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/lit/ - Literature

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6928245 No.6928245 [Reply] [Original]

Should white literature professors be allowed to teach literature by black people and other non-whites?

This has been a controversy in academia for a little while now, the assumption being that, due to the existing power relation, white teachers/professors will inevitably override the original message (Deconstructionism/Death of the Author and all that), and that because these pieces of literature are part of the cultures of PoC, white people teaching literature without the consent of people from said cultures/ethnicities amounts to appropriation.

What is /lit/'s opinion?

>> No.6928270

I assume that a black professor wouldn't see a problem with teaching George Washington for example, right?

>> No.6928272

Yes, white lit professors should be allowed to teach literature by black people.

End of discussion.

>> No.6928273

Using that logic, nobody's allowed to teach anything because their experiences will inevitably override anything that makes the subject different from the teacher. Am I not qualified to talk about Camus because I'm half azn and not the slightest bit French? Was my black professor overstepping his boundaries by teaching white postmodern education theory? Are biographers with different origins from their subjects hacks?

I say no. I say that's stupid. I say that academia is wasting its time bothering with inane shit that slows or inconveniences my learning.

>> No.6928281

This. Thank you.

>> No.6928282

Yeah, that prick founded the state that oppressed and enslaved his people.

>> No.6928293


>> No.6928294
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>Am I not qualified to talk about Camus because I'm half azn and not the slightest bit French? Was my black professor overstepping his boundaries by teaching white postmodern education theory? Are biographers with different origins from their subjects hacks?

Racism is power + prejudice, shitlord. White people cannot be discriminated against, and the black professor should be allowed to talk about whatever he wants but the white professor should only talk about what WE want him to talk about, because white people are shit, do you understand?

>> No.6928296

it's privilege plus power.

>> No.6928297

bait thread but come on dude stop deifying black people into this inscrutable hive mind that you have to be black to know the first thing about.

slavery was p shitty ok we get it get the fuck over it oh my god

>> No.6928301

Will niggers ever learn?

>> No.6928304

Alright, bad example. But a black professor wouldn't mind talking about Snorri Thorfinnsson and the Edda.

>> No.6928306

False comparison. There are real consequences to the narratives of PoC being saturated by a white mentality.

>> No.6928317

>There are real consequences to the narratives of PoC being saturated by a white mentality.

I never get how people like you don't see how racist you really are.

>> No.6928325

Enlighten us, I beg you.

>> No.6928328

tbh i don't see why a black person or any other person would mind refraining from teaching that garbage and letting the legacy of those who perpetuated the first genocide against native americans in history disappear from the earth.

>> No.6928332

How is it racist? People of color do not give white people the consent to teach their literature or philosophy. It is important to us that we have control over our narratives.

White people can't be trusted with our knowledge.

>> No.6928333

No, they shouldn't. It's really just more examples of systematic racism, even in the "progressive" academia.

Whites should let PoCs teach the history of PoCs.
Whites have too much history already.

>> No.6928342

They don't need consent.

>> No.6928349

They absolutely do.

Appropriation is literally taking something without the original owner's consent and butchering its original meaning, hence white professors deconstructing PoC literature and philosophy when no PoC gave them consent to do so is appropriation.

>> No.6928354

No they don't.

>> No.6928357

Yes they do, and must. White's have already taken so much from POC's they shouldn't teach there history; infact anything produced by POC's shouldn't be touched at all by White's.

>> No.6928358

Explain why they don't. Power relations are at play here. Appropriation reinforces these power relations.

>> No.6928360

give me one reason why anyone should give a shit about the poor suppressed africoons

>> No.6928364

White people do not need to your consent to do anything.

>> No.6928367

>Yes they do, and must
No they don't.

>> No.6928369

They do. They have no right to steal from us when they've colonized and forced us to adapt to whiteness for far too long.

>> No.6928377

well spooked my property

>> No.6928378

Talking and having a lecture about a specific writer is not stealing.

>> No.6928380



>> No.6928381

Tbh we should only teach literature we have produced ourselves. It disgusts me when I see American's teaching the Iliad. They have no idea the struggles that Greek soldiers went through and the PTSD they must have suffered from; it's a vile appropriation of Mediterranean culture being taken by the Northern White man. It's funny how white's claim what they like from greece, but they never give anything in return and expect them to be debt-slaves.

>> No.6928383

Stop memeing, people are actually suffering because of this issue.


>> No.6928388
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You win.

>> No.6928389
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>mfw retarded whitebois getting baited itt

>> No.6928393

A white guy teaching black literature is barely harmful, if anything it brings black viewpoints into the view of students rather than being only taught white-euro literature. Unless ofcourse you'd rather all teachers be blacks

>> No.6928394

Obvious /pol/tard is obvious.

>> No.6928397

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.6928404

False analogy. Ancient Greeks don't exist anymore. Modern Greeks have no relation to the ancients (Greek identity was only manufactured in the 19th century and its entire basis was religious, not ethnic) and what they're going through now is hardly comparable to what black people have gone through by the hands of whites.

It's impossible for a white professor to understand black and other PoC narratives, so why should we trust them with our literature? They will ALWAYS override our narratives with theirs, and this has real consequences for us.

>> No.6928408

That's absolutely retarded and anyone holding that opinion is an idiot. What this is is telling people that unless you're part of this or that race or people, you have no voice to talk about this or that race or people that isn't the one you are. Imagine if this were applied. No, really. That means one can only teach or speak up about something which regards one race and banned from speaking about races which are not your own. That is so insipidly dumb, considering the situation in American culture currently, it doesn't really surprise me if this was somehow made reality at the very least "as a test" in a select few Universities. "Academia" is a fucking joke.

I don't get it, you're trying to make a joke here but there's nothing funny.

>> No.6928409

PoC, specifically blacks, have never produced anything of any cultural, or historical value. So the conversation is meaningless.

>> No.6928415

I don't get this. I'm black. Consent given. Now they can teach whatever they want?

Your argument makes no sense

>> No.6928420

>That is so insipidly dumb, considering the situation in American culture currently, it doesn't really surprise me if this was somehow made reality at the very least "as a test" in a select few Universities. "Academia" is a fucking joke.
I'm a graduate student in the humanities, and this has been an issue for a little while. Afrocentrists make OP's point all the time.

Even worse is the debate about anthropology and philosophy/religious studies. White academics have been under scrutiny for a while for teaching non-white/non-Western philosophical and religious texts.

What strikes me is the level of nationalism here. POC and their white liberal allies claim to love multiculturalism and diversity, yet become infuriated at white people taking an interest in their cultures and paradigms. You can't have it both ways.

>> No.6928424

>It's impossible for a white professor to understand black and other PoC narratives
Im not sure if you are baiting probably since this is 4chins but if not can you explain why, mildy interested.

>> No.6928426

Yes, PoC are entitled to have it both ways. It's called rightful compensation. How can you not understand this?
It's not too much to ask to have PoCs hired to teach PoC history. Whites have their own history to teach and learn.

>> No.6928431

>Yes, PoC are entitled to have it both ways. It's
No they aren't.

>> No.6928437

can you trip so i can make sure i never see your posts again please

>> No.6928440

>What this is is telling people that unless you're part of this or that race or people, you have no voice to talk about this or that race or people that isn't the one you are.
There are consequences when white people pretend they understand PoC narratives. They are reinforcing the same power relations that allow for white supremacy to continue.

>I don't get it, you're trying to make a joke here but there's nothing funny.
It's not a joke. PoC are constantly marginalized by whites in the academy.

Yes, YOU give consent. There are plenty of us who don't want to give consent.

The nationalism of PoC isn't the same as the nationalism of whites and colonizers. And most anthropology courses ARE racist.

>> No.6928441

>White's have already taken so much from POC'
What have they taken, explain.

>and forced us to adapt to whiteness for far too long.
Then go back to the fucking African jungle, Ongo-Bongo, throw spears and run around in skirts, stop using the oppressive computer created by the White man and the evil Internet created by the White man. The language you're using right now? White, stop using it, you're appropriating my culture and history, you racist shitlord.
Dumb fucking retard. Even if you're "hehe MERELY PERETENDING" you're still an insufferable faggot.

What is their reasoning? There is no logical argument to base their beliefs and opinions on. How the hell are they allowed to do this? Is everyone with power in Academia an incompetent inbred hick?
Video related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWXZ-whusxY

>> No.6928449

>Muh white racism
>Muh ongoing legacy of slavery
>muh Post traumatic slave syndrome

>> No.6928453

>PoC are entitled to have it both ways. It's called rightful compensation.
>It's not too much to ask to have PoCs hired to teach PoC history. Whites have their own history to teach and learn.
That is idiotic.

>There are consequences when white people pretend they understand PoC narratives.
Like what.

>PoC are constantly marginalized by whites in the academy.
If anything Whites are the ones being shat on, PoC are the ones getting "affirmative action" and places of work and Academia have race quotas to fill.

>> No.6928457

>The nationalism of PoC isn't the same as the nationalism of whites and colonizers. And most anthropology courses ARE racist.
It's a very similar paradigm. The "PoC" you're talking about are rebelling against whitey using whitey's mentality: that they are racially, culturally, and morally superior and thus have a "right" to dominate others. It's really just a new age version of the civilizing mission.

Hell, if you were true to your roots, and wanted to "decolonize" your mind, you would learn an indigenous African way of thinking and organize your political program in accordance with that, instead of trying to give whitey a taste of his own medicine.

>What is their reasoning? There is no logical argument to base their beliefs and opinions on. How the hell are they allowed to do this? Is everyone with power in Academia an incompetent inbred hick?
There's a lot of opposition to this idea from most. No one likes the idea of race or ethnic-specific curriculums.

>> No.6928459
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>Post traumatic slave syndrome

>> No.6928463

I am not shitting you. This is a real thing they try to push.

>> No.6928469

>instead of trying to give whitey a taste of his own medicine.

>tries to fight White people by using what White people have created
If there ever was a definition of irony it is this.

>There's a lot of opposition to this idea from most. No one likes the idea of race or ethnic-specific curriculums.
How come the people who put it forward haven't been fired and told to fuck off?

More precisely it's:
>Post-Traumatic Ancestral-Slave Syndrome

>> No.6928471


>> No.6928473
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Did you guys really think someone could be that retarded?

Just don't take the bait next time.

>> No.6928475


So, what you are saying is whites essentially can't interact with blacks in any way without being racist, appropriating something, or oppressing them, even if unconsciously? Thus whites shouldn't.

I understand, I feel this is a great injustice. We must fix it, I propose we form separate nations for backs and whites so that they may self-determine and avoid interaction with one another.

In this way, whites and black may totally avoid negative interaction. It would solve all our problems.

>> No.6928480

ah I see, so an entire race must give consent for anything to happen.

I do not consent for you to type. Problem solved. I am a minority from southeast Asia, by the way. Your people (Americans) have systematically oppressed my country and ravaged my countrymen much more recently than they enslaved yours, so you have the power here. Thus, you have the power + prejudice m8y

>> No.6928482

Yes. It's a moral issue.

>That is idiotic.
Explain. How is it idiotic to give PoC back what was stolen from them?

>Like what.
Like the fact that it furthers domination of PoC by whites.

>If anything Whites are the ones being shat on, PoC are the ones getting "affirmative action" and places of work and Academia have race quotas to fill.
White people make up the vast majority of college students and faculty.

>It's a very similar paradigm. The "PoC" you're talking about are rebelling against whitey using whitey's mentality: that they are racially, culturally, and morally superior and thus have a "right" to dominate others. It's really just a new age version of the civilizing mission.
No argument.

>> No.6928484

Do you seriously think there is someone out there who doesn't hold those beliefs? Do you seriously think it's impossible for one of these people to post here?

>> No.6928487

tbh i'm indian-english and I don't consent you blacks to use the english language; sorry lads ;)

>> No.6928489

>Yes. It's a moral issue.
No it isn't.

>> No.6928490

I think that if someone believes that a white professor can't teach non-white literature, they themselves are racist and should reassess their views.
Not even being fedora, but I really don't see how you can advance a cause of equality of you refuse an alliance with other groups of people. Martin Luther King was fully aware of this, Malcolm X was not, initially anyway.
Guess which one believed all white people were devils.

>> No.6928492

>I think that if someone believes that a white professor can't teach non-white literature, they themselves are racist and should reassess their views.


It's okay to be racist against white people, even though white people are a minority in the world.

>> No.6928494

If you publish your work, it becomes available for anyone. Don't like it, don't publish it.

>> No.6928501
File: 247 KB, 1108x1314, liberia_pol96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the last time America tried to give a nation to African Americans?

>> No.6928504

It's an issue of systematic oppression and power relations.

>> No.6928507

Please don't talk to me like I'm from /pol/. I am in favour of multiculturalism, but we can't achieve such a thing if we are dedicated to excluding people in some shape or form.
It's the same rot as when feminists say that I can't debate feminism with them. So much for equality.

>> No.6928509

it is objectively you fool; haven't you read Foucalt? He literally *proved* power relations

>> No.6928510

>Racism is power + prejudice
Firstly, it is not.

Secondly, a black professor had power simply by being a professor. He has the power, for instance, to turn prejudice into discriminatory grading practices, and thus can be racist, as least in the context of the student-teacher paradigm.

>> No.6928516
File: 282 KB, 600x518, 1992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes. It's a moral issue.
>"my morality is superior to yours"
That is your argument, you dumb ape.

>How is it idiotic to give PoC back what was stolen from them?

Thomas Sowell would laugh in your face.

>White people make up the vast majority of college students and faculty.
Of course they do, but PoC are cut extra slack because they're non-Whites, dumb cunt. Quotas to fill to be "equal". Just recently someone found out that a pair of brothers who had been working for years as firefighters weren't actually Black but White, the reason for the "mix-up" was that the brothers had put Black on the application so they had a higher chance of getting the job, but nobody had bothered to look into it.

You should take the advice of pic related and this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csz6REOlZNA

>> No.6928517
File: 3 KB, 98x199, bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He literally *proved* power relations

>> No.6928518

>implying anyone should care

>> No.6928523

Now you're victim-blaming. The responsbility needs to be on the consumers not to touch our culture, not for us to refuse to make our works public.

>> No.6928524

Like I said, it's socially acceptable to hate men, and white people.

I'm not from /pol/ either, but it's pretty clear that white people are some sort of monolith that it's perfectly okay to be prejudiced against in 2015.

>> No.6928527

Are white people not aloud to read any black books? Listen to black music? Eat food made by blacks?

>> No.6928529

Um.... That's because they kind of deserve it? Have you read half the hate speech on this website?

>> No.6928531

Imagine if humans were being used as bait. All of a sudden a hand reaches out of the sky and impales you on a hook, then flings you out into the ocean in an attempt to catch Cthulhu.
RIP worms.

>> No.6928532

>victim blaming

holy shit i think i just died do you really think reading a book is like raping the author

>> No.6928536

They love our culture but they hate us. When do ANY of these white professors teaching PoC literature actually care about us and speak up for PoC issues?

>> No.6928540
File: 66 KB, 613x677, uZIdOs6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan represents all white people

>> No.6928543

>taking a freshman seriously
I remember in my first year, every dumb fuck thought they were now a social critic who was smarter than everyone else.
I can't take anyone in this debate seriously.

>> No.6928545



>> No.6928547

In anonymity hides truth.
If people get away with saying this sort of thing on an anonymous imageboard, who knows what they're really thinking inside their heads?
Probably the same bigoted thoughts as mayos on 4chan do.

>> No.6928550

>Um.... That's because they kind of deserve it?

How so? I'm Norwegian. None of my ancestors were plantation owners, and even if they were, why does the sins of the father run down in generations?

It's just disgustingly racist.

>> No.6928551

The scary thing is there's people who are important people, people with power, who hold those opinions. That's frightening.

>> No.6928552

I don't know; I haven't done an observational investigation into it. Have you empirically observed that all Whites who enjoy part's of Black culture hate Blacks too?

>> No.6928559

X people on Y said B
T people believe B

>> No.6928560

>They love our culture
Black Culture provides nothing of value. Especially today's Black Culture.

>> No.6928561

Then why do white people appropriate from us?

>> No.6928568

Post-Modernist Irony lmao

>> No.6928572
File: 102 KB, 567x459, Map of viking range.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever heard of the Vikings?
They engaged in battles alongside the Byzantine oppressors of Asia Minor, as well as having raid access to Northern Africa.

Yes, you DO deserve it.

>> No.6928573

Growing phases. Most grow out of it.

>> No.6928574

Black-"speak", hood-culture, gangster rap, all of this is what is holding Blacks back, not "evil whidey".

Appropriate what exactly? That there's White rappers? Why are you appropriating my language? English is the language of Whites, stop using my language, you're appropriating not only my culture but the culture of my ancestors. Racist shitlord.

>> No.6928580

You lost your right to English as a "white" language when your people conquered half the world and exterminated hundreds of millions of people.

Upward appropriation DOESN'T exist.

>> No.6928589

According to who? Some sort of SJW deity who decides who has rights and who doesn't?

>> No.6928590

>If there ever was a definition of irony it is this.
It's beyond ironic. Instead of breaking with whitey's obsession with fastidious morality, they're embracing it the ever more. Even their calls to "decolonize" are based on this same moral imperative that drove whitey to colonize them in the first place.

>How come the people who put it forward haven't been fired and told to fuck off?
Usually they are told to fuck off, but the academy these days is always open to exploring new ideas and trends. Unfortunately, racially segregated courses are trendy now.

>No argument.
I showed how your ideology is really just an extension of your colonizers' ideology. There is no attempt to break from it. Everything about your calls to keep black literature in black hands wreaks of nationalist sentiments and does nothing to overcome the mental power whitey has over you.

>> No.6928591

Fuck off. You can't preach multiculturalism then complain about cultural diffusion.

>> No.6928599

I guess, if you consider human rights and dignity something that HAS to come from something like G-d...

>> No.6928603

Blacks enslaved other Blacks. Whites enslaved other Whites. Blacks enslaved Whites. Whites enslaved Blacks.
You're not anything special, brainless sissyfaggot.

>> No.6928607

I'm sorry, but even if that was true, I don't deserve that, because I am not guilty of those actions.

>> No.6928610

well it doesn't have to, besides, alot of what God does is really problematic...

>> No.6928611

>Blacks enslaved other Blacks
No they didn't. We didn't do shit until whitey came over.

>> No.6928612

Friendly reminder that the British would have died in the jungle if it weren't for Africans who helped them start the slave trade.

>> No.6928622

>showed how your ideology is really just an extension of your colonizers' ideology. There is no attempt to break from it. Everything about your calls to keep black literature in black hands wreaks of nationalist sentiments and does nothing to overcome the mental power whitey has over you.
Nationalism from PoC is NEVER the same thing as nationalism from whites. PoC nationalism is only ever done with the goal of self-determination. White nationalism is always done with the goal of reinforcing white power over PoC.

>> No.6928623

You're incomprehensibly ignorant of history.

>> No.6928624

unfortunately you don't get the privilege of deciding who reads and who is interested in fessing out the possible implications of your work. by committing thought to paper you subject it to interpretation. this is like literary theory 101 kiddo.

>> No.6928625

You're people pillaged my kingdom of wessex over a 1000 years ago. You, being an ancestor of the raiders, are living on the benefits of pillage and rape. YOU DO NOT HAVE A SAY ON ISSUES OF RIGHTS.

>> No.6928626

You lost your right to using this website, the electronic device you're on, the Internet, basic hygiene, among infinite other things, when you were born Black.

>> No.6928627

Wrong again.

>> No.6928630

I'm not black... I am a PoC advocate and ally though.

>> No.6928631

White people stealing and re-writing PoC literature is the definition of colonialism and entitlement to narratives that will never be theirs. You have NO RIGHT to appropriate knowledge that was never meant for you.

>> No.6928632

meant for >>6928607

>> No.6928636

>You deserve it

Guilt isn't inheritable.

>> No.6928637

>Now you're victim-blaming
s-rank troll

>> No.6928640

This is some bad b8.

>> No.6928642

lmao are blacks elder wizards or something haha

>> No.6928643

So you're a self-hating White. That's even worse, casting away your own, your ancestors, in exchange for others. Go live in the jungle then, go appropriate Black culture.

>> No.6928644

I'm not really white either. I'm white passing though, so I acknowledge my privilege where it's present.

>> No.6928647

>Nationalism from PoC is NEVER the same thing as nationalism from whites.
>what is Chang Kai-Shek
>what is Pinochet
>what is Mobutu Sese Seko
>what is Hamas

>> No.6928650

Nationalism from PoC is NEVER the same thing as nationalism from whites. PoC nationalism is only ever done with the goal of self-determination. White nationalism is always done with the goal of reinforcing white power over PoC.

That's an absolutely absurd statement, traditional "white" nationalism had nothing to do PoC, it is a phenomena arising in European nations as a result of their constant vying for power.

And for you to enforce these absurd double standards only proves that you have no interest in equality, or a "post-racial" eqalitarian society. You just want to cast hatred and collective guilt accusations at whites until you incite a race war.

That is your ultimate goal, is it not, universal armed conflict between ethnic groups?

>> No.6928651

wow, this thread is really starting to get problematic... c'mon guys are though you were better than this? I thought this was a leftist board not another /pol/ o_o

>> No.6928656

Coons and their self destructive culture has been universally acknowledged for quite some time here.

>> No.6928661

So when are POC's gonna de-colonize mathematics? White made equations like 1+1=2 are really problematic, especially as they ignore numbers of colour like point 9 recurring

>> No.6928662

We have a long history of having our minds and narratives controlled by whites.


>it is a phenomena arising in European nations as a result of their constant vying for power.
White people have no right to be nationalist when they've colonized and enslaved so many PoC.

And for you to enforce these absurd double standards only proves that you have no interest in equality, or a "post-racial" eqalitarian society. You just want to cast hatred and collective guilt accusations at whites until you incite a race war.
No, I want equality. White people and their sense of entitlement get in the way of that.

>> No.6928666

actually i have every right to. in fact, i have a copy of Black Skin, White Masks right here that i'm going to read and appropriate the fuck out of right when i write a paper interpreting it as advocating pedophilic rape of white girls as a form of civil unrest by the black community.

>> No.6928667

So I guess this means /lit/ is just the newest victim of /pol/.

I thought you guys would be smart enough to NOT be racist.

>> No.6928669

Implying whites can't interact with blacks without being racist, and that non-whites can't be racist for that matter, is no better than /pol/.

It's just a different, conflicting flavor of it.

>> No.6928673

Quit lying about equality; it sounds like you want segregation with all this talk of "no whites can have access to black culture"

>> No.6928676

>not annihilating every sense of racial and cultural identity

>> No.6928680

What exactly did you gain by merely pretending to be retarded in this thread? I'm honestly curious, I've never understood taking shitposting as far as this. One post or two I can understand, but not this kind.

>> No.6928686

I was bored at the laundromat tbh

>> No.6928687
File: 152 KB, 452x453, thoma_aquinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you guys arguing about races, when aquinas *literally* proved God?

>> No.6928690

Instead of trying to have a serious discussion about something you care about or want to learn about, you'd rather shitpost.
Really though, kill yourself, jump out in front of the next car driving by.

>> No.6928698

The fact that you're oblivious to the people/groups I listed shows your ignorance of history and basic politics. "PoC nationalism" is not always from the Left nor does it always end oppression.

>White people have no right to be nationalist when they've colonized and enslaved so many PoC.
Do Arabs have the right to be nationalist when they were the ones who started the trans-Atlantic slave trade? I've been to Algeria before on vacation, and Arabs there are horrendously racist towards Berbers and black Africans. In fact, hearing black people get called racial slurs like "abeed" (slave) isn't uncommon in Algerian society. You might as well have said that the Algerian independence movement should have been conducted by black Algerians only instead of Algerian Arabs.

>White people and their sense of entitlement get in the way of that.
Please, if you're going to say white people shouldn't have access to black literature, you're going to have to find a way to enforce it.

>> No.6928700

It's times like these that Hegel gives me hope

>> No.6928702

>in which the black identity politician is made a mockery of by trolls
>in which the identity politician is made aware of the hypocrisy inherent in his position
>in which the identity politician reacts to knowledge of his philosophy's untenability with hate speech.

textbook, folks

>> No.6928705

"PoC" have enslaved thousands of themselves. African kings and tribal leaders where willing participants in the slave trade, enriching themselves greatly in selling millions of African they had long since enslaved themselves.

"PoC" and Arabs have enslaved millions of whites for that matter. See: The Ottoman Slave Trade.

And you expect whites to sit back when you tell them "equality" will be enforced, and for them to even participate is racist? You cast collective guilt on whites regardless of who they are, what they've done, and what beliefs they hold, and act indignant when this is challenged.

You are a false-egalitarian, you don't want peace or equality, you just want to sew the seeds of new hatred.

>> No.6928712

when are you going to realize that your entire position was co-opted and promoted by the bourgeois since like the fucking 70s in order to keep proles like you divided against each other

>> No.6928719

>And for you to enforce these absurd double standards only proves that you have no interest in equality, or a "post-racial" eqalitarian society. You just want to cast hatred and collective guilt accusations at whites until you incite a race war. No, I want equality. White people and their sense of entitlement get in the way of that.

So you want equality, but believe that an entire race ought to be segregated from an academic discipline?

>> No.6928720

PoC" have enslaved thousands of themselves. >African kings and tribal leaders where willing participants in the slave trade, enriching themselves greatly in selling millions of African they had long since enslaved themselves.

Those are lies spread by whites.

>PoC" and Arabs have enslaved millions of whites for that matter. See: The Ottoman Slave Trade.

That must have been either more white lies or white members of the Ottoman empire.

>> No.6928722



>> No.6928725

>Those are lies spread by whites.
Prove it

>> No.6928726

Lol you fags are hopeless.

>> No.6928727

0/10. At least try

>> No.6928728

>You might as well have said that the Algerian independence movement should have been conducted by black Algerians only instead of Algerian Arabs.
False analogy. You're talking about two entirely different scenarios.

>Please, if you're going to say white people shouldn't have access to black literature, you're going to have to find a way to enforce it.
100% victim blaming. It's not our job to enforce anything. It's your job to educate yourself and not touch the things that are only meant for us.

Ottoman slavery wasn't the same thing as what black people went through in the Americas. If you knew anything about Islam you'd know it's anti-racist.

>when are you going to realize that your entire position was co-opted and promoted by the bourgeois since like the fucking 70s in order to keep proles like you divided against each other
lol white Marxist bullshitter alert.

>> No.6928732

White have spread lies for years? It's exactly why they should be controlled for an egalitarian POC-lead state to work.

>> No.6928738
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This thread reminds us all as to why we need Camille to straighten this out.

>> No.6928739

>slavery is okay aslong as it's not racist

>> No.6928748

>lol white Marxist bullshitter alert.

i see this thrown around a lot and it troubles me. from whence this total dismissal of marx? which theorist decided marx isn't useful for counter-capitalist thinking anymore? or is it just that marx is inconvenient to 4th wave because he requires reading something longer than a tweet lmao

>> No.6928754

It's literally not the same thing. Slaves under Islam are required to be treated nicely and be given some form of social mobility.

>from whence this total dismissal of marx?
Marxism is eurocentric and can't explain what happens to PoC because of its white/european nature.

>> No.6928757

Mayve because he's white? White proles have no idea of what it's like to struggle as my people have.

>> No.6928761

top kek.

>> No.6928770

Your entire philosophy is predicted on Marxism.

>> No.6928771

Camille "Post-Modernists need to rest in piss" Paglia or
Camille "Lacan belongs in the garbage can" Paglia

can be my prof anytime

>> No.6928772


>people who don't read think this

anticipated retort: why should i read a white person! he's white!

very well, then why should anyone give a shit about what you're talking about?

>> No.6928777

And I'm sure there were some nice plantation owners, what's your point? Slavery is still bad, or can only POC's suffer?

>> No.6928789

Only PoCs have experienced real slavery.

>> No.6928796
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>> No.6928800

>False analogy. You're talking about two entirely different scenarios.
Not really. There is a heavy sentiment now by fringe Maoists ("Maoist Third-Worldists") who hold the mentality that only the most oppressed of the oppressed can constitute a revolutionary class. They basically use the same exact methodology as you and view class struggle as a moral issue.

Likewise, Frantz Fanon even remarked at his anger towards the results of Algerian anti-colonialism: the nationalists took power, and immediately oppressed the Leftist groups that had participated in the struggle.

>100% victim blaming. It's not our job to enforce anything. It's your job to educate yourself and not touch the things that are only meant for us.
You're automatically assuming that your "oppressors" will do the right thing. If you're so angry at white people "appropriating" your literature, fight them. Don't just shame them and demand that they bow down to you. They won't do so unless you're militant enough.

>Ottoman slavery wasn't the same thing as what black people went through in the Americas. If you knew anything about Islam you'd know it's anti-racist.
Islam is absolutely tribalist and legalist. Ontological hierarchies are all over the religion, even more so than in Judaism or msot variations of Christianity. Non-believers go directly to Hell. Pagans deserve to be killed if they refuse to convert. Most of Islam's rituals are highly specific to Arab culture despite the claim that Islam is a perfect religion for all races at all times.

>> No.6928802

Nobody alive in western society has experienced real slavery unless they're a white girl who was kidnapped and sold into the sex trade.

>> No.6928808

I seriously hope that's bait, otherwise you're a very ignorant and disgusting person

>> No.6928809

Blacks have experienced it through genetic memory.

>> No.6928814
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>Slaves under Islam are required to be treated nicely and be given some form of social mobility.
lmao do you actually believe the Arab slave trade was predicated on politeness and social mobility? Do you actually believe that the modern African slavers (Muslim in name) are treating their subjects "nicely"?

>> No.6928816

I seriously laughed out loud. Good show, faggot.

>> No.6928820

It's not. Marxism is eurocentric and economically determinist. It claims culture is the result of economics which is NOT the case for the majority of PoC cultures.

White people only think in white narratives. This is why decolonization is necessary.

It's not the same because the power dynamic isn't there.

>They basically use the same exact methodology as you and view class struggle as a moral issue.
It IS a moral issue. It's a social justice issue about returning what was stolen from people.

>You're automatically assuming that your "oppressors" will do the right thing. If you're so angry at white people "appropriating" your literature, fight them.
It's not my responsibility to fight them. It's YOUR responsibility to stop oppressing.

>Islam is absolutely tribalist and legalist. Ontological hierarchies are all over the religion, even more so than in Judaism or msot variations of Christianity. Non-believers go directly to Hell. Pagans deserve to be killed if they refuse to convert. Most of Islam's rituals are highly specific to Arab culture despite the claim that Islam is a perfect religion for all races at all times.
Stop pretending all religions are exactly the same. Islamic hierarchies are in no way the same as Christian hierarchies.

>> No.6928822

>racism is privelege + power

why do you all agree with Gloria Watkins' definition of one word?

fuck off all of you, prejudice will always exist and there will always be people to fight it, don't turn it into your special snowflake struggle

I don't have time for a communist utopia with people that worry about semantics like you fuckers do

>> No.6928833

Prejudice will exist as long as you white opressors are still here. That's why you need to either leave or stop procreating.

>> No.6928841
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Gotta do better than that

>> No.6928844
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>It claims culture is the result of economics which is NOT the case for the majority of PoC cultures

wrong, sorry

>> No.6928847
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I'm sorry Mandingus Overlorzius, I'll proceed to milk Somali cocks into the funnel tubes we've planted into the Swede-women, they're chained up and ready to give their uterii for the new generation of forced multiculturalism.

>> No.6928848

>Marxism is eurocentric
So is Newtonian physics. So are Einstein's theories. Hell, the Nazis even branded Einstein's theories as "Jewish physics" and dismissed them.

>White people only think in white narratives. This is why decolonization is necessary.
Your entire methodology is based on white narratives regarding an obsession with a very particular form of morality. Think of the Ideological State Apparatus: any system needs an ideological backing in order to reproduce itself. The civilizing mission was this in regards to colonialism. Now, you're taking the same mentality and applying it to a social justice scenario whereby "PoC" are given the "right" to railroad whitey's mind under the guise that whitey needs to be "civilized".

>It IS a moral issue. It's a social justice issue about returning what was stolen from people.
Your morality is a white morality. This is not how Africans, Arabs, Chinese, or other cultures define "justice".

>It's not my responsibility to fight them. It's YOUR responsibility to stop oppressing.
Nice excuse.

>Stop pretending all religions are exactly the same. Islamic hierarchies are in no way the same as Christian hierarchies.
What if I told you I come from a Muslim background and have studied the Qur'an and philosophers like al-Farabi myself?

>> No.6928850

Nothing was stolen from you. Just because your ancestors suffered doesn't mean you did. I'm white, but I'm certain that my impoverished Italian ancestors did not partake in the slave trade; yet according to your dialectic, I'm just as bad as any old plantation owner because of my privilege, whatever the fuck that is.

>> No.6928851

Marx was white; that's reason enough to ignore his views.

>> No.6928859

go away, we all know you're not nigganon

>> No.6928881

Which Muslim scholars, authors, and philosophers would you say are essential to understanding the 1/3 of the World's Great Civilizations which are West Asia/North Africa

(the other 2/3 are Europe, and East Asia)

>> No.6928890

Ibn Khaldun is a must.

Al-Ghazali possibly too.

>> No.6928893

although I agree with you, I must comment that the way that he, and mainstream academia, are interpreting privelege via power structures is not how you seem to have grasped the concept

>> No.6928902
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Race is just a /s4s/ meme

>> No.6928923

>So is Newtonian physics. So are Einstein's theories. Hell, the Nazis even branded Einstein's theories as "Jewish physics" and dismissed them.
False analogy. Science is objective. Literature and philosophy are not.

>Your entire methodology is based on white narratives regarding an obsession with a very particular form of morality.
Why is that wrong?

>Your morality is a white morality. This is not how Africans, Arabs, Chinese, or other cultures define "justice".
So what?

>> No.6928938

Science is based on whitey empiricism and logic

>> No.6928947
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>False analogy. Science is objective. Literature and philosophy are not.
Science is heavily accused of having ideological biases. Perhaps you should ask your PoMo overlords to explain this to you.

>Why is that wrong?
It's hypocritical, is it not? You're pushing a white form of morality under the guise of "decolonization". A much better way of decolonizing would be to reject all of whitey's narratives including whitey's moral codes.

>So what?
See above. Again, it's really only a post-Enlightenment Euro thing to define "justice" as analogous to equality or egalitarianism. Muslims, for example, understand a just society as one where everything and everyone is running in accordance with Allah's Law. They might have taken that from Plato, who knows? But the point is, that's not how Westerners understand justice.

>> No.6928955

>Science is objective
logical positivism is a philosophical position. just like marxism.

>> No.6928974

Pick one.

>> No.6929010

>Should white literature professors be allowed to teach literature by black people and other non-whites?
Absolutely. If the teacher is qualified, then they have every reason to teach the literature in question.

>> No.6929326

>White people have no right to be nationalist when they've colonized and enslaved so many PoC.
you're using the word nationalism incorrectly.

>> No.6929381

a white must undergo a thorough understanding of blackness before xe is allowed to teach black thoughts. why? because whiteness is an ideology which has consistently sought to crush black thought.

but your typical white person has no business telling a poc about their history of struggle against the very ideology their white-normative presence is violently perpetuating.

>> No.6929442

pure ideology mein gott.