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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 168 KB, 758x679, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6973348 No.6973348[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

JUst fuck MY SHIT UP

>> No.6973366

>no *literally*
>no 'I just read X any good?'
Get with the times granpa

>> No.6973374

I don't think it's clear on the rules.

If I report this, will a mod delete it or will he be upset with me?

>> No.6973380

The bible quote on the middle right is actually fine to say

Saved tho thanks

>> No.6973392

>no "which ereader should I get?"

>> No.6973393

i be upset with u if dis be deleted

> no ">reading translation"
> no "shelf thread"

>> No.6973396

where is the wolfeposting

>> No.6973407

Good image, not enough ironic shitposting, but still good, tbh

>> No.6973416

>spending over 9000 hours making this image in paint instead of writing or reading
This is the greatest irony of them all

>> No.6973417

>Need to read an 800pg book by Monday
>Haven't even started

>> No.6973434

also Delillo didn't even start writing until his 30s

where is your god now?

>> No.6973470
File: 2.62 MB, 450x3000, 1431825887890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Stirner

>> No.6973489
File: 34 KB, 1309x526, 1438764391785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that this is a reddit meme

>> No.6973492

or Gaddis

Tbh the whole meme about being 25 and published is retarded. if you don't have anything to say, if your life experience amounts to creative writing courses at a second-rate university, I commend you for not being published.

>> No.6973494

Hermann Broch started writing in his 40s.

>> No.6973497

Look up Ben fountain. Dude wasn't published till he was like 50 or 60

>> No.6973507

>friendly reminder from your resident narcissist that this meme actually originates from reddit and if you guys--


>> No.6973508

reminder that reddit sucks because it encourages non-anonymous posts

fucking retarded tripfag, you'd love it there

>> No.6973510
File: 119 KB, 299x328, 1433477746946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mad redditors spotted

quit stealing our memes

>> No.6973516

Filtered. Not sure why people shitpost with trips on

>> No.6973518

it's actually a black twitter meme but it's so universally useful that I don't mind

>> No.6973535

>tells people to go to reddit
>uses the 4chan version of downvoting (filtering)
top lel

>> No.6973544

kill urself u dumb faggot

>> No.6973548
File: 47 KB, 385x225, bye bye faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]