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File: 32 KB, 480x360, heraclityus vs parmenides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6930045 No.6930045 [Reply] [Original]

Heraclitus vs Parmenides is continental vs analytical tbh.

>> No.6930051


>> No.6930062

Ever hear of Hegel and absolute idealism? If you read even a partial portion of the Science of Logic, you would see that Hegel is far from being Herclitian.

>> No.6930077

Epicurus is analytical as well.

>> No.6930132

And Stirner?

>> No.6930154

Parmenides taken as an analytic still doesn't make any sense of why his work is a poem instead of a treatise, and one that involves peculiar contradictions and tensions throughout.

See the following for details on these elements of his poem:


Similarly, this take ignores Heraclitus's interesting uses of logos that allow for analytic takes of his work.

I mean, besides the fact that OP is obvious bait.

>> No.6930169

Who cares? Parmenides got it right from ~dayone~

>> No.6930177

I am Parmenides, and I approve this message.

Paid for by the Committee to Elect Parmenides.

>> No.6930226

You guys say the dumbest shit sometimes, god damn.

>> No.6930251
File: 28 KB, 480x360, parmenides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6931663

Thanks for posting this.
Maybe this is true on style alone, and this is how you meant it, but you realise that Parmenides is obscure as all hell himself.

On content and type of positions of course not.

>> No.6931679

Obligatory reminder that what we have of the Pre-Soc's is fragmentary and testimonial

>> No.6931776


>> No.6931916

In the sense that Parmezan was right and Hellaclit wasn't, yes.

>> No.6931936

>of why his work is a poem instead of a treatise
Pretty much everything at his time was written in a poetic form.

>> No.6931949

>seriously asking this

>> No.6931961

Alot was, but not all.
Depends what fragment/testimonial you're on about tbh

>> No.6931971

Not even close, analytic is shit and nothing like pre-Socratic philosophy

>> No.6931977

>X was right, Y was wrong

Confirmed for not knowing shit about philosophy

>> No.6931978

continental detected

>> No.6932056

>implying heraclitus wasn't essentially an analytic
Most of his philosophy was based on how logic was divine, he would have fit right in with frege and co

>> No.6932104


tbh anon, most philosophers would have changed their words if they could possibly had seen the trainwreck that analytic created

i cringe everytime

>> No.6932222

Clearly you haven't read your Heraclitus. We are defined by our opposites. All is one, and Continental is Analytic

>> No.6932224

>implying nothing doesn't exist
hur dur nothing can come to be because it implies nothingness and therefore everything is a static whole

>> No.6932229

*can't come to be


>> No.6932237

Confirmed as part of the Logos by quads

>> No.6932249

Nothing is an empty signifier breh.

>> No.6932256

I like to imagine that Heraclitus had chronic diarrhea, and Parmenides had chronic constipation.

>> No.6932265

Hehe constant flow lol

>> No.6932274

ur mom is an empty signifier

>> No.6932282

Heraclitus spat pure fire, his flow was divine if you ask me

>> No.6932368

Your mum is a full one tbh.