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File: 50 KB, 331x500, narnia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6928239 No.6928239 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a good fantasy book?

>> No.6928256

It's a serviceable children's series if you don't mind obnoxiously blatant Christfaggotry in your kids books.

>> No.6928266


Don't listen to this faggot. It's based. Voyage of the Dawn Treader and The Silver Chair are the best of the series.

>> No.6928268

Found the Christfag.

>> No.6928303

the blatant Christianity is totally lost on somebody who isn't familiar with Christianity, I loved these as a little kid and was always a jaded atheist.

>> No.6928443


I don't care about this as long that it´s a good book

>> No.6928451

Pretty dang good Fantasy, though I highly suggest reading his non fiction instead. Mere Christianity is simply superb

>> No.6928774

I loved the series as a kid and read it several times. Those and Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander are probably the books I re-read the most as a kid. To me the Christian stuff isn't a big deal. Alexander also borrowed from a mythology; specifically Welsh Arthurian mythology, but no one gets pissed off about that.

agreed. I also liked The Horse and His Boy a lot

>> No.6929389

>The Horse and His Boy
It was the only book I really didn't enjoyed. I think The Magician's Nephew is really underrated, I'm a sucker for creation mythos.

>> No.6929434

It's a great series, but it is definitely meant for Christian children of a bygone age. Reading it as a godless adult in 2015 is not the best starting point. Also, Horse and his Boy just has to be endured to get back to the great stuff. Comparing it to modern fantasy is a problem, but reading some George MacDonald and William Morris will make you understand Lewis and Tolkien like nothing else can.

>> No.6929446
File: 119 KB, 299x328, 1433477746946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a literature board


>> No.6929458

You keep telling yourself that, while most threads are philosophy jerk-offs, and the few that remain are genre or meme BS. You should be on your lousy stinking knees thanking God that people are talking about the Inklings.

>> No.6929467

it's a series you meatball

>> No.6929521

I really enjoyed all of the books as a kid. The two that really stuck with me were Voyage of the Dawn Treader and The Magician's Nephew. They were both so detached from reality but still palpable. Regardless of what all the angsty 16 year old atheists say, they are great books for young kids to realize how far a book can take them.

>> No.6929535

OP pic is an omnibus of all seven... so book.

>> No.6929555

Yes. It's a great series.

>> No.6930101


>> No.6930264


There's no such thing as a child atheist, unless something traumatic has happened to the child. Atheism is a symptom of teenage edge.

>> No.6930267


>> No.6930602

>Is this a good fantasy book?
pick one

>> No.6931183

Don't be silly. Religion is taught and learned. A kid may think trees can think or lions talk, but they aren't religious in the proper sense, only spiritual, until someone mindfucks them. Pretending religion is the inherent natural state from birth is idiotic.

>> No.6931186
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>> No.6931203


>> No.6931220

It's a bad imitation of the bible

>> No.6931297

Strictly speaking, there's no such thing as an actual "atheist" because the religious mode of thinking is unavoidable even if you apply it to something other than a religion.

That being said, fuck christfags.

>> No.6931305

Atheist and irreligious are different things tho

>> No.6932084

>I also liked The Horse and His Boy a lot
>It was the only book I really didn't enjoyed.

You know, I always hear people say they didn't enjoy The Horse and His Boy but I actually thought it was a really cool break from the rest of the series. It's unique in the fact that it features characters are native Narnian's rather than transplants from our world;it's set primarily in Calormen, which is the country typically associated with a corrupt or evil society; and it has probably Lewis' strongest female character (Aravis)

I really enjoy it, but for some reason it always seems to be the one that is least liked by most readers.

>> No.6932131
File: 3 KB, 90x125, bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So as long as I'm not an autistic militant atheist who is triggered by mentions of the words "Jesus" or "God" and goes on rants defending new atheism on one tab with my dawkins vids in another I should enjoy this series?