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6969617 No.6969617 [Reply] [Original]

What would happen if /lit/ started a writers colony?

>> No.6969625



>> No.6969626

there'd be a house full of pretentious insufferable virgins

>> No.6969633

It would be a matter of days before someone snapped and murdered loads of people.

>> No.6969647

It would be like an average undergrad dormitory.

I would charm butterfly into turning straight and make her my gf

>> No.6969648

it would be absolute shit and produce no writing of value

>> No.6969658
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Under anarchy (and especially if I were there) the first murder would be all he could manage before being ripped to shreds.


>> No.6969661

>It would be like an average undergrad dormitory.

Not really, it would be a Catholic theocracy run by Christposters.

>> No.6969666

Realistically it'd be one or two faggots who were retarded enough to show up.

>> No.6969665

Only one thing's for sure; nobody would write anything of value.

>> No.6969684

It would be exactly like /lit/, plus the occasional fistfights.

>> No.6969685

Nobody of any value would live there.

the place would be valueless

>> No.6969692

>Day 1: everyone arrives, meets, unpacks their bags

>Day 2: people have already started to form into small cliques
>DFW fanboys go off into the woods to fuck each other in the ass and listen to Radiohead vinyls
>philosophers/classicsfags spitballing endlessly on the first floor
>sci fi and fantasy people on the second
>Tao Lin fanboys in a deep trance on the roof
>lone John Green fan has already been lynched

>Day 3
>civil war breaks out between militant Marxists, DFWfags, and pretty much everyone else
>Evola fanboys chime in saying this sort of discord is exactly what the Jews and Masons want to happen
>first shot of the civil war is fired, killing the lead Evolafag

>Day 5
>food is running low and no one has the work ethic to go get more
>after pillaging the entire second floor and leaving nothing but burnt corpses and crushed PBR cans in their wake, DFWfags retreat once more to the woods after exchanging multiple fusillades with the reorganized philosophers
>Tao Lin fanboys come off the roof looking for snacks; finding none, they venture into the woods and begin to cannibalize the weaker and slower DFWfags

>Day 20
>house has been completely gutted and partially destroyed
>the Tao Lin/DFW civil war has culminated in a cataclysmic biochemical war that has left the surrounding woods scorched bare and devoid of all life
>most of the philosophers are dead or dying; the ones who weren't murdered during the second Marxist mutiny have succumbed to hunger or the toxic fumes in the air
>the few survivors have to fight off mutants that roam the dead woods in search of human flesh

>Day 40
>the last survivor shoots himself after being bitten by a mutant
>the last entry in his diary is a singular lament
>"I should have started with the Greeks"

>> No.6969695

We would all gang fuck the tripfags, then, afterwards, we would religiously discuss DFW and Pynchon.

>> No.6969700

lots of boipussi

>> No.6969702

There's two or three of those guys and a hand full of pol posters. There's a reason you don't stick to Theology Generals.

>> No.6969706

take me to this utopia imMediately

>> No.6969709

What about Christfags?

>> No.6969715

I really enjoyed reading this.

>> No.6969716
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>trying this hard to impress meme-posters on the literature section of an Indonesian cartoon image board

>> No.6969720
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>> No.6969721

I think I could seriously crank some work out. We would be in the countryside in a large white plantation-style mansion. I would go out riding every morning and spend the day reading/writing and the evenings socializing and throwing parties.

I think a lot of people would sit around, the philosophers and anarchists but some of us would rise to the top.

Would really enjoy it, esp. if we had a full staff to cater to everyone's needs.

Basically gatsby mixed with the sun also rises and some pride and prejudice mixed in.

>> No.6969725

As if any of the pseud nerds here has the gonads to throw a punch. At best it'd be two wimpy pale kids grabbing and pushing each other until one got scratched in the eye or something and had to stop. No doubt the other would feel smug and walk away thinking he won when in reality everybody else thinks the two of them are embarrassing.

>> No.6969728


It's a bohemian artists colony, christfags would hate it

>> No.6969732

imagine the amount of coffee and anti-depressants required though

>> No.6969734
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>someone would probably make special kook-aid in honor of DFW

>> No.6969735

>>Tao Lin fanboys come off the roof looking for snacks; finding none, they venture into the woods and begin to cannibalize the weaker and slower DFWfags

fucking lol

>> No.6969740


Christfags would come in around Day 50, spend a few days combing the wasteland for survivors, then fuck off and let the government bomb the place into a sheet of glass fifty meters thick

>> No.6969750

>bomb the place into a sheet of glass fifty meters thick

If only, anon-kun, if only

>> No.6969759

Everyone would be shitposting on their ifaggles despite standing right next to each other.

>> No.6969789

You sound like the sort of faggot who likes to talk shit but would get rekt by everyone and their grandma.

>> No.6969803
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I think it'd work really well for a handful of people. I've been to all-night "write-ins" before and loved them, so I can only imagine what a week/several weeks in a big house or camp would be like.

Sadly, I think it'd be a wash for about 75% of the people here. A lot of people would get so caught up in the camping/socializing aspect of things they wouldn't get any work done, or they'd be starting drama and getting into intellectual dick measuring contests and generally making life miserable for everyone else.

If someone were to get serious about this idea, I'd propose a meetup at a campground first, just for a weekend or so, then work up from there.

>> No.6969817
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>Day 100
>/lit/ mansion and the surrounding woods are firebombed
>a single silhouetted figure that was hiding under a now charred stirnerposter's corpse walks through the wreckage

>> No.6969820

we'd need a sponsor before anything, /lit/ is completely broke. It's really just a pipe dream, nobody cares to pay for a bunch of losers to get together for any amount of time. It would be several thousands of dollars just for transportation

>> No.6969849


Cabins at my local state park are $50/night. Supposing there were 16 participants (meaning four cabins at capacity) staying for 2 nights, that brings the total cost of the camp itself up to $800. Divide that evenly between the participants and you have a $50 fee for each attendant.

Keeping in mind many writers retreats charge hundreds or even thousands of dollars and are sold out into the next decade, that's not bad at all.

>> No.6969887

1.) the best posters on /lit/ are european. They will not travel to the US because they're scared of getting beat up
2.) You assume at least 16 American NEETs and wagecucks will want to spend the money to go to your state park and stay in a cabin all weekend with a bunch of strangers from the internet.

it sounds dumb to me. I could find most of you standing in the corner at a party or being rude to someone in a library. I come here to be antisocial not the opposite.

>> No.6969890

There are about 3 people who post on /lit/ that I would actually be interested in spending any time with

>> No.6969895
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What's it like being the biggest faggot on this board?

>> No.6969910

OK, the time spent there could cost 800 dollars (probably less expensive with sleepingbags too). We still need food (10-20/day/person) and getting there in the first place. We would all pretty much have to be living in the same state to keep the cost per person under 100 dollars for the transportation.

It's certainly feasible, I'll admit. Would work much better with like a book club at a uni. I have a fair bit of experience with organizing, and the student body would probably pay for the whole thing where I am. You just gotta have a little bit of dreaming.

>> No.6969919


>> No.6969949


>1.) the best posters on /lit/ are european.

Citation desperately fucking needed

>They will not travel to the US because they're scared of getting beat up

So start something in Europe

>2.) You assume at least 16 American NEETs and wagecucks will want to spend the money to go to your state park and stay in a cabin all weekend with a bunch of strangers from the internet.

Fair point. I was just trying to point out that there are relatively inexpensive options available

>> No.6969957

>So start something in Europe
they're afraid they'll get jihaded

>> No.6969965

I would like to do it actually.
I'd be willing to spend a few hundred bucks (could probably stretch it to a week for that price)
Would just need to see some central planning and a few months to prepare.

>> No.6969998

Top fucking kek

>> No.6970025

I'd go.

>> No.6970057

Because lit is a bunch of fuccbois I imagine everyone would think it more in line with their writerly persona to drink whiskey.

>> No.6970068

I actually have a large tract of land coming my way when my uncle dies. I've always wanted to start a writer's colony or something there for the lulz.
>tfw I might just build a cottage and house a writer for a year or so so s/he can work instead of dealing with you cucks

>> No.6970182
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What the fuck kind of bourgeois fantasy shit is this

>> No.6970199

I drink whiskey but it has nothing to do with being "writerly".

>> No.6970228
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oh it's capitalism stuff, you probably wouldn't understand it

>> No.6970241

lmao more like dumb feudal shit

>> No.6970308

maybe read the books at the end my original post
back when slavery was around you could do this shit forever if you owned a plantation, obviously not possible today

still, with a good chunk of money it's totally possible for a month at least
if I was a millionaire I would do this maybe

>> No.6970329

>taking anything in this thread seriously

>> No.6970788


>waah people have nice things down with le system XD

>> No.6970798

You'd become the queen butterfly and we'd all worship you.

>> No.6970867

We would die of inanition for nobody was going to work to produce something or earn the money to buy food and drink.

Cannibalism was going to happen, peppered with philosophical dialogues about the morals and consequences of eating other human beings, about the existence or not of the right and the wrong, the good or the bad, and there would certainly be the weirdos claiming that other human beings really don't exist or are just a representation of our minds.

>> No.6970944

I've been to McDowell, Millay, VCCA, Ragdale and Ucross. All of these colonies obviously were founded by wealthy people, not writers.

Last weekend I went back to McDowell for Medal Day in which they honor someone important -- in this case, the composer Gunther Schuller. I spoke to McDowell's chair, Michael Chabon, and other writers.

You can apply like I did and go.

>> No.6971072


>All of these colonies obviously were founded by wealthy people, not writers.

Damn shame, someone should create a more affordable option then

>> No.6971089

I'd probably end up doing all the goddamn manual labor

>> No.6971093

Moar liek queen bee

>all those brand new lit children manufactured in the lit baby factory

>> No.6971098

It could be like BNW. Combine butterflies genetics with however has the best facial aesthetics

>> No.6971102

Has there ever been a /lit/ meetup?

>> No.6971115
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>> No.6971126



>> No.6971148

Any more pictures of absurdist cats?

>> No.6971246

Has anyone ever randomly met a /lit/ poster in real life? Whenever I see someone tall, wealthy with great hair talking about books I want to ask them but theres just very small upside

>> No.6971261


>> No.6971279

I don't know about writers colony but I would be down for founding a new scholastic order, like a greek cult. I know how to farm.

>> No.6971287
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I think they'd either be the stereotypical upper middle class hipster or pic related

>> No.6971307



>> No.6971324

Yep, I met my gf on this board

>> No.6971332

Are you sure she is a g?

>> No.6971607


More like:

>Day 1: everyone arrives, unpacks, meets

>Day 2: some faggo accidentally blows up the house because he insists on smoking all the time, even while using the gas stove

>> No.6971620

The boys from /pol/ summer camp would raid us for our panties.

>> No.6971634

Not the tripfags, so how can he know?

>> No.6971686


>Day 1,000
>the Schopenhauer Empire celebrates its first year of existence with a huge arts symposium, a military parade, a classical music festival, burning of feminist literature, games in the mutant fighting pits, and a stirring rendition of the national anthem, Dr. Dre's "Bitches Ain't Shit"

>> No.6971702

>the best posters on /lit/ are european

last i checked i was american brubru

>> No.6971730


>> No.6971761

That shouldn't blow up the house if the gas stove is working properly

>> No.6971810

they'd all fuck each other in a couple days tbh

>> No.6972035


Pynchon fans sucking their own weiners doesn't count

>> No.6972096

Everyone would get along, share their inspiration, help edit. Together each would help each other up and to their own personal best.

>> No.6972117


>it's my first day

>> No.6972175

so how are we organizing this?
whos the central email?
colorado reporting in willing to drop cash maybe maybe

>> No.6972190

Where would we do it? Upstate New York? The south of France?

>> No.6972214


>> No.6972227

Actually not a bad idea. Colorado has a very striking landscape, could be conducive to good writing.

Plus, as a /sp/artan, I would enjoy the winters when I could get comfy.

>> No.6972233


It's THE bourgeois fantasy tbh

>> No.6972240

; ) finally somebody is coming to colorado

it is really nice here how ever, id suggest a city near the desert and mountains with low pop.

we could always just get a hotel(s?) and meet up different places, but yeah the one house method sounds really appealing. Maybe we all split rent 30 ways and live like that

>> No.6972252

The McCarthy posters would be mistaken for tortillas and eaten and cold autistic dark.

>> No.6972273


somewhere close to this: http://www.orvishotsprings.com/

I once camped out there for a month in the winter. I'd do it again.

>> No.6972281

could run into the woods and live off the forest if any of you are also /out/

>> No.6972289

>What would happen if /lit/ started a writers colony?

>implying women can write

>> No.6972312


>implying women post on /lit/

>> No.6972368

they cant write so duh

>> No.6972371

Neither can /lit/

>> No.6972375

i fucked your mom

>> No.6972385

>this booty bothered
I'm rock hard right now.

>> No.6972398

We've already seen what happens when you give /lit/erati free reign, and the final result isn't surprising, really. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qD67ycRnR2_dr5gOVNpA0UU9uaCfsXGKIRGt8bPFof8/edit?usp=sharing

>> No.6972408

no i was showing u i could write bc u got demolished

>> No.6972679

>so start something in Europe

We fucking should but the language barrier will probably fuck everything up.

>> No.6972705

Nah, man, everybody speaks Arab

>> No.6972719

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.6972753

yeah, student bodies are hilarious. I got mine to pay for printing an anthology that's literally going to be full of shit.

>> No.6972769

sexdevil speaks th3 truth

>> No.6972819

that's just shitpost general probably tbh

>> No.6972839

Any attempt at forming a /lit/ enclave would naturally get sidetracked and devolve into a savage cult of blood-sacrifice, debauchery, and memes, venerating the holy trifecta of Pinecone, DFW and Joyce.

The police would be called.

>> No.6972868

God damn it, this is such a fantastic picture. I'm not even joking, I've sent it to like 4 of my friends already because I'm so fascinated by it. The picture is so aesthetically pleasing yet crude and brutish in an Eastern European-kind of way. This fucking cat looks like an alcoholic or something, and the cigarette is the nail on the coffin.

>> No.6972891

We would all die because no one would do any work.

>> No.6972902
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>> No.6973024


>not leaping at the chance to cull the three biggest shitposting cults from our midst

They can get all the butt sex they can take in jail, and we'd get a better board. Win-win

>> No.6973549

If this is really habbening I think our colony needs a name.

>> No.6973573

C/lit/s' Cabin

>> No.6973588

Tbh, anyone who hasn't read the meme trilogy at this point might as well not even post here.

>> No.6973654

it's not happening, but we already decided on /lit/erates

>> No.6974106


I feel you anon. It's not only that, this picture is absolutely dramatic; the cat has no ears, so you can conclude he has cancer. Cigarette causes cancer and yet he is there, not giving a fuck, because he is a fucking cat and that's what he does.

>> No.6974196


I would help you build said cottage for a place to get away and live the dream.

>> No.6974328


You can read something and not shitpost about it 24/7

>> No.6976008

It'll be a while yet. He's one of those uncles that keep acting like they'll die soon, but will probably live to be 100. If I'm still posting on /lit/ when I'm 50 I'll post a thread about it. haha

>> No.6976013
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this one always gave me that vibe too

>> No.6976014

n-no homo

>> No.6976041

2bad4u, she'd be wooed into my harem.

Please happen

>> No.6976062

If any of you fags ever make it rich, you must start one, just to try it. What is there to fucking lose? And maybe in doing so a movement would form.

>> No.6976074

Why not all sleep in one cabin? The Ski Hut on Baldy in Southern California is only like $15/night if you have a Sierra Club membership, and could probably sleep (uncomfortably) 10 people. Cramped just means we're forced to interact.

>> No.6976082

movie night could be fun

>> No.6976105

My gf is a /lit/ poster. And I've turned on a student-friend to /lit/ as well.

>> No.6976111

as said previously we could go to a camp ground.

>> No.6976117

Obviously California. Somewhere like Big Sur would be optimal, but maybe instead somewhere in the Southern Sierras or Santa Cruz area. I have a timeshare-like thing in the Sierras that can hold up to like 20 people for up to two weeks, so I guess that's kinda feasible.

>> No.6976121

charge everybody like 15$ to use it and blam u got it.

we gotta talk with an air line to get us a group deal somehow

>> No.6976126

>they're scared of getting beat up
Choked on my coffee, top kek

>> No.6976132

As a first attempt, it'd probably be best to only really bring in people who are within driving range so as to lower the potential investment. If anyone wanted to fly out that'd be their thing, but I think as far as testing out the whole experience, I wouldn't travel far for something which would most likely be a disaster.

>> No.6976141

tbh fam i just want friends tbh tbh tbt talk like socrates

also the idea of starting a movement excites me, as everything seems to be building up to a new renaissance

>> No.6976155

The problem with that Renaissance is that everyone wants to believe it's gonna happen, so they sit back and wait for it. At the same time, it's pretty presumptuous to assume /lit/ could be the people to start such a movement.

But who else really would at this point?

>> No.6976156

south of france sound cool tbh

>> No.6976175

exactly, which is why you go on the meme web and try to start something. Even typing this is putting myself at risk and my face is being watched through a webcam and my screen through eyes. I do not care to live or die, to love or hate; so the idea of a new age sounds tantalizing.

that captcha i just did, verifys that the person they are watching through a webcam and hearing through a microphone made this post

>> No.6976210

Unfortunately everyone here is too caught up in their anonymity. Nobody wants to risk their 'real life' on a venture like this.

>> No.6976231

You'd be suprised. A /r9k/ "beta uprising" might pull off. Alot of it is swaying public opinion and the motivated would become the higher ranks. Most people on 4chan "dont feel anything anymore" or something like that so who fucking cares. also youre not anonymous, its just you dont have a name on this website

>> No.6976432


>> No.6976436


>> No.6976707

I think you may be eskimo brothers

>> No.6976726
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Why would anyone want to do this? Writing for me isn't some feel good circle jerk. It's every bit as horrifying and painful and vomit from the nose.

>> No.6976752


>> No.6976754


There is a possibility that out of the estimate 74% of the world's population that is literate, there are at least one or two people who don't approach writing with the same attitude you do.

>> No.6978627

they boxed the cat's fucking ears

>> No.6979650

holy shit you are egdy

>> No.6979665


you must suck at writing

>> No.6979677
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>> No.6980673
