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/lit/ - Literature

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6940091 No.6940091 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you read The Bible?

Why haven't you read the Ancient Greeks and Romans?

Why haven't you read Shakespeare and Milton and Dante?

Why are you such a stupid shit?

>> No.6940095

i have u retaard

>> No.6940103

>Why haven't you read The Bible?
Its a really interesting book, but the whole endless naming X begat Y and lived to Z all of his years and who begat etc. really kills it for me.
Its the same reason I've been unable to read the Sagas.

>> No.6940104
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I'm busy rereading Infinite Jest. Y'know, a work that actually touches on the deepest problems of (post)modern life, unlike that archaic garbage you claim to be classic.

>> No.6940105

>what books of the bible should I read?
>what ancient greek and roman texts should I read?
>what Shakespeare, Milton and Dante should I read?
>inb4 all of them. Give me several of each and I will read them to stop being such a stupid shit.

>> No.6940114

>Why haven't you read The Bible?
I have. Overrated.
>Why haven't you read the Ancient Greeks and Romans?
Reading and familiarizing myself with much of it. Very nice.
>Why haven't you read Shakespeare and Milton and Dante?
Read some Shakes, prefer to watch it performed. Read about Dante, but since I don't know Italian and it really sounds like shit, I'm'a take a pass
>Why are you such a stupid shit?
One can never know everything. I do my best.

>> No.6940118

the only reason to read the bible is to understand biblical allusions found in later works of literature, which can be achieved by reading the wikipedia page of the bible.

it offers little in terms of literary value except for a few certain books.

>> No.6940120


>> No.6940138

Why are you shitposting on /lit/ rather than actually reading texts beyond those anyone who has taken literature classes in college/university has read?

>> No.6940139

>Unironically calling Dante, Milton, Shakespeare, and all of western tradition "archaic garbage"

>> No.6940143

Book of Job
Book of Revelation

Rest can be passed over

Homer, Sappho, Sophocles, Aeschylus, Euripides, Virgil, Ovid

As much Shakespeare as possible, Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained, The Divine Comedy

>> No.6940149

So what? The allusions are crucial

Also the bible has some great passages of writing and stories

>> No.6940154

No Ecclesiastes?

>> No.6940158

Literally telling people to read the Wikipedia summary instead of reading the book.

Why are you tripping you fucking imbecile?

>> No.6940243

Shakespeare's plays are meant to be read

>> No.6940260
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>> No.6940265

The language of Shakespeare is infinitely richer than the structure of his plays as plays.

>> No.6940271
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my post said nothing contradictory to your own

>Literally telling people to read the Wikipedia summary instead of reading the book.
in the bible's case, a wikipedia summary is a much better use of one's time due to the lack of literary value in 90% of the bible.
>Why are you tripping you fucking imbecile?
pic related
tripfriends on /lit/ made this board better

>> No.6940329

>it really sounds like shit

The Divine Comedy is one of the masterpieces of world literature.

For Milton, Lycidas and Samson Agonistes are just as essential.

>> No.6940340
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To hear it, to see it performed!
I've seen several good versions of some of my favourites, luckily. That Coriolanus film was okay, but definitely lacking.

And Kurosawa's interpretation of Lear was excellent, but I'm sure you don't care.

>> No.6940344

thanks. Getting started tonight.

>> No.6940346


end yourself tbh

>> No.6940347

It's quite a feat for epic poems, I'll give it that, but the plot is hokey and self serving. It has not aged well.

>> No.6940352

jesus christ how can I filter you
please please please stop talking about poetry you're triggering me

>> No.6940370

Like hearing poetry recited, seeing performances of Shakespeare is illuminating, but without having it on the page you miss so much of the sense.

>> No.6940394

Read the plays.

>> No.6940412

humans have always been superstitious, you can't dismiss great culture simply because you don't believe in it. Its been long enough that we can talk about greek myths without calling the plots hokey so why not the christian myths?

>> No.6940423

The world is big enough for the two of us, I swear.
You just have to accept the fact there are people who don't like some of the things you like.
I know I know. Breath anon, breath. It'll be alright

>> No.6940463

I have read some. But a good performance is best.

True enough. I do still consume plenty of Christian materials, but after reading about the details of Dante's revenge, I have decided against reading any of it. He is a jerk. Yes, I know, Hesiod was also a jerk. His poem was shorter.

>> No.6940702

>Why haven't you read The Bible?
I have.
>Why haven't you read the Ancient Greeks and Romans?
Working through the Illiad now.
>Why haven't you read Shakespeare and Milton and Dante?
Already read some Shakespeare in high school and I'm planning on reading more someday.
After Homer, Milton is next. I need a good translation though.

>> No.6940707

>translation of Milton

>> No.6940730
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>Milton is next. I need a good translation though.
Go with the original :^)

>> No.6940852

nobody else has, why should I? so I can pretend I'm better than them? I won't be. so I'll become a more rounded person? I won't. because the books have aesthetic value in and of themselves? maybe for other people, not for me. no use pretending otherwise

>> No.6940933

Why should I have to read Shakespeare and Milton if English isn't my native tongue? What about Dante? Where is the point? There are hundreds of more important authors besides Dante. What about Rousseau? Kant? Voltaire? Hume? Diderot? Why Dante and not Cervantes? Dumas? Balzac? Where are Descartes? Spinoza? Erasmus? Did you read all of them or are you “such a stupid shit”?

>> No.6940940


plebs smh

>> No.6940944

>complains that nobody talks about philosophy on a literature thread
kek, why not rename this board /phil/ then?

>> No.6940947


>Exodus but not Deuteronomy

Fucken what?

>> No.6940971

Dumas, Cervantes or Balzac are philosophy?
What is the Bible, then? A monument of literature and style?

Stop excusing your ineptitude.

>> No.6940983

why do you mention Kant and Hume, autismo?

do you recomend final fantasy to someone looking for movies suggestions too?

>> No.6940984

tbf Balzac has some actual purely philosophical works. Dumas and Cervantes, though...

>> No.6940993

I have x3.
I'm not.
Why haven't made apple jelly?

>> No.6941014

>Why haven't you read The Bible?


begat _____begat _____begat _____begat _____begat _____begat _____begat _____begat _____begat _____begat _____begat _____begat _____begat _____begat _____begat _____begat _____begat _____begat _____begat _____begat _____begat _____begat _____

>> No.6941696

I have. All of them. And much, much more. More than you, in fact.

>> No.6941706

Does Josephus count as "the Romans"?
I'm sure he'd like to think so.

>> No.6941992

>haven't read the complete works of Shakespeare

Alright, when do we rise up and lynch butterfly?

>> No.6941996

read more than you tbh

>> No.6942027

Read more than you and him combined tbqf

>> No.6942051

why do you post this once a week? why should i fucking care?

>> No.6942057

exactly, complaining that everyone didn't graduate with a lit major from a jesuit university is like complaining that people don't know what a Nando's is

>> No.6942060

>he doesn't care what /lit/ thinks about him
What a plebeian, right guys? I bet he reads genre fiction and doesn't claim to be a depressed alcoholic

>> No.6942066

Dante is better than all of them.

>> No.6942089

idk why dwell on insurmountable problems? isn't it a waste of time?

>> No.6942397

I'm reading the Ancient Greeks right now.

>> No.6942457


>> No.6942465

but the greeks show you hot to live. instead of reading shit by a whiney lil middlebrow bitch who was so helpless in life that he offed himself, maybe you should read the greeks and learn to be a man faggot

>> No.6942501

Don't listen to that Anon. You can't just ignore all of the prophets, all of the poetry books, and for Christ's sake, the Gospels too.

>> No.6942507

I'll do it later

>> No.6942523

Argumentum ad hominem.

>> No.6942529

I've read more than many people, but again, I prefer to see a play.
And I have always been more of a nonfiction sort. So go lynch yourself.

>> No.6942553

read the Torah and got tired of it. I should read a Gospel and call it a day. Bible has really bad writing.

>> No.6943726

Every post by this winged creature gives me a sudden urge to convert to christianity