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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 23 KB, 350x320, chimamanda-ngozi-adichie-zadie-smith-schomburg-feat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6925206 No.6925206 [Reply] [Original]

How inappropriate is it for me (a white male) to write a short story about an African-American woman in the 60's?

>> No.6925213
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Just make her sassy enough.

>> No.6925236

will do.

>> No.6925242

It's not inappropriate.

It's impossible.

Do yourself a favor, in between writing classes go hang out with some physics majors.

It doesn't matter how many drugs you take: time travel is impossible! All one can do is write in the now.

>> No.6925263

White males are the only ones who can write something of value, so why not

>> No.6925269

Publish it under a typically black female name and you'll be rich.

>> No.6925277

Why the fuck would you want to do that? Write about a White male.

>> No.6925283

Was thinking of submitting it to a few reviews under the name Bianca Erdmann

>> No.6925286

Gotta get them minority dollars. You know how rich black people tend to be and how often they spend their income on books. Writing for white people simply isn't economically viable.

>> No.6925287

i will recommend Sheneequa Brown.

>> No.6925288


>> No.6925347

It's not a question of who will allow it, but rather who will stop you

>> No.6925374


>caring about being 'appropriate'
>calling yourself an artist

Pick exactly one point zero of these options.

>> No.6925522

What's worse, dfw 's bandanna or smith's turban

>> No.6925532


Do it. Just don't do it shittily and make the characters interesting beyond their marginalization.

>> No.6925550

Franzen's sandals

jk they're fantastic

>> No.6925556
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>> No.6925565

It is a very appropriate idea, the most appropriate idea in the history of ideas

don't forget that the most successful people on this earth started with a single brilliant idea

one day, when you're sitting on your 30ft yacht in the bahamas sipping martinis from a straw, you'll remember this day, the day you had your brilliant idea, and you'll think, "wow, what an idea that was"

>> No.6925574

It's only inappropriate if she isn't sassy, doesn't have an afro and doesn't go UHMHUM YOU GO GURL YOU TELL DAT NIGGA HIS DICK BE SMELLY N SHIT DAYUM RIGHT BITCH HO SHIT

>> No.6925582


>> No.6925605

Write it like Odetta Holmes in the Dark Tower series.

>> No.6926609

Never get tired of this picture. Zadie is so disgusted by the guy in front of her.

>> No.6926615

what a c**c you must be

>> No.6926616

Biography is a spook, tbh.

Just write what you want to, OP. If it's racist, then you'll find out soon enough

>> No.6926618


Don't be a coward.

>> No.6926649
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>> No.6926793

Why would you bother worrying about that shit before you've even written it? Do it, give no fucks.

>> No.6926920

The retard pack

>> No.6927233

chimamanda > zadie

>> No.6927287
File: 385 KB, 1125x1500, Zadie Smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked.

>> No.6927296
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Oh Anon, don't be so rude.

>> No.6927465

>write story
>dont stress race
>call people out when they take it as a story about white people

>> No.6927829

pretty fucked up that our ridiculous racial tradition says that both those women are the same race

>> No.6927839

Agree tbh, young Zadie is top tier but contemporary Zadie ain't all that.

>> No.6927860

holy fucking shit

>> No.6927936

zadie so does not want to be there

>> No.6927950

I'm writing a post-apocalyptic book about African Americans operating a sophisticated merchant republic out of Detroit.

I'm white, so would this ruffle feathers?

>> No.6927993

DFW and Zadie are the only ones looking away from the camera, to their lefts
they were meant for each other, I know it.
Wonder if DFW would still be alive if they had dated.

>> No.6928007

Use a pen name like "Darnell James" or something.
Never actually claim to be black, just let people assume.

>> No.6928009

Zadie is just uncomfortable around so many sweaty white men

Wallace is just uncomfortable with any social interaction.

>> No.6928013

He must of tried it with her at some point.

>> No.6928015

I don't think there has ever been a more poorly dressed author as DFW. he dressed like an 80 year old

>> No.6928077

If they are not Jews, I think it won't

>> No.6928080
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what went wrong?

>> No.6928105

it's impossible with that attitude

Now i'm gonna go drop 20 tabs of LSD, I'll see you last week

>> No.6928110
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here is her eulogy about him

He was my favourite. I didn’t feel he had an equal amongst living writers. We corresponded and met a few times but I stuttered and my hands shook. The books meant too much to me: I was just another howling fantod. In person, he had a great purity. I had a sense of shame in his presence, though he was meticulous about putting people at their ease. It was the exact same purity one finds in the books: If we must say something, let’s at least only say true things.1 The principle of his fiction, as I understand it. It’s what made his books so beautiful to me, and so essential. The only exception was the math one, which I was too stupid to understand. One day, soon after it was published, David phoned up, sincerely apologetic, and said: “No, look … you don’t need anything more than high school math, that’s all I really have.” He was very funny. He was an actual genius, which is as rare in literature as being kind—and he was that, too. He was my favourite, my literary hero, I loved him and I’ll always miss him.

1 And let’s say them grammatically.

>> No.6928119

What exactly was their relationship?

>> No.6928124


I was thinking Florins, not Shekels, but I see your point.

>> No.6928157

idk it depends on how accurately you can depict that perspective

unless you're very knowledgeable about black culture and race relations in the 60s, i don't think you can write an accurate perspective

>> No.6928166

I'm really surprised by how decent /lit/ is being today

>> No.6928224

they just knew each other through gatherings of writers.

>> No.6928257

Why should it be a problem OP?

The SJWs might be pissy about it, but they are racist as hell anyway.

>> No.6928267

>caring about how many people will have a hissy fit about your book
Really? Cmon man, you're on a literature board. You know better than that. Do I even have to list the amount of literature we wouldn't have if the authors were afraid of pissing people off?

>> No.6928277

>Zadie Smith
How about no?


>The big contemporary novel is a perpetual-motion machine that appears to have been embarrassed into velocity. It seems to want to abolish stillness, as if ashamed of silence — as it were, a criminal running endless charity marathons. Stories and sub-stories sprout on every page, as these novels continually flourish their glamorous congestion. Inseparable from this culture of permanent storytelling is the pursuit of vitality at all costs. Indeed, vitality is storytelling, as far as these books are concerned. If, say, a character is introduced in London, call him Toby Awknotuby (that is, "To be or not to be" — ha!) then we will be swiftly told that he has a twin in Delhi (called Boyt, which is an anagram of Toby, of course), who, like Toby, has the same very curious genital deformation, and that their mother belongs to a religious cult based, oddly enough, in the Orkney Islands, and that their father (who was born at the exact second that the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima) has been a Hell's Angel for the last thirteen years (but a very curious Hell's Angels group it is, devoted only to the fanatical study of late Wordsworth), and that Toby's mad left-wing aunt was curiously struck dumb when Mrs. Thatcher was elected prime minister in 1979 and has not spoken a word since. And all this, over many pages, before poor Toby Awknotuby has done a thing, or thought a thought!

>> No.6930055

>2016-1, still ideologically hindered by White guilt. What's wrong, your Jewish professor won't let you submit a safe, liberal story?

>> No.6930275

>redpilled on these hulking monstrosities

Praise Jesus

>> No.6930308


>actually takes rhetoric like that seriously

I doubt your family would care if you killed yourself

>> No.6930324

Find me when you get all your gym badges

>> No.6930766

You can write anything you want, and fuck anyone who says otherwise.

>unless you're very knowledgeable about black culture and race relations in the 60s, i don't think you can write an accurate perspective

Ever heard of research? It's what every writer does, or should do, when writing a book. Otherwise no one could write outside their own limited direct experiences.

>> No.6931320

how do you do research on the relations of people. you're just going to get sociological tomes of police did x to y, laws enacted y on this date. the story is just going to be stilted shit without any actual experience of how humans relate to one another. the only way to get that is by observing them in real life. research isn't going to help idiot

>> No.6931583

You're right it's impossible to write fiction that is set in a social milieu that's at all different from the writer's own