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/lit/ - Literature

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693704 No.693704 [Reply] [Original]

I've been really depressed lately but today i got all of these books from a thrift store for $15:

Catcher in the Rye
Brothers Karamazov
Great Expectations
The Jungle by Sinclair
Lord of the Flies
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
The Forest People by Turnbull
Mrs. Dalloway by Woolf
Flush by Woolf
Walden + Civil Disobedience
Apology + Crito
Descartes' Discourse on Method + Meditations
26 Ways of Looking at a Black Man by Patterson
Confusion is Next: The Sonic Youth Story
Billy Budd, Sailor and Other Stories by Melville
The I Ching of the Goddess
Human Sexual Inadequacy (psychology textbook)
a huge hardback mythology book
a book of 300 guitar chords
and a huge book of assorted English literature

this means today was win, right? nothing to be sad about anymore?

also, are those Virginia Woolf books going to be good? I've always heard good things but i really know nothing about her work.

>> No.693721

Shit, I want to go to this thrift store.

>> No.693726


yeah i had never been there until today and it happened to be 50% off so 75 cents for hardcover and about 35 cents for paperback.

>> No.693731

Now, if you read more than two of these I'll be surprised.

>> No.693740

Hurray for Thoreau

>> No.693751

Start with Walden and you'll see how you can make yourself feel better.

>> No.693762
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