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6948187 No.6948187 [Reply] [Original]

Can you please explain egoism to me? Someone told me he decided to become a master of his mind and body after reading The Ego and Its Own by Max Stirner.
How can it be practically applied?

>> No.6948215

something something spooky something something

>> No.6948219
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Was it today in the /fit/ random reasons for lifting thread?

A tl;dr version would be to identify mental concepts/spooks (like following the bible/being a vegetarian/fighting for the fatherland/being good human) and adopt only those principles you want. Stirner is theoretical and pretty hard to put to practice, I'd say, because of Pure Ideology and compromises you'll have to take, living in a society.

>> No.6948234

read the book you thick prole

>> No.6948248

Ha, yes it was. So what technique do you use to identify those spooks?

>> No.6948256

ain't nobody etc.

>> No.6948260

Also a different question. Is there any correlation between Eckhart Tolle's explanation of ego and Max Sterner's? Or is Eckhart basically all BS ?

>> No.6948263

It's meant to make you more self-aware and, in that way, more free.

Stirner considered everyone to already be an egoist. It's just that some would be egoists unwillingly and others, with a deeper understanding their motivations, would be willingly.

>> No.6948279

How exactly do you become more self-aware and thus free?

>> No.6948295

You can get the pdf real easy for free you know?

>> No.6948300

The fundamental lynchpins of our societies and cultures are more or less all just conceptual hogwash, read: Spooks.

You can't purge them all, just carefully choose which to retain.

>> No.6948313

>The Ego and Its Own

Ffs, op, it's not even that long

>> No.6948349


OK, I'm gonna read it. How long would you take to read it though?

>> No.6948370


Not that anon, but it literally took me like 1.5 months to get through it because the syntax was a lot different from what I'm used to, so I often had to stop and wonder what he meant.

If you're not as dumb as me it probably won't take too long

>> No.6948375
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That's completely unrelated.
In fact Stirner doesn't speak of the ego at all, that's a bad English translation - he speaks of the unique individual.
Stirner would consider Tollo to be extremely spooky - that's not to say he'd recommend that you don't adopt the Tolle teachings. It's just that Tolle has a clear idea of what's good and what's bad, and how even society as a whole should develop. He consequently implicitly tells everyone what they should do.
Stirner doesn't even accept the declaration of human rights! In fact, in Stirners rhetoric, all rights are shackles - e.g. if you have the right to buy alcohol starting with 18, then this is just a positive framing of: You're not allowed to buy alc before 18!
Stirner is actually fun to read, and consequently
You're an asshole tbh.

But I don't know about the Englisch translation.

Tolles stuff is written as self-help. He says
"Don't be in your head: Reduce thinking about past and future."
I like the appeal to a mediative lifestyle, but I don't like the teaching as such. While talking about the supernatural (if you can stomach that at all), he twist some historical figures and actions to his ideology and this loses me.

I don't think you'll pull though with it. Like many philosophers of his time, he's attacking socialism/capitalism/state/... (in fact Stirner doesn't like all of those), and you seem like a /fit/ bro who just wants to sharpen his view of where to take your live.
To be honest, I discovered I lack the necessary Hegel to really understand Stirners perspective and reason why he writes certain things.

I'd say you should start reading 30 minutes a day before going to sleep. Not Stirner, but books in general.

>> No.6948405

OK. Then I'm not gonna read him. Your opinion was informative though.

>> No.6948418
File: 132 KB, 500x600, the_ego_and_its_gains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


May the test be with you.

>> No.6948427

may your buttocks be as firm as your conceptual grasp of Hegelian dialectics

>> No.6948440
File: 15 KB, 500x382, Stirner_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure you're the first person in the world to speak out this sincere wish.

>> No.6948448

I don't know much about either, but honestly, the word "ego" has no bullshit definition because every definition of it is different from the other. Psychanalysis has a few dozen of them, self-help books talks of some other hundreds, Stirner talks of something else entirely, there are translations of eastern texts that use the word to mean other things too, etc. They all talk somehow of this sensation of being yourself and your own, but they greatly differ in everything else

>> No.6948466

And I do mean it. Your buttocks are a beautiful part of your ego. I would like to be smothered in a big-ass ego.

>> No.6948487


Entirely subjective. The spook is what you make of it. Me being spooky is a spook.

Your asylum is now accepting applications.

>> No.6948506

So a cute bunny is spooky? Dora the Explorer is spooky? My grandma knitting socks is spooky? My firm yet slightly over sized buttocks are spooky? Doing squats at night is spooky?

>> No.6948538
File: 84 KB, 960x643, brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental causes of actions can be spooky (like the concept of the title of greatest shitposter on 4chan).
A rice bag in China cannot.

>> No.6948645

>tfw i really want to read the meme

>> No.6948648


>> No.6948833

it's a good pleb filter, if you see someone misinterpreting it you can disregard him completely as pleb opinions

very handy tbh

>> No.6948837


Read it, it's worth the time for sure. I found it a little repetitive but interesting and personally I liked the writing style (read and English translation). Stirner's funny but the book could probably be half its length without losing anything.

I looked like an autist reading it on the train though, because Stirner goes through a few pages of the describing XYZ, it's relation to society and the individual, how it manifests power, etc., and then after all that time drops a quick, "Simply, XYZ is a spook," and I would crack up.

>> No.6948843


If you are /fit/ you should read Genealogy of the morals for the motivation tbh

Also sophocles' tragedies are fine too