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File: 49 KB, 506x269, 6a00d83451cdc869e2019b01a5742a970d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6926221 No.6926221 [Reply] [Original]

Would anyone else not pull the switch or push the man? There's just something different about actually causing the death, even though I would be saving net lives. I don't want that burden on me, and as an individual I think I have a right to take care of myself in this situation over the unfortunate workers/fat guy, and I don't want to have their/his death on my hands mentally, legally, and emotionally.

>> No.6926236


Choosing not to act is a conscious action.

>> No.6926237

I don't pull the switch, but push the fat man because fatties are less valuable, its not even really murder.

>> No.6926240

what good would all those hours in the gym be if i couldn't push a fucking fattie?

>> No.6926250

You retards. Even the mass of an average American citizen couldn't stop a train. Your actions would result in everybody dying.

>> No.6926256

How about somebody pulls the fucking brake on the train?

>> No.6926259
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more cushion for the pushin'

>> No.6926278

i would ask the fat guy to jump. it's really his call, if he wants to selflessly save those guys, then great. if not, that's on him. the jerk.

>> No.6926544

Why do we assume the trolley won't stop or at least try to stop in the first place?

>> No.6926547

Because it's a thought experiment not real life, you fucking autist

>> No.6926562

>I'm not allowed to think about real life scenarios in a "thought" experiment!

Fuck off, these people would have already been saved by Superman or any other X-Men / Marvel character in the first place since it's a "thought" experiment.

>> No.6926578

The real answer to this problem is you jumping yourself. You're a suicidal kissless virgin browsing 4chan. Might as well do it and save them all to become someone worth remembering.

>> No.6926595

I'm not the other guy, but you are one of those people who nobody wants to talk to at parties because they don't get basic conventions and think of themselves as 'smarter'.

Regarding the dilemma; the only true moral thing to do is jump off the bridge. You can only deal with your own life and, even if you saved lives, you would be a murderer for pushing the first guy. In this respect our legal system is right. You can also not do anything and that would be negligent, but no one has the moral right to judge you because it is a decision about your own life.

>> No.6926599

>missing the point this hard
It's about the choice and your motivations for making it. Considering hypotheticals that eliminate the choice defeats the whole purpose.

>> No.6926610

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the the few

>> No.6926620

>I've literally just said what you have said in the post above yours.

I'm intellectually superior, even though that I should let know that the traditional trolley problem doesn't allow for you to jump yourself since the "you" in this scenario isn't fat enough. I've just called you a fat cunt, intellectually dominated you, and completely ravaged your twink boypussy. How does that rape make you feel, homo?

>> No.6926629
File: 85 KB, 640x640, 11693891_10153442848958917_1309926340704916476_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saved by Superman or any other X-Men / Marvel character in the first place

Either bait or unapologetic manchild. How could this happen in a thought experiment. I hate to break it to you, but superheroes do not exist in real life.

>> No.6926631

>Would anyone else

Yes, this is said every single time the images are posted. That's the whole fucking point of them- do you believe in the 'greater good' or your own individual responsibility.

>> No.6926639

I can apply real life scenarios as well as infinitely many "thought" up ones in a "thought"




Stop trying to be edgy contrarians, people.

>> No.6926641

Yeah, just like God.

>> No.6926644
File: 4 KB, 375x359, 42222222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you are not fat enough it is the only thing to do.
I'm a girl btw

>> No.6926652

Hmm she could have been hot

>> No.6926653

Did you just dropped the 'E' word?
Fine arguing skills, dude

>> No.6926665

You are a good girl, you buttmad effeminate trap. ;)

If you're not thinking outside of the box then I've got news for you, you're an imbecile.

>> No.6926679
File: 53 KB, 600x800, would you kill the fat man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better read this

>> No.6926783
File: 53 KB, 506x267, 1368377867044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no choice, it's all predetermined.

>> No.6926829
File: 47 KB, 1417x992, illusion of life and death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter.

>> No.6927695

you're a faggot

>> No.6927722

I run away and never think about it again. I can't get in trouble for not killing someone can I?

>> No.6927785

I don't know about America but here in Austria you do.

>> No.6927827

How selfish of you.

>> No.6928633

This. The whole inane "thought experiment" speaks very poorly of philosophy as a discipline.

Anyone actually in that situation would have such doubts.

There's also the issue of legal problems (hello? wouldn't you go to fucking jail for murder, yourself?) and countless other things. What if the fat man has kids? What if the people on the tracks are politically powerful criminals who are about to receive some vigilante justice?

Fuck this "philosophical quandary XD."

>> No.6928660

Throw the man AFTER the trolley has ran over the men tied up, obviously.

>> No.6928749

It's an abstraction, you doofus. In real life, people do make decisions to prioritize some lives over others, and the thought experiment is supposed to force you to think about why that is and if it's the right thing to do, if there is such a thing. I'm sorry that this particular scenario isn't to your liking.

It also doubles as a fun little personality test so you know which of your friends to leave behind when SHTF

>> No.6930591

Wow this.

>> No.6930594
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>> No.6930610

OP, I have the perfect book for you. It's called Man the Fuck Up. We're all descended from killers and if you're not ready to kill for the greater good then you'd probably get used to it very quick once you need to.

>> No.6930629

Shoot the conductor.

>> No.6930662

tfw you can't even see the tracks so its completely immaterial whether you have the switch pushed forward or pulled back since you have no idea if pushed forward means track 2 or 1 and likewise for pulled back.

>> No.6930674

The five are all epicureans unafraid of death. The one is screaming his head off.

>> No.6930675

Probably kill the screaming dude.

>> No.6930682

a utilitarian wouldn't.

>> No.6930689

Yah well that's because that 1 guy screaming is a utilitarian. So now he dead for inferior philosophy AND annoying screaming. Plus I just saved 5 cool epicureans. Best day ever

>> No.6931147

Why would the utilitarian be screaming if his death meant a greater good?

And do you not think Epicurus was an utilitarian? Though with a greater focus on preventing suffering (let it go, let it go) than producing happiness.

>> No.6931149

>Why would the utilitarian be screaming if his death meant a greater good?

He never wrote down the secret to free energy

>> No.6931150

He can scream it.

>> No.6931151


kant pls go

>> No.6931153

>assuming all utilitarianism is bog-standard hedonic utilitarianism
nigga please

>> No.6931160
File: 44 KB, 543x405, 1437976633825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am no god whom decides questions about life and death

>> No.6931161

He's screaming because he saw that I control his fate and clearly its in the greater good that he, a man who fears death and would be displeased to did is in fact going to die only to save some worthless epicureans who don't even appreciate the concept of utility maximalism.

>> No.6931162

Wrong: you ARE a good, and you have the POWER!

>> No.6931163

I'm stupid, what is this supposed to mean?

>> No.6931167

If you want to go for pretentiousness, at least try to do it correctly. "Whom" is an object. "Who" is a subject, even for relative clauses, like the one in your shitty sentence.

>> No.6931171

>worthless epicureans who don't even appreciate the concept of utility maximalism.
That would be irrelevant to him. Unless that would make them actually less useful to others than himself. Assuming there are sentient beings other that those on the track or by the lever.