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6939705 No.6939705[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Arguing with anarcho capitalists online.

Why are libertarians so spooked?

>> No.6939716

le poorly drawn edgy german man

>> No.6939726

It's the problem with ideologies whose endgame is muh incest and muh pot.

>> No.6939759

>capitalism in general
don't stroke the spook, it only makes them cling to it more

>> No.6939763

I really wish I had a way to BTFO capitalism without being accused of being a Marxist.

>> No.6939775

Marxism is actually a pretty good way to objectively criticize their bullshit ideology.

>> No.6939780

I like to think that Stirner actually looked like a sketch.

>> No.6939788

just take into account that Austrian economics just analyzes capitalism from a vacuum, it's not a real taking into account of economic anything really

>> No.6939789

Only retards believe in natural rights.

>> No.6939805

So you're spooked at the idea some tumblr twit calls you a commie?

Just don't give a fuck, anon.
Especially these ancap types.

>> No.6939835

These guys aren't tumblrites. Tumblr has much more mature (but still spooked) Marxists.

>> No.6939855

A mature Marxist is like a mature toddler.

>> No.6939865

And mature toddlers are adorable. Much better company than immature adults.

>> No.6939880

neoteny is a feature of PoC, eurocentrist.

>> No.6939887


Most "Marxists" are just godless Christians who haven't read a word of Marx beyond the Communist Manifesto.

>> No.6939892

Yes sadly. It's almost depressing that I know exactly what you are talking about by godless christian.

>> No.6939909


Most libertarians are not an-caps, most of them are minarchists who believe in government to protect our individual rights

It's really not about "natural" rights so much as putting the main agency in the individual.

ideally the amount of power over your life would go thus: individual > local > state > federal.

the term "free market" is a bit too vague, but to me it seems undeniable that private companies do pretty much everything better than the government. i am very suspicious when someone claims that something is for the "common good" or "good of the people".

>> No.6939915


Their fetishisation of poverty, oppression and victim-hood is absolutely sickening. It has absolutely nothing to do with Marx's mature works whatsoever.

>> No.6939978

Well, the syncretism of catholic socialism is at least slightly better than either Catholicism or Communism.

>> No.6939987

>Most libertarians are not an-caps, most of them are minarchists who believe in government to protect our individual rights

Most libertarians are anarcho-coms or anarcho-syndicalists. Then the next largest body of libertarians would be lib marxists like the autonomists of Johnson-Forestites.

>> No.6939995

>meme philosophy

>> No.6940000
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>> No.6940002

>arguing with anyone online

>> No.6940030
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>> No.6940033


>> No.6940178
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>> No.6940425

I don't understand why stirnerfags promote his philosophy and try to educate people about bogeys when it would almost certainly be in their interest to just shut up.

>> No.6940442

What? This makes no sense.

It is in my best interest to have everyone become a Stirnerist. The more the merrier.

>> No.6940450

don't you benefit from people thinking you have natural rights? why not promote natural rights?

>> No.6940468

but having to rely entire on a job with no social safety net takes away a huge amount of power individuals have over their lives

the increased options and autonomy individuals have over their lives is a far greater increase in liberty than the money taken out of your paycheck is a decrease in liberty

>> No.6940478

I have some sort of condition where seeing people be wrong physically pains me.

Really I should just avoid the internet all together.

>> No.6940487

>private companies do pretty much everything better than the government

Lol mate

>> No.6940488

'Spooks' are a spook, and this so called awareness of them is merely self-delusional act wherein one convinces that he is either free of them or has tamed. Whatever the conviction, the indiviual is still affilcted by spooks.

>> No.6940492

Me and my family, many generation past, have lost the game of capitalism. Once you find yourself in the losing position it is extremely difficult to get out of.
Laws, and the money that buys them, govern these "natural rights". Spooks of course. It would benefit me and the majority of the world to acknowledge this.
We are all from this planet and we all more or less the same amount of time here, so we really ought to do what's right by one another.
And I don't care if this angle can't be defended in the book. I don't live by a book.

>> No.6940493

Tamed them*, ahem.

>> No.6940495
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>> No.6940497
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Can someone define "spook" for me?

You guys must know that there is no definition for that word in a literary/philosophical context outside of this board.

>> No.6940502

Something that isn't real.
See also Nihilism.

>> No.6940509

thread derailed

>> No.6940513

A lot of people here don't realize that Stirner said that we could give our own value to spooks if it benefits us. He talked a lot about doing what benefits the men he loves because it also benefits him

>> No.6940521

>Me and my family, many generation past, have lost the game of capitalism. Once you find yourself in the losing position it is extremely difficult to get out of.
So you are of the 'slave' stock and feel resentment towards the winners, so the issue is not so much the system, but the fact that you and your direct ancestors failed to come out as 'winners'.

>laws and the money buys them
Power does, laws, money and such are merely extensions of power. Power isn't a spook - a fist in someone's face too is an extension of one applying his power to an another human being.

>inb4 but will to power is a spook

>> No.6940524
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>no philosophical definition
>defined by a philosopher

m8 just because not a lot of people read Stirner doesn't mean you're allowed to be willfully ignorant.

>> No.6940542


How about you provide us with some concrete examples instead of just saying "Lol mate".

>> No.6940545

health care bitch chiggity chec mate up ur ass

>> No.6940547

Its called a spook because they can be imagined as ghosts of the mind. basically ideas that rely on you to give them meaning (country, sexual orientation, gender)

>> No.6940551


Kek, I guess that's why socialized health care is so fucking expensive. Try harder, m8.

>> No.6940557

>Stirner said that we could give our own value to spooks if it benefits us.
I remember telling someone this very thing and Feminister came in to confirm this was affirmed by Stirner. Pretty much when I join the crowd. Good memories.

The police baton and the prison aren't spooks, no.

>> No.6940560

they probably aren't living their day to day lives with resentment toward capitalism. Typically those people don't live with the sole purpose of making money and exploiting others which is why they are considered "losers". Slave morality isn't speaking out against something that doesn't work for you.

>> No.6940594

You cannot totally free yourself from spooks but you must recognize the spooks, at the very least, and rein in where you can.

>> No.6940624

Examples of what? You talk of slaves and winners as if this distinction is a matter of individual will and freedom. But when the forces of capitalism spread until they've destroyed everything it won't even matter, we won't have an earth to share.

>> No.6940689


Their propensity to pitch fits at the slightest provocations and call everything problematic is one of the biggest "image" problems for anyone left of /pol/ right now.

>> No.6940708

Maybe it's an image problem for whitemale reddit and *chan users.

>> No.6940729
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True for just the internet, but it's a specific instance of something that's been a problem with the (relative) left for decades.

Basically, the image of the effete, oversensitive, hippy-dippy activist liberal has been a rather strong card to play against Democrats in the US >implying third parties matter, and the tendency of other 4chan boards to run away from anything they perceive as "Tumblr" is a microcosm of this broader image problem.

I mean, your grandma probably ran into some macro with pic related, it's hardly a basement neckbear thing.

>> No.6940731


capitalism is the whole reason you can sit in an air conditioned room shitposting on the internet all day while grilling hot pockets in the microwave

fuck off to china or cuba if you don't like it

>> No.6940813

china is better at capitalism than any western country
I wonder what do chinese neets do, pornography is technically illegal

>> No.6940825

Which decade are you living in Gramps?

>> No.6940848


>You cannot totally free yourself from spooks but you must recognize the spooks

you can if you become a spook

>> No.6940856
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the second part of this post says "logic is an oppressive construct"

>> No.6940858

anime and vidya
porn too, easy as fuck to get passed the censorship

>> No.6940861
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Damn 4chan's image switching

>> No.6940954
File: 38 KB, 278x326, wittpleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this board crywank about Stirner all day long
>mfw they haven't heard of von Mises

Why don't you grow up /lit/, 'Human Action' is where it's all about

>> No.6941121

>He only used one meme arrow.

>> No.6941145

read the book you cuck
it's 200 pages at most

>> No.6941155
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Not bad.

>> No.6941227
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>> No.6941258

Can someone post stirnerbird please

>> No.6941260
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>> No.6941387

Holy shit