amongst small children and infants due to disease.

>> No.6990313

>Giving an exact date for the end of the middle ages
Somebody hasn't studied history since high school, or is just being incredibly arrogant.

>> No.6990319

It's not a bad choice of date tbh

>> No.6990324

>these people still adhering to renaissance propaganda
>thinking the middle ages were ever a thing

>> No.6990330

>may 29 1453

>> No.6990341

First ones I can think of are Nünning and, if I'm not mistaken, Eagleton as well.
It's also not just the serious writers, it's also lecturers, professors, students.

>> No.6990353

Do you have citations of either of those saying

> literary studies is just as much as science as physics or maths

>It's also not just the serious writers, it's also lecturers, professors, students
Lecturers and professors -are- writers. They're unlikely not to have published anything.

>> No.6990366

The idea of the 'dark ages' is renaissance propaganda. The middle ages were absolutely a thing, you idiot.

>> No.6990374

>the middle ages are called the middle ages because fuck all happened

>> No.6990380

>thinking the Renaissance was ever a thing

>> No.6990389

>thinking any era was ever a thing
>thinking history exists

>> No.6990395



>> No.6990413

oh shit, is philosophy a scham too?

>> No.6990446

Welp, if you count lecturers and professors I have tons of quotes that would mean nothing to you because they are not published.
As for Nünning, can't be arsed to go and grab my copy of their introduction, and as for Eagleton I said I wasn't sure.
Either you're one of the annoying guys I was talking about or you've never been to a literary studies class if you don't know what I'm talking about.

>> No.6990447


>> No.6990456


>> No.6990652
File: 285 KB, 1000x750, valada_20120714_5091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who is the better writer?

>> No.6990816


>> No.6990969

Felicia seems all sweet and friendly in person but I bet once she gets home she tells stories to Patrick Sheane Duncan about how pathetic her fans are

>> No.6991050


>> No.6991178

Other people actually listen to these people.

>> No.6991445

How does she talk to a guy who hasn't been seen in public in 20 years

>> No.6991996

It's not bad, it's good

>> No.6992008

Fuck off, retards, the Dark Ages were a thing, nobody cares about your shitty science and technology you STEMautists, only literature, philosophy, and the other arts matter.

>> No.6992068

>there has been no art before the renaissance
for fuck's sake educate yourself you fucking retard.

>> No.6992084

>there has been no good art during the dark ages

>> No.6992106

I'm sorry you can't appreciate medieval painting, architecture or music. Doesn't mean it's not good :^)

>> No.6992415


But one of the best stories of all time came from the "dark ages:" Beowulf.

>> No.6992444

This. Geek culture is just manchildren discovering what makes them manchildren and celebrating it instead of growing up and learning to change.

>> No.6992446

Why are giving any credence to his sheer ineptitude by nitpicking it instead of completely dismissing it as a misguided product of complete ignorance? We both know there is no such thing as “Dark Ages”. Leave this retard in its stupidity.

>> No.6992487
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>> No.6992514


>> No.6992532
File: 30 KB, 474x474, 00000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people in this thread who are EXTREMELY butthurt about the fact that Felicia Day thought that 28 would be considered "old" in 1557

Dude, fucking WHY? It was an afterthought of an afterthought of an idea in one sentence of her book, which I would bet you has got probably 500 statements as or more retarded than that one.

>> No.6992554

So it's okay to be misinformed and incorrect then, is that what you're saying?

>> No.6992563

The WHOLE BOOK is misinformed and incorrect, judging by the screenshots. Why are you all honing in on the most autistic piece of information possible? The bitch probably knows more about Dungeons and Dragons than she knows about the 16th century!

>> No.6992581

>this is the first time i've seen a thread derail
get out newfag

>> No.6992810

Medieval art is shit and the censorship of anything of anti-Aristotle was terrible.
That's an exception
Fuck off, retard.

>> No.6992838

Here's your reply

>> No.6992850

>has never read the gnostics

>> No.6992868

What of them?

>> No.6992962

Tips beret

>> No.6993052

Trick answer, the Middle Ages never ended

>> No.6993057

>not realizing that there were great authors from China and the middle east during the "dark ages"

>> No.6993070

or began

>> No.6993132

The Dark Ages was a time period in Europe, it's like saying that the antebellum period never existed because it only occured in the US.

>> No.6993171

Nice meme

>> No.6993194

describe the dark ages for me and then tell me why you would call it the dark ages.

>> No.6993359


the sun was taking a nap

>> No.6993584
File: 34 KB, 455x661, deus vult ball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6993605

the first one is clearly satire you ignorant clod

>> No.6993704

I'm sorry that you're an autistic pleb anon, but please don't pollute this board with your shitposting.

>> No.6993730

Listen, faggot. We literally just had a medieval lit thread yesterday. Plenty of good literature is from the middle ages, even if you're too much of autist to admit it.

>> No.6993758

mind linking me to it? i'm interested.

>> No.6993811

Welp, she's a feminist, it's a shitty book, I don't even have to look it up.

>> No.6994060


pls stop guys

>> No.6995974

i'm interested in this too

>> No.6996891

Look it up
Did you not read my fucking post?

>> No.6996904

no, you just proved that the dark ages were filled with a bunch of manchild sagas and genre fiction of no merit. literally the only thing that the dark ages were good for was transmitting the works of antiquity to the renaissance. they created nothing of value.

>> No.6996911

Renaissance provided nothing of worth, it's just a bunch of wanking over old cultures.


>> No.6997241

Epic contrarian shitpost bro

>> No.6997575

I quite agree, it breaks the monotony of your moaning wonderfully.

>> No.6997678

what was the dark ages but wanking over worthless biblical culture?