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/lit/ - Literature

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6968669 No.6968669 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw your accent and demeanor don't really convey how well-read you are so you're constantly being underestimated

>> No.6968674
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>tfw people don't believe you are intellectually & aesthetically superior to them

>> No.6968676

I feel you, OP. I'm from the poorest region of my country and I have my region's accent.

>> No.6968679

You must talk like a faggot, then.

>> No.6968685

>Inbred redneck detected

I'm sure you're smart, OP. Don't listen to what your teachers tell you.

>> No.6968697

>hai teachur I liek me sum books in I was wondrin whichuns are tha beyuhst?

>> No.6968703

The Bourgeoisie is to blame.

>> No.6968755
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Keyboard&mouse diminish vocal activity

Music made constant-entertainment disrupts the sound-voice interface (receive auditory signal, communicate vocal signal) that is face-to-face communication

PC's private demands exacerbate a non-physically-socialized sense of self (your body disappears: your demeanor dies as a factor for determining yourself; demeanor becomes mimetic or posturing)

>> No.6968759

its what you don't say that matters

>> No.6968766

Not really

>> No.6968790


hey, remember, it's shit like this that lead people to underestimate Stalin and allow him to gain power

>> No.6968794

Sounds like a sweet deal. When you impress people with their low expectations you get the cheapest high of all; polite praise!

And if you fail to meet their expectations you get pity. Pity's great. I'm with Costanza on this one.

>> No.6968798

>tfw upper-middle class southern (English) accent

Feels good being accent masterrace

>> No.6968804

Just fucking start to alter your accent, it's not hard.

I started to speak more posh when I started at Oxford even though I wasn't friends with many posh people

>> No.6968808

Are you ever afraid that people might expect you to be smarter or more well-educated than you really are?

>> No.6968809

Can confirm, this is the masterrace of accents.

>> No.6968814

>I started to speak more posh when I started at Oxford

class mobility: the post

>> No.6968831

I love a bit of class mobility.
A high social mobility aristocracy (literally, ie rule of the great) is my ideal society.

>> No.6968842


based on what fucking criteria you fucking clowns

>> No.6968847

It's the Queen's English you fucking pleb, it can't be beaten.

>> No.6968854

Not really because I'm pretty smart in actuality.

>> No.6968856

I like you.
You've vocalized concerns I've had more elegantly than I could have.,

>> No.6968857

>dfw middle class glaswegian accent

>> No.6968859

go stick a pie up your ass

>> No.6968869

>based on what fucking criteria you fucking clowns

How wet it makes American pussy.

>> No.6968877

Not OP, but I actually am an inbred redneck.

My teachers told me I was smart, and I still think I am. It'll always feel weird going from inbred poverty to a literature PhD though.

>> No.6968881

Solid response m8.

Now, say after me:
>The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain
Really try to enunciate anon, and remember, having a based accent will help in both daily life and occasions like job interviews :^)

>> No.6968888

>tfw your demeanor always makes people know you're the alpha in the room and that you're smarter than them
It's not as great as you think. My girlfriend said she used to be intimidated by me and was usually too nervous to approach me

>> No.6968890

As a Frenchfrog, I deem this criterion sufficient. Where can I find that wondrous genitalia-humecting accent ?

>> No.6968899


>> No.6968900


A class society where every member of the new generation has to prove themselves worthy of their status is as utopian as you can get

>> No.6968912

Hear, hear. The only bit of Plato I'm keen on is his politics.

>> No.6969061

Bitches all over the world (who understand english obviously) love a posh english accent. It's the colonial mindset, with its inferiority complexes and attempts of fixing history.

>> No.6969071

from inbred poverty to inbred poverty with a literature PhD.

>> No.6969078

please never use that word again

>> No.6969100


>> No.6969108

because it is everything that is wrong with english people. everything

>> No.6969135

He's right though. All my female friends tell me Bendthedick Cumbabbler is ugly af but nonetheless superhot because of his English accent and demeanor.

>> No.6969145

He doesn't even have that classic bbc voice or jacob rees mogg thing going on. Cucumbersnatch sounds like a twat tbh

>> No.6969187

Tbh Jacob Rees mogg sounds like (and is) a complete prick.

>> No.6969425

>Cucumbersnatch sounds like a twat tbh

Yes, but he's the attractive kind of twat. Also I'm stealing Cucumbersnatch, that's much better than Cumbabbler which was an inspired default solution in the first place.

>> No.6969443

>Yes, but he's the attractive kind of twat.

I think that's mostly because girls project the characters he plays into him. They all probably expect him to act like Sherlock and shit.

>> No.6969547

i'd argue that's better in a lot of ways

>> No.6969558

In all fairness he's probably the kind of guy to actually behave like Sherlock irl. You know the kind of actor autism I'm talking about.

>> No.6969571

>tfw you learned english without an accent and people constantly say that you sound like a psychopath.

Fuck me for learning from reading.

>> No.6970853
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>not Network Standard American English

>> No.6971035

>make poor taste jokes and references, underestimating how easily people are offended
>swear a lot
>ironically use terms like bro amongst friends
>people are surprised when I start discussing philosophy and politics in a serious manner
It's okay, but I'd rather people didn't always assume they know anything about me.

>> No.6971050

I laughed heartily. Vocaroo?

>> No.6971059

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.6971066

Do you like Phil Collins? I've been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. Before that, I really didn't understand any of their work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Duke where Phil Collins' presence became more apparent. I think Invisible Touch was the group's undisputed masterpiece. It's an epic meditation on intangibility. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding three albums. Christy, take off your robe. Listen to the brilliant ensemble playing of Banks, Collins and Rutherford. You can practically hear every nuance of every instrument. Sabrina, remove your dress. In terms of lyrical craftsmanship, the sheer songwriting, this album hits a new peak of professionalism. Sabrina, why don't you, uh, dance a little. Take the lyrics to Land of Confusion. In this song, Phil Collins addresses the problems of abusive political authority. In Too Deep is the most moving pop song of the 1980s, about monogamy and commitment. The song is extremely uplifting. Their lyrics are as positive and affirmative as anything I've heard in rock. Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. Phil Collins' solo career seems to be more commercial and therefore more satisfying, in a narrower way. Especially songs like In the Air Tonight and Against All Odds. Sabrina, don't just stare at it, eat it. But I also think Phil Collins works best within the confines of the group, than as a solo artist, and I stress the word artist. This is Sussudio, a great, great song, a personal favorite.

>> No.6971069
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I suppose Aldous Huxley would be a less obnoxious example.

But regardless of your politcal opinion, you can't deny how qt mogg is no homo

>> No.6971081

>tfw look like a fucking goon
>people are surprised when they see me reading something esoteric

>> No.6971086

>not a fat slob, work out
>people think im an idiot

>> No.6971092

My gf is in his advisory team

>> No.6971101
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fucking tory scum

>> No.6971104

>anything but Tory

You're the scum, peasant. I bet you don't even live in London.

>> No.6971109

>no southern Italian/ Greek Mediterranean accent
you guys are missing out

>> No.6971116

How does it feel to know that everybody hates you? Kill yourself, faggot (seriously, do Britain a favour).

>> No.6971129

Having a "posh" accent fucking sucks OP. People either think that you're gay or you're a wuss. It'd be fine if I were part of high society, but I'm fucking not.

>> No.6971131

>everybody hates you

Except all those people who elected us via free and democratic vote. Stay mad, pleb. Know your place.

>> No.6971133

Then change your accent. I never developed an accent because I was mute until the age of 16 but now I I'm awesome at impersonating other people so I sometimes pretend to be French, sometimes American, and so on when my mum takes me out to harversters.

>> No.6971136

Does He No Longer Begin Every Word With A Capital Letter?

>> No.6971138

>tfw full aristocratic Southeastern American plantation-owner accent.
>tfw start talking to new people at my university in New England
All that pussy tho.

>> No.6971160

>tfw you struggle to pronounce certain words but don't have a stutter

>> No.6971194

>I was mute until the age of 16
>when my mum takes me out to harversters.

tfw no comfy rural retard life

>> No.6971270

I'm not retarded

>> No.6971277

ITT nasal voiced nerds blaming their hideous bodies for their lack of pussy, when in reality it's a combination of their hideous bodies and hideous minds.

None of you are anywhere close to being patrician. You browse a fucking anime board that prides itself on being low quality banter.

>> No.6971283


>> No.6971291

Poortherner detected. Don't you have an outhouse to be fixing?

>> No.6971298

ethered everyone here

>> No.6971308

Im a cheeky cocerkney chimney-sweep geezer from east London who has a degree in English Lit.

>> No.6971412

I deliberately lost my South London accent because I got mocked and shamed about it at university and by an ex-gf.

>> No.6971468

>I'm awesome at impersonating other people so I sometimes pretend to be French, sometimes American


>> No.6971472

Only 24.7% of the people registered to vote voted Tory. That's 75.3% who hate the Tories so I'll take my chances.
Free unless you want to do anything the government doesn't like then they use violence against you, kidnap you and throw you in a cell
>implying representative democracy is even remotely democratic

>> No.6971477

No can do, if it helps, one guy told me I sounded like a robot who has just learned the meaning of human emotions.

>> No.6971482

I have a Yorkshire accent, it's not as thick as most and people usually think I'm a genius or at least pretty smart (I don't know why, I doubt it's the accent). If people underestimate you because of your accent they're fools. Why would you want to appear elitist and well-read?

>> No.6971487

Stay mad, peasant. What's wrong, your benefit get cut or something?

>> No.6971496

I semi-consciously tone down my upper class accent and the breadth of my vocabulary. Upper class people are generally tossers and the lower classes are really insecure about being talked down to, so it's just easier this way. It's good to be underestimated, gives you an advantage.

>> No.6971497

What is a good way to improve your everyday speech capability? Not only in english of course.

>> No.6971500

I'm rural Irish. I don't have that clean, polite upper middle class Irish accent, and the only real model for study available is the BBC accent.
Well, I'm already making an attempt to pronounce "th" as the English "th" and avoid dropping my Gs.

Slightly concerned that I have no permanent solution. I'll most likely become a crypto-Irishman with an Etonian accent. I'll probably name myself Henry.

>> No.6971501

>implying I'm a peasant
>implying this situation isn't shit for everybody regardless of socio-economic status.

>> No.6971511

It's a pretty good situation for my girlfriend and myself mate. Everyone in my circle are living good and happy lives. Resentment won't get you anywhere kiddo. Welcome to the real world.

>> No.6971520
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>tfw from Newfoundland

>tfw living in Ontario and everyone thinks I'm retarded and nobody takes me seriously because of my accent

>> No.6971530

I knew that was coming, but it's not that hard to get a job. I make a decent wage; it's over triple what any other person in my family has ever made, at least.

>> No.6971542

>tfw your accent and demeanor don't really convey how well-read you are
>so you're constantly being underestimated
They change their minds when I open my mouth.

>> No.6971546

You must not have a very strong accent

Having a newfie accent makes anyone think that you have too many chromosomes regardless of what you're talking about

>> No.6971560

>on /lit/
>doesn't understand why having plebs is a bad thing
The media is trash, education is shit for most people, people are worrying about survival instead of thinking about and making cool shit, they're so fucked that they run to any distraction, everything is mass-produced and shitty like books, music, food (tons of fat people), drugs are illegal etc.. Imagine what it would be like if more people had the time and possibility to pursue their interests. If you don't understand why everything is a load of shit you're just not paying attention. Having access to all of the good things in life doesn't mean shit if you're surrounded by peasants, it's disgusting.
>resentment won't get you anywhere
Everything will change when enough people are pissed off so much that they can't handle it any more
>real world
>reifying the status quo

>> No.6971576

>grew up in Georgia
>don't have thick, hillbilly accent, but northerners could still hear it in my speech
>tfw don't even care because southern accents are homely to me

The only time a southern accent gets on my nerves is when it's some idiot redneck obviously trying hard to sound like a redneck.

>> No.6971588

What is this from?

I'm a big fan of old Genesis and this triggered my autism something fierce.

>> No.6971599
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The world is better than it ever was (unless you live in Syria or) in any historical time, A lot of the things you complained about in said post have always been issues

>Education is shit
Education has always been sub-par for the masses, only the aristocrats could get a good education in almost all instances, however thanks to the internet you can literally have almost all known information at your fingertips, something ancient scholars would literally fucking kill for

>Drugs are illegal

Drugs in most historical contexts have not really been legal, even Alcohol has had bouts of illegality.

>The media is Trash

Well if people stopped watching Trash Media and started looking at more intellectually stimulating media, then trash media would stop existing. Capitalism 101

>everything is mass produced and shitty

Said the man who types on his mass-produced keyboard sitting on his mass-produced chair eating his mass-produced hotpockets. Mass production is a good thing, even if you hate to admit it, and it's not going to go away soon unless a North American Khmer Rouge pops up

>Surrounded by peasants

Hate to break it to you buddy but if you lived in the past you would be surrounded by even more, many of whom tend to be more violent

Don't complain about how the world is shit and being ruined by plebeians if you don't understand the socio-political creation of a "Plebeian " or how the term has evolved over the yeas

>> No.6971602

lemme be hearing dem accents. post vocaroos children

>> No.6971603

You speak ebonics? even the southern accent can have charm


>> No.6971605

Give me something to say.

>> No.6971606


>> No.6971611

No, I'm just a motormouth after I get started.

People assume I'm bland at first because I spend so much time being quiet and demure, they are surprised when I deliver my prepared considerations.

>> No.6971613
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>> No.6971621
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>tfw southwest norwegian accent
>tfw the norwegian language is already quite limited syntactically and in terms of expressing more complex ideas
>tfw everyone from my region is traditionally either a farmer or works in the oil industry

>> No.6971641

>it's shit but it's the best shit we've ever tasted
Why eat shit when there's perfectly good food right in front of you
>thanks to the internet you can literally have almost all known information at your fingertips
Yeah, it's a good idea other than the current education system making everybody hate education. It's all shit, even if you go to a top uni.
>Drugs in most historical contexts have not really been legal
Bullshit and even if it was true that would be no excuse.
That's not how Capitalism works; it's a mode of production, not exchange. You're being idealistic.
>mass production
The problem isn't mass production, it's that everything is mass produced and quality is thrown away, everything is produced solely for profit.
>Don't complain about how the world is shit and being ruined by plebeians if you don't understand the socio-political creation of a "Plebeian "
I could say the same to you, you're looking at a very narrow period of time and only cherry picking which parts of history to pay attention to. I suggest you learn in detail the main political schools such as Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Fascism/Nazi and Anarchism before forming an opinion. Until you educate yourself I doubt there will be any point talking to you and I don't want to derail the thread, goodbye.

>> No.6971661

yeah but every canadian accent is retarded. they say stuff like "aboot"

>> No.6971672

>tfw spanish accent
> i see myself really ridiculous when I'm speaking other languages
>my french bf thinks it's ''cute'' but i feel dumb when he say this

>> No.6971673

jesus christ

>> No.6971681

*I *as *says

>> No.6971687

>not being smart enough to change your accent

come on OP

>> No.6971693
File: 12 KB, 203x240, 10389276_10201268418426288_814235246270685549_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger I understand different political schools

Nazism works only in a /pol/acks wet dream

Anarchism won't ever fucking work because people need to be told what to do

Communism works only in Theory, True Communism will never be achieved

Socialism is nice but it needs some capitalist elements in order to avoid becoming Orwellian

And everyone and there grandmother knows what that capitalism is.


Media is for profit, what you consider "shit" media would not exist if people did not watch it, if people watched what you considered "non-shit media" then it would grow

>mass production

Everything being created for the sole purpose of profit is why they are created at all, if not to satisfy immediate demands

Why would a farmer grow crops if he knew that he was not going to eat them all? So he could sell them at a market and make a profit

>Drugs have not always been illegal
In the Middle east most have been illegal since the 7th century, in Europe they have been mostly illegal for the last 200 years


This is literally the grown-up version of "you're a big dumb-dumb!"

>> No.6971700

People in Ontario sound like people from Northern US, Canadian accents vary quite a bit

>> No.6971704

>And everyone and there grandmother knows >what that capitalism is

But not evetyone knows the difference between their/they're/there.

>> No.6971712

>Nigger I understand different political schools
You clearly don't
>Nazism works only in a /pol/acks wet dream
Nazism works but it's shit,
>Anarchism won't ever fucking work because people need to be told what to do
No understanding of Anarchism whatsoever
>Communism works only in Theory, True Communism will never be achieved
Ditto, you're parroting shit to make up for the lack of study
>Socialism is nice but it needs some capitalist elements in order to avoid becoming Orwellian
Not a shred of knowledge at all,
>And everyone and there grandmother knows what that capitalism is.
Nobody knows what Capitalism is, if you ask people they will say "free market" and money. Not a fucking clue.
>This is literally the grown-up version of "you're a big dumb-dumb!"
Yes, you are. Please educate yourself, I'm sick of replying to people who have no idea what they're talking about. I'm closing he thread now, goodbye,

>> No.6971717

Not everyone knows how to spell "everyone" correctly either

>> No.6971727
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>Nazism works

>> No.6971732
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Alright Mr genius care to explain your ideas of each of those political ideologies without googling them?

>> No.6971734

both fantastic copypasta tbh

>> No.6971739

American Psycho, silly.

>> No.6971751

sing to me Finnegans Wake my Irish friend

>> No.6971757

You're a pretty butthurt guy, it seems.

>> No.6971764

>I'm closing he thread now, goodbye
I wish all retards could be like this, to be honest.

>> No.6971775

Neau. You thhhink I wed wayste my taim ohn thhhet cleptrep?

>> No.6971794

FW is fantastic when it's spoken aloud. And I want to hear that accent of yours, my friend.

>> No.6971800

>tfw Slav
>tfw my English accent makes me sound like a KGB agent on an undercover mission

Just kill me, guys.

>> No.6971812

>Points out that anon is understanding politics through stereotypes instead of actual theory.
>Must be a retard.

>> No.6971839

you want an affected boarding school accent and a puncheable face?

>> No.6971894

'a'ell, fina vêret?

Men seriost, nedtonet stavangerdialekt er kanskje Norges fineste. Hvis du hores ut som en jærbonde er det strengt tatt din egen, og ikke dialekten eller språkets feil.

>> No.6971907

You don't know how bad it is. I grew up as an English person in Quebec, so now I don't have a nice accent in either language.

>> No.6971942

Norwegian dialects are ridiculous, there are so fucking many and they don't even sound remotely the same
God damn it I hate people from Bergen

>> No.6972126
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i fucking make a voocaroo and same fag i t and my humor goes under the radar

this post prob will too
pic related

>> No.6972146

Oh yes, very much so. People love to give respect to the respected. Especially women.

>> No.6972188

Same here

>> No.6972290

>tfw constantly affecting worse diction and poor vocabulary to avoid unwanted attention from and to blend in with the general plebdom

>> No.6972298

Ya man change yourself to fit in sounds good.

>> No.6972449

record your voice

>> No.6972534


God he's cool gotta get my ass a blazer

>> No.6972545

If you don't know the basics of Sun Tzu's Art of War you sure as hell aren't well-read.

>> No.6972609

>move from affluent area of ontario to the canadian maritimes
>picking up maritime accent
>call people buddy or bud constantly
>slowly losing the 'g' on '-ing'
>tfw slowly becoming a canadian redneck
>tfw more well read than almost all of my peers

>> No.6973031
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>> No.6973479
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>tfw from Minnesota
>tfw you sound like Fargo
>tip: Fargo isn't in Minnesota
>tfw fucking hate Fargo