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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.04 MB, 3264x2448, sanfran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6941325 No.6941325[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What kind of lit-related things do you do with your qt.3.14 gf?

>> No.6941330

this pasta is a little stale

>> No.6941333 [DELETED] 

women are worthless whores

they can't do anything lit-related because they're intellectually inferior.

maybe u can fuck her roastie cunt from behind with a book on her back, but that's about as much as you're going to get from a feeble-minded whore like that

>> No.6941339


>> No.6941341


>> No.6941347

Have you ever had an intellectually stimulating conversation with a woman about philosophical or literary things?

Be honest.

>> No.6941356

>reading Cat on a Hot Tin Roof together, me voicing the male characters, her the female ones
>browsing an outdoor book market on Sunday morning
>went to a Knausgaard reading / q+a
>plan on going on a road trip to Chicago this winter to check out the Henry Darger manuscript and some other stuff

That's pretty much it

>> No.6941362

Have you ever had an intellectually stimulating conversation with a man about philosophical or literary things?

Be honest.

I know I haven't.

>> No.6941364

More than I can count

>> No.6941368
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at least tell me there's bad aspects

>> No.6941369

Your philosphical conversations are nothing but worthless trifle. Only weak beta would hate on women.

>> No.6941371

Yep, pretty often actually. I'm in college though so it's to be expected. Currently dating a half-Japanese grill who has been commissioned to translate some short stories from Japanese to English. Friendly with another who is doing a PhD on social withdrawal in contemporary literature. They're interesting peeps.

>> No.6941375

Haha of course, but they're compensated for. It's weirdly enjoyable to argue once in a while and act stubbornly distant for a few days before patching things up.

>> No.6941376

her asshole stinks like shit

>> No.6941380

this tbh m8 smh at fam who disagee

>> No.6941390

I threw up in my mouth. Saccharine shit m80

>> No.6941392

Jelly betafag detected

>> No.6941394

No real author had the kind of shit you're lurking and making puppydog eyes other though, but hey, good luck junior.

>> No.6941395

Fucking virgin. When girls are in relationships they make sure to wash their assholes thoroughly after every shit they take, and perfume their butts too.

>> No.6941399
File: 81 KB, 300x100, 204.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a week or two break from reading any books
>gf stops reading
>realize she just mimics my interests
>realize most women would do the same

>> No.6941401

This tbh. They can't truly think for themselves. They need a strong paternal authority figure to discipline and educate them. They're not unlike dogs or children

>> No.6941409

You could take up inserting pendulous items into your rectum, and see if she does likewise.

>> No.6941426

>realize she just mimics my interests

What a surprise.

>> No.6941428

trips of freedom

>> No.6941443

Yes, plenty.

Yes, plenty.

You have to remember that like attracts like, so if everyone you meet is a dull idiot, it probably reflects badly on you.

>> No.6941453

I wish that were true.

t. once received a mouthful of shit and stale sweat when I tried to lick a girl's ass

>> No.6941455

My gf just bought a dress that looks the same as the one your girl is wearing, OP. Its pretty nice, summery

>> No.6941457

Also, I once inserted a finger up a girl's ass and there was a huge turd up there. It was smooth and solid like polished marble.

>> No.6941458

greentext everything

>> No.6941463

Jesus. Why are women so vile?

>> No.6941466

Nice! We often spend a Saturday afternoon going to different charity shops and finding old clothing which she tries on. You can find some real nice stuff, especially in richer neighborhoods where people die and their stuff gets donated en masse.

>> No.6941479
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>no girlfriend

>> No.6941490

Looks like you'll have your put your finger up your own ass and tickle the turds.

>> No.6941492

>there are males on this thread that consider themselves heterosexual and refuse to eat their girlfriends shit.

>> No.6941512

Watch your grammar brother. Should be "males who...", "heterosexual, yet..."

I post this only to encourage you to better yourself.

>> No.6941516

German detected

>> No.6941521

For the record, I completed one full lick so as not to embarrass her. The things we do for love...

>> No.6941531
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At least she's interested in you.
Well, she might be trying to reel you in now that you're hooked, but it can also be that she genuinely just wants to be liked by you.

I kid man, I read your case in the predatory female; you're probably going to get fucked over. Of course though I wouldn't take any advice ultra super seriously, you always have to throw it around your head but I'd say it's always better to expect the worst.

>> No.6941533
File: 673 B, 96x94, 21-HMGhost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the cutting board shaped like America? That's a terrible shape for a cutting board.

>people who don't even have their own hobbies

>> No.6941534

>>there are males on this thread WHO consider themselves heterosexual YET refuse to eat their girlfriends shit.

Like this? Thanks.

I stopped speaking English for years and now I commit this kind of mistakes. Perhaps if I start reading books written in English I could get my skills back?

>> No.6941544
File: 466 KB, 1256x903, 360QUICKSCHOPED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get 360-quickschoped

>> No.6941547

Perhaps she's honestly trying to engage in an interest of yours because it makes her feel closer to you and she sees it as a way of bonding with you. That's a nice thing to do in relationships. That said, why are you dating a grill that doesn't read unless pressured to? It's like you don't want to have intellectual discourse.

>> No.6941551

Exactly, also it should be "girlfriend's", or "girlfriends'" if he's a lucky dude.

Where you from?

>> No.6941553

My ex pretended to be really attracted to my interest in lit when we first started dating, and then once the honeymoon period wore off she gradually revealed that she actually had no interest in it at all and even tried to belittle me for being so bookish.

>> No.6941555
File: 83 KB, 960x720, 1435129253699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thanks for joining us anon, the book festival sure was a blast!
>is your girlfriend going to join us too, or do we have you all to ourselves? :3

>> No.6941557

Lit or /lit/?

>> No.6941560

Dibs on 2nd from the left.

>> No.6941565

that part I knew.

I'm from Brazil but I've been educated in the US when I was younger. When I got back I stopped speaking English. I'm trying to get back to my former level.

>> No.6941567

>that guy just smirking on the background

>> No.6941572

I smell fish.

>> No.6941577


General Pudding pls go

>> No.6941667

Read more, keep reading more, watch some movies, keep shitposting on 4chan, did I mention reading more? You'll be thinking in English in no time, brbrbrbr Mozart pls come to Brazil friend.

>> No.6941672 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 514x617, tumblr loses again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are liberals ugly and defective

>> No.6941689

HAHAHA. Indeed. The worst part is that I learned to read and write in English before doing so in Portuguese. I used to think in English.

The problem is that I just stopped using English for 10 years. Now its all broken and rusty.

"why the hell did you do that?" I started to study Portuguese and Spanish, I had to. Never thought I would have to study English again but life managed to surprise me once again

>did I mention reading more?

I just grabbed some English written books and I intend on start reading them today.

I really appreciate what you've done, anon. It really opened my eyes - no one around me speaks English on a daily basis.

Thanks a bunch.

>> No.6941707

>tfw your bf found Murakami's "Hear The Wind Sing" online, downloaded it and bound it in qt book form for my birthday last year

>> No.6941713

why would my boyfriend do that for you?

>> No.6941719

Because I'm more open to try new shit with him :)

>> No.6941720
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>implying i will ever have a GF

>> No.6941725

Nice meme

>> No.6941744

I'm not sure what in my post opened your eyes, but great that it did.
>no one around me speaks English on a daily basis.
More or less same in my country. It's just important to keep exposing yourself to the language. The way I primarily learned was through movies, TV, and video games, and when I grew older Internet and books. Of course because I never speak the language my pronunciation isn't all that great, but understanding, reading, writing, all of that is as good as it can get bar moving to a primarily English speaking country. You should try watching some comedy shows(and leave the subtitles out of it), it's an easy way to get into learning what's right and what isn't regarding sentence structure and whatnot without even really thinking about it. It'll just be ingrained in your mind so that when you hear the wrong way you'll intuitively know that it's wrong.

Sounds like it won't last.

>> No.6941750
File: 923 KB, 1176x1424, ←.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rly good meme, man.

>> No.6941752
File: 885 KB, 500x418, 11947.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture soothed me.

>> No.6941754

I'm exactly the opposite. My pronunciation is great, my problem is with grammar and writing.

I'm accustomed to watching movies in English without subtitles. What I need to do is read and write more. I think that its the only way I'll force myself to notice sentence structure and etc.

I'm not sure what you said specifically that 'triggered' me but you did. Thanks again.

So where are you from?

>> No.6941759
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Not memeing....

>> No.6941761
File: 247 KB, 615x835, 121922362876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be the 2nd most garbled post I ever seen. Something abt not being preprogrammed for greatness?

>> No.6941763

we visit locations that are associated with our favourite books and authors and read there

>> No.6941764

Denmark. If you've ever heard a Danish accent you'll know how horrible Danes are at speaking English.

>> No.6941769
File: 225 KB, 665x1013, 122004450926 - no particular order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice metameme. Yr rly getting into the meat of the /lit/ memecomplex.

>> No.6941771


hahaahah, that's hilarious

>> No.6941772


Danish is really horrible. The fact that I as a Norwegian can understand it, is fairly amazing, considering the humongous gap in pronounciation.

>> No.6941778

Reading the rosie project out loud alternating each chapter. We just started going out, so I guess it's the honey moon phase.

>> No.6941779


>> No.6941781

fucking grody lookin ass

>> No.6941789


My gf and I did the same thing this summer in Boston. She attends Yale and I go to Brown and we met there and rented a car and visited all the places referenced in IJ. We then drove down to Point Bluff and sat in our car on the seafront on a stormy day then walked out along the beach and laid down when the rain had stopped. Feels so good living a life that is superior to the lives other people on /lit/ are living. Just so good.

>> No.6941790

what's "garbled" about that post?

>> No.6941791
File: 21 KB, 240x300, wpid-sweating-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can understand Norwegian as well. Swedish is almost complete gargling to me.
>that video
Sometimes news anchors will go full-speed like that, it's quite entertaining. There was this one time I'll never forget where I had to say something quickly in passing to a friend of mine and he was almost dumbfounded because of the ridiculous speed I threw it all out. I didn't even realize it until it was all said and done.
How much of that video do you understand? All of it? I'm not sure if I'd be able to understand Norwegian fully if it went in that speed, but then again I never watch anything Norwegian.

The French one though

>> No.6941794

Damn this thread is making me excited to read with my bf. I'm gonna ask him tonight if wants to read something with me :3

>> No.6941801

>How much of that video do you understand?

I had to listen to it a couple of times before I understood all of it, but I get the most important parts, because the words are the same in Norwegian.

>I'm not sure if I'd be able to understand Norwegian fully if it went in that speed, but then again I never watch anything Norwegian.


Norwegians usually don't talk that fast, but you can check this video I guess.

>> No.6941803
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that chin though.

>> No.6941809

the french lady is just rude and sedentary. The Danish is funny in a sexy way and the Brazilian/Portuguese is sexy in a funny way.

>> No.6941819

Me and my girlfriend wrote a book together and published it. We published it under my name (she said it sounds more like a writer's) and honestly, after being together since we were 13, I think there's enough trust for us to do that.
Also lesbian couple here.

Somewhat related, I've noticed that hetero couples rarely do /lit/ things together, and I mean together, not just passively answering with "yes hun" or idly browsing the internet while the other one reads or writes.
It may jut be my biased opinion but out of all the people I've met, this is the conclusion that I could draw.

>> No.6941820

>Tfw got name of qt sales associate at local bookstore, look up her social media shit half-hoping to see something plebby so I won't feel like doing shit but lo and behold she likes some of the exact same shit i do but googling around seems to indicate a massive taboo against asking out grills at work bcz wahhh they'll feel cornered or don't want to feel awkward and just all men are rapists ok deal with mr entitled

Yes i mad

>> No.6941834
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Most of it, maybe 80%, speed wasn't a problem mostly words I have no idea what mean. Easier to read and understand it than listen and understand.

I like the butt-chin.

I always think the Danish accent is stupidly goofy, I can't help it, and I can always recognize it as Danish if I hear it.

>> No.6941838

the Brazilian one reminds me of Wes Anderson.

>> No.6941843

I don't know if I've ever heard Wes Anderson speak, even though I do enjoy the films of Wes Anderson.

>> No.6941844
File: 25 KB, 650x350, Suicide_prevention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this memeing? What did I do wrong?

>> No.6941860

No, I meant his movies. The weirdly timed cuts, frames and jokes. Specially the watch joke at the end.

>> No.6941864

>Most of it, maybe 80%, speed wasn't a problem mostly words I have no idea what mean. Easier to read and understand it than listen and understand.

No surprise there, since you cucked our language pretty hard for 600 years.

>> No.6941881

Why don't you just get a girlfriend, if that's what you want?

I'm a girl but I just don't understand guys who claim they want a girlfriend but do nothing to get one.

>> No.6941884
File: 29 KB, 345x443, ultra rare 'mads' pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh like that. I have a treat for you:


>> No.6941897

If you really were a girl and this post is not bait, then you would be aware of how easy is to get in a relationship as a girl.
I'm not even hot by any standards and I'm a dyke and I still get hit on on a daily basis.

>> No.6941912

Having observed the nogf betas for a long time, I have come to conclusion that they don't really want a gf, they want to *be* the gf. That's why they are so reluctant to act like men and make things happen for themselves.

>> No.6941915

the dude looking at his phone tbh.

>> No.6941919

People will always want things without putting in the least amount of effort.

>> No.6941960

I have tried and tried and I continuously fail. I'm getting tired of the idea that it's a man's job to woo women.

Apparently women hate the negative aspects of a patriarchy, but love the positives.

>> No.6941972

what the fuck? Where did I say that I wanted a girlfriend? Are you insane?

>> No.6941973

>Apparently women hate the negative aspects of a patriarchy, but love the positives.
One look at the statistics will tell you that. Men are still overwhelmingly the ones doing the laborious stuff like mining and construction and that'll never change. Unless of course one day we have robots doing all of that and it's mainly women akin to receptionists who get the job of looking over the work.

>> No.6941978

thats great

>> No.6942007

That's slightly more understandable because of the physical aspect though.

What I don't understand is why women have to be so fucking aloof and cannot try to initiate with a man they like.

I'm probably just not desirable though, so it's fine in my case, but as a rule they should initiate more in general.

>> No.6942031

It really does make more sense like that, even more-so in modern society where a false accusation of "harassment" or "rape" can result in your life being completely ruined. You'd almost have to build up a file to be able to protect yourself in the case your gf goes nuts and tries to fuck you over.
Thing is, women like men to take charge and men like being in charge. That doesn't mean there aren't outliers, but this is the way it is and has been for thousands of years, regardless of the view "feminism" and "liberalists" are trying to push today.

>> No.6942070

>Thing is, women like men to take charge and men like being in charge.

Well that's simply cultural in my view.

>> No.6942107
File: 40 KB, 369x475, 51SQWGASWKL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're in the UK so there are plenty to choose from and there are guidebooks and gazetteers that concentrate on literary sites- pic related for example. Also the National Trust (heritage organisation that runs historical sites etc as tourist attractions) own several writer's houses so they are open to the public and we've been to several of them- example include Thomas Hardy, Rudyard Kipling, Virginia Woolf, Agatha Christie, Henry James/EF Benson (they lived in the same house, at different times of course) and others (see list at http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/article-1356402264659/))

A while ago we sat on Watership Down (it's a real place), reading Watership Down. We sat on the beach in Brighton, reading Brighton Rock. We walked and drove around the town of Rochester where there are several places associated with Charles Dickens and hung around with the goths in Whitby which is a pretty /lit/ sort of town (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitby#Literature).). /lit/ girls are best girls.

>> No.6942117

>all old, dead writers


>> No.6942124

Well that's simply biological in my view.

>> No.6942154

You are aware that many of the things you believe to be "natural" are indeed cultural right?

The fact that the color pink is associated with femininity in 2015, when it did not in 1915, should tell you something.

>> No.6942163

>using such a lame example

You're wrong brah, face it.

>> No.6942167

Because they don't have to. The nature of the male sex drive makes us more desperate (there is no female equivalent of blue balls), therefore women can simply wait and select whoever impresses her most.

>> No.6942168

Job well done putting words into my mouth.

>> No.6942171

It's just one of many examples. A lot of what is considered "manly" or "womanly", today, were not the typical male or female behavior 100 years ago.

>> No.6942174

If, as a man, you don't enjoy approaching women, you are a transsexual in denial. Taking risks is good for you. Being pampered and babied like a woman reduces you to a husk of a human being.

>> No.6942176

>The nature of the male sex drive makes us more desperate (there is no female equivalent of blue balls), therefore women can simply wait and select whoever impresses her most.

I think that's just wrong. Women have an easier time getting laid, so they do not experience "blue balls" for that exact reason.

>> No.6942180

Sounds like projection to me m8.

>> No.6942181

>Women have an easier time getting laid

Because men are so desperate and indiscriminating. It's no coincidence that for casual sex women generally raise their physical standards while men reduce theirs.

>> No.6942190

Yes, women can pick and choose, but that's because it is ingrained into us that men need to woo women, like I said earlier in the thread.

There is no biological basis for this, seeing as it would make as much sense the other way around, since men by evolutionary standards are the ones who do all the work. (Hunting, fishing, crops etc).

>> No.6942192

Where is the projection? I am comfortable in my gender role. The reason some men aren't is because the role comes with certain responsibilities which they are too weak and lazy to live up to, which is why they become resentful towards women, whose gender role is more passive. But being passive never made anyone an interesting person.

>> No.6942195

Or perhaps it has to do with the biological fact that women can become pregnant and therefore have much more at stake in sex.

>> No.6942196

So what you're saying is essentially that women are not interesting.

Talk about resentment.

>> No.6942200

Bullshit, it's not the pregnancy that they're cautious about it's the being penetrated. Imagine if you knew for a fact that you were pretty enough (which doesn't take much) to have like 85% of the men you encounter feel willing and subtly desire to penetrate you. Of course it's a kick to play on that but ultimately you want to pick the best penetrator out of the bunch.

>> No.6942201

Yes, and then it would make biological sense for a woman to look for and try to woo the most resourceful, and powerful man.

>> No.6942206

oh fuck off. are you the sort of person who has a problem with them all being white as well?

>> No.6942209


Haha what, girls get blue balls too mate

>> No.6942211

Bullshit and you know it

>> No.6942221


A fair few of my friends who are more sexually open have told me that they get frustrated and horny just as often as guys. Generally female sex drive is lower, yeah, but to say it doesn't exist at all is such bullshit

>tfw your gf can't go 3 days without being desperate for sex

>> No.6942228

Do you even know what "blue balled" means, you stupid retard?

Also nobody cares about your mental illness and the relationship you have with another mentally ill female

>> No.6942232

Being frustrated and horny is one thing. Having a physical ache in your testicles after having been aroused for a long period of time without release, so bad it's painful to walk, is another.

>> No.6942237

>Having a physical ache in your testicles after having been aroused for a long period of time without release, so bad it's painful to walk, is another.

Well, you can just jerk off. It's not rocket science.

>> No.6942244

You can what?

>> No.6942254
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>> No.6942268

We're trying to figure out *why* men are less discriminating than women when it comes to casual sex.

>> No.6942270




I assumed that he meant it as in sexual frustration due to not getting any, not the literal sense because there's this crazy new thing called masturbation that solves it

>> No.6942276

Women need to fuck because they need their egos refilled; men need to fuck because our body demands it.

>> No.6942285


>being so redpilled that you don't understand how sex drives work

>> No.6942289

There are situations in which you can't jerk off, but yes. I was just making the point that being frustrated and horny isn't what blueballs means.

>> No.6942294


This is the best.

>> No.6942315


But the term blue balls is commonly used to convey sexual desperation these days, not just for its literal meaning

>> No.6942603

My husband isn't into literature, but he'll still humor me with trips to the bookstore (usually goes to check out the video games/tech section).

And he helps me build bookshelves too. I don't think there's anything besides that. We have a lot of different hobbies.

>> No.6942612

that was your own ass and and you're a faggot, have a nice day

>> No.6942662

you probably have replied to them many times during those threads but you just assume they are male by default

>> No.6942669
File: 213 KB, 453x668, 1365488189160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she will never finish building this bookcase

>> No.6942676

Not him, but I can safely say I've never had a conversation of that type on /lit/. Plenty of good recommendations, but not depth of conversation.

I've had them with many women in real life though, as well as men. When you go to places where academics go to talk about lit, it just happens. The elevator conversation isn't about the weather. It's about samizdat literature or Yuri Andrukhovych or translation issues.

>> No.6942684

>fucking a guy who plays video games
>fucking a guy who doesnt read lit

what's next you going to tell us about his pot belly and scrawny arms? u must be preety fat

>> No.6942700

I have more intellectual conversations with women than men, but that's probably because I want to impress them and actively seek out ones who are interested in that sort of thing.
Intellectual conversations with men is mostly "woah what if the matrix is real" type stuff.
This also probably has more to do with who I choose to spend my time with than anything else.

>> No.6942713
File: 1.66 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm flattered OP kept the picture. I think I got banned for a day when I posted the last GF building bookshelf thread.

>> No.6942725

I play video games too. If it doesn't consume your life, I don't see the problem. Most of what he plays are simulation games anyway.

While he doesn't read lit, he still imbibes a lot of information about his areas of choice. I guess mostly through documentaries and online articles. Most of his hobbies are more creative than consumption-based; he's a very good cook and a screenwriter, does great things with electronics, woodworking and gunsmithing.

There's my defense. While literature is entirely my life (my occupation, my education, my main hobby), having a partner for whom it was also their whole life would seem bleh. That's what I have colleagues for.

I can see where you're coming from. I might technically have more with women because there are just so many more women in literature academia, but I'm not keeping count.

>> No.6942727

The cutting board was a Christmas gift she received from a family member. We don't use it to cut things on, I'm not really sure why.

>> No.6942731

Did you ever get pictures of your completed bookshelves with books on them?

>> No.6942735

I can take a picture of them, but the majority of my book collection is in storage, so I would basically just be asking to get trolled by posting 3 bookshelves with about a hundred books between them.

>> No.6942742

When are you getting them out of storage? Be sure to make a thread so we can see the drama culminated.

>> No.6942746

All this hate on women as if men are some kind of flawless paragon of intelligence and virtue.

Guess what, we're all pieces of shit for whatever reasons. Get the fuck over it.

>> No.6942764

No idea. I am annoyed by not having most of my collection with me, but moving books isn't fun and we live right near the main public library building, so I just go there now.

>> No.6942779

letting your husband support you with his skilled trade labor while you teach an adjunct intro to lit at community college is why women will never be equal to men, have a nice day

>> No.6942823

That doesn't describe either of our occupations, anon. But have a nice day too.

>> No.6943068



last year my town mayor was accused or raping a girl 20 YEARS AGO

he'd only been in office for 3 weeks and now his whole career is in tatters

Today he was found not guilty. It only took to just 2 hours to reach a verdict. In the post trial interview he was visibly shaken and almost in tears.

I saw an innocent man afraid because he was on the brink of losing everything he'd worked his whole life for.

Will there be any justice for him? Will the accuser face prosecution herself? Of course not.

Just another day in the patriarchy eh boys

>> No.6943130

Check your privilege fuckers. You're lucky you even have a girlfriend. Guess what, cuddling is one of the best feelings in the world, up there with Heroin and Meth. Be grateful that you have her and be sure to kiss her on the forehead every night fucking /r9k/ losers/Chads.

>> No.6943150

>Road trip to Chicago

Kek. Have fun freezing to death, retard.

>> No.6943189

Even if that was true, wouldn't her initiating be also making a selection?

>> No.6943316


I now understand misogyny

>> No.6943339
File: 59 KB, 896x921, 1431428997791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6943344

kill yoself my nigga

>> No.6943380


>> No.6943698


>> No.6943702

this is not /r9k/ you retard

>> No.6943755

>doing something to 'get a girl'
waste of time or for pussy hungry teenagers.

>> No.6943776

Yeah. We stayed up the night before she left the state for uni.

Looking at the stars, getting drunk, and talking about what happens when two people who love each other leave each other for reasons more important than the love.

She already had a new boyfriend.

We had sex outside in her yard and we haven't talked since.

Now she's engaged to said boyfriend and I want to put a gun to my head.

>> No.6943786
File: 107 KB, 291x287, 1431046889145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She already had a new boyfriend.
>We had sex outside in her yard and we haven't talked since.
>Now she's engaged to said boyfriend and I want to put a gun to my head.
Fucking hilarious.

>> No.6943811

Yeah. Some mess about she ended up telling him when they got to their uni. He hit her and berated her and shit. And then he kind of, I don't know, 'forced' her to fuck him. I mean, this is just second hand knowledge. But if she's fucking me while she's got a new boyfriend she is obviously a whore so it probably wasn't that forced and she was just being a vindictive bitch. She had a tendency to be that way.

She flunked out and moved in with him. He's was in his final year of his major and decided to leave the opportunity of being an intern-engineer at Bosch in Germany to become some dumbshit art thing. I don't know.

As far as I know he still slaps her around every once and a while on the reg so, I guess I am the 'winner'.

I don't know. She can't be any happier than I am, which isn't much.

Not my problem.

>> No.6943825

Yeah you're the fucking winner you retard. She sounds like she has major issues(generally the guess is always "daddy") and he sounds like an even bigger idiot(>gives up intern-engineer in fucking Germany to become a poor good-for-nothing "artist"). They're perfect for each other. Hopefully they'll marry, have 1-3 children, and then divorce in 15-20 years and continue being miserable.

>> No.6943853

Daddy spoiled her and she's an only child.
That pretty much says it all.