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/lit/ - Literature

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6956870 No.6956870 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me of Astralia

>> No.6956915
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The role of positive emotions, such as love and appreciation, in generating coherence both in the heart field and in social fields...

Heart coherence and social coherence may also act to mutually reinforce each other

>> No.6956931
File: 27 KB, 920x339, Social-Narratology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As individuals within a group increase psychophysiological coherence, psychosocial attunement may be increased, thereby increasing the coherence of social relations

>> No.6957036
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Do you know about narrative networks ?


>> No.6957272

it's a pretty good country tbh

>> No.6957329

fuck off OP WITH YOUR FUTUROLOGY NONSENSE, results are no good


>> No.6957412
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What do you know about the nobility of the light ?

>> No.6957429
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The art of narrative is, by definition, an aesthetic enterprise, and there are a number of artistic elements that typically interact in well-developed stories

>> No.6957439

Not him, but I know the light. It is the most important thing. It is the most good, and all comes from it. As Heraclitus says, everything is an exchange for fire, and fire an exchange for everything. Fire is, of course, energy, which is, of course, your light

>> No.6957453

I don't know anything about Astralia, though I'll assume it's new age spirituality or a cult. You probably have different ways to describe most of my opinions, but by nature, the language I speak can only be learned intuitively, not taught. That makes an organization like yours useless to the young, and redundant to the old. The Buddha himself said that his lessons should not be believed in, but learned and agreed with personally

>> No.6957456
File: 19 KB, 384x259, enlightenment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have knowledge of Sunrunners ?

>> No.6957476

hairy clitoris thought the world was constantly shaking around in war and chaos, but that's clearly not the case. I've never even heard a gunshot in my life. the light, unlike fire, is constructive

>> No.6957483

Never heard the phrase, do you have knowledge of them? Is it just people who are more able to live the light?

>> No.6957512

I don't think you've read Heraclitus if you think that. He describes strife as the exchange of fire, which is energy. In physics, literally everything is an exchange of energy. Other than entropy, energy is never lost. All things are in states of strife, change, nothing is without energy. String theory takes this further, to claim all is made of strings of energy vibrating. The higher they vibrate, the more energetic they are. The higher a state of energy we achieve, as individuals and a species, the closer we get to rejoining the source of light

>> No.6957523
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Learn of the Kourai...


>> No.6957546

This thread will probably 404 while I shower. I'll read through that thread, but I need more resources. Is this a group, presumably of like minded individuals? Something to Google or research or read

>> No.6957548
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Daughters of the Sun

>> No.6957554
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Research astralwerks

>> No.6957557

Does the daughter have a name?
I'm a prince, soon to be a King. I've two other members of royalty so far. Several who are close. Do you have the majesty?

>> No.6957581

I'm going to assume it's not the record label that produces what seems to be mainly electronic music. Unless it is

>> No.6957603

Oh, that's Chloe. I thought that meme had died

>> No.6957615

All they're good for is bantz

>> No.6957666
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Strife can simply be the debate of ideas

>> No.6957714
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Ever upward

>> No.6957770
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Although it can mean this as well


>> No.6957786
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Microtubule elastic (acoustic) vibrations can be gained by the water molecule laser system directly from the microtubule walls and used for coherent photon emission

>> No.6957817

It's a beautiful thing

>> No.6957820
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>the light, unlike fire, is constructive

Do you know of Lord Littlemore ?

>> No.6957824

"all things are exchanges for fire, and fire an exchange for all thing's"

Ideas or actions. All things are movements of energy

>> No.6957858
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In action learning. questions allow group members to “step out of the frame of the prevailing ideology,”

The process of “stepping out” of a frame, out of a form of knowing – a prevailing ideology – is analogous to the work of artists as they struggle to give birth to fresh ways of seeing the world

Not all human beings think the same way

>> No.6957876
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Go with the flow ?

>> No.6957935

Heraclitus again. All things flow.

Though, rivers can part. Your intuition is what will guide you down a good or bad path. Go with the flow, but follow the path that will lead to a state of higher energy. Let your spirit guide you on these decisions. Only the spirit knows the light fully, as it came from the light

>> No.6957941

We must always ask why. Question all. Deconstruct and question ourselves until all that is left is the spirit. Then do the same for the world. If you understand why someone does something, you allow them to be humans in your mind

Get to the core.

>> No.6957950

We don't think the same, but we, like all of existence, are made of the same energy. Just in different forms.

We're all moving upward, but we are at different stages of that evolution. Find someone on your wavelength and you will resonate

>> No.6957980
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>Find someone on your wavelength and you will resonate

Who is the master who makes the grass green ?


Digital storytelling

>> No.6957995

I wish I could worship Taylor Swift fully.

The master is the creator. God, in a way. But not the bearded one. God is all, the universe. But the purest form of all is energy. God is the source of the light, the purest concentration. We strive to rejoin God.

>> No.6958054

are you just a shill for the magical egypt or do you believe?

>> No.6958110

astralwerks is the brain is the eye of horus

>> No.6958142

I find these types of threads on /lit/, sometimes; strange images linked to strange topics that dispense seemingly random but altogether intriguing information. And somehow you usually have them all to yourself. It's a rare moment of discovery, as though you've eavesdropped on a private conversation in the middle of an otherwise inattentive crowd...

So, OP, what on earth are you talking about?

>> No.6958220

Do you know how painful it is that no one else hears it? Do you know how beautiful it is that you do?

>> No.6958244

>as though you've eavesdropped on a private conversation in the middle of an otherwise inattentive crowd

I once heard a very similar phrase. I feel things right now I haven't fully felt since then. Thank you

>> No.6958256

I'm trying so hard to understand but I genuinely have no idea what is happening in this thread

>> No.6958265

we're a type of people, who just want to find more who feel and speak the way we do. God, it's hard. It hurts so much. It makes sense that we'd go to /lit/, try to get near intellectuals and hope someone among them has it. I went to /sci/ before /lit/

>> No.6958271

I'm sorry.

I think OP's gone anyway. It's just me and the new guy. And you

>> No.6958309
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OP here.
I haven't posted anything since your post. Just so you know...

>> No.6958310

It's all been me, the other guy. Except for >>6958256, obviously

>> No.6958312

don't be, I'm just seeing familiar words that I could never get and I feelin a little sad again

>> No.6958315

I'm right, aren't I, OP? Are you screaming in a dark room?

>> No.6958324

They're like a smell that reminds you of a long time ago. You get them, even if you don't see it yet. One day we'll talk about this again, I think

>> No.6958330
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I'm happy

>> No.6958339

The scream is just so someone else can hear. If you speak quietly they might not realize you were there

>> No.6958442
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You gotta believe

>> No.6958760
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Have you checked the logos ?

>> No.6958782
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Play with language


>> No.6958808
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>what on earth are you talking about?


>> No.6958923

mentioning my man Heraclitus

>> No.6958928

you wouldn't believe. Syzgy was a word someone newly important to me taught me just recently, and now these videos are titled that. Probably nothing, but possibly something

>> No.6959021

Thanks OP.

>> No.6959046
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Yw. Namaste

>> No.6959087
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Your thoughts on art ?


>> No.6959169
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In sociolinguistics, a style is a set of linguistic variants with specific social meanings


>> No.6959207
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>In 2010, cultural theorists Timotheus Vermeulen and Robin van den Akker...

>In their essay Notes on Metamodernism...

The prefix "meta-" here referred not to a reflective stance or repeated rumination, but to Plato's metaxy, which denotes a movement between opposite poles as well as beyond them. Vermeulen and van den Akker described metamodernism as a "structure of feeling" that oscillates between modernism and postmodernism

According to them, the metamodern sensibility "can be conceived of as a kind of informed naivety, a pragmatic idealism", characteristic of cultural responses to...

the digital revolution. They asserted that “the postmodern culture of relativism, irony, and pastiche" is over, having been replaced by a post-ideological condition that stresses engagement, affect, and storytelling

>> No.6959269
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The net of gems


>> No.6959398
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The craze for uncovering secret structures continues in all the arts today

>> No.6960727

I had no luck finding Huckstons blog. Point me in a direction?

>> No.6960731

Secret structures are how we communicate. This is this is this. They're only secret when you don't feel it. When you do, they couldn't be more obvious

>> No.6961397
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What can I say,
I don't feel the need to give such secrets away

>> No.6961415
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Persistence can help you go the distance

>> No.6961471
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Best in class, can we make it last ?


>> No.6961911

This thread needs more clarity.

So there's a trend in these posts (among the others): new age spirituality, an outpouring of academic -isms mostly relevant to the merger of cultural/literary theory, and celebrity icons.

If there is something that the dominant posters in this thread would like to come out and say, it would be very convenient to just say it.

>> No.6961977

We've been saying it, you're just not hearing it

>> No.6961989

Giving them away ruins the fun of learning them. The club is open to all members, you just gotta find the door in

>> No.6961994

I'll keep looking. I suppose getting handouts ain't right

>> No.6962003

How do you describe the indescribable? We outline everything around the thing, and you see it by the negative space

>> No.6962023

There are some people that know a sort of feeling. We all know the feeling. This thread is a lighthouse.

>> No.6962152
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Bright and pretty...

>> No.6962203
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I can hear those dubs bby

>> No.6962301
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In Tibetan Buddhism it’s referred to as Crazy Wisdom


>> No.6962634

That's precisely it--I have the feeling, but I have no words. And a feeling isn't enough.

This is just a little frustrating, especially given that I anticipated this, and especially given that it makes your position extremely convenient, but aight, whatever. I guess I can do the whole mystical thing.

>> No.6962669

>not posting a picture of the Queen Swift for 1989

It's like you're not even a member of the universal church

>> No.6962700

I understand your frustration. But you feel it! You noticed something happening here and it drew you in.

I'm in the sciences, and my beliefs break nearly all of my opinions on logic and reason. Some art gets closest to describing it, but even then, only to those who already know it. I genuinely wish I had a better way of explaining it. Imagine loving someone who doesn't get a massive part of your life. I wish I could just tell people what the fuck I'm talking about

I suppose all I can say is follow your intuition, and look for things that feel this way. Find people and things on your wavelength, so to speak. If something has a feeling of rightness, follow it

>> No.6962716

You know what we're talking about, but your entire life has been building on top of it. Get back to the core. Language gets in the way. Let it breath through you

>> No.6962740

We're talking, but we're not talking to each other on the surface. Someone within me is hearing the words and dictating new ones. Metaphor bridges the gaps. If you asked me to soberly explain what I was talking about, my tongue would tie

The other person in me is still me, but a different type of me. Be selective with mysticism, there's a lot of bullshit. As I said before, follow your intuition. You can find the same answers through the physical sciences, just in different forms

>> No.6962748

I responded to myself, that was meant for you

>> No.6962828
File: 298 KB, 1920x1200, chloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate your responsiveness. Post more Chloe.

>> No.6962866

Miles is a hard man to find. All I seem to find are empty profiles. But i'll go miles to find Miles. As a note, Taylor Swift is more my style.

>> No.6962890

It's been me since last night, friend

>> No.6962911

I must admit, Chloe's facial structure is rather beautiful. She also seems to carry a radiance

>> No.6963006
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What's been you ?

>> No.6963142
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Sweet as can /b/
Along with the queen of /tv/
The queen of /mu/
And Lorde used the power of faboost
To sprinkle some Love
Between me and you
What a tree
We could climb and see
A love that grew and grew
Like pottery you threw
Not away
But a way
For us to make something good together
Like the laughs we once knew

>> No.6963164
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>What a tree

>> No.6963168
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>We could climb

>> No.6963177
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>and see

>> No.6963190


>> No.6964127

This thread reminds me strongly of me and my friends on LSD.

>> No.6964220

LSD let's you feel it, but then you stop seeing it again. Remember what it was like

>> No.6964235

Different branches, but we all move up

>> No.6964243

I was momentarily banned for some ip thing, but I am back. Risen from the ashes

>> No.6964306
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Perceptual multistability can be evoked by visual patterns that are too ambiguous for the human visual system to recognise with one unique interpretation

>> No.6964311
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Transmediation can refer to the process of "responding to cultural texts in a range of sign systems -- art, movement, sculpture, dance, music, and so on -- as well as in words."

Transmediated works are closely linked to semiotics and technology in the context of digital media.

We live in a mediacentric society filled with many affective sign systems.

Various great Enlightenment figures could be seen as lateral mediarists in that they wrote and copied ideas amongst the great thinkers of that era, a bit like the Internet

>> No.6964348
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Permeating the living reality of our culture are certain contagious notions, fads and trends that have the ability to influence the way we think about the nature of Reality and ourselves

>> No.6964362
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The Tetractys [also known as the decad] is an equilateral triangle formed from the sequence of the first ten numbers aligned in four rows. It is both a mathematical idea and a metaphysical symbol that embraces within itself—in seedlike form—the principles of the natural world, the harmony of the cosmos, the ascent to the divine, and the mysteries of the divine realm

>> No.6964629

Medias cross into eachother because they're different ways of saying the same thing. You say this is this is this

They appear different but feel the same. Making connections is the first step

>> No.6964659
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As in any form of pattern recognition, one must know what to expect and how to compare things before the patterns become evident


>> No.6964677


1 ineffable secret of the universe pulled from her pussy (I WORE GLOVES), 129823098471029384091823740 to go

>> No.6964846
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Words occupy a semiotic space. Words are symbols hat refer not to things, but to our ideas about things

>> No.6964925
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Language is an esoteric science first and foremost

>> No.6965404

You sound like a madman character from a Bethesda game. Get real kid.

>> No.6965452

Words don't hook up to anything beyond themselves, whether things or ideas. Language is a performative activity like walking, albeit with a more complex structure.

Reference is merely the extension of an expression or phrase of semantic type e.

>> No.6965461

this is /x/ level rambling of minimal profundity with the interjection of white females that someone with questionable mental stability finds attractive. very spritual

>> No.6965465

"i read philip k dick and take psychedelics no demiurge can stop me now hehe"

>> No.6965487
File: 42 KB, 966x749, 1346094557243.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh deep gnostic infographic

>> No.6965502

"maybe if i post mysterious vague shit on the internet people will finally think i'm a schizophrenic shaman starchild with a rainbow aura who has hidden knowledge of our universe"

>> No.6966129

None of the knowledge is hidden

>> No.6966302

I'll admit this was really funny

>> No.6966309

The feelings faded from here, I think I'll take my leave. See you in a couple of Miles

>> No.6966313

Astralia is where you play wheel of goon with your consciousness

>> No.6966321
File: 1.07 MB, 2022x1503, 1418050578535-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen the dark horse of men. The charioteer brought death. Undisguised and unforgiven

>> No.6967069
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You are incorrect.

>> No.6967081
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They who dance are thought mad by those who hear not the music

>> No.6967130
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i'm a diagnosed schizophrenic and i see what you're doing i just don't agree with the presentation

like look anyone can think of sentences/phrases that are vague enough to be construed as having deeper value or meaning but unless you're willing to put in the effort to align and connect these points you haven't really found a path. you don't have to take the path but in recognizing the path you show your understanding. any computer can generate random statements and phrases and the human mind is much more then an auto-generator. it can see things on infinite levels and perspectives, something a computer cannot.

>> No.6967142
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The better you look,
The more you'll see

>> No.6967158

This is just the same technique any church/religious organization/psychic shop uses

"I understand ____ and maybe you can but only if you do _____ "

Claiming to have arcane knowledge to present a sense of transcendence/being on a higher level than the majority. It's just a way to boost egos and if that's what you need then fine. But I believe in openness in all aspects of life.

>> No.6967163
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>i see what you're doing

Maybe take a better look...

The nature of new generation is also influenced by the nature of the new media.

When the composer presents us overtly with a work of great ingenuity, the right response is to appreciate it as such, which means to think it through as he has done

>> No.6967167

There is no composer. There is nothing but coincidences piling on to one another.

>> No.6967319

See the coincidences for what they are

He couldn't tell you what will work for you, just what worked for him

>the better you look
In more ways that one

>> No.6967355
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>In more ways that one
"Smile" she continued

>> No.6967384
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the coincidences take the form of the narratives i want to see

>> No.6967410
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Those dubs make me smile

>> No.6967463
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An additional way to read hieroglyphics

>> No.6967543


That's interesting, anon who is not OP