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/lit/ - Literature

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6939512 No.6939512 [Reply] [Original]

>your degree/what you're in school for
>your job/what job you hope to get
>rate others and give advice

No fucking clue. I'm in my second year and I'm considering secondary education, but I'm not sure if I want to do that. I'm also considering get my BA in Literature and going on to graduate school for something.

>> No.6939526


>> No.6939529

>your degree/what you're in school for
CS, taking a lot of courses in stats and more advanced mathematics
>your job/what job you hope to get
Already have a job doing (boring) development part-time, hope to get a job doing more interesting (more mathematical) development where I get paid more money later
>rate others and give advice
Go back in time and cop dat CS degree (or at least go for engineering)

>> No.6939570

2/10 not a literary degree.

>> No.6939615

>your degree/what you're in school for
PhD student in Comparative Literature, German/French/English
>your job/what job you hope to get
Currently a teaching assistant. Would like a professorship. Probably couldn't get one anywhere fancy but anything would be nice. If not that, I'd teach high/private school.

>> No.6939622

>just started university, doing theatre, media and film studies
>considering starting a career as a nightportier und hotels to have time writing in the night.

>> No.6939634

>Professor of mathematics, just wanna do math, read lit, and fish all day.

6/10, shoulda did a math degree

I know a girl who did film, apparently connections are a huge deal, she went out to Austin to film some stuff a couple months ago.
Do you want to write screenplays?

>> No.6939643
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>your degree/what you're in school for
Biology, B.S.
>your job/what job you hope to get
Novelist, English department professor teaching fiction writing or something like that.

>go back in time and cop that CS degree
No thanks, you people are either the biggest robots or the most insecure kind of normie. I'd get freaked out working exclusively with something manmade.

8/10 breddy gud. Gotta have those languages if you're gonna major in literature. Take some natural science classes or logic.

>theatre, media and film studies
Not gonna make it. Film is an infant-tier art form and theatre people are fucking insane.

>> No.6939648

>>go back in time and cop that CS degree
>No thanks, you people are either the biggest robots or the most insecure kind of normie. I'd get freaked out working exclusively with something manmade.

>> No.6939658

Kind of agree with him to be honest.
More tolerable than engineers though.

>> No.6939662

Have fun being outsourced to India, faggot.

>> No.6939666

Please rate the OP, anon. I'd like some life advice.

>> No.6939694

>Please rate the OP, anon. I'd like some life advice.

I can't imagine studying English at university without knowing what I wanted to do with myself, but I guess the same could be said of Biology. Graduate school is a huge commitment, and if you don't want to be a total sophist you'd better have some purpose in your step before you start on the path to a professorship. Under no circumstances should you go to graduate school without funding grants or without the clear intent of becoming a professor. Not discouraging grad school on principal, but from what I know about my dad's time as a PhD candidate it's something you'd better care about an awful lot.

If you decide to teach secondary school then that's great. We need more teachers who didn't just study Education with Shaniqua and Krystal Meth. You know, people with actual deep knowledge of the subject matter. Just make sure you can get whatever certificates you need to teach in the state of your choice.

There are all kinds of random-ass jobs that require a degree, and employers tend to use "English Major" as shorthand for "Can write complete sentences, thank god finally." Of course if you go to an elite enough university you could be in the pool for random-ass jobs in consulting, finance and tech. You are at an elite university, aren't you anon?

>> No.6939706

>you are at an elite university, aren't you anon?
Community college. I'm fucked.

>> No.6939708

>english and history
>currently working at a digital agency while I work on my literary career (lol)
>I had no trouble finding a job although I did go to a good school, had a bunch of work experience and extra-curricular. I definitely do not regret studying english and history and I would pick them again if I had to do it over (I think I would have studied harder/gone to all my classes tho)

>> No.6939713

>civil engineering
>civil engineer

It's ok. Would not recommend unless you like dealing with all the people who were forced into engineering and decided to take the "easiest" one.

>> No.6939723

IT with concentrations in web development and graphic design.

Currently I'm assistant manager for an internet marketing department and help run multiple online storefronts and trade shows. I'm kinda doing a little of everything I studied, which is awesome. And it's the first job I ever had.

But I hope to eventually move further into the software industry and instead land some kind of managerial / head design position at a game development studio. I feel like I'm doing okay as far as progressing towards that goal is going.

Well first off, don't become a journalist, unless you want to be a loser. Fuck that shit. Do something cool with your degree(s). Focus on learning a second language maybe, then teach English in another country to younger grades. Something like that. Be creative and helpful with your education.

>> No.6939724

At least it's not a for profit college.
Transfer out. Go to your state university. Soon.

If you want to do graduate school just get the good grades, find something specific you care about in the field, and hopefully you'll find a place that will pay you to go. For now, though, focus on getting out of community college and into literally any other university.

>> No.6939727

(guy still living in 2001)

>> No.6939728

film guy here.
tI do not learn to make films etc there.
i learn to scientifically analyse it.
i want to wite papers and articles about films and media trends/understanding our constantly evolving media scene
so my chanches stand better with literature?
as i also said: I want to work as a nightportier in hotels. Movie/theatre/media is just my passion and i dont rly care avout having a car etc

>> No.6939731

>your degree/what you're in school for
>your job/what job you hope to get
Gas station clerk, I was hoping to maybe go back and get a real degree

>> No.6939739

>Wilderness Ecology and Philosophy
>Hopefully some sort of research work for the Park or Forest service, ideally become a National Park Ranger. Hopefully ill be able to get published as a Nature Writer ala Edward Abbey

>> No.6939742

I'm getting my associates at CC and then transferring out because I'm poor. I'll be attending a university in fall of 2016.
Thanks for the advice, anon. I'm pretty suicidal at the moment and your reply has given me some hope.

>> No.6939747

Go to graduate school and focus on something practical.

>> No.6939751

We're all gunna make it brah.
Not with good paying jobs, but /lit/ is life.

>> No.6939756
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Computer Engineering
>Intended Career
Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence Research

Anyone here read pic related?

>> No.6939779

B.A, but will be dropping this pretentious shit and going into Surveying
>What job I hope to get
Surveyor, I cam into uni thinking that I'd be able to make it big with film studies but I set realistic expectations of myself

>> No.6939784

lol i did cc lib arts degree->mathematics and cs at state school->development job
ended up with 10k debt total while many of my friends are on the hook for 40k+

>> No.6939790


I'm changing to logic & philosophy for my master's, though.

>> No.6939796

How are your grades? You can just transfer up the chain from community college---->state uni/liberal arts------->elite university/grad school.

>> No.6939809

I'm in school for screenwriting.
I hope to become a screenwriter.

>> No.6939810

I'm attempting to do my Bachelors completely debt free but I doubt that'll happen.
Currently at a 3.33 which I'm embarrassed about.

>> No.6939813

just graduated with a English Lit BA

about to start working in a call centre

my only advice would be make sure that you actually want to go university/college. I only went because everyone else was and it was expected of me. My biggest regret.

>> No.6939825

I'm in college for the same reason.

>> No.6939833

Here's the argument:

1) Here's an AI (pick any robot that tickles your fancy),
2) Here's the field of AI (assert that it exists),
3) Self-congratulate on your interest in 1) and 2) by shouting "Oh My God isn't this amazing?? A robot that cleans after you (think robotic vacuum cleaner) ??? A robot that understands and executes your commands (think Siri)???
4) THEREFORE (this is where everyone points and laughs) something called a 'superintelligence' will emerge at some unidentifiable point in future time and will threaten the human race,
5) THEREFORE we must act and we must act now!!!

It's quite interesting how some seem to lock onto absolutely hilarious and improbable fantasies and dare to even go as far as to call these fantasies not as mere hypotheses, but as inevitable states of affairs.

>> No.6939844

intermediate/technical degree in environmental management

>what job you hope
save the environment. or just a single species. somehow

>advice to others
whatever you do, have fun and enjoy yourselves, the world sucks and your attitude towards life can make it a nicer place

>> No.6939852


Electrical Engineering, it would seem

Either patent agent, or dick around with...whatever you normally do with an EE degree


>I only went because...it was expected of me.
this. Don't do this. If you don't absolutely think you wanna go, don't do it yet.

>> No.6939866

>whatever you normally do with an EE degree
sign papers, mostly. your underlings will be doing all the fun job while you sit in an office. sorry anon

>> No.6939879


Honestly it doesn't matter too much. I just wanna make decent money (patent agents are paid decently too, afaik) and save up so I can retire asap. Figured EE would at least be semi-interesting, but oh well.

>> No.6939901
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I get as pissed as any other level-headed person when someone says "Skynet has started" or some inane shit after an AI magic trick. However, Bostrom makes really compelling arguments that superintelligence will happen (within this century), and the magnitude of it is greater than pretty much anything.

The fable in the preface seems like a broad generalization, but you can't dispute that there are developments that need to be planned for.

>> No.6939911

>your degree/what you're in school for
have a degree in political science and a degree in brewing technology
>your job/what job you hope to get
brewer at a brew pub, moving to a production brewery
>rate others and give advice
if you want to do what you love be prepared for sacrifice. When i say sacrifice i mean working an unpaid internship for a year, followed by a low paying position for a year than getting a decent paying job which you can move up.

all while working other shit jobs on top tanking long term relationships etc etc. Worth it though to quote a great artist "its the climb"

>> No.6939931
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>your degree/what you're in school for
Majoring in music with a minor in education.
>your job/what job you hope to get
Currently giving private lessons, haven't gotten a real job to keep time open to study music more than the minuscule education I'm getting from actual classes. Really want to be a music teacher when this is over, but we'll see how all of this works out.
>rate others and give advice
Do what you love, pray for the best.