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6957472 No.6957472 [Reply] [Original]

I have just come home from my local library. I noticed Bibles, Talmuds and Qurans are in the nonfiction section of my library. Does anyone else have an issue with this? I don't like the idea of a Talmud being next to things that are sure to be factual, and at the very least real. How should this issue be dealt with in the future?

Pic unrelated. Still my favorite fantasy story though

>> No.6957488

Maybe there should be a religious section.

>> No.6957506

put them in the self-help section. They're just bronze-age Deepak Chopras

>> No.6957519

The purpose of sorting systems is for the interested parties to find the sorted items in question.

Fact or reality has nothing to do with the simple, utilitarian purpose of sorting objects.

Whether religious texts are works of fiction or nonfiction is absolutely irrelevant. Instead you should ask whether their readers are more likely on average to believe them to be fictional or nonfictional, and (with the exception of people with OCD or Asperger's Syndrome) these solutions only cause a problem for people in the camp you do not expect- it may waste seconds or even a minute of their time in finding the book they seek in another section.

F U C K O F F S P E R G tbh

>> No.6957842

How am I a sperg for wondering if uncertain works should be sorted as something other than 'nonfiction.' Isn't the point of nonfiction to be certain?

>> No.6957873

ah summer trolls.

>> No.6958307

There should be a seperate section for religion, right next to astrology, voodoo, witches and magical powers such as healing; the fiction section.

>> No.6958340
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There is literally nothing wrong with Dewey/LoC

>> No.6958413

Dewey's biggest problem in this specific case is that 220-280s are all about christianity, and then the rest is slammed into 290s

>> No.6958656

libraries aren't sorted into fiction and history
even myths and self-help are technically non-fiction

I am super atheist but I love religious texts
they belong in nonfiction. If the library has a religious section it belongs there. My favorite bookstores have a religious section and a religious fiction section to segregate the interesting from the pure shit.

>> No.6958685

>nonfiction is sure to be factual

Jared Diamond is non-fiction
Chariot of the Gods is fucking non-fiction

>> No.6958696
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In the Fiction or Fantasy/Science Fiction sections

Here, I'll post the faggot fedora meme so you don't have to.