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6974652 No.6974652 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it impossible for so many people here to just let go of their ego?

>> No.6974670

Because most of us aren't Budhist.

>why is it impossible for many people here to just stop using colloquial language

Your thread strikes me as pretty egotist tbh.

Sage kek smh fam.

>> No.6974674

because the human brain is an inherently limited biological device and the number of people who could attain ego death without crushing depression is very low in any setting, even this one.

>> No.6974676

Its all I have left.

>> No.6974681

because its the only thing that is reasonable to believe exists

>> No.6974682

can't afford that much drugs

>> No.6974690

egoism is the end of philosophy

>> No.6974741

because when I was 8 I had a number of psychiatric disabilities which, while minor, were so numerous that I ended up in a special ed school with a lot of people exactly like me. The school scraped the bottom of the barrel for teachers with lukewarm IQs, none of whom knew the difference between adhd and mental retardation. Oddly enough, the average IQ among the student body was about 115 (one of the guys on my schoolbus actually stole a file of psychiatric records from the principal's office). I grew up being lectured by condescending social workers and became filled with a burning passion to prove them wrong

I ended up in a small but normal high school and ended up getting the highest SATs in the class. At the end of the four years, I got into a fairly prestigious university and was on the fast track to being a physicist...

and then I failed three classes in two semesters and nearly flunked out. So now, I have to come to this board periodically to talk about literature and philosophy and re-affirm my ego among the literati just so I don't realize deep down that those vacant-eyed special-ed teachers were right about me

>> No.6974795

Y'all need Stirner in your life, anon.

>> No.6974812

philosophy is the greatest spook of all

>> No.6974847

>the number of people who could attain ego death without crushing depression is very low in any setting
There are other people that have had this? I've never heard of anybody else losing their ego through depression before.

>> No.6974976
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I don't really invest much time in it either.
I'm more an artist.
Both fun jobs to have full time, you have to admit.

Do we not consider the ego the self?
I consider the self, the brain, all there is to a "soul" not to get too spooky.

>> No.6975015

Post your art?

>> No.6975037


Nothing here is worth reading. I doubt anyone here seriously reads for enjoyment, rather to just brag. I'm glad nobody here will ever create anything worthy because truthfully this is the most pretentious board on 4chan. Good luck growing up though. :)

>> No.6975043

I think depresion is the consecuence of ego death because you would see the reality about yourself and through all the rationalizations and lies you tell yourself to be happy
And other shit

>> No.6975051

b/c until you can redirect it to center on the soul, rather than on itself, you're fucked


>> No.6975052

depression is far from "seeing the reality about yourself"
if anything it's a more distorted view than ever

>> No.6975060

Because I both have ego and no-ego.

>> No.6975064

>most pretentious board on 4chan
kek. ever been to /mu/.

>> No.6975083

No. reality is depresive without the distorted view we have on ourselfs(and how you see other people) to be comfortable,so the ego protects you from the harshness of life (moar happy moar jids youll have .evolution)
For example you have lawyers who are generally depressive realists because they train in court to see things as they are(wich is to stick to the facts)

>> No.6975113

Been there, done that, You move on eventually.

>> No.6975124

This. Ego death was what got rid of my depression, without it I would have killed myself.
This society is incredibly shit but reality isn't depressing.

>> No.6975128

sounds like someone got btfo'd in another thread

>> No.6975149

I dont believe you. Who are you ,ghandi?
Yeh im sure you dont life with comfortable lies you tell yourself
Im not saying you didnt got out of depression but maby you just lowered you ego.ego death...nah

>> No.6975341

I don't understand what you're saying and I have no idea what Ghandi has to do with this. I had PTSD, really bad depression and insomnia, anxiety and I kept disassociating from reality and feeling numb until the I stopped existing, there was this thing for a while where the border between me and not me dissipated, I can't really explain it. For a while after when everything was really weird and I started acting really odd (sometimes manically but like I was at peace, the feeling was really weird) and I completely shut myself off from people. There were other things but this isn't my personal blog, I'll never forget the experience and I'm a completely different person. I'm not so petty that I would lie about something like this on the internet, I don't care whether you believe me or not.

>> No.6975401
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Ego death isn't possible.

Even wanting to attempt to get rid of the ego is an action of the ego

>> No.6975406
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>Ego death was what got rid of my depression, without it I would have killed myself.

If your ego is dead why are you still using 'I'?

>> No.6975521

Research says the exact opposite. Educate yourself (or just don't be a fucking dumbass)

>> No.6975539

I agree with you OP... It makes me sad that people who supposedly follow the tradition of Western culture, a culture largely based on a man known for saying "I only know that I know nothing", can be so self-aggrandizing and immature.

Of course it's not possible to achieve full-on ego death long-term (or if you could you'd spend your time meditating, not shitposting), but regardless of your epistemological position I think it's possible to be a decent person.

Maybe one day this board will stop being a place for social rejects to fulfill their need for status, I don't know. I really hope so, because there are some cool people here and it has the potential to be a great community.

>> No.6975668

>Post your art?
He's just bullshitting you.

>> No.6975677

Hily shit anon thats amazing i wish i had experienced that too (i also had depresion)
yes it was an experience you had but right now youre probably not in that state
Like i said i guess now your ego is less but its there
what i wanted to say is the following:
You know human beings are full of delusions,cognitive distorsions and rationalizations (wiki it there are literally like 100
these are created by your ego to protect you or your self esteem so when you loose your ego you would probably get depressed (except if youre ghandi or khrisnamurti etc)
also depressed people tend to bypass these ilusions and that gets them moar depressed lolz

>> No.6975792

>not understanding what Stirner meant by the ego
I'm talking about it in the more common interpretation. Stirner's self is different. To put it in his language when I (Stirner's I) was depressed I was filled with spooks and the "ego-death" was the removal of those spooks and the change from a involuntary egoist to a voluntary egoist; the spooks were alienating me from myself.
>implying I have no ego now
It's been years since that happened.
>Like i said i guess now your ego is less but its there
Yeah, it came back. If you're saying it was ego-loss more than death then I can't honestly disagree; I don't know.
>You know human beings are full of delusions,cognitive distorsions and rationalizations (wiki it there are literally like 100
>when you loose your ego you would probably get depressed
>also depressed people tend to bypass these ilusions and that gets them moar depressed lolz
I see it as the opposite, I think that it's these cognitive biases etc. aid in causing depression and that by being aware of the ego you can change your way of interpreting reality. I think that the depression comes from our flawed way of understanding reality and the inability to accept that everything is objectively meaningless. Reality isn't depressing, reality just is whatever it is.

I hope this isn't too confusing because I'm using similar words to describe two different understandings of the self.

>> No.6975835


Probably because you can't actually let go of yourself retard.

It's all just hippy, pseudo-Buddhist nonsense.

Ego comes from the nominative declension of the word for I am in Latin. Therefore it is the word, EGO, you use when the first person singular is performing the action of the sentences.

How can you do something without doing it?


>> No.6975865

This is exactly what I was talking about here >>6975539... Dumb enough to take the thread literally and completely misinterpret it, and cruel enough to dismiss it offhand based on that flawed interpretation. /lit/ could be so much better than this, but people continue to post without any semblance of decency.

>> No.6975872

In so glad you answered this really makes me happy ,anon
Yes i guess i mean ego loss i didnt kbow there is a diference between loss and death
Well i think you are right but for people who live with comfortable thoughts about themselfs when they get crushed by reality they get depressed(at least for a period).so i guess those biases being there in the first place can cause the depresion
And if you live a rational-mindfull life you can be satisfied
And btw you really cant tell if everything its meaningless(i think its a way of protecting yourself) because human kbowledge isnt that great. I mean, if a atom can be at two places at the same time then who knows if god exists or maby something more crazy
Also i would be interested on your ego death/loss story. I meditate but im not that deep

>> No.6975876


>> No.6975975

This is correct, you cannot get rid of the ego

>> No.6976029

>I got BTFO

>> No.6976199

Ego is the one thing we have going on. Without Ego we have nothing.

>> No.6977704

for who to let go of their ego?

>> No.6977714
File: 89 KB, 669x627, nofeelybrakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>center of the soul

What a fucking ridiculous homunculus theory, not only is there a soul (the center of our self) but it, in turn, has a center...

Why not go straight for the center of the center of the soul?

pic sort of related

>> No.6977861
File: 81 KB, 875x602, Where.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some screw up on flock draw. Left alone I was able to do this much.

I think this is more ego control
Ah, but words can get all mushy in the meaning sometimes.

>> No.6978630

Because being smarter than everybody makes you an egotist whether you want to be or not.

>> No.6978728

The ego is a social construct

>> No.6978732

The ego is the self. It constructs the social constructs.

>> No.6978743
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>The ego is the self.
You just fucked up and there's no going back on it.

>> No.6978744


"Social constructs" are not necessarily fully controlled or predicted by ourselves or our selves

>> No.6978779

So deep brah

>> No.6978872

can you explain? is it because the self is something that is also shaped by the ego? Is it simply that our ego= our being?

>> No.6978885

The self is beyond the ego. The ego is merely the conscious activity that dies and awakens from sleep. The self refers to the whole embodied existence that we are. The ego is merely the faulty projections and imaginations of consciousness, just mental secretions.

>> No.6978900

You're referring to the ego as a psychological construct where the person vaguely shitting on you buys into spiritualist mumbo jumbo.

>> No.6978907

it depends on semantics, so many authors use them in different ways.

>> No.6978944

One can not be depressed without an ego. Mental illness may help bring light to the futile and transient nature of mental states and everything used to identify oneself.

>> No.6978984

Modern physics just told you that there is no continuity in your consciousness but rather it's the result of interference pattern, the self is just an illusion so enjoy it while it lasts, we can't really know what happens once the generated observer self stops from observing aka death, exiting from the arrow of time, you could be stuck in a quantum state, where what happens? According to physics even if that state is not going from the arrow of time as we perceive it forward because it is interfered by reality ( which is an ocean of probabilities ), a continuation of consciousness could exist, manifest in a way, either random or totally ordered as probably is the "next" logical step in this lawful universe.

>> No.6979024

This thread wouldn't exist if op had let go of their ego. If you had let go, you wouldn't give a shit and feel a need to make this thread.

>> No.6979072
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You kind of shoot yourself in the foot here a couple of times.
I think I get your splicing them up, the self is the id, I think to myself, but you later say it's the whole thing uniting the conscious longing self and the deeper instinctual dreamer, but then attribute imagination to it.

It's all just a squishy lingual parade.
But sure, the ego is just a function of the self which resides in the brain.

>> No.6979092


I did not create a bifurcation between the self and the ego. You did that. You read that and interpreted that into what I said. What I was saying is that the self is beyond the ego, quite literally in terms of a categorical sense. The self encapsulates the ego, but the ego does not encapsulate the self.

To put it concretely without these vague ass terminologies to rely on, ill use some other terminology that I prefer.

The body is the ground through which consciousness arises. Embodied-consciousness refers to the unity of the two. Because consciousness is always embodied. However, consciousness is reliant on the ground of the body to arise. The blood in your body is pulsating without your conscious consent. As you sleep, you deliver over yourself to 'your' body, as you 'trust' your body to continue breathing even though you aren't conscious.

>> No.6979111

I hate using first person pronouns and talking about myself. I'd rather learn, explore, discover, and bring happiness to others even though I'm attractive, muscular, loving and intelligent. The prior statement are just adjectives frequently applied to me. This post was a chore to write.
Am I ego death yet.

>> No.6979124


>> No.6979133

>You did that
I actually said it was one in the same.

>I was saying is that the self is beyond the ego
That's quite a bifurcation
>The self encapsulates the ego
Like egg white and yolk. I got that.

>The body is the ground through which consciousness arises.
The brain.
>Embodied-consciousness refers to the unity of the two.
The two what now?

>> No.6979166


I said you read that into what I said. I wasn't quoting your original statement, huh?

Bifurcation implies a separation between two things. Just because the self is beyond the ego does not necessarily mean that the self is entirely separate from the ego.

What I am fundamentally trying to get at is this, that what we mean by 'you' in the average everyday sense, is synonymous with our conscious activity. It is our ego, or our 'self.' It is the I, with dreams, aspirations, etc. I am trying to distance myself from that rhetoric. There is a more fundamental sense of self that I think is at stake over and against merely conscious activity. The 'self' or our embodiment. This category subtends the other, but is not necessarily separate.

Embodied-consciousness is just what I refer to the unity of conscious activity present in a body. It encapsulates that first hand subjective perspective and also our bodily life.

>> No.6979173
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Who's holding on?

>> No.6979186

>what is depressive realism
>what is optimism bias
>what is just world fallacy
>what is et cetera

>> No.6979207

>Just because the self is beyond the ego does not necessarily mean that the self is entirely separate from the ego.
And I said I get that. I gave an example; egg white and yolk. See?

>There is a more fundamental sense of self that I think is at stake over and against merely conscious activity. The 'self'
And I do agree. We are more than ego, tough it is a basic part of us and it, the "self"

>> No.6979216


Nah, I understand, sorry for re-iteration, I was just hoping I was being clear and not obscure.

>> No.6979221

Every time you die, essentially your ego is what dies. If you kill your ego in this life, you will just form a new ego, this can be beneficial or not, but an ego is really just a wrapping paper to what you really are, an eternal cycle of rearranging, temporary expressions of god.

>> No.6979339

There is nothing to support the ideas that you come back from the dead. Any part of you.

>> No.6979346

Not him but the actual you as far as there is one is 'your' body and that just changes form. Conciousness is merely an activity of the body, that stops when the form changes.

>> No.6979350

It's all I have

>> No.6979400

>implying youve let go of yours

The day you realize you can never escape it for it has as a matter of fact been ingrained into your very being you will realize the absurdity of even thinking you could simply get rid of it and then you will see that we are creatures of conditioning and that you really have no original thought of your own because everything that you are was put in you by your enviornment, government, school, etc. Then you will see how silly it is the goal of trying to be something you are not. You will see that you have no control over anything or anyone and that the mind is only concerned with its own self continuity which holds no basis in reality which is the physiological changes taking place right now as we speak. Thoughts are just that; nothing more nothing less.

Tl;dr nothing matters and you shouldnt care. Or care. Either way; it simply does not matter.

>> No.6979481

Your ego dies, but you aren't your ego. You're the universe, god. Every form of consciousness is a different manifestation of you, consciousness is all one, everything is god in a different form.

>> No.6980089

Not healthy to think that way, if I would hit you with a hammer in head right now you will not embrace universe but instead the great void.

>> No.6980224

oh come on give us something serious

>> No.6980229

this is copypasta. 0/10 tbh

>> No.6980232

/mu/sic allows one to be more pretentious and elitist far easier than /lit/erature. maybe. maybe not. in any case they are

>> No.6980248

Because some people like to get out of bed and move and shit

>> No.6980253

>Starts paragraph with "I"

Confirmed never gonna make it

>> No.6980255

god manifests in you but not you in god

>> No.6980256

Who are you talking about? There's just me here.

>> No.6980334

Freud's ego is a part of consciousness, you might get away with calling it a part of the self.

As for social constructs, freud would say they reside in the super-ego. But I don't believe he has ever commented on social constructs.

Most eastern traditions believe the ego cannot "do" anything. Thoughts and feelings are emergent properties of an underlying structure. And if you pay attention to your thoughts and just watch them you'll see that they are about as foreign to whatever "you" there is, as the sound of cars passing by outside.