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6923335 No.6923335 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread we all write about a recent intimate encounter we had, sexual or otherwise.

>> No.6923345


>> No.6923352

La très chère était nue, et, connaissant mon coeur,
Elle n'avait gardé que ses bijoux sonores,
Dont le riche attirail lui donnait l'air vainqueur
Qu'ont dans leurs jours heureux les esclaves des Mores.

Quand il jette en dansant son bruit vif et moqueur,
Ce monde rayonnant de métal et de pierre
Me ravit en extase, et j'aime à la fureur
Les choses où le son se mêle à la lumière.

Elle était donc couchée et se laissait aimer,
Et du haut du divan elle souriait d'aise
À mon amour profond et doux comme la mer,
Qui vers elle montait comme vers sa falaise.

Les yeux fixés sur moi, comme un tigre dompté,
D'un air vague et rêveur elle essayait des poses,
Et la candeur unie à la lubricité
Donnait un charme neuf à ses métamorphoses;

Et son bras et sa jambe, et sa cuisse et ses reins,
Polis comme de l'huile, onduleux comme un cygne,
Passaient devant mes yeux clairvoyants et sereins;
Et son ventre et ses seins, ces grappes de ma vigne,

S'avançaient, plus câlins que les Anges du mal,
Pour troubler le repos où mon âme était mise,
Et pour la déranger du rocher de cristal
Où, calme et solitaire, elle s'était assise.

Je croyais voir unis par un nouveau dessin
Les hanches de l'Antiope au buste d'un imberbe,
Tant sa taille faisait ressortir son bassin.
Sur ce teint fauve et brun, le fard était superbe!

— Et la lampe s'étant résignée à mourir,
Comme le foyer seul illuminait la chambre
Chaque fois qu'il poussait un flamboyant soupir,
Il inondait de sang cette peau couleur d'ambre!

>> No.6923363


did you actually write that, not now but earlier or is that from someone else?

>> No.6923380

The cashiers hand brushed mine.

>> No.6923381


>> No.6923387
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Came to visit my parents. Found an old box with discs I burned porn on years ago. Was a very intimate encounter with my younger self, watching how I got into more and more obscene and perverted stuff and how my methods improved to find said stuff. I also was very happy to watch an old favorite of mine again, "Bollywood Lesbians Indian Pussy Oral not Nadia Nyce".

>> No.6923412


something oriental about your post

>> No.6923413



>> No.6923443

I wish.

>> No.6923455

must be the saffron covering my keyboard.

>> No.6923470

>recent intimate encounter

Hi Chad

>> No.6923525

bump for sexiness

>> No.6923538

Went for a walk in the wilds in my hometown

>> No.6923553
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>say something really mean to my girl
>she gets mad and we don't talk for a couple days
>make my way to her house with flowers and an apology, stressed and suffering from nicotine withdrawal
>hang out, give her flowers, end up in her room after some conversation, have headache
>she initiates sex
>due to headache and general guilty feeling can't get into it, don't enjoy myself
>say I don't feel comfortable continuing
>go home
>don't talk for a week
>make tentative plans for a visit
>she doesn't get back to me on the time

>> No.6923566

someone translate this

that gif is false because you can't drink and drive

>> No.6923569


you fucked up son

>> No.6923575

i think its from * Les fleurs du mals *

>> No.6923577


The dear was naked and, knowing my heart,
She had kept its sound jewelry,
Whose rich trappings made her triumphant air
What happy days in their slaves Moors.

When he throws his lively dancing and mocking noise,
This radiant world of metal and stone
I delighted in ecstasy, and I like the fury
Things where sound is mingled with light.

So she was lying down and let herself be loved,
And the top of the couch she smiled with delight
In my deep love and sweet as the sea,
Who rode toward her as toward a cliff.

Staring at me, like a tamed tiger,
From a vague and dreamy air she tried poses,
And the United candor lust
Gave a new charm to her metamorphoses;

And his arm and leg, and her thigh and her loins,
Polis like oil, undulating like a swan,
Passing before my eyes clairvoyant and serene;
And her belly and her breasts, those clusters of my vine,

Were advancing, more hugs the angels of evil,
To disturb the peace when my soul was set,
And to disturb the crystal rock
Where, quiet and lonely, she had sat.

I thought I saw united by a new drawing
The hips of Antiope to bust a beardless,
As its size made her hips.
On this tawny complexion and brown, the paint was superb!

- And the lamp being resigned to die,
As the only home illuminated the room
Every time he drove a flaming sigh,
It flooded with blood that amber skin!

courtesy of google

>> No.6923584

oups * mal *

>> No.6923590

I open the fridge and inspect my rapidly dwindling supply of alcohol. After some thought I take a can of Founders IPA from the box in the door and stumble the five feet back to my kitchen table. The only light in the room comes from the laptop sitting open there.
I stare blankly at the screen for a moment, wondering what i should do. my left hand automaticly browses through a series of forums while my right flips the tab on the beer can and brings it to my lips. threads and posts flicker unseen in front of my eyes.
after a few minutes my left hand pauses, hovering over the search bar. Then, reaching a decision on its own, it types in a URL.


The front page is the usual barrage of nonsense in every language, but under my favorites tab is a carefully corralled collection of quality works. I consider for a time and select an old favorite, a science fiction work by a western artist named InCase. the plot was minimal; but the art was good.

A grunt escapes my lips as my hands go to work between my thighs. On the page before me an alien girl is being double penetrated behind a school. a few more pages and I climax, a sticky, unsatisfy jolt back into my unfortunate reality.

Disgusted, I take a shower and stumble to bed.

>> No.6923594

>hands entertwined, palms pulsating
>gripping tighter while breath fogs up my glasses
>throw my head back grinding with gentle strokes
>my mouth opens releasing a deep sigh
>begin to feel the onset of release
>was grasping own hands in devout prayer position while pooping

>> No.6923616

She won't fuck me because of God, but I bet I can convince her to at least suck my penis, which will suffice until I marry her.

>> No.6923621

anal should be possible, dude.

>> No.6923623


>courtesy of google
I figured but I like seeing it in post format, and i was hoping someone would actually translate it for fun but I might be in the wrong century with that one

>Staring at me, like a tamed tiger,
>Les yeux fixés sur moi, comme un tigre dompté,

This particular line is more powerful in english than french I think

>> No.6923637
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We had been looking at each other, I gawking, she peaking over her friends. Then I got a tap and had to leave. I waved goodbye. Passing through the door the last thing I saw was her summoning me.

I know I blew it. Don't care.

>> No.6923688

she wont fuck you because she's too busy being double stuffed by niggers

>> No.6923691
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She walked into my apartment and we sat down and hung out chatting with my roommate. Yesterday I had seen her for the first time since we broke up and we ended up having sex, today she came over again. She was gorgeous, had modeled, and was French, Russian and Polynesian. The only issue was she was 5'4 or so and me being 6'5 it felt weird. I broke up with her partially because I felt as though if I stayed with her I would always be falling in love with girls I met that were 5'9 or 5'10. She was also sort of dull and uninteresting.

Even though she said she didn't want to have sex we ended up making out on my bed. When I bit her ear while thrusting my pelvis into hers she moaned and then relented and we began to fuck. I was on top at first trying to make her cum when she said that she didn't care about it because she didn't want to fuck in the first place so she went on top and starting riding me while facing me.

As I lay there and the day faded I watched the light from a window next to us play over her light-caramel colored skin and her perfect boobs. Eventually I came and almost immediately I began to wonder how long it would be until I could be free of her. I had read about the sexual refractory period before but I never experienced it that vividly. It probably had to do with how I found her sort of boring to be around when not having sex.

After I came we stayed in the same position with me laying on my back with her on top with my penis still inside her. We gazed at each others eyes not saying another for about five minutes. At one point I began to flex my penis as I would do to make it jump up and down when it is hanging freely, although this time it was still inside her. Within a second or two or me doing so I felt a slight contraction within her vagina. I felt slightly curious about whether she was doing it intentionally as a response to me doing it or whether it was an involuntary muscle response, however I didn't care enough to ask.

She said "If I didn't have class tomorrow I would spend the night". The relief I felt at knowing I was free from spending the rest of the night with her confirmed in my mind I had been right to break up with her. We got dressed and left. Soon I said good-bye to her and then went to my friends apartment where we smoked weed while listening to Beach House as it got dark.

>> No.6923741

This was my weekend almost exactly but my ex has gotten fatter since we broke up

>> No.6923763

The trunk of the tree never loses its thickness.

>> No.6923790

Lol, never. I'm not attractive enough.

>> No.6923798

She kept 'hinting' at me that I should go up to her apartment. I didn't really feel in the mood. I didn't know how to decline. We went up there. I was thinking about being improperly parked. I couldn't get it up. She kicked me out.

>> No.6923804

7/10, smiled.
>I was thinking about being improperly parked.

>> No.6923813


There was a cop car literally parked up the street, but he was still there when I left, didn't do nuthin. Also I was drunk.

>> No.6923819

Drunk driving? Or did she drive your car?

>> No.6923830


good read. Am I a cuck for enjoying this.

>> No.6923844

Yeah, mostly because it was drivel, only redeeming part was the sexual refractory part.

Do you love her?
Who did you think of?

>> No.6923851


lmao it sucekd fuck you cucky cuckolds.

>> No.6923852


I have a friend visiting in a week who is dtf, if you give me some tips I'll write about it later.

>> No.6923859

>guy fucks his ex
>it's a cuckold story
I don't think you know what cuck means.

>> No.6923862


I drove drunk back. I thought my love would improve once I got a vehicle, but in reality it opens up a whole new host of problems. Better to enroll in school forever, it's the only way to have a sex life that isn't fraught with peril.

And before anyone gets into moral hazards, remember you can't go anywhere without a vehicle, especially not after midnight, and combine this with a lack of free parking; just fuck everybody up the ass.

>> No.6923886


I guess I was using the word to colloquially mean deriving enjoyment from the sexual experiences of others. I don't see many people using the word to literally describe men with cheating wives.

>> No.6923890

Why would your love-life improve once you got a car? And what's with the school thing?

Take a cab or some crap, if you don't care what might happen to others think that something might happen to you and you'd be spending the rest of your life numb from the shoulders down emptying piss-bags, or maybe that's already occurring with the piss bottles and shit buckets.

>> No.6923892

>I guess I was using the word to colloquially mean deriving enjoyment from the sexual experiences of others.
If that's the case, then everyone who watches porn, regardless of what kind, is a cuck.

>> No.6923966
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we're laying together in my bed again, but this time is different.

i'm clinging to his arm with desperate abandon, feeling very small and cold and
alone, and he...

he stares at the ceiling, unmoved.

we both know what's coming, but there are still the formalities to be dealt
with. i love this man, and some perverse voice in my head wants him to suffer
for it, to prolong these last moments as long as possible, to make him feel
anything at all.

he pulls away, and my empty arms slowly fold into my breasts as i curl up and
begin to shake, reverting to the girl i once was, afraid of the dark, praying
to a god i knew wasn't listening.

and when i finally look up and try to meet his gaze, there is nothing there but
a slight revulsion, peeking out through the iron curtain of pity.

he walks out without another word, and my world begins to blur as the sobs
finally come.

>> No.6924002

I watched a couple walk down a sidewalk while I sat in the back of a taxi. They walked in gentle silence, holding hands and looking down. Suddenly, the boyfriend looks straight from the ground into my eyes, and we stare for about four seconds. He looked away as I drove off, smiling at his girlfriend.

>> No.6924027

He had been planning it for years.

>> No.6924059

Not with Western porn. The male performers are hardly even treated as persons. Barely even as self-insert.

In Japanese drawn porn male characters often have some semblance of an actual personality so reading that is probably cuckish to an extent.

>> No.6924076

post coitus beach house tho

>> No.6924108
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I went to tor for snuff
cause' /d/ weren't doin enuff
then the Feds burst in,
"I'm just a learnin' mortician"
lets see if they'll call my bluff

>> No.6924122

He practically begged me to come back home in the morning even though I'd told him I would only be away until Friday. I would have given in in about two seconds, but I was still wary with him sometimes, still toeing the line of almost playing those stupid relationship games of control. I didn't want him thinking that all he had to do was ask, and I would drop everything and come running back to him. Even though I would; and we both knew it.

He promised to make me my favorite breakfast though, and I couldn't resist any longer. When the morning came I drove back home, leaving all of my clothes in the back seat of my car. I stripped off my work uniform as soon as I stepped into the dim room, and his arms were reaching towards me, pulling me irresistibly towards him. We sank into the bed together, his knees against the softness of the backs of my thighs, his large hand cupping one of my breasts, his hair tickling my ear. I closed my eyes and breathed in the scent of him, and all at once the clamoring voices in my head came to a stop and there was nothing left but peace, as I lay clasped tightly in the protective circle of his arms.

>> No.6924142


this cunt that likes pancakes and tea
does all sorts of dumb shit for me
little does show know
she's just a side ho
bros call her "lowest ROI" nominee

>> No.6924245

I open a browser in private mode and search for some porn. My cock is hard and ready for attention. I grasp it, firmly. My mind wanders. I think of all the girls I could have fucked but never did and never will and how I feel trapped in my own head. I wonder if isolation and depression will wear me down and kill me in my 60s. My hand feels to heavy to masturbate. I'm flaccid and tired. I go to sleep.

>> No.6924253


That's why I no longer leave the house. I just gave up. I would rather take a cab, but everybody I know is against it. I just tried to cut off ties as much as possible. Now I shitpost.

>> No.6924315

This is my ex

>> No.6924375

That made me laugh more than it should have.

>> No.6924402

I remember the time we tied my gray scarf over my eyes, the wrinkly one, and my head hung off the end of my bed.
And i recall your hands on my wrists, and you grinding your hips over me, around me. But i couldn't feel anything, because i could never feel sex with anyone.
And i pulled my head out of the scarf, and looked over your young gymnast body, with your perfect bottom moving forward and back.
You looked back and laughed, asking how i got out so fast, and i laughed too.
And i knew that neither of us was getting anything out of this fucking, cause you didn't know your body, or mine, and neither did i.
Sometimes i think that i can't get off with other girls because of the standard you set, almost two years younger and late to develop, your knowledge as limited as your breasts, but they made me whimper, and your opinions made me cringe.
And at the end of all this, you were on your stomach, and one of each of our legs was between the other's two, and i asked if you wanted me to cum inside, and you begged for it, and i did, and that was the first and last time either of us came from sex.

>> No.6925995
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Hosted some drinking with co-workers. The guy's skinny. His ribs poke through his shirt and his torso looks impossibly small, as if he were young and emaciated in the way that all ten year old children are, having endured a growth spurt without any prior knowledge of the attack. The girl is black. In all other qualities about her, she is immaculately average. She watches MTV in the breakroom. She's chatty, and likes to complain about her boss and make unfunny impressions of them. Often you'll hear her say the exact same thing you heard her say last week. She is rehearsed, repeated, and refuses to expand beyond an insular bubble of pop culture and personal woes.

We went to her apartment, hopping buses and talking in vague terms as to what we were about to do. I broke the veil, said the magic word, 'condom,' and then there was no more conversation for the rest of the trip, aside from her pointing out things or reading signs out loud. I wondered if there was a single moment in her mind that allowed her to refrain from providing a readout of all her head's machinations.

When we got there, we dallied in a tour of her house, in which lived four male roommates over the age of 28, and one recently turned 38. She went to the bathroom, and I sat on the bed and thought about my girl back in Albany. That itself wasn't even official though. She broke a veil of her own, said I was free to fuck other people. She's secure, she says. I dunno. A little doubt shows and she'd know I was curious about what she was doing in bed while I was gone.

Her bedroom was eight feet by eight feet, and had an ultra-wide bed frame in the middle that only allowed one to scoot along the wall with decreased mobility. I laid down first. Smelled the sheets, odorless and airy, and kept my eyes closed and waited for her. She sat at the foot and said nothing. This is a game of daring; who would then initiate the call of the wild? I would; without hesitation.

"Hey," I used the husk of cigarettes and a voice I had worked on in my bedroom so that I could pretend I was rugged. "Come here." She laid down. We kissed. I felt her the way no man likely had, and yet my heart was completely absent from it. Everything I did was done to many other women before her.

All she was was a check off the list of women I'd like to fuck.

I released, she came, we fucked some more, she jerked me till I was fucked into the half sleep of a dying man. Her little questions about how I liked the sex were answered with one word, once two, and then I fell asleep.

I took the bus with her to work the next day. My day off. I said we should do this again sometime. She agreed. I cut the conversation short and turned full around, walking with the next checked box in mind.

>> No.6926111

but why. why would you want this?

maybe, if happened in may?

>> No.6926137

J'aime bien, ça vient d'où?

>> No.6926146

We argued about possibilities of our life together and those of our lives apart. I told her that I couldn't live like this anymore, I had never felt so disrespected by the world and irrelevant. I told her that it wasn't her and that I wasn't mad it was simply the world that was the issue, she was golden.
She didn't believe me and she began to cry as I lay there with my eyes planted on the roof of a dark room in which I despised for all its inabilities.
'You're doing this alone' she said, 'you want to leave but you never asked if I wanted to come with you'
I had asked her earlier if she would come with me but I suppose that isn't the same. I felt so ashamed of the person that I was and I found it more shameful still to see that I was still that same man. I had tried my hardest to become the thing that she needed and I couldn't. She too had tried and I suppose she couldn't either.
So here I am, alone in a room while she rots away for me and all I can think about is home.
Will it have been a failure? I'm not sure. I don't know where I need to be anymore and I don't know where I even want to be.

>> No.6926164

It wasn't an issue I said
C'mon now: let's go to bed
Ashamed of smallish breasts
They're perfect: blush put to rest
A warm wetness from you
You want this, don't you?

Snoozing with me against yours
Light oozing into the room, no remorse
I look at your face, we've slept 'til noon
I look at my dick, covered in maroon
Not an issue, but I really need a tissue

>> No.6926174

Tinder date btw

>> No.6926175


>> No.6926347
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>> No.6926377


>> No.6926404

Had a wank tbh

>> No.6926448

My favourite movie.
Didn't read

>> No.6928093

>be me, 29, controller
>have to coordinate budget for new kind of project over at marketing
>almost no males, most women are meh looking or shallow
>only one of them seems competent
>start working with her more closely to end this trip faster
>2 weeks in waiting in morning traffic I couldn't help but notice that I was looking forward to seeing her again
>whenever she smiles at me I'm in heaven for a sec
>long-term budget is now in accordance with new marketing projects
>meaning, job's done, can't work with her anymore
>ask her if she'd like to join me after work
>we have a good time, enjoy ourselves, time passes by in a fly
>accompany her home
>pay for her ride, ready to say Good-Bye to her when she asks me
>Anon, would you like to come in and have some coffee with me?
>coffee? I'm thinking to myself, nod tho
>stand close behind her when she unlocks door
>fragrance of her hair makes my dick form a nice bulge
>we go in
>suddenly she makes a full stop and bends over to get rid of her shoes
>bumb into her rear
>my dick goes harder
>time stops
>she turns around
>looks at me
>we kiss
>she somehow manoeuvres me into her bed
>untie her blouse and open her bra
>a nice pair of veiny boobs look at me
>her nips are pink and puffy
>dick's diamond
>we shag bareback in missionary
>her tits are bouncing
>I'm close to cumming
>I pull out jerking my cock once or twice aiming at her bellybutton
>she sits up and hysterically asks me what I'm doing
>just starring at her I've lost my voice
>spaghetti spilled
>haven't been able to hold it any longer
>my load is all over her black curly bush now
>I didn't want... I didn't want to cum in you, I barely manage to say
>she starts crying and turns away from me
>my goo irresistible drips on her sheet while she's drowning her pillow
>I feel ashamed of myself, dunno why
>all my attempts consoling her are in vain
>butt naked I collect my cloth and get dressed again
>she is trenched in tears and all I could do is leave her alone
>she calls sick for the next week
>month go by
>we avoid seeing us at work
>one day I overhear that her fiancée left her
>something about having children, they gossip
>mfw I scent the smell of her hair every night before I fall asleep
>mfw I'm not able to man up and bust my load in her vag making her two or more lil brats
>mfw no gf

>> No.6928136

Damn son.
She didn't have kids? And you think she wanted to have your kids with her fiancée?

Dry your eyes mate, there's plenty more fish in the sea.

>> No.6928159

>recent intimate encounter

Yeah, right, sure. Thanks OP.

>> No.6928252

this is baudelaires poem you retards

>> No.6928274

her body seemed to have been cut from the same cloth as mine

lithe, elegant. fox souls entwined in the ache of sex

>> No.6928335

I have a tendency to get really giddy post orgasm. I laugh a lot. One time I came then farted very loudly. The lady I was with was not impressed by the fart nor my hysterical laughing at said fart.

The last time I had sex though. I came, then I went down on her. I could feel her about to come. She pushed my nose into her public bone and it tickled my cartiledge just enough to start the laughter. I laughed, again hysterically, in her vagina. I heard her exclaim, 'Goddammit'

There was no going back from there. Every time we tried again I would start laughing.

That was the last time we had sex. That was last time I had sex. I broke up with her a week later.

A friend recently asked when was the last time I had been with someone. That was it, a year and half ago.

I am happier alone.

>> No.6928858

Yet again my cupboards are bare and whilst I am no stranger to hunger, I had not eaten that day. Maybe not the day before, even. I wasn't sure, not that I cared. Grabbing some jeans, a crumpled shirt and my makeshift wallet, which is to say a zip-lock bag of coins and paper clip holding what few notes I still had, I left my home and went to Tesco where I purchased a number of their own brand microwave meals for one and an apple, thinking I might treat myself for no good reason. Typically I use the self-check outs, but seeing as it was stupid o'clock at night, the exact figure I forget; time seems to blur into one, continuous moment now. Yesterday, tomorrow, you say potato, I say potato. Anyhow, due to the time the shop was void of any life, barring some kind of fungus perhaps,and it was quicker for me to use a regular checkout. Arriving there, I placed my items on the conveyor belt whilst making small talk with the young lady behind the aforementioned checkout. She was a relatively homely girl, short auburn hair, brown eyes, a warm smile. She was a lovely girl, very polite, spoke proper English and from what I could tell, reasonably intelligent. What we talked about as I put my so called food into a plastic bag? Exactly what you would expect, it was essentially a script she followed as part of her duties. Neither of us cared for the other, she considered, rightfully I might add, me a degenerate and waste of human life whilst I held her in as much regard as you might think of Joe Bloggs. After she was finished, she handed me my change and for the briefest of moments our hands grazed before I left to go wallow in narcissistic self hatred. From birth I have never been loved, always treated with contempt and disappointment. Not that I can blame them, of course and as such these brief moments of human contact mean more to me than my own life. They are as close to love as I have ever been and likely ever will be, meaningless as they are. Next time you hold hands, share a kiss, enjoy a hug I would ask you to remember the many whom have never held hands, shared a kiss or enjoyed a hug for they are dead already, waiting for their body to catch up and that is the only way they might be remembered, even if they don't deserve it.

>> No.6929074
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I yearned for her every day that week.

But I knew that it wasn't going to bring what we had back.

She knew too, I think.

While we lay, nearly sleeping, she told me she might have been pregnant.

She wasn't.

>> No.6929107

We were outside in the dark her dancing and warm shape with hardly an outline next to my scrawny and skinny body. We held hands, it was tame, our hands felt each other, I was all a flutter, my knee was trembling, it wouldn't stop bouncing. I was nervous I don't know why, I think I have always been looking for someone to give myself up to, to let reason die within, someone to be beyond force of argument, and for some reason I thought I'd found her: it was a juvenile wish really, nothing ever works like that, and it was more that I wanted to believe in a harsh and easy limit to language and reason than that I had actually found it.

We stood outside for hours, she had a boyfriend. She kept wondering aloud playfully if we should kiss, it was whimsy to her, easy joy like a bit of rain coming out of the sky that would barely make you wet. She embodied by desire then, and of course that meant I took more from wanting than having her, and the way she lead me round and round sex rather than ever arriving there is probably what I enjoyed about her.

We finally kissed, once, briefly, it would have been sporadically if we did it more than once but we did it just once and then went to bed. The next morning she said we couldn't do this. She said she liked me but she wasn't in to me, she said she liked my words and she left unsaid what she didn't like but that was just as well, it was obvious. And I just sort of looked at her because that's all I could do: look, from behind my eye sockets, her tangible form was withdrawn, I only had her effervescent form and the idea and her eyes: overlarge for her head, doe eyes, black eyes, shining eyes, drawing my vision, mind and desire in but never the rest of me, which was left there standing, looking at her as she said "you don't really know me."

>> No.6929428

Keked at this.

>> No.6929836
File: 50 KB, 630x420, ladolcevita630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He dragged the last embers of his cigarette
we shared a beer and watched the sun go down
the dogged, ethereal, coquettes
and birds that flew around

Whereas I knew I wouldn't see him tomorrow
or the next day, or the next day, or again:
I imagined each second as Zeno
would, so now might never end.

While tomorrow's tomorrow's yesterday,
and what was wont be forever;
our precious fragments of today,
will be forgotten never.

>> No.6929937

Her husband was teaching abroad. All of this was wrong, and I was a jerk for pursuing it.

Was I using my illness as an excuse at this point? Most likely yes, but it felt nice to know that someone could like me for who I was. The strangest thing about it was that the reason I adored her was the reason we couldn't hook up- I couldn't be with someone who would cheat on their spouse. Yet, here we were, cuddling in her bed, pretending we weren't terrible people.

I was sure that she didn't actually love me. She just said it to ease the guilt of spending the night with someone who wasn't her significant other. So I tested her. I told her that I needed her. I said I love you maybe a hundred times that night. She returned the words every time I said them.

It made me realize how needy my brand of love was. I couldn't feel this way about someone unless I knew that I was safe in their arms. I don't want to be the stable, reliable guy. I want her to protect me. I want her to know that I'm insecure, and terrified. I want that to be the side that she loves.

She's with him now. Back to pretending I'm a man.

>> No.6930089

I was at a company party. My boss' hot wife had put away at least four martinis and was getting a little loose, dancing to old Beyonce songs and making flirty jokes to all the interns, regardless of gender. After some people had left, we were sitting on the couch together and she looked over at me.

>You know anon, you look just like my husband when he was in college. If I was 16, I'd be all over you right now.

I laughed and thanked her, and she put her arm around my neck.

>I would have been writing poems for you.

>> No.6930106

She asked to chill, fuck on a bench on a pathway that is near where we're staying for the summer. End up on another bench on a shady street with lots of trees, rub lotion all over her body and give her a massage. Try to find places to fuck cuz we both got roomates, can't find anywhere else outside except a shady spot underneath a tree in a stranger's yard. Go back to my room with my roomates in it, get blown on the porch of my room, came when she sucked my balls. Take a shower with her to clean up, she leaves.

>> No.6930108

She sucked my dick in a movie theatre.

>> No.6930214

lmao i hate these threads so much.

>> No.6930248

It was better than when he took my virginity at least. Swallowed the cum out of the condom.

>> No.6931298

My hand was resting on the back of her thigh and her mouth were covering my pathetic excuse of a face. We had been going out for a week, but neither of us had been confident enough to initiate sex. When my hand slowly worked it's way up to her buttocks she sighed a deep, horny shudder with an anxiety riddled tone.

"I don't want to fuck," she said. I understood her and took my hand away. My self-esteem had been taking a turn for the worse since I met her and the anxiety of being with a girl I'm falling in love with was strangely increasing.

During the last minutes of the mediocre film we saw I couldn't keep my eyes of her. She was beautiful. After talking about some shallow subject, during what felt for hours, she asked if she could stay the night. I approved, but it wasn't because of the possibilities of having sex, but rather the intimate feeling of holding her the whole night. During our trip to the bedroom we kissed. Not the passionate kissing you see in flicks, but the kissing of two people sharing some weird feelings.

In bed I was contemplating if my values were decreasing to some hedonistic lifestyle while I felt her ass rubbing my crotch area. During a complete shutdown in my brain I turned her around and started to kiss her. Her body was turning over to sit on my stomach. Finally we were dry humping! I could feel her juices on my underwear. I took a firm grip of her left buttock and worked my hand up to her chest. Unbeknownst to me she had been taking her bra off and I felt her nipple between my fingers.

"Condom," she whispered. I took one out of my drawer and put it on. I found the place and began penetrating her. A minute later I felt the need to cum, I couldn't hold it in. After the anticlimactic climax I said sorry and turned around to sleep. Her laughter was calming enough to fall asleep to.

We were in love. Fuck the war.

>> No.6931332

God i wish she was her sister.

>> No.6931675


>> No.6931716


in that it shines! but it isn't perfect

it's not yours is it, where's it from

please don't say twilight since I really liked it

>> No.6931759

A part of me is proud that I didn't pursue it farther, I had a flight later that morning and this terrible dynamic was my favourite. He told me in every way possible that he was smitten - declarations in two languages, a kiss on the ear, a hand on my wrist.

During the waking moments of my flight, I lazily fantasized about all the ways I could have fucked him. I wasn't looking for another disciple, and exerting self control brings a cleaner sense of satisfaction.

In my mind lingers the sadness in his eyes.

>> No.6933961

I'm thinking about the route of her fingertip slowly along the small of my back, tracing in my mind the shapes it makes: swoops and swirls and doublings-back on the landscape I lend her. She doesn't know that I'm wide awake and my mind is racing, and that I hide her gender from everybody in my life via carefully placed pronouns. That all she's ever been to me is an escape. That I've never once spoken of her but to her. That she is to me perfect this way, isolated from anyone who can testify to who they think I am. That I am often terrified of the probability that she can hear my thoughts, that all this seething, hyper-active buzzing in my head simply diffuses across our pressed pulses; we seem to share everything else: childhood traumas and social anxieties, existential crises and long-winded late night diatribes describing what we want from each other and what we don't, so why not our very thoughts, primal and so adorably absurd, yet pure and true by virtue of being unfiltered? That it seems entirely possible to me that we are unconsciously telepaths, conjoined twins entwined in the tangle of each other's minds.

>> No.6934005

Jesus Christ, could all of the faggots and orbiters in this thread just go and do a pushup or something?

>> No.6934045

I wrote one for the last thread but I haven't posted it yet.

Here y'go: pastebin.com/6MfBvPTx

>> No.6934158

Married here haven't had an intimate encounter in I'm not sure how long unless you count the 7/10 cashier at heb touching my hand purposely (hopefully)

>> No.6934216


So.. Why are you still married again?

I'm not one to cry beta provider bluepill cuckold, but if you're in a sexless marriage...

>> No.6935448


>> No.6935884


>> No.6936578


Not him but another married anon. I am 100% sure my wife is cheating on me, we only ever make love on my birthday and that's just a formality, but I can't divorce her because she will get literally everything. Our child, the house, the money I earned whilst she was enjoying the company of other men. Everything. So I try to be the best husband I can be so she will stop and we can fall in love again. You'll understand when you're older.

>> No.6936588

Isn't there laws against the spouse getting stuff if they're cheating in america?