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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 380x250, 8W_jyh3_fq4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6919241 No.6919241 [Reply] [Original]

>be the English language
>dominate the world
>produce almost every worthwhile work of philosophy and art
>completely dominate science and commerce
>be other languages
>have, at the absolute most, 1000 pages of worthwhile anything
>be a native speaker of an irrelevant language
>learn english because everything worthwhile is in english
>go to english image board
>"haha you monoglot plebs, you can't even read / watch [irrelevant language's boring as fuck 17th century poet, that one artsy experimental film made in 1929 and only available in communist museums]! You're too lazy to spend 1000 hours, including time spent speaking to native [irrelevant language] speakers in order to experience our [puny works, all of which is translated]?! What a bunch of monoglot plebs!"

Why is this allowed?

Yes, I know what you're thinking, and the greentext was referring to French, and the languages only get more irrelevant from there.

>> No.6919255

As a speaker of spanish, german, native english, and reader of attic greek, I can only tell you that the >translation posts here are just a meme. The only people that take it seriously are the newfigs and slow people that fell for the meme. Don't sweat it.

>> No.6919278

>produce almost every worthwhile work of philosophy and art

dumme Frosch Plakat

>> No.6919287

Why aren't these shit threads just automatically deleted

>> No.6919300
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English will be less relevant in the future; hedge your bet now before it's to late

>> No.6919307

Citing some languages doesn't make you impressive. I can read German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Faroese, Old Norse, Middle High German, Latin and Akkadian. Wow look at me

You don't fool anyone with google translate English to german

>> No.6919326

>Being this germaniccuck
Learn some romance languages faggot

>> No.6919328

>not Chinese
>not German
>not English


>> No.6919357

>I can read German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Faroese, Old Norse, Middle High German, Latin and Akkadian. Wow look at me

>> No.6919362

Romance languages are garbage tbrqhwy

>> No.6919366

ahora que

>> No.6919368

>not getting the point of this post
Kill yourself

>> No.6919376

Feels good to be a native spanish speaker. I get the best literature.

Currently learning Italian and I hope french after that.

>> No.6919384

Tu yo sabemos que eso es mentira, negro.

>> No.6919397


Ya dun goofed son. Not even a German would believe this. Replace by Spanish, Arabic, or hell even Russian.

>> No.6919401

La literatura que esta siendo producida en america latina seguirá siendo superior a la producción contemporánea en ingles. Los anglos no han producido nada de interés en los últimos 40 años.

>> No.6919402

>Feels good to be a native spanish speaker. I get the best literature.
>mfw shakespeare and milton are worth more than that entire language's literary output

>> No.6919405

It's funny how English since harbots that resent against French, given that they dominate the world. You would think they'd have overcome their inferiority complex by now.

I guess cuckdom is truly genetic after all.

>> No.6919412

A ver, recomiéndame algo en español que a mí todo me parece una mierda.

>> No.6919416

>mejor literatura

>> No.6919419

This meme again. Namedropping the two most famous Enlighs poets you probably only remember from highschool. I wonder when we'll get Anglo lit suprematist who actually know their own literature.

>> No.6919424
File: 1.94 MB, 230x175, 1405398792274.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feels good to be a native spanish speaker. I get the best literature.

>> No.6919428

I just realized I can read whatever language this is. ( I presume Spanish.)
Thank you 7 years of Latin in school

>> No.6919437

Nice try arschloch.

>> No.6919442

dame ejemplos.
No enserio, todo lo que encuentro es cagada de muh pobreza o muh realismo magico.

>> No.6919445

>La literatura que esta siendo producida en america latina seguirá siendo superior a la producción contemporánea en ingles.
My sides, do you even know a damn thing about this? I thought it was just the Anglos who made stupid statements like this, but nope, spics actually come to an anglo literature board to shitpost.

>> No.6919449
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>> No.6919459

Well, not that guy, but, do you anon?

>> No.6919461

>Namedropping the two most famous Enlighs poets
They're known as the two great geniuses of English literature. Who would you have me name?
It's hilarious that you think yourself qualified to judge who knows literature when you weren't even aware of that much.

>> No.6919465

>but, do you anon?
I'm not the one making sweeping statements like hurr durr my literature better
Question him you idiot, not me

>> No.6919467

Already did, huh. What a boring hothead.

>> No.6919479

You're pretty stupid tbh

>> No.6919483

Didn't most great writers (of course not all) in all European languages learn the classics in Greek and Roman?

>> No.6919490

Suck my dick.

>> No.6919513

Sigo esperando mis recomendaciones. Espero no haberte espantado.

>> No.6919516

okay ;)

>> No.6919522

You had to be a faggot.

>> No.6919525

las once mil vergas

>> No.6919539

ajajaja wena nido

>> No.6919599


Yes, that's what it's called, dropping the name of an author hoping that name will carry an argument by itself.

>Who would you have me name?

A handful of authors you've read thoroughly and liked, and that you could quote, discuss, compare to major Spanish-language authors, and explain why they're superior. You know, something that proves you're not just a guy on 4chan that has heard people praise two famous authors and deduced those authors >>>> all without having read anything.

Do you even know why you choose Shakespeare and Milton instead of, say, Blake and Chaucer, or Joyce and Woolf, or Marlowe and Ben Jonson ? I'd bet that it's merely fame, ie you choose the authors you've heard the most about. The name are completely interchangeable and ultimately don't matter, because you're not talking about actual authors, but about empty placeholders to fight in a dick contest.

Dick contests are fine, but only when they're not boring and uninspired as fuck. As stupid as your Spic counterpart was, he at least made us laugh with an unexpected statement. Your answer was so appalingly predictable that it could have been made by a bot.

What you've done in your last post is simply "my wikipedia list is better than you wikipedia list", and actually not even that since you didn't bother to mention more than two authors or look up Spanish writers.

Don't get me wrong, I have no stake in your debate of which is the best literature, since those things are meaningless and merely a matter of entertainment for bored kids. But goddamn, we're on a literature board, and despite what the meme says some of us have actually read books, so it'd be nice if that reflected on the quality of the discussion sometimes. Even, and particularly, when the discussion is about fun but inconsequential topics like "who best literature?".

>It's hilarious that you think yourself qualified to judge who knows literature when you weren't even aware of that much.

So what you get from my post is that I don't know Shakespeare and Milton are the overall most praised authors in English academia ? Don't you understand what you read ? Do you really wish to add mongoloidism to idiocy ? Reread my last post, carefully this time, take the time to understand each word. Namedropping is namedropping even is the name dropped is famous, actually that's how namedropping works: you give a name people have heard, and you're exempted from making an argument or demonstrating your knowledge.

Fuck this place. You're not even degenerates, that would too interesting, you're drones with the inbred mentality and arrogance of stuck-up professors but the intellect and rigor of weedsniffing college dropouts. And at least the dropouts can be fun.

>> No.6919608

>you're drones with the inbred mentality and arrogance of stuck-up professors but the intellect and rigor of weedsniffing college dropouts
4chan in a nutshell

>> No.6919611


Yes, that's what it's called, dropping the name of an author hoping that name will carry an argument by itself.

>Who would you have me name?

A handful of authors you've read thoroughly and liked, and that you could quote, discuss, compare to major Spanish-language authors, and explain why they're superior. You know, something that proves you're not just a guy on 4chan that has heard people praise two famous authors and deduced those authors >>>> all without having read anything.

Do you even know why you choose Shakespeare and Milton instead of, say, Blake and Chaucer, or Joyce and Woolf, or Marlowe and Ben Jonson ? I'd bet that it's merely fame, ie you choose the authors you've heard the most about. The name are completely interchangeable and ultimately don't matter, because you're not talking about actual authors, but about empty placeholders to fight in a dick contest.

Dick contests are fine, but only when they're not boring and uninspired as fuck. As stupid as your Spic counterpart was, he at least made us laugh with an unexpected statement. Your answer was so appalingly predictable that it could have been made by a bot.

What you've done in your last post is simply "my wikipedia list is better than you wikipedia list", and actually not even that since you didn't bother to mention more than two authors or look up Spanish writers.

Don't get me wrong, I have no stake in your debate of which is the best literature, since those things are meaningless and merely a matter of entertainment for bored kids. But goddamn, we're on a literature board, and despite what the meme says some of us have actually read books, so it'd be nice if that reflected on the quality of the discussion sometimes. Even, and particularly, when the discussion is about fun but inconsequential topics like "who best literature?".

>It's hilarious that you think yourself qualified to judge who knows literature when you weren't even aware of that much.

So what you get from my post is that I don't know Shakespeare and Milton are the overall most praised authors in English academia ? Don't you understand what you read ? Do you really wish to add mongoloidism to idiocy ? Reread my last post, carefully this time, take the time to understand each word. Namedropping is namedropping even is the name dropped is famous, actually that's how namedropping works: you give a name people have heard, and you're exempted from making an argument or demonstrating your knowledge.

Fuck this place. You're not even degenerates, that would too interesting, you're drones with the inbred mentality and arrogance of stuck-up professors but the intellect and rigor of weedsniffing college dropouts. And at least the dropouts can be fun.

>> No.6919623

>Don't get me wrong, I have no stake in your debate
>types out this monstrosity of an angry post
Yeah, nah get the fuck out of here. I'm not going to tell you why Shakespeare and Milton are good, if you don't know you've no business on an English language literature board. There are spanish speakers shit talking English literature a few posts up, but they didn't even earn a reply from you, much less a shitspew of impotent outrage.
>Fuck this place. You're not even degenerates, that would too interesting, you're drones with the inbred mentality and arrogance of stuck-up professors but the intellect and rigor of weedsniffing college dropouts
Then a dumb bigot like you should fit in well here.

>> No.6919631


Holy shit mang you are retarded

>> No.6919638

>implying the Doytch aren't setting up to take over
>implying Grease wasn't just the beginning

Merkel ist alles in, mein Freund.

>> No.6919651

>"spanish is the best ever!"
>doesn't give a fuck
>"fucking anglo /lit/"
>"Well milton and shake.."

>> No.6919670

Languages that have sublime literary value in the west:


Languages that have decent literary value in the west:


Languages that are jokes only memers care about:

>everything else


>> No.6919675

Calm down man. This whole thread is silly and you shouldn't get so upset about about such little things. Have a cup of tea and a lie down maybe.

>> No.6919683

good post tbh

>> No.6919874

You're right that European languages are pointless to learn, but that's no reason not to learn Chinese. Rich history and culture with a strong literary tradition. Immense output rivalling every other language except English, most of it untranslated or poorly translated. There's an entire sphere out there that we're missing out on. Yes it takes about 3-4 times as long to learn to fluency than those more closely related to English, but it's easily more than four times as valuable as anything else you can learn.

>> No.6919887

I didn't expect my shitpost to cause this much ass pain >>6919376

To calm all of you my favorite writer is Hans Andersen that I read in englishand I don't like Borges even tho I'm white

>> No.6919970

>Don't get me wrong, I have no stake in your debate
>types out this monstrosity of an angry post

But I took no stance in your debate. I simply have a stake in this board not becoming even shittier. I just called you a boring stupid drone for behaving like one.

>I'm not going to tell you why Shakespeare and Milton are good

You've yet to show you're capable of that.

So far your argument boils down to:

>I can't be assed into making my own point

In case you've forgotten, your point wasn't that Shakespeare and Milton are good, but that together they're better than all Spic lit combined.

> There are spanish speakers shit talking English literature a few posts up

I adressed that in my post, read again. Those guys were at least unusual, and at worse can be dismissed at trolls, while your posts read like those of a bona fide idiot.

>Then a dumb bigot like you should fit in well here.

I loved how you focused on the (emphatic but fundamentally well-deserved) insults but failed to adress my central point. Can you even give me one quote from Milton, one from Shakespeare, and one from a third classic English author that you like, and compare them three quotes chosen at will in canonical Spanish authors ? I'm talking wikipedia copypasting level of arguing, yet you're not even at that.

My point isn't that your opinion is bad in itself, but that you can't even form an argument for it to being with. And yet you fail to even notice that. Again, I wonder if you even understand what you read.

I think now I pity you more than I'm angry at you, actually. It's like there's some basic level of understanding you can't reach anymore because you've spent too much in 4chan pitfights. I hope I'm wrong.

TL;DR: Reread my post and realize I was asking you to step up your game and make an actual supported point.

I have to concede you a good kek.

>> No.6919990

I wanted to rant tbh, so I went for a full ride. But I stand by the gist of my post, silly referencing used to conceal mindlessness is worse than trolling. It's a kind of shitpost that ignores its own shittiness. And unlike most shitposts you also get to hear them irl.

It's a bit too late for tea, but thank you.

>> No.6920026
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>produce almost every worthwhile work of philosophy and art
That's... that's some pretty serious ignorance and denial you've got there, OP. One would almost think you were trolling. BTW, France, Italy, and Germany are waiting outside for your ass.

>> No.6920063

Lol no way french will ever be the dominant language again, ever since the rise of Protestantism English has been the master language. No faggot is going to revert back to the inferior French language.

>> No.6920105

sounds like you're buttmad about being told to learn Latin, tbh

>> No.6920114

>I think now I pity you more than I'm angry at you,
The fake sympathy cliche is a pretty pathetic thing to do. Your impotent anger is obvious; you expect quality from a shitpost thread. You're pretty stupid, and as the other poster kindly pointed out, your interests lie elsewhere than in fairness or even indignation. They're a kind of stupid once-removed nationalism of the linguistic variety. It would be impossible, even if this were a serious thread, to prove to someone with your English that Shakespeare actually is, for example, better than Cervantes, never mind that I cannot even read him in the original.

I will give you this since you actually seem to be desperate for a few points of comparison: read more about Shakespeare and his influence. The fact that you ask for a comparison of Shakespeare will look absurd to you when you realize the extent of the man's influential supremacy in English. And, as you've admitted, a discussion would be pointless. What am I to say about Shakespeare that could not have been ripped off of some website? The man has been discussed to death and back.
By the way, If ind it hilarious that someone so concerned with board quality posts as though he's brand new to this website and has not even bothered to acquaint himself with its etiquette and mores,
>t's like there's some basic level of understanding you can't reach anymore because you've spent too much in 4chan pitfights.
Perhaps I should learn from someone like you, who throws around insults like beer pong balls and then justifies his own shitpost-to-a-shtipost.
It's obvious you were hurt by the fact that I spoke of Spanish literature, as you've done nothing to defend the British, or the Americans, or even the non anglos in this thread. You've a beef and you picked this thread to let it out. Don't take people who post drunken shit on 4chan to heart, a word of advice for you.

>> No.6920427


I said your debate was meaningless, not pointless, a game can be meaningless and yet fun and challenging and as such not pointless. And a debate needn't be about proving, it can merely be about discussing. It's quite surprising that you keep answering while pretending the debate is unsolvable or not important, or that everything has been said about Shakespeare: if it's not important why answer, and if everything has been said, why not even quote a single line ? It seems you can't be assed into so little as copypasting a poem yet are ready to answer in detail to every single of my posts. Honestly I don't understand. I keep hoping you'll make a point and you keep dodging. I'll end it here then.

Since you're still answering without adding anything ("read more about Shakespeare and his influence", that's your argument ? exactly what I've been talking about the whole time) I'll say it one last time, feel free to answer or not: I indeed have a beef, with the idiots who drop a empty half sentence and think they're adding something to any conversation. Troll are generally easy to spot, sometimes funny, and you only feed them by answering to them, so better ignore them. Idiots on the other hand can sometimes benefit from being called on their idiocy. Generally I also ignore them, but sometimes I lose patience.
So I answered to you, the first time not rudely, the second time with added insults because why not, it's fun, we're on 4chan, it's part of the "etiquettes and mores" and I have no problem using them on a stubborn fellow as long as I make a point besides them. Since you kept responding I thought you would perhaps come to understand, but I was wrong. So keep admitting you're shitposting while writng long posts to explain you're not shitposting. Keep not arguing by eluding the questions. Keep missing the point by implying I'm a Spic or whatever, or by prentending I attacked this country or defended that one (good luck finding the sentence where I defend anyone itt). Keep using muh drunken comment on 4chan as if your last posts hadn't spelled out your thinking, when a simple "fuck you" or "yes but Shaky's real good check that unknown Shakespeare poem I like" could have been enough to stop this.

I'll just get out of here because there's no point in keeping with this, but before leaving, I'll drop something so that this exchange at least has a bit of literature in it, not necessarily for the sake of comparison but the pleasure of the thing:

>> No.6920436

Lady that in the prime of earliest youth,
Wisely hath shun'd the broad way and the green,
And with those few art eminently seen,
That labour up the Hill of heav'nly Truth,
The better part with Mary and with Ruth,
Chosen thou hast, and they that overween,
And at thy growing vertues fret their spleen,
No anger find in thee, but pity and ruth.
Thy care is fixt and zealously attends
To fill thy odorous Lamp with deeds of light,
And Hope that reaps not shame. Therefore be sure
Thou, when the Bridegroom with his feastfull friends
Passes to bliss at the mid hour of night,
Hast gain'd thy entrance, Virgin wise and pure.

Mientras por competir con tu cabello,
oro bruñido al sol relumbra en vano;
mientras con menosprecio en medio el llano
mira tu blanca frente el lilio bello;
Mientras a cada labio, por cogello,
siguen más ojos que al clavel temprano;
y mientras triunfa con desdén Lozano
del luciente cristal tu gentil cuello:
Goza cuello, cabello, labio y frente,
antes que lo que fue en tu edad dorada
oro, lilio, clavel, cristal luciente,
No sólo en plata o viola troncada
se vuelva, mas tu y ello juntamente
en tierra, en humo, en polvo, en sombra, en nada.


While burnished gold gleams in vain in the sun to compete with your hair;/ while in the middle of the plain your white brow gazes on the fair lily with disdain;/ while more eyes follow each lip to kiss them [each lip] than [follow] the early carnation;/ and while your slender neck triumphs over gleaming crystal with self-assured scorn: enjoy your neck, hair, lips and brow, before what was in your golden youth, gold, lily, carnation, gleaming crystal not only turns to silver or to drooping violet but you and all of it together [turn] into earth, smoke, dust, shadow, nothing.

A sonnet by Milton, and one by Gongorra, both about a lady, though with different contents.

>> No.6920450

>ctr v is now discussion
fuck out of here faggot. If you gave a damn about discussion you wouldn't write paragraphs defending spanish and then ignore those who insult anglos tbh, your game is shitposting just like everyone else.
Copy and paste hamlet in its entirety for all I care, you're shitposting and then throwing in a few disclaimers for vanity's sake

>> No.6920767
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Shigs me digs. Disregarding that, even if English wanes in speakers, it will leave a long lasting cultural legacy due to being dominant during the industrial and early information eras of history. It'll become the Latin of the future.

>> No.6922046


This tbh, fam. You need some perspective, bro.

Go outside for a bit, maybe mow your lawn or something

it's the sign of an unhealthy mind to get this angry on an anonymous image board

>> No.6922324

Muh burden of proof.
Your post is literally an empty rhetoric.

>> No.6922337

"Look guys, I can cherry pick!"

>> No.6922391

Portuguese has god tier poetry, fool pleb.
>German, italian and spanish are just "decent"

>> No.6922401

>It'll become the Latin of the future.
But anon, English already is the Latin of the future, we are in the future right now.

>> No.6922587
File: 29 KB, 340x565, basedkorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything but irrelevant

>> No.6922623
File: 577 KB, 700x944, Friedrich Von Amerling - Austro-Hungarian portrait painter - Tutt'Art@ (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not sure if trolling or genuine

>> No.6922630

>he doesn't mow his lawn and let drip the sweat of his emotions

>> No.6922893
File: 68 KB, 640x480, greggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This patisserie triggers the frog

>> No.6922906

All the worthwhile philosophy has been done in German and the rest was in French
Didn't read the rest

>> No.6922986

>I can read German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Faroese, Old Norse, Middle High German, Latin and Akkadian
That's pretty impressive, tho

>> No.6923031

Tu es un mericon

>> No.6923056

>implying that Italian isn't the best language for literature

>> No.6923081

It already is. Englis is a dead language. When people think they speak English they in fact speak pig English, the modern equivalent of pig Latin.

>> No.6923126

You can't speak it. Nobody can

>> No.6923256

Portuguese is fucking ugly and sounds like a drunken russian trying to speak spanish

>> No.6923358

Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Faroese, Old Norse, Middle High German are all the same language you fuck and if you say they are not you are lying to yourself. Latin and Akkadian is impressive though.

>> No.6923383

I didn't do 7 years of a useless dead language and could work it out. Literally every third word was literature, Anglo or Latin America. Do you actually think you just achieved something?

>> No.6923685

A minha lingua nativa é o português. Eu consigo ler espanhol apesar de não ter nunca tentado aprender. Mas prefiro ler em inglês do que em espanhol.

Algum de vocês sente a mesma coisa em relação ao português?

>> No.6923884


>> No.6923893

I really wish that I knew Russian. Dostoevsky knew the meaning of life.

>> No.6925531

how does one learn old norse?

>> No.6925643

I understood 99% of your post and when I was in Brazil it took me four days to get the spoken language. I speak Spanish

I tried reading in Italian but is not as similar as Portuguese. Should I try some simple book?

>> No.6926019

I agree, Spanish should be higher, Italian too maybe