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/lit/ - Literature

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6951892 No.6951892 [Reply] [Original]

Lit is dead, isn't it?

>> No.6951897

literature is dead

long live let's play videos, melodramatic children's cartoons, and ironic memes.

>> No.6951977

Smh fam, it's lit tbh

>> No.6951981

/lit/ is alive and is serving it's purpose like it always has.

>> No.6951985

Literature is dead, long live literature.

>> No.6951992

Literature was never alive, except in the sense that each new generation read and derived their own interpretations of the past works, giving them meaning where there was none.

In that way as long as there are still people reading literature is still living and breathing.

If you mean the board being flooded by people who don't read and haven't attended college then yes /lit/ is quite dead

>> No.6951999

start a thread about a topic you want to be discussed rather than about how the board is dead. you are part of the problem not the solution

>> No.6952000

No we're just infected with /pol9k/. Contribute good posts and don't get lured.

>> No.6952002

no, its pretty much the same shit. except the gatekeepers of the content are different.

instead of big publishing houses its net journalists with blogs. not sure if that means better or worse quality to be honest with you.

it's more "open" but you need to be much better at making friends and being likable.

>> No.6952681

Were past the time were true timeless masterpieces are possible to release.

We may have a few good or great books but nothing else.

>> No.6952721
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daily reminder this boards purpose is to produce some top notch banter with some cheeky lads and it achieves that semi regularly.

>> No.6952819

Do you mean literature or /lit/?

>> No.6952911

I feel that literature as a whole has become stagnant. While it is important that each generation read Shakespeare, etc. I also believe that school curriculums could do something more to drive young people to write more these days.

It's important to read and learn from the important works in the past, but more must be done to make equally great works for our future.

>> No.6952932 [DELETED] 

/lit/ is cancerous

>> No.6952974

You're kidding right?
I work in a large bookstore and we get so many new books every month we don't know what the fuck to do with all of them. It's getting worse each year.
Publishers should slow down and stop publishing all this crap from people who shouldn't even write.

>> No.6952987


But that's what I'm getting at, there are too many pieces of shit. Too many publishers trying to make a buck off of anything. There needs to be some moderation, a way to raise the bar.

>> No.6953002

/lit/ is worse than /b/. It's alive, but it's nothing to brag about.

>> No.6953010

who is this

>> No.6953017

>Implying you need to go to college to understand a piece of literature.

Top fucking kek.

>> No.6953045
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Well sometimes the grownups want to talk about science, politics, religion, etc. which requires some actual background knowledge, unfortunately.

You know, like a basic understanding of anthropology, world history, that sort of thing.

>> No.6953283

Sometimes grownups also just want to go to and institution for validation, and to pontificate over subjectivity and cultural relativism whilst living in a little bubble of pseudo intellectualism. Don't kid yourself pal, there is a big difference between the language games your professors who have tenure teach you in your liberal arts class and actual real world application of real knowledge. I have a great deal of respect for people who go to university and study actual subjects, but I can only laugh at faggots like you who think you're the only person who can understand a book because your professor has lead you to a bunch of ideas he wants you to regurgitate back to him.

>> No.6953315


What you say is true, but, unfortunately, for most people this background knowledge only amounts to one or two random popsci/-pol/-we articles in Time. And college rarely changes this, as most people tend to be quite focused on one or two subjects.

One course in ethics and another in history of philosophy doesn't provide any real background knowledge that you wouldn't be able to study on your own within a month while working a full-time job.

>real world application

Please, try harder.

>> No.6953333

shootie stick?

>> No.6953344

stay the fuck where you are and contribute to the organism. you've got enough shit in you to feed generations of newcomers. that same shit will then be recycled and re-fed to even newer newcomers, its foul stench being diluted each time it goes unchallenged and swallowed whole, until they're so used to it that it becomes part of the 'cuisine', a staple of the usual main course of shit and throwup that these ass-to-mouth patched up monkeys thrive on, or, at the very least, survive on.

i for one enjoy this human-centipede experiment that /lit/ has become.

>> No.6953352

Everything is dead. Everyone is too. Why go on?

>> No.6953357

Those things: all dead, sorry.

>> No.6953358 [DELETED] 

>here's your reply


You insufferable, try-hard faggot

>> No.6953360


Do you mean /lit/ or literature?

If you mean the former, probably not, but the golden age seems to be past. Most likely, you're just tired of the memes that were new to you when you first got here.

If you mean the latter, you're insane.

>> No.6953370

/b/ in the beginning was the only good thing. but it was only because it was new and we were kids

search your heart

if you could turn back the clock, and at the same time stay the age you are now, you would find this to be true

>> No.6953382

her name is demon of semen

>> No.6954076

Lit is a retirement home for prematurely aged guys

>> No.6954340


>> No.6954374

I've come to realize, at least part of the reason why I like it here so much is because I feel so much younger than the rest of you sound.

>> No.6954427


>> No.6954433
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>> No.6954440

Life is dead


>> No.6954445

We're just pinin' for the feeyords.

>> No.6954481

Let's play videos are very much alive tbh

>> No.6954721

Philosofags killed it.

>I-I dont need to get a Job dad! I'm a philosopher! I have a platform where I can discuss how much I hate Science and how smart and correct [flavor of the month philosopher] was!

>> No.6954747

Bullshit, you just won't know if they are timeless because you'll be dead. You are just cynical.

>> No.6954751

You're killing it, so you tell me.

>> No.6954860


Very postmodern.

>> No.6954939

It's because of /pol/ and their hatred for Marx. The sole reason acedemics tend to be left-leaning is because Marx influenced every major thinker that came after him. No Marx means no discussion past a certain point in history.

>> No.6954940

/lit/ or lit?

I'd say the /pol/ shitposting has died down from what it was a year ago.

I don't care or know if lit dies since the shit I read is rarely written less than 40 years ago.

>> No.6954943


It baffles me that this can happen. How can publishers afford to publish so much shit in one of the least popular modern mediums?

>> No.6954952

There are very few people remaining on this board with a genuine interest in literature. I've been here for years and notice the same circulation of books, the same recommendations and basic understanding of literary theory. It's far easier to cuckpost and post things like "tbh", in addition to craving for any meme-related in-jokes that make insecure, lonely beta teenagers feel they are associated with some sort of "board culture" (i.e. the booktuber harrasment thing). I rarely post any more and I come here mainly to report off-topic threads and users who I'm confident I can get banned.

>> No.6956696

This applies to almost every board except those that are a small niche community.

>> No.6957150

If it makes any of you feel any better, I have absolutely zero inclination to know who this is a picture of.

Also, I haven't noticed any change at all. Not even since moot left.

>> No.6957417

college doesnt provide that. In the 10 years since I graduated from college ive learned 500x the amount of shit that my little pink degree gave me from a group of 40 professors that all went to the same universities.

>> No.6957601

your posts sound younger than everyone else on /lit/

the average /lit/ post sounds like a cynical 15 year old. Your posts sound like a naive 12 year old.

It was hard for me to believe you're actually old enough to be a mother to most of the people here.

>> No.6957637

>worse than /b/

What makes you say that?

>> No.6957641

he's underage and from /b/

>> No.6957661

It's old?

That makes so much sense now, it always had that awkward trying to fit in/ impress the cool kids tone.

It either had to be a young teenager or an adult nearing mid-life

>> No.6957673

See, I forgot things like that happen on 4chan because I've exclusively been on /lit/ for the last year.

>> No.6957778

We about to get lit fam smh

>> No.6957937

They're hoping for another 50 Shades. That book was shit as well, so of course they have to start letting more shitty shit get published. All in the hope of having the next bestselling pile of shit.

>> No.6958000

On /b/ the level of insight is better matched to the subject matter.

>> No.6958005

/b/ has zero offtopic OPs.

>> No.6959276
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You've known 15 years that sound like this?
I've heard some moody teenagers, but you guys take the cakes. Like Cormac McCarthy at his darkest is your soul brother. Either suicidal or seriously looking into joining a monastery. This board is the strangest outlier of all the 4chan boards.
>Your posts sound like a naive 12 year old.
I'm far form naive.

And I'm not trying to impress you. "It" Pfff

/b/ is never random