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File: 108 KB, 960x960, I sure hope you plebs don't do this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6961125 No.6961125[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>go to college
>a significant portion of profs are marxists
>undecided, so give it a go
>read most of the marxist authors they refer to
>decide to dig deeper on the other side of the political spectrum
>start reading de Maistre, Chesterton, Carlyle, Jünger, Spengler, von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, and so forth..
>undecided still, can't throw out the baby with the bathwater
>get shit from Marxists for even agreeing with some of the ideas of the aforementioned
>they don't even read these works, too busy reading Gramsci or some shit

Why do Marxists never venture beyond the reading list their proto-party structure at college offers them?
I rarely see them give any other thinker the benefit of doubt. But every intelligent right winger I see taking on both.

>> No.6961135

because marxists are dumb and or juvenile, or stuck in a juvenile idealistic state of mind. just look at all the undergrad marxists on this board and that one retarded namefag

>> No.6961142

Butters is an Anarchist not a Marxist. Don't put me beside him.

>> No.6961145
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You learned nothing.

>> No.6961151

foucault did

>> No.6961154

>read most of the marxist authors they refer to
...like? Give me names of books, not just authors.

>reading list their proto-party structure at college offers them
I'm the only Marxist in my university. Everything I know about Marxism and the Left is self-taught, and so are most Marxists I've met. Where the fuck are you faggots getting this meme?

>> No.6961166

Liberalism is a mental illness.

Evola, the culture of Critique series, and Schopenhauer's view on women should be mandatory reading in ALL disciplines, ALL trades, and ALL curricula

But alas, the Marxists have taken over. Just keep spreading the redpill on the internet, it's already the default position on 4chan. And we won't stop there

>> No.6961177
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>everything in your post

>> No.6961188

>butthurt Marxist posing as a /pol/tard

>> No.6961192


I'd say most of the right wingers who do not have an issue with taking on another set of ideas tend to be Catholics as well, who have always had a tradition of reading totally alien ideas and seeing what's there.
A protestant right winger on the other hand.. more chance he'll sperg out.

>> No.6961200

>go to college
>there are no Marxist professors
>there are no Marxists students

Bit disappointing tbh

>> No.6961202
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>> No.6961210

Getting really fucking sick of this catholic meme tbh.

>> No.6961212

Because the assumptions of Marxism pretty much exist as assumptions in our culture. Left wingers can exist in their own ideology like fish existing in water; they don't even have to be aware of it. Right wingers, on the other hand, are constantly forced to feel like outsiders and weirdos if they are at all intellectual, therefore are forced to consider both sides. Unless they are total morons in which case they aren't intellectuals.

Source: Right-winger living in DC, the second most left-leaning city in the USA

>> No.6961220

>not taking the red and black catholic pill of undistorted, objective, non-ideological Absolute Truth

Maybe this place isn't for you, sweetheart

>> No.6961227

It's a secular religion.
Zizek basically admits it fits all the tennets and that a conversion to Marxism also should be like one to Christianity, not on a rational basis but on a moment of sudden divinely inspired insight.

>> No.6961228

>people still take marxism seriously

I mean come fucking on everyone

>> No.6961230

liberalism is not Marxist and it's not leftist either.

>> No.6961234


The OP isn't even a right winger you troll.
Basically confirming what he said, you people can't take another point of view without going "treason!".

>> No.6961238

It's mostly women and low testosterone 'males' in all truth. There must be a correlation between the desire to get cucked and being a leftist.

>> No.6961241
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>> No.6961244
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>there's still a fair number of people who unironically defend and glorify 20th century commie attempts like the USSR

I'm sure it'll die after a century or so. Bit like how Manicheism was popular, then unpopular and eventually forgotten by most.

>> No.6961259

liberalism is rapidly being crowded out by SJW-type neomarxism, though.

See: Sanders and O'Malley rallies being crashed and them forced to apologize like bitches.

>> No.6961264

You shouldn't underestimate how the liberal media are pushing blatantly socialist propaganda such as race mixing and feminism

>> No.6961273


Shitty attempt again, fucktard.
If anything will lead to a mulatto world it's capitalism.

>> No.6961275
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>> No.6961290

>not stuck in the Middle Ages and trying desperately to hide it
>not submissive, cowering mind-slaves to any authority figure who tells them to feel shame

>> No.6961291

marxism: handouts
libertarianism: real men taking care of themselves

leftism is feminine

>> No.6961298

Not him, but I think he refers to liberalism, which in the classical sense doesn't only have a social dimension but also an economic one.

>> No.6961300

Race mixing is a result of large scale immigration. Large scale immigration is the result of neoliberal policies, which is pretty much the opposite of socialism.

>> No.6961301
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Thankf for making this thread

Reading Schmidt and Carlyle was how I became a Maoist.

Have you checked Mao out btw

>> No.6961302


>global market
>somehow this won't, in due time, lead to more and more race mixing

And feminism is only possible if women have the means to provide for themselves.
A world full of housewives is unable to have feminism and it's in fact antithetical to capitalism, as they'd love to have everyone in the workforce ( with the exception of the unemployed reservists who need to keep wages down ). A woman with her own wage can translate her other needs into what is known as feminism.

>> No.6961306


>Adorno and Horkheimer cite De Maistre's critique of Bacon
>Influence of Schmitt on Agamben and Mouffe
>Zizek's use of Chesterton

Sounds like someone else hasn't been doing their reading m8

>> No.6961312

>SJW-type neomarxism
Marxism: The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.
SJW: Class struggle lolwut, stop triggering me, btw race and gender are the only categories that matter

Seriously, where does this meme come from?

>> No.6961313
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I don't debate Maoists.
I just post a picture of Mao shaking hands with Nixon.

>> No.6961320

The difference is that most of the people who do so are from the former USSR.

>> No.6961324
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>de Maistre, Chesterton, Carlyle, Jünger, Spengler, von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, and so forth..
admit it, they suck
their critique of technology reads like a variation of the scene where charlie chaplin is stuck between giant steel cogs. they had no confidence in improved conditions at all.
authors like spengler have enormous erudition and seem to have absorbed every important treatise that had been written in 19th and early 20th century, but they couldnt grasp any of the more recent big transformations, like the power of USA or actual progress in soviet union (which they thought to be 100% propaganda). it was all continental circlejerk over clausewitz or napoleon, still thinking about solutions to 19th century problems. their knowledge of USA was lousy.
and their enthusiasm for hero-leaders together with the "intuition over rationality"-trend were completely btfo with the real life experiment called hitler.
the catholicboos were just used as a channel for antibolshevist fear mongering. nobody cared for catholicism at this point, the fascists all turned out to be nihilists with nazis as high priests of nihilism.

>> No.6961333

>I'm the only Marxist in my university.
I do not believe this for even one second

>> No.6961343

From people that buy into the right-left dichotomy.

They have this really ingrained "us vs. them" mentality so they tend to conflate every little side they oppose into a single big one.

Meanwhile, the differences between themselves and their "allies" are downplayed, so somehow you conservative kids on 4chan identifying with fascists to whom "tradition" was just a paint-job.

>> No.6961344


Class struggle is extended to other aspects of society and culture, like identity, gender, race. All of the structures that these things legitimate oppression and need to be revolutionized just like the structure of production.

Hence "cultural marxism"

>> No.6961350

*somehow you have

>> No.6961352

It comes from the fact that identity politics consumes the Left, and many pseudo-leftists associate themselves with left-liberal civil society organizations.

>> No.6961353

really have absolutely no idea how anyone could be a Maoist unless they are literally psychopaths

>> No.6961356

No it isn't. At all.

Identity politics is replacing collective sense of identity based on material social relations (I'm a labourer, therefore working class) with individualistic sense of identity based on sexuality, race, etc

It's not based on the objective "social relations of material production" that Marxism and socialism is based on, it's based on individuals and their identities and has it's roots in the post-class liberal left in American academia in the 1980's

>> No.6961358

>race and gender are the only categories that matter
2/10. race, glass, gender are the holy trinity of SJW. stop pretending like it isn't.

>> No.6961360

>cultural Marxism
Opinion discarded.

>> No.6961361
File: 17 KB, 300x224, 8-mao-pol-pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maoism is a theoretical standpoint that was codified around 1957-1963.

Mao was a senile af at that point.
Why don't you post the macro about Marx never having a job instead?

>> No.6961363

>Hence "cultural marxism"
>cultural marxism


>> No.6961364

When was the last time a single SJW spoke up for the poor or so much as mentioned the working class? Don't be ridiculous.

>> No.6961372

>he was senile
>that's why there was a rapprochement with the US

Thanks for the history lesson.

>> No.6961373

>Maoism is a theoretical standpoint that was codified around 1957-1963.
No it wasn't. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism was refined into a proper revolutionary ideology in the 80s during the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement.

>> No.6961377


let this meme die

>> No.6961390
File: 79 KB, 500x625, fedora2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the "cultural marxism doesn't real" meme

>> No.6961395

1/10. all SJW bitch about is how the homeless people, free tuition, illegal aliens, migrant workers rights, minimum wage for fast food workers. you seem like a retarded brosocialist tbh

>> No.6961396

Well, I wanted to go to a university with actual leftists in it, but I got stuck here because I can't afford a dorm in the city.

>> No.6961399

Call it neoliberal identity politics which is totally in line with the cultural logic of late capitalism, then yes, it does.

>> No.6961401

they still call themselves Marxists
all the "Marxists" I've met have identities that are so intertwined with capitalism that it's laughable to think that they would actually abandon capitalism

>> No.6961402
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>cultural marxism

>> No.6961408

SJWs don't care about class. They're philistines who only care about the issues that are in vogue because socioeconomic problems are too difficult for them to understand.

This is why SJWs accused Bernie fucking Sanders of "whitesplaining"

>> No.6961409

I don't care what they call themselves. I'm not interested in identity politics

>> No.6961412

Marxists are zealots. They believe that they've reached the end of their ideological journey. That after years of struggle, they have had revealed to them, the salvation of mankind. They're no better than Jehovah's Witnesses.

Universities are supposed to be places of learning, not of confirmation. A place where free thought rules and challenging orthodoxies is gently encouraged. But now we have a new unchallengeable orthodoxy, Leftism.

Repeat after me:
"God is dead. Everything is relative
God is dead. Everything is relative
These things are absolute."

>> No.6961421
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sorry but that's the future of leftism

>> No.6961423
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>unchallengeable orthodoxy
have you niggers been to an actual university or do you just get what you know from memeposters on 4chan?

>> No.6961428

Yes I have

>> No.6961434

My professors (who were admittedly left wing) laughed in the face of idealists. They knew that they didn't have a solid understanding of the issues surrounding their causes, and that only pragmatic political advancement would solve social issues, not obvious subversion.

>> No.6961436

>anyone who isn't a transkin is a national socialist
this is what barely-holding-it-together tumblr users actually believe

>> No.6961440

>have you niggers been to an actual university
have you?
t. studying political economy

>> No.6961452

>'everything is relative'


>> No.6961456
File: 80 KB, 564x750, 60-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to /lit/
>no one calls you ot on your constant use of the word "marxist"

Lick these boots clean, you pleb. /lit/ is not for comfy.

My morian!

>> No.6961463


>> No.6961473
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Sadly this will be true.
I don't see any Zizekian turn in leftism.
It's easier to be upset about micro-offenses over Twitter today and glorify a media spectacle where a 65 year old man got tit implants and a face lift. Reading actual theory takes time, effort, but most of all an attention span which most 20 tabs millennials don't have.

>> No.6961474

>tfw chairman bob bros to be racist with

>> No.6961476
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as someone who's right wing I'm loving it tbh
sorry lads you had your chance

>> No.6961480

this tbh
The left wing media/academia accelerating its lunatic clown parade is the best thing that's ever happened to the right

>> No.6961487

>left wing media


I thought capitalists owned those media

>> No.6961491
File: 17 KB, 375x375, evola trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw right wingers are becoming increasingly inspired by well-balanced thinkers like Jünger
>kill it at the gym

>meanwhile leftists are stuck in a chokehold by jigaboos and a bunch of AIDS chasers, unable to come to the revolution they dream of because the straight white males in the movement can't do anything but be shut down

I love this.


>> No.6961493
File: 69 KB, 1022x432, capital.jpg%20large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to grow up and recognize that capital is not a friend of the conservative, m8

>> No.6961498

>identity politics

I think we've covered this already

>> No.6961504

>too busy reading Gramsci

My comrade, you don't understand. Gramsci is the shit.

>> No.6961508


>> No.6961520

Marxism is dogmatism, that's why. You should just read Hegel and Giovanni Gentile.

>> No.6961543

Is having your team "winning" more important than increasing the level of debate?

Neoconservative rhetorics tend to alienate large segments of the population. Neoliberalism has much more mass-appeal because it panders to most disenfranchised groups. It only makes economic sense for corporations to jump on the bandwagon.

>> No.6961552

So I'm a conservative and capital, the media and academia are opposed to everything I value.

These things aren't leftist because they aren't 100% in line with marxist theory?

>> No.6961561

x is y is sloganism. nuff said.

>> No.6961563

feminist theory and marxist theory are pretty much the same level of bullshit/effort needed to understand.

>> No.6961571

Don't read.

Follow your own path.

>> No.6961573

Is this a joke?

>> No.6961577

Not him, but don't conservatives worship the free market?

>> No.6961578

>These things aren't leftist because they aren't 100% in line with marxist theory?
I don't know what to answer to that well. I don't really know much firsthand on Marxism.

I do oppose the right-left dichotomy on principle, anyway, because it's an oversimplification of politics, leading to a level of debate that essentially boils down to "look how silly the other side is", strawmen and other intelectual cancer.

>> No.6961582
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there are different forms of conservatism
American conservatism for the most part is a bastardisation

>> No.6961589

whats a good book to get into Junger's philosophical stances? Storm of Steel?

>> No.6961593

"x is y is sloganism" is sloganism. nuff said.

>> No.6961596

>not being a capitalist

commie detected

>> No.6961600

>only pragmatic political advancement would solve social issues, not obvious subversion
Most reasonable statement in whole thread.

The rules of the game don't change that much. You work with the system from within to change it, with specific context-sensitive goals in mind, not in pursuit of an hypothetical utopian scenario.

>> No.6961602

>a level of debate that essentially boils down to "look how silly the other side is", strawmen and other intelectual cancer
But anon, that's what politics is to begin with

>> No.6961611

I am a capitalist I was just answering his question

>> No.6961613

Then call me apolitical.

>> No.6961619

Sloganism is sloganism

>> No.6961626

A tautology is a tautology.

>> No.6961627

Conservatives recognize that economics proves that markets lead to the most efficiency. They don't worship consumerism and are actually quite wary of it. The good ones at least.

>> No.6961633


Der Arbeiter I'd say.

>> No.6961636

why can't you be sympathetic to leftist progressive issues without being a retarded communist on this board? is there no middle?

>> No.6961638

So they want capitalism without consumerism?

>> No.6961640

>economics proves

>> No.6961647

consumerism is a cultural thing. It's not the outcome of government policy or people making their own choices.

Abortion and no fault divorce are the outcome of a consumerist culture.
>This child/marriage is inconvenient, I am going to choose to get rid of it like throwing away a fast food meal I don't want

The left was never really anti-consumerism. They were just envious of the consumption of others.

>> No.6961650

>no middle
It's called centrism but it's a position that gets shat on by everone else in the spectrum the way agnoticism is.

>> No.6961654

>economics doesn't real
sorry that math is hard m8

>> No.6961663

>consumerism is a cultural thing. It's not the outcome of government policy or people making their own choices.
>Abortion and no fault divorce are the outcome of a consumerist culture.
congrats on contradicting yourself with just a single line

>> No.6961664

The "progressive left" (i.e. center-left reformism) is utter shit.

>> No.6961666

>economic models have good prediction power
sorry that science is hard m80

>> No.6961669

>leftist progressive
you're a retard

>> No.6961670

and armchair revolution is so much better m8

>> No.6961685
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>> No.6961691

>not realizing Schopenhauer hated shitcunts like you

>> No.6961692

>Implying I don't do any organizing in my community
And even if I didn't, doing nothing is infinitely better than than doing things that don't change the status quo in any significant way.

>> No.6961697

>anything I don't like is consumerism
>anything I do like is individual choice
great reasoning

>> No.6961699

Schopenhauer hated everything though.

>> No.6961701

>Abortion and no fault divorce are the outcome of a consumerist culture.
Are you implying that primitive peoples don't ever induce abortions or annul marriages?

>> No.6961703

Because most Marxist are essentially Hegelians, so obviously all they do is get stuck in a cyclical intellectualism and, in the real world, the positivism of economic/materialistic growth. It's almost ironic that the radical party intended for working people in fact stunts their capacity for revolutionary thought

>> No.6961705

Not conservative values and white-on-white sexual relations

>> No.6961708

yes, that group of humanities students is totally going to change the status quo in a significant way. I can see the end of capitalism nigh approaching. comrades, the only thing you have to lose is the fetters of your chains!

I prefer to live in reality

>> No.6961709

again, your autism has made reading comprehension difficult for you.

I didn't say that all individual choices are good. That's clearly insane.

>> No.6961712

the only ones that glorify primitive people are marxists

>> No.6961728

Who talked about glory?

You stated some things were products of consumerism. I challenged that notion by pointing out that those things exist without consumerism.

>> No.6961730

Wow, what shit reading comprehension. That group of humanities students may never change anything, but at least their inaction is better than the action of progressive reformists because they at least aren't pretending that they're changing anything.

>> No.6961765

Wow, what great rhetoric abilities you have. That group of humanities students is the chosen one who've been blessed by the gospel of Marx to change the world. Everything everyone else does isn't anything. Just the same old status quo. No one is improving the lives of others. No one is improving the world. Only we can do that.

>> No.6961775

>This happened

>> No.6961794

>political correctness = Marxism


>> No.6961801
File: 573 KB, 976x2237, MorrisBooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest application of socialist sensibilities, evolved from Carlyle, Ruskin, and (oddly) Schiller, was William Morris's pairing of human artistic dignity with true equality. Morris doesn't get a fraction of the attention he deserves, sadly: WWI and Modernism finalized the rejection of all things Victorian a century ago. But he was an immensely thoughtful man, and too smart to let his radicalism be simple-minded.

>> No.6961806

You don't understand Marxism, and you equate it with egalitarianism.

>> No.6961813

Are you fucking stupid? Are you really too fucking thick to read something and not inject whatever personal insecurities you have into it? I'm making an argument against reformism you twat, that's all.

>> No.6961825

>Why do Marxists
Like OP they are young adults without fully functioning brains. Perfectly normal, also perfectly normal for YAs to "out" the groups they disagree with as fools. Kids talking shit will never end, they are just as wrong as you are and like them you are also missing the bits of your brain that would let you know otherwise, they will grow but until then its simply not possible for you or them to understand.

>> No.6961836

And that's a worthless copout of those who want to pretend they're bigger than reality. Anything less than my socialist utopian fantasy isn't worth my time.

>> No.6961842

>being so involved in petty politics and political theories
the cancer of lit

>> No.6961849

Is this you?

>> No.6961855

Sick response my friend! I really liked how you chose to dismiss ideas you don't agree without using any reasoning!

>> No.6961865

no, but I am apolitical in a way
I don't mind people reading on political theories but OP is surely making up fictive problems for himself
left or right? who fucking cares?

>> No.6961924
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>I'm the only Marxist in my university.
Bullshit. I had four professors in different departments that announced themselves as marxists. Or do you go to Liberty University?

>> No.6961946

>>start reading
wtf since when is this board full of nerds?

>> No.6961967

This was me during undergrad.
Like verbatim.

>> No.6961984

Friedy's shadow looms over your post, pleb.

>> No.6961990
File: 30 KB, 334x499, lit lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP have you read this book?

>> No.6962043

Why is Bulius Ebola wearing a turban?

>muh closet nazism

>muh insipiration to terrorists

>Morris doesn't get a fraction of the attention he deserves, sadly: WWI and Modernism finalized the rejection of all things Victorian a century ago. But he was an immensely thoughtful man, and too smart to let his radicalism be simple-minded.
>tfw we all suffer under the brutal yoke of WW1
Fuck! They even managed to make visit to brothels a company chore.

>> No.6962096

I only had 1 in 4 years

>> No.6962118


>> No.6962124

Actually, being a moderate liberal who wants to preserve class society by lying to the workers is worse than being a tactless paper tiger who comes right out and says that they hate them.

>> No.6962126

bull fucking shit

>> No.6962136

This is the best post about socialism I've seen on this site. Needs more attention.

Schiller is GOAT.

>> No.6962137

"i don't agree with something so i'm going to say it's not marxist"

everybody knows it is marxist, it stems from critical theory frankfurt school which is marxist/new-left

>> No.6962204


These are non-compatible.

It's retarded.

Like joining fascists and right-wing libertarians.


>muh frankfurt jooish conspiracy

>> No.6962215

As a fascist I think your type of leftism is the worst. Kill yourself.

>> No.6962221

they're compatible, prove that they aren't

you obviously have no understanding of marxist theory and sociology.

>> No.6962234

So what? Modus Ponens is a valid argument form because it's tautological.

>> No.6962254

I'm a right-winger going to art school in san francisco

we are in the belly of the beast

>> No.6962454

Marx: Workers must apropriate the means of production. Change must be done through dictatorship of the proletariat.

New-left: Don't tell me what do to. It's my body, it's my choice. I can be whatever I want.

It's authoritarism vs liberalism, and collectivism vs individualism.

I thought my comparison with fascism and libertarianism was pretty obvious but maybe my political background skewed my perspective on foreigner's perspective. For reference, the most important political divide in my country is between the social democrats and the socialists, there is a nationalist comunist party that dominates the most rural region and a fringe far right party.

>> No.6962473


>> No.6962521

>thinking marxism is exclusively about economics

you retarded, fam

>> No.6962591

>Thinking marxism is about everything BUT economics.
Die red scum.

>> No.6962639
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>someone disagrees with gay anal feminism

>> No.6962648

it's about both evidently

>> No.6962677

But Zizek is a schizophrenic neckbeard.

>> No.6962720
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From my part I can confess that i' not a orthodox Marxist since I became a realist concerning the way capitalism is heading.

However one must ask? Why do right-wingers feel such an inferiority complex against Leftists and especially Marxist, why does their bile is always tunred towards those who stand with the working class?

The answer is two-fold:

Firstly to be a Leftist you must abandon your cosy little corner and embrace a more uncertain and holistic thinking. The conservative has his work cut to out for him, he does nothing but defend the staus quo, namely capitalism and traditional values. Of course the conservative doesn't even know where exactly he stands in this twofold contradiction, since capitalism is eroding his position of state or cultural authority, so to counter this he lashes against nomadic social groups or even the working class itself, and when he is attacked by a unified front calling him out against the contradictions of capitalism that attack the working class, he becomes either vilified or an obvious bootlicker (see how /pol/ celebrates attacks against protesters)

Secondly the conservative has no actual notion of what capitalism is as a system of exchange , what he has is some vaue idea of a community which he ever fully abandons. Thusly the conservative never leaves his little neighborhood, his street , his country or even his own limits of constructed subjectivity. He lives in the world of ideology in an uncritical way, an interpelated subject with no self-consciousness over the authority, conditioning or the reification over his very self.

>> No.6962736

why do you do this

>> No.6962738

>consumerism is a cultural thing. It's not the outcome of government policy or people making their own choices.

What sort of things created it? What can remove it?

>> No.6962757


Because I like to anger people like you.

>> No.6962768

>traditional values
>statue quo

What? Where? Can I live there?

>> No.6962797


There is no such thing as traditional values, that's the point, traditional values is the status quo in any given age, people have actually no idea what the entail as formal system of ethics but know that they are abstract moral commands like the categorical imperative and a defense of christianity. They are all transcendental barriers to make a person think he belongs in a given social community without the over-codification and deterritorialization of capitalism. Ultimately they are devoid of content because they are reified and transcendental.

>> No.6962810
File: 143 KB, 500x500, zeez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was planned by US government and thinktanks during 1920s. they hoped to generate and manipulate mass demand in the right directions via the new public relations methods and electronic mass media. happiness machines, lippmann and bernays blabla

>> No.6962829

Until you look at the grand picture of 200,000 years of homo sapiens evolution and millions of years of homo erectus.

Basic things, like monogamy in a scarce resource environment, the role of women compared to men, etc, become biological truths.

>> No.6962830

The bourgeoise, the industrial revolution, other modernities and comfy living in general.

You can become a hippie, a hobbo and/or a commie.

>> No.6962835


>> No.6962840

Where can I read about that

What would capitalism be like without consumerism?

>> No.6962850


Because they're on the winning side. You have to understand pragmatism. Among my peers - underground arts types - I'm a leftist. But I'm not really. Why would I tell them that, though? Assenting to the precepts of leftism is a way of insuring my participation and trusted status in the community.

TL;DR: The difference between you and them is they're smart enough to lie.

>> No.6962864

>monogamy in a scarce resource environment
>in humans
Gonna need some references.
War is often fought to take women from the next guys'. The amount of women breeding stays the same, even though the average number of women per man can flunctuate.

>the role of women compared to men
There's a whole spectrum. One of the main factors is the norms/laws of succession. Avuncular systems (rule of the avuncul, maternal uncle) tend to allow more freedom to women than patriarchal system (rule of the pater, father), for instance.

>> No.6962871

Look up r type vs k type.

International war isn't something that existed throughout the vast majority of human existence.

>There's a whole spectrum. One of the main factors is the norms/laws of succession. Avuncular systems (rule of the avuncul, maternal uncle) tend to allow more freedom to women than patriarchal system (rule of the pater, father), for instance.
You're speaking in terms of hundreds of years of social changes instead of biological truths that have developed over millions of years.

>> No.6962872

century of self docu series (2002) by adam curtis
or "the good society" (1937) book by walter lippmann where he described his ideas for american future.

>> No.6962945

Nice spook. Also, it's fucking hard to control what people do with their own money, no?

Bullshit, bullshit and more bullshit.


>> No.6962954


Zizek claims Marxist "Truth" (referencing Lenin's quote "Marxism is all-powerfull because it's true") is a subjective one, which requires the individual to take part in the problem from within itself (class struggle) thus, becoming a marxist, since such a thing a objective truth is not even possible in social sciences. He makes the claim that it's a secular religion to subscribe it's inherent subjective nature and to make retards like you bring their hands to their heads.

tldr: It's an anti-positivist critique, not the caracterization of marxism as dogmatic.

>> No.6962966


He claims Marxism is a religion for the same reason Freud is now classified as a philosopher - both Freud and Marx are as discredited as they could be.

Astrology used to be a science, too.

>> No.6962984
File: 104 KB, 960x714, monkey see monkey do - how tradition is made.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already got the groundwork on mating strategies. Ethology is one of my interest and I got a did pretty well on that class.

>international war
Never mentioned it. Think tribal warfare.

>Biological truths
>hundreds of years in social changes
I'm not talking about an historical analysis. I'm talking of what you learn when you actually get on the field and get to directly observe other ways of life, ways that are supposedly closer to the way of life of our hunter-gatherer ancestors.

Men tend to dominate, to war, women tend to have much more contact with children, etc, but all you can derive from the data are general tendencies and particularities to each ethnic group.

As to the nature of tradition, one should consider the context in which they arise, and judge if such behaviors would still be adaptative in the present context.

Took me a while to find this. Fresh from my aunt's email.

>> No.6962995

Ups, there in the second phrase. I did pretty well. Translated to what I think is the american system I got like 3,8/4?

>> No.6962999

Wow another raid thread, awesome. Glad /pol/ never has anything to do but shitpost on /lit/

>> No.6963009

What is your overall point?

>> No.6963014


What the FUCK are you talking about? Either you:

A) Didn't read the book
B) Didn't understand what he was trying to say

I explained already what he ment, gave arguments and applied logic, yet you keep making non-backed claims. Whatever, this isn't even arguing.

>> No.6963025

Just to contest the idea that traditions have value onto themselves and that these "biological truths" might make sense within your theoretical framework but don't hold strong against empirical scrutinity.

>> No.6963037

Are /pol/fags actually getting dumber? This thread is atrocious.

>> No.6963044

But they do, statistical evidence supports monogamous heterosexual partnerships when raising kids are superior.

Most women are more happy being subservient to their chosen man.

And biological evidence supports men being the main provider (aside from service economy shit).

>> No.6963046

Point out something and state your criticism of it, making a post like this just makes you look butthurt and clueless.

>> No.6963071

I'm not marxist but I use his deconstruction method on culture just to be better at debating

Even if you are not marxist, reading marxist critique leaves you being dope as fuck to normies tbh

>> No.6963083
File: 1005 KB, 351x263, No! Stop! STOP!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one for you
>b-but deb8 muh shitpostin

>> No.6963113

>But they do, statistical evidence supports monogamous heterosexual partnerships when raising kids are superior.
Compared to what, single parents and homosexual pairings? Polygamous unions do just fine, as far as we know. And in societies where marriage annulments are common, marriage annulments don't screw up kids (check out New Guenea, lot's of cool stuff there). At the core, the family ought to prepare the child for the particular context it will live in (or better yet, to adapt to whatever context may come).

>Most women are more happy being subservient to their chosen man.
>And biological evidence supports men being the main provider (aside from service economy shit).
Again, and I'm not saying I'm conceding that all that is true, general tendencies don't make for universally applicable rules and changes are to be considered when weighting the adaptative value of any ruleset.

>> No.6963182


I'm talking about the real reason for your guru's emotive turn. You did not explain because you did not understand. You gave no arguments. You applied no logic.

> ment

You are a dunce. Get out of here, cunt.

>> No.6963197


The only motive for this evil is the desire to make capitalism/the state more important in people's lives than their families, by breaking up families. It won't work.

>> No.6963206

Hitler is a nazi, not a racist. Don't put me beside him.

>> No.6963226

I was replying to: >>6962829. Are you the same person? I didn't care much for the discussion up to there.

>> No.6963235

Since this is a right-wing thread let me ax u who got that new Rand novel bro? I would buy it but i don't that shit on my ebay/amazon/ibooks account u feel me

>> No.6963248
File: 18 KB, 250x251, 1398802803449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another completely off-topic thread ignored by the dicksucking mods because it's about marxism

>> No.6963254

monogamy isn't a biological truth...solstice sex rituals to get every chick in the village knocked up before summer without regard to whose kid belongs to whom points to a communal past, at least among the european races who tend to have less anti-social personalities in general

>> No.6963255


All religion is inherently subjective, read kierkegaard.

Also you have no idea what you are talking about Zizek doesn't say Marxism is a religion , but the moment of conversion is, he didn't even invent this, he took it from Walter Benjamin and his notion of messianic history.

>> No.6963261


meant to quote


>> No.6963273

I agree with the first statement, regarding humans. I don't know about the rest. I don't understand where you want to lead me.

Am I even talking to the same person?

>> No.6963290


No, I'm a different person.

>> No.6963299


The scientism you are projecting as truth or as "scientific" is not even science proper nor does it follow any logical arguments.

If you wanted to know what science you would be looking at the process science becomes understood and coherent and you wouldn't mythologize your positivist understanding as the end all truth.

In reality you are the religious fundamentalist because you really think you have found a truthful way of thinking, just like Heidegger pointed out in his notion of "standing reserve".

Marxism on the other hand is not a method to ascertain the absolute truth like in metaphysics, but socio-economic and dialectical way to interpret the world.

>> No.6963309

OK, can you explain your points again (>>6963197)? I can understand why the notion of putting capitalism or nationalism ahead of family can be objectable, but I don't really understand why you replied like that to >>6963113. I wasn't talking of any particular regime.

>> No.6963339


You can't even construct an intelligible sentence. I'm not mythologising anything. Neither Marxist economics nor Freudian psychoanalysis WORK. In their puported function, they fail. So they have to become something other than science.

>> No.6963350


I'm talking about the attempt to pretend that the established family unit doesn't work better than any alternative.

>> No.6963362

>von Kuehnelt-Leddihn

You think he is marxist?
Sorry for being so retarded bro
>bein unironically a fascist
Kek, enjoy your "muh feelings" ideology.

>> No.6963363

Yes, it's the primary socialisation somethingsomething, I don't know how it translates to english.

But, I never said family wasn't the best thing for preparing a kid for life. Did you really meant to reply to >>6963113?

It just feels like you are confusing me with someone else.

>> No.6963371


Na you cannot even construct a proper argument, you talk in platitudes but you never place in substance or content to back up what you are saying. Everyone can do that.

Actually showed you that you are basically an uneducated metahysician who thinks he found out the truth by outrageously purporting outdated and unphilosophical statements, that anyone in even slightly familiar with the philosophy of science has long bypassed.

>> No.6963385


The nuclear family is less than 200 years old, therefore it is hardly traditional.

If you wnat to cement the "family" as a stable point of "value" then you would have to define what exact family model you are talking about.

>> No.6963389

There are "scientific" models that have no predictive power (see any climate change stuff or macro evolutionary theories) but that obviously does not mean that the field of science is without value, it just means that people who call bullshit 'science' or 'economics' are charlatans. It is quite simple to gather hard data, isolate and analyse the effects of variables such as price floors and ceilings, subsidies etc. we have huge quantities of data spanning very long periods of time to do this with. It is an empirical fact that freer markets lead to more prosperous societies than others, as well as a greater standard of living for nearly everyone in those societies than controlled markets.

>tl;dr Basic Economics, Thomas Sowell

>> No.6963393

Oooooooooh, I didn't have a clue what he was talking about.

>> No.6963396

Dropped, you seem as a normal wikipedia guy but now you take Sowell as someone who is serious.