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/lit/ - Literature

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6957175 No.6957175 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6957188

Thanks for reminding me that all STEM majors are borderline aspies.

>> No.6957192

Thanks for reminding me that all STEM majors are borderline aspies.

>> No.6957222

Sometimes I think its just a meme. It clearly isn't. Thanks for reminding me that all STEM majors are borderline aspies.

>> No.6957229

>In high school, I played a lot of Dungeons and Dragons. (You may not have guessed this Botanist / Mechanical Engineer was a bit of a nerd in high school, but indeed I was). In the game I played a Cleric. One of the magic spells I could cast was “Create Water”. I always thought it was a really stupid spell, and it never came up. Boy what I wouldn’t give to be able to do that in real life right now.

God-tier writing, Shakespeare and Dante would be proud

>> No.6957231

"Borderline"? As a STEMfag, I resent that. Fucking neurotypicals.

>> No.6957252


>> No.6957298
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N-no. It can't be that bad surely.
>google results

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6957310

get out, weeaboo scum.

>> No.6957336

Ayyy lmao

>> No.6957340
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>posts in 2^2ch
>posts in a shitty sf thread

Baby, why would I leave? What are you talking about.

>> No.6957366

lrn2greentext, motherfucker

>> No.6957378
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>> No.6957383

I would read the shit outta that lel

>> No.6957395

>skip manleton

>> No.6957400
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>/sci/ thinks we are being BTFO
>tfw we are not, they are but are too autismo to realise

>> No.6957408


go back to /sci/ and take your animus with you

>> No.6957425
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>Yeah but that doesn't mean they're full of boring parts or parts that try to sound smart. I'd rather read a book like the Martian that doesn't try to be arty than some boring shit like Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.6957434

I love how he immediately resorts to some book he read in high school and didn't understand as his example of 'high literature', as if he had any knowledge of writing whatsoever.

>> No.6957435

He found the Phoebe rape scene boring?

>> No.6957446


"I have read a few books in my life, which I didn't even bother to read carefully, ergo they suck and high lit suck ass and sci-fi trash like the Martian is good."

All I get from that dude.

>> No.6957454

>tfw I'm a STEM grad student
>tfw these are the people I'm surrounded by on a daily basis
pls kill me

>> No.6957457

I'm being frank, I think they are all just joking. This >>6957425 can't be serious.

>> No.6957466

glady. post address

>> No.6957474

nvm i pussied out ill just stay miserable

>> No.6957487
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There's still hope.

>Drop out of college/quit job/whatever else you are doing which involves these people
>Live in a bin
>Spend all day reading and searching bins for food
>tfw living the lit life

>> No.6957489

>tfw not Diogenes

>> No.6957492

Has any one in this thread actually read The Martian? The prose sounds really fucking bad, but cmon don't hate if you don't read.

>> No.6957493

wow people that don't read literature have bad taste in literature who would've thought
>wow people that don't do math are bad at math who would've thought
>wow people that don't watch film have bad taste in film who would've thought

the fact that this thread exists is embarrassing. haha yeah let's all circlejerk about how people who don't read have bad taste wow haha what a phenomenon fucking idiots!!
sure it's embarrassing that they enjoy such a shitty book but who cares?

>> No.6957499


tbh becoming a hardcore cynic is my fall-back plan in case my life goes to shit.

it really doesnt sound bad at all the more I think about it.

>> No.6957501

welcome to 4chan

>> No.6957508

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on 4chan by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is 4chan. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

>> No.6957511

Yeah unless I get legitimate depression and move to suicide, if my life just collapses then I could totally see myself becoming a vagrant. At least I could focus on nothing but finding food and my shitty writing.

>> No.6957517

nice copypasta m8

>> No.6957527

>wow people that don't read literature have bad taste in literature who would've thought
>wow people that don't do math are bad at math who would've thought
>wow people that don't watch film have bad taste in film who would've thought

People who are bad/don't know X shouldn't talk about X's qualities or defects.

This is what is happening on that thread and this is why we are making fun of it.

>> No.6957528


>unless I get legitimate depression and move to suicide

Depression could be easily "cured" by cynic philosophy though.

>> No.6957532
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Stop trying to mix science with art.

Regards; /lit/

>> No.6957533


I really want to do it some time. I have done the Stoic thing where you spend a few days sleeping on the floor and only eating stale bread and water. Really makes you realise some things. Did have some books to spend my time though, which made it easier.

>> No.6957560
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Today I was told how much I will inherit one day. From now on I can lay back and do that whole /lit/ life thing. Just waiting for the first Stem aspie to pop over and tell me how much money he will make eventually.

>> No.6957576

comics guy. we meet again

>> No.6957590

What's the point, though? To get your rocks off? To feel superior to people who don't read? This is like a caricature of the booksnob stereotype.

>> No.6957626

lol if you didnt let your extreme social anxiety corner you into becoming slightly better than average at math and get an engineering degree from a low tier school and spend your life making a deece five figgies doing intellectual menial work and buying several apple products and displaying the boxes on your lifehacked shelves

>> No.6957628

This is why we should abolish state universities and only allow the extremely gifted or wealthy access to higher education. Fucking plebs can't handle it. STEM majors at elite universities fight for all the exposure to the arts they can get because that's the difference between dick-waving state school STEM plebs and functional intellects that happen to like mathematics.

>> No.6957639

you can't trust fortune tellers anon

>> No.6957645

>no fun allowed

its just banter.

>> No.6957687
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"space is literally the most stupid thing there is"

>> No.6957700


Damn, never seen him in respectable clothes. He always has those t-shirts on. And I think I saw him in a polo once as well.

>> No.6957716
File: 25 KB, 300x400, Zizek-wedding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't really suit his laid back ideology, just look at him here with that "I would prefer not to" look

>> No.6957724

nice damage control /sci/

>> No.6957754


Can anyone tell me what style trousers those are. I've wanted a pair of those kind, but can't figure what they are called. It's like a special kind of fabric that gives it the stripes.

>> No.6957765

pinstriping innit?

>> No.6957766
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>not claiming to be experts on literature, just at explaining the world accurately. Perhaps we will be one day be advanced enough to program computers to writer better stories then authors and then we will see who is laughing.

>> No.6957767


>> No.6957771


>> No.6957774


>> No.6957781


>> No.6957794

Cuckold pants, pants for cuckolds.

>> No.6957826

THANK YOU SO MUCH. Been looking for ages.


>> No.6957832

i've never met a math phd who wasn't somewhat deranged, you sort of have to be in order to operate at that level

>> No.6957852

oh you guys

>> No.6957862


american education

>> No.6957875


Any program capable of writing like a human does is intelligent. I didn't believe it until I started playing with programming, but consciousness really is as simple as a repetitive script. We can pin a sentence to an author because of the fact that said author is basically writing and implementing a script; I've even heard advice to write down a short sentence that describes simply what the book will be about, and to always reference it to keep on topic.

As well, we're likely to have developed DNI by the time we have AI to write for us, at which point humans become cyborgs and take credit for what the AI script wrote - which sounds more likely given what I know of humans than the notion that we'll hand over the elite status of 'author' to a computer.

Still, such elite status will cease to exist, because eventually everyone will download the program and write like pros. At the same time, visual art will be scripted in the same manner, turning the world into super-artists.

STEM will suffer the same fate, and in the end no skill will be valuable whatsoever, and it'll all come down to a final conflict where we fight over resources with anti-matter bombs and kill everyone that doesn't flee human space.

>> No.6957896

>'The Martian'
>is 'dead'
how do STEMfags even get away with misusing quotation marks?

>> No.6957897

That must be a shitpost

>> No.6957904

I like how we are having a war with /sci/.

Does this happen a lot across boards?

>> No.6957912

just /lit/ with /mu/, /tv/, /v/, /sci/.

/r9k/ sometimes with /soc/ and /cgl/

>> No.6957915

Click this button when you see quality pastas. It lets the mods know how good it was, so we can replace all posts with these quality pastas.


>> No.6957951

Don't forget the /pol/ and /r9k/ insurgency brewing in /lit/. We need to stay vigilant if /lit/ as we know it is to be preserved.

>> No.6957961


>/lit/ with /mu/

why? I'd argue that /mu/ is the board closer to /lit/ in its pure ideologies.

>> No.6957966

its basically the old humanities vs sciences rivalry, it predates the internet

you could also say we are rivals with /pol/ because people here are seemingly on the other side of the political spectrum but its still a rivalry that goes back to the Greeks and beyond

>> No.6957970
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this, where do you think all the vaporwave philosophy pictures came from?

>> No.6957971

familiarity breeds contempt