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/lit/ - Literature

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6939798 No.6939798 [Reply] [Original]

Would you pursue a romantic relationship with someone who didn't value the literary word?

>> No.6939800

I would not pursue a romantic relationship with anyone. I do not deserve to be happy.

>> No.6939801

People who do are usually insufferable so probably

>> No.6939802

Of course. I'm not autistic.

>> No.6939812

I dated an artist who didn't give a shit about literature. She made up for it by being a hell of an artist so it worked out. They just can't be plebs and should be cultured in some way at least

>> No.6939817
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As long as they value me. That's all the matters.

>> No.6939818

If you don't value all of the high arts then you are an incomplete human

>> No.6939820

High standards

>> No.6939832

Not really. You just have to know a little about literature, music, the visual arts, philosophy, history, mathematics and science, and you're fine

>> No.6939834

Honestly, the only person I've ever crushed on that did love literature turned out to be a sociopath (he was 21 and didn't have a Facebook)

>> No.6939842

>mathematics and science
At least up to the level of basic knowledge of abstract algebra and quantum mechanics btw

>> No.6939848

bookshelf or gtfo

>> No.6939850

Do you know what Mishima made a requirement of his potential wife? He asked specifically that she not be a fan of his writings.

I think that's a very practical way to proceed. Think about it, if you met a woman who valued literature as much as you do, what are the odds she'd have the same values and literary aesthetics that you do?

Much better to choose a woman who likes things different than you do. After all, if you date a mirror, all you see is yourself and, if you want yourself, you should just be gay.

>> No.6939860

Wonder if it's possible to find an intelligent girl who values literature but identifies neither as feminist nor some brand of conservative

>> No.6939867

I don't want to make this a debate but most women interested in literature are feminists, which isn't a bad thing. I feel that feminism is gathering a negative
connotation and is being conflated with militant feminism

>> No.6939869

It is a bad thing thought because it's a cult whose basic tenets are incorrect

>> No.6939871


>> No.6939872

Feminism is a toxic ideology that has ruined left-wing politics

>> No.6939878

Men are not privileged, women were never oppressed, and patriarchy is a myth.

>> No.6939884

They couldn't vote

>> No.6939889

For a very brief period of time and even after earning the right still had fewer responsibilities than men to go along with it

>> No.6939893

best answer here. I don't give a shit whether someone is passionate about literature or art or whatever. Just that they're passionate about something. And hopefully they can also be cultured and at least appreciate things they don't enjoy

>> No.6939907

>never oppressed
Followed by
>For a very brief period of time

This is you

>> No.6939918

Simply not having the right to vote is not even oppression.

>> No.6939926

i would certainly say that, using the definition of oppression, the rights of women were unjustly controlled.

I don't think you know what oppression means outside of your vague /pol/ understanding

>> No.6939932

like a RAW quantum psychology or schrodingers cat, quantum machanics or like a legit understanding of QM

because if its the latter you can fuck a bunch of really old men and cripples, thats about it

>> No.6940719
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no. which is why i will always be single.

>> No.6940734

>tfw 21
>tfw no Facebook
>tfw love literature
>tfw single
This is huh wow

>> No.6940741
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>> No.6940748

yes because I am not a snob and a persons worth is not measured on how much high culture they have swallowed

>> No.6940761

Why does not having facebook make you a sociopath? Something has gone a bit wrong with the modern world if people really think this.

>> No.6941509

I dated a girl like that. She was well-read but utterly apolitical aside from a vague sense of humanism. She enjoyed her femininity and expected her man to be masculine.

>> No.6941530
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>tfw 18
>tfw no Facebook or other social media
>tfw love literature and going to study it
>tfw single

>> No.6941539

spooked too
spooked cuck

>> No.6941586

Yes because I am a heterosexual male

>> No.6941603

>tfw 18
>tfw get lots of likes on my profile picture
>tfw not sure if people are just liking it ironically because i was the school autist

>> No.6941651

As long as she wasn't obnoxious about it not seeing the point in reading, I don't see it as a problem. I mean, if she was actively going "ugh, why read it when there's a book?" or dismiss reading entirely it might get pretty annoying very fast because now she'd just be dismissing my interests in reading in general.

That said, it'd be cool if we shared interest in literature (personal tastes don't necessarily matter), so we could have long, drawn out nights talking shit about whatever book/writer over come coffee & tea during the autumn nights, but it isn't a requirement set in stone.