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6956213 No.6956213[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that girls don't give a shit about what you read, it's all about how you look.


>> No.6956240
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Cringe thread?

>> No.6956250

That guy's pretty normal looking tbh

>> No.6956257

The owner of that account is a man.

>> No.6956270
File: 29 KB, 500x375, 1322358504006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.6956272

that guys isn't good looking at all. He is just a brown adam sandler

>> No.6956274

It's a gay guy who runs that though.

>> No.6956278

oh my god

>> No.6956286

If I were in his class I would have been scared to work with him after seeing this.

>> No.6956288

My God... that can't be real.

>> No.6956291

What makes Tom so overpowered?

>> No.6956296

i love how the asian kids come right out and say what's in the air.

also the black chick's name

hilarious memen guys hilarious

>> No.6956298


not even that he isn't good looking. Look at what that fag is reading.

>> No.6956312

What's so bad about this? He could have intented it as a joke

>> No.6956322
File: 4 KB, 589x54, Screenshot - 08102015 - 08:05:37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

piss off

>> No.6956330

Read for yoursel, not for a woman, you flaccid swine

>> No.6956341


He obviously didn't though, so when confronted he most likely acted weird about it, and then people were finally able to read his power level.

>> No.6956345
File: 138 KB, 782x623, ideologyintensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is where philosophy comes in handy. You don't even really have to know what you're talking about. I've dropped some shit in conversations that I picked up from Zizek- and Lacan-threads and girls would look at me like I'm the smartest guy in the world.

>> No.6956363

you're working too hard fam. just copy tao lin and feed them mdma and xanax. then ask them a shitload of questions

>> No.6956376

yea i don't think that's the look they're giving you buddy

absolutely nobody has dropped their panties because you read fucking Lacan

>> No.6956400
File: 160 KB, 472x329, ldskjbvlk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do if you know how to throw it into conversation. Especially if they only know Sophies world tier philosophy. Freud, Lacan and Zizek are also a great way to steer the talk into a more sexual direction.

>> No.6956413

Where does "fam" stem from, what does it mean?

>> No.6956422

that's run by a fucking man you moron

>> No.6956438


>> No.6956449

Stems from working class british slang. It's short for family and is usually only said by chavs (white trash) or wannabe gangsters.

>> No.6956450


the exact opposite thread exists on a Burmese glass working board right now

>> No.6956451


you do realise that's run by a gay guy, right?

>> No.6956461

Anyone have the one of the cap of a robot posting poetry to Olivia (i think that was her name) or someone?

>> No.6956468


Is it really British? I've heard people in southern california (whiteys) use it and similar eubonics. Unless its really spread through the web.

>> No.6956470
File: 1.35 MB, 3160x2316, 1438636474896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.6956477

Meant >>6956468 for >>6956449

>> No.6956485

Do people actually think arabs are attractive? That's the most surprising thing to me tbh

>> No.6956487
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>> No.6956493

Yes. thanks anon.

>> No.6956497

I think we can all agree that what we truly desire is an attractive mannequin who pretends to share the same interests and hobbies as us. Strangers on trains are excellent subjects for our fantasy fulfillment. She never has to meet this man. All she knows is that he is a millionaire with a 10 inch penis who reads John Green novels.

>> No.6956499

it's not real.

>> No.6956520

sukc the niger dick

>> No.6956540

fam is used widely in britain (particularly london) and some parts of the us
not sure where it originated

>> No.6956552

>Freud and Lacan are also a great way to steer the talk into a more sexual direction.

Uncorny examples?

>> No.6956576

It obviously started in the us

>> No.6956657
File: 230 KB, 755x959, 1439023345951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I may be bad with women, but atleast I'm not this bad

>> No.6956992

It's American you numpty.

>> No.6957116

you can tell by the kinds of guys he features tbh =)

>> No.6957134

>cover folded over back like that
Any woman willing to date him deserves to get abused.

>> No.6957154

That photo was taken by a gay man.

>> No.6957189

Makes me feel better too, brother.

>> No.6957214
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>> No.6957256
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>> No.6957278

He made an honest, but very faux pas mistake. This woman was kind and patient enough to forgive him for it. The guy was off the hook. Yet he took muted fremdschamen for granted and pressed further. I don't even feel sorry for him. He deserved every bit of shame.