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/lit/ - Literature

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6933706 No.6933706 [Reply] [Original]

Tell us your guilty pleasures, /lit/. We won't judge.

Picture related.

>> No.6933733

What's so guilty about it?

>> No.6933756


It's YA and half the book is graphite sketches

>> No.6933801
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>> No.6934881

Graphic Novels

>> No.6934883


>> No.6934971
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>> No.6934983
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This in about two days.

>> No.6934994

the move was better tbh

>> No.6935009
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This YA trilogy about aliens.
The final one comes out next year.

I hope Evan and Cassie survive and their love thrives.

>> No.6935017


>> No.6935041
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Definitely these, although they're technically for anyone.

>> No.6935045

Series of Unfortunate Events.
It's actually better when you're an adult.

>> No.6935058
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Almost done reading this and I love it.

I don't care what /lit/ says, the man knows how to tell a story.

>> No.6935060

Currently reading through the series. Curios how the Tv show will turn out

>> No.6935064
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>> No.6935189

Catcher in the Rye
Muh nigga.

>> No.6935191

I've read that series, plus the three books that take place before The Mortal Instruments.

and enjoyed them both

>> No.6935226

TinTin is fucking great

>> No.6935293 [SPOILER] 
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>Tell us your guilty pleasures, /lit/. We won't judge.
I know this incredibly curvy woman, she's married, but I can't stop ogling

>> No.6935330

CirR isn't a guilty pleasure.
It's a mark of patriciandom to realize that the whole 'Holden is a phony the book sucks!' meme is just that- a meme.

>> No.6935793
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>> No.6935798
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Anything by Dan Brown.

>> No.6935801
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/Genre fiction general/ ?

>> No.6935805

Nobody has guilty pleasures over literature. Of course that means genre fiction or even lower.

>> No.6935895
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>> No.6935903

Hemingway, fantasy novels, Emile Zola, adventures novels, any book featuring a society/city I'm unfamiliar with really, it's as if I was binge-watching reality TV shows.

>> No.6935938

Any book promoting atheism. I know they're smug, and I'm just as smug for reading them but I get a kick out of it. :(
Don't judge.

>> No.6937145

You're a faggot for giving into memes. There's no valid argument for God, so christposters resort to fedora memes. Reading anything that questions popular beliefs is good for you. Quit being such a worm.

>> No.6937151

err how is zola a guilty pleasure?

>> No.6938548


>> No.6938556

Books of blood, got to have my Barker fix.

>> No.6938561
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>guilty pleasure
I'll hook you straight in the mouth.

>> No.6938576

The James Bond and Ender's Game novels. I also read those Twilight books a long time ago.

>> No.6938637

I read itwhen I was 13and liked it a lot

>> No.6939891
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>mfw the spinoff

>> No.6939899


I can't get enough HP Lovecraft, despite knowing that he is just an above average pulp writer who essentially recycled the same plot for about a decade and a half.

>> No.6940222

Oh, it's because he's always destroying people in his books. Old people starving and dying of cold, young people drinking their livers out, young prostitutes going mad (due to their DNA, lol).
Anyway, he's kind of predictable after 3 or 4 books and I always found his notions outdated and his style quite fitting whenever I'm feeling a little down.

>> No.6940226

I fap to cp and touch little girls

>> No.6940258

Kill yourself.

>> No.6940269

I shamelessly enjoyed that book.

>> No.6940275

oh my god please give me sauce or a name on that gif thats the perfect women

>> No.6940282

Binging on /lit/, buzzfeed videos, and incest porn when I have had a bad day.

>> No.6940294
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bless you.

>> No.6940404
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They're so, so bad.
But that makes them so, so entertaining.

>> No.6942336

sharknado-tier writing

>> No.6942346
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>> No.6942440

That's funny. I read the first and some part of the second (i dont know why, maybe i wasnt too much into books as im now). I always liked eragon. Yes, is the copy of the copy, but i think it made the adventure entertaining for a young boy.

Today i dont know what would i think about the book. I feel dissapointed at fantasy books, when i was younger i enjoyed books about quests and fantasy. Now, reading patrician lit has made me insensitive to those books.

>> No.6942493
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>> No.6942524

absolutely disgust

>> No.6942531

I actually own an abundance of katherines. I picked it up before knowing /lit/ hates cuck man so I'm kind of exited to see why.

>> No.6943840

I grew up on this shit

>> No.6943933

If you read them today you would have a pretty great time, for completely different reasons.
>>6942336 is right, it's the same reason "The Room" is a masterpiece, it's something so entirely awful that it's a treat to sit down, read, and just experience it.
I'm actually considering buying that $30 collector's edition.

>> No.6944514


>I enjoy audio books more than actual reading

>> No.6944558

First book was good. Got halfway through the second. Didn't know about third or fourth.

>> No.6944663

bro i was a fuckin nut about these books when i was younger and i still managed to grasp that they're trash

>> No.6944673


>> No.6944686


The man writes really emotional books with great great characters and plots that keep you reading

His conversational prose style is nice, too

>> No.6944722
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>first book was good
Sure thing, kid.

>> No.6944738
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It's the only YA book I'll go back and read regularly. Part of it is nostalgia, part of it is the whimsy, and there are plenty of other bad books I enjoy, but this is the only one I feel genuinely bad for liking.

>> No.6944789

Have you ever been to a cheap fast food place and thought this food is poorly cooked by some spotty failure of a human who doesn't even read books more advanced than spot the dog and this burger has less meat than a vegan bbq in it but yet you like the food.you enjoy eating the food.

The twilight saga is like this for me

>> No.6944800

well aren't you special

don't call me kid, kid