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/lit/ - Literature

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6918886 No.6918886[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have we reached that point in history yet where it's more beneficial for a male writer to write under a female pen name than it is for a female writer to write under a male pen name?

>> No.6918895


>> No.6918901

Only if that male is writing romance

>> No.6918903

stop making dumb threads about women
nobody cares

>> No.6918905

If writing genre fiction (other than dad-novels), yes

>> No.6919040



>> No.6919051

eg tom clancy

>> No.6919057

You know, non-hip thrillers

>> No.6919710


When was it ever more beneficial for a woman to write under a male name than a female name?

All this "[Insert Female Author Here] was only able to get published because she used a male pen name!" bullshit is just that, bullshit. Women have always been able to get published and sometimes have had an easier time with lower quality shit because a woman writing was novel and unique.

>> No.6921142


In the sci-fi market today, there's still a big push to at least seem gender-neutral if not male.

>> No.6921155



Also in Germany/France for example, females will use American sounding pen names rather than their own ethnic names, because that's what the audience associates with "quality"

>> No.6921172
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In North Korea, everyone has to use the same pen name.

It changes every three decades or so.

>> No.6921178

Does anyone remember how the guy who wrote the Babysitter's Club novels wrote them with a female pseudonym?

>> No.6921200

that fat fuck got published

so what's your excuse /lit/

also why does captcha want me to identify kayaks all the time

>> No.6921219

>also why does captcha want me to identify kayaks all the time
I'm glad its changed. The identify food ones triggered me

>> No.6921223
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I'm an *extremely* drunk anon at the moment but I'd like you both to know that the literary banter from these two posts have given me ample keks.

>mfw soup captcha

>> No.6921227

Glad to hear it buddy boy.

>> No.6921281

>in Germany/France for example, females will use American sounding pen names rather than their own ethnic names, because that's what the audience associates with "quality"
Really ? I'm not saying you're wrong, I don't know much about contemporary lit, but the few popular French female writers I know have european-sounding names (Nothomb, Gavalda, Pancol, Despentes...)

>> No.6921309

Anon probably means the pop- but not limelight authors, those brand names you mention being top shekells with ties to publishers

>> No.6921317

We are living in a quasi matriarchy now. Hillary winning in 2016 cinches it for real I think. Probably better to look female, act female and be female in year 2020+.

>> No.6921323

No. How many people on here make a point of saying they won't read women authors?

>> No.6921326

No I got published with a male name despite sending the same manuscript with a female name to the same publishing company earlier this year.

>> No.6921483
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tbh, if I had a choice, I'd be a pretty girl who fucks other pretty girls.

>> No.6921485


Are you implying /lit/ is anything more than a very, very, VERY minuscule section of the overall reader-population?

>> No.6921488

you don't know what you're talking about and are clearly from reddit, based on the syntax of your post!

>> No.6921501
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this so much

>> No.6921512

that's pretty gay anon

>> No.6921527

it's pretty lesbian tbh

>> No.6921533


If that's the case, it's more of "didn't get around to it the first time" than "We like it better with a male name"

It's scary how much control a publisher has over your name when it's you that wants them to publish their work and not the other way around. If they wanted to, they could require you to use a pen name, easy as fuck, they wouldn't reject a work just because of the person's name.

Take J.K. Rowling for example. Bitch has no middle name, they just forced her to write under "J.K. Rowling" because it's more manly sounding than "Joanne Rowling"

>> No.6921771

I've only ever had one short story accepted for publication, so I don't have a lot of data for this, but the one time one of my writings did get accepted, it was under a female pen name

>> No.6921785

Yes, and it's so for pretty much everything. It sucks to be male.

MtF transgenders are generally just males trying to get female privilege.

>> No.6921792

Why would anyone want to be a girl? You age badly, are sexualized constantly, have to give birth, periods and are treated worst in certain fields.

>> No.6921799

Haha, female privilege? Are you fucking kidding me? Women ain't got no privilege, you guys are probably losers in life and can't experience the joys that come with being a man

>> No.6921803


Watch Sakura Kiss and then you'll understand

>> No.6921812

I'm not gay, so no thank you. Also anime is demonic and I try to avoid that garbage.

>> No.6921818

Depends entirely on what you've written.

>> No.6921831


Well, you'll never understand then

>> No.6921841

1. Outside of shit-tier blue collar manual labor, you're treated like a Goddess by both training programs and neckbeards in male-dominated jobs.
2. Sex and attention from 8/10s whenever you want. Just put out your 'fuck me' signal and start shooting fish in a barrel.
3. The ultimate double-barreled 'gotcha' protects you in all situations and gets you whatever you want--I'm a strong empowered womyn equal to any man... until I'm not and I'm a weak, helpless girl needing special treatment and compensation.
4. You can advocate collectively, and it is acceptable.
5. Every social and legal institution is biased in your favor in the event of a dispute.
6. You can ruin a male's reputation by just publicly accusing him of rape. The stank will never wash off, even if he's acquitted.
7. You control reproduction.
8. You can behave like a weak, childish idiot and everyone will oblige you. There's no female equivalent to 'man up.'
9. You can destroy male spaces, endlessly criticize male fantasies and pastimes, and intrude and parasitize male enterprises, and people will applaud you.
10. Everything you do is considered justified by your fellow raving female lunatics.

>> No.6921846

I do understand, cause I actually live life as a woman and have an authentic view of what they endure and don't take my knowledge of sexes from a fucking cartoon.

>> No.6921852


>thinks I meant living life as a woman in the west and not the utopia of Japan

Pay attention cunt and maybe you'll seem less retarded

>> No.6921853

I write erotic short stories. There it comes in handy, because my readers feel more comfortable that way.
I know of some others who do the same.

>easiest money of my life

>> No.6921900
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1. No we aren't. Not all women look the same and are attractive, example the pic on the side.
2. Men have preferences, not all them like the same type of girl.
3. The depends on the woman, I absolutely hate the "special treatment" we receive in certain areas. It's demeaning and makes me uncomfortable.
4. The issue with men is most times they found their advocacy groups on the backs of misogynistic ideals.
5. You have to understand that when it comes to legal/social institutions race is more of a factor than anything.
6. Ok? That's on them, don't get how that's an advantage.
7. That's terrible, I would give anything to be able to switch that with men. They can give birth and have periods, it's not a joy to go through.
8. It isn't my fault you're a lil bitch, If I was a guy I would probably be an alpha. It sucks that so many of you men can't live up to your abilities and than go around an blame women.
9. Good, men need to have the fantasies they hold about women destroyed. We are human, not some made up fantasy created by the media.
10. I guess that's a big advantage, women are pretty unified when it comes to specific topics.

>> No.6921908

I don't give a fuck about Japan cause I'm not a weeaboo. You probably have yellow fever, disgusting bastard.

>> No.6921918

>utopia of Japan

Trying to live there, you would commit seppuku or would be "that guy with waifu pillows in his flat".

>> No.6921922


>> No.6921960

>5. You have to understand that when it comes to legal/social institutions race is more of a factor than anything.
If a man and woman of the same race go up against each other in a legal situation the woman will have the advantage.
>9. Good, men need to have the fantasies they hold about women destroyed. We are human, not some made up fantasy created by the media.
Notice how he didn't talk about women exclusively and the view men might have on women but about what men do with their free time, but of course, you make it about women exclusively.
>10. I guess that's a big advantage, women are pretty unified when it comes to specific topics.
Don't forget all the massive shoulder patting of "we are strong, independent, we are all beautiful and unique in our own ways, we are all adjective!" and it's applauded, no such thing for boys.


>> No.6922360

stop getting drunk so often, d

starting to worry about you

>> No.6922369


Make me


>> No.6922385

>anything but soul-crushing

Pick one, weeb.

>> No.6922410

Thinking about writing some smut for cash, do a female pen name helps to sell it?

>> No.6922420

Lol, no.
Well, except in this case perhaps >>6918901

>> No.6922434

Yes, see

Women are more trusting in other women, when it comes to sexual fantasies.
And men are such homophobes, that they dislike the idea of a man being the author. They also enjoy the idea of delving into the sexual fantasies of a woman.

>> No.6922681
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Why do women fall for the weeb bait the hardest? Is it because they prefer "fucking cartoons" over them?

>> No.6922814 [DELETED] 

FtM? Regardless, great job standing up to the patriarchy. Did you feel the need to post that anecdotal list come from your roots of a rebellious strong woman?

>> No.6922823

>Prager university

kill yourself my man

>> No.6922835

>nothing in the video is true
What's it like living with autism?

>> No.6922840

>Prager university

kill yourself my man

>> No.6922847


>> No.6922856

>my man
Summer's almost over, High School is starting soon.

>> No.6922875
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>> No.6922907

>feminist uncle tom sponsored by right-wing echo chamber

>> No.6922917

When does Prager University's fall semester start?

>> No.6922943

Some dude named Pete Lerangis ghost wrote a bunch of them but Ann M. Martin is an actual person and did write a bunch herself.

Also I really hoped /lit/ was at least the one place on 4chan I could mostly escape the stupid male v. female troll bait shilling but apparently today is not my lucky day.

>> No.6923375


It's easier being a woman in youth, but can be a death sentence with older age.

Males, on the other hand, have a hard life in the beginning, but grow into the role with age.

My "soul" for whatever its worth, is hard masculine, but most feminine people today have little understanding about what it means to be feminine.

Women throughout history would be utterly shocked at the decisions young women make today. There is a reason why people 'clung' to old traditions, and it had to do with how Older Women were treated in times of hardships (IE: Better off buried.)

I expect alot of Millennial women to kill themselves in their 50s+, in our post-apocalyptic Climate Changed universe. They fucked up the natural rhythm of their lifetimes.

They should be cultivating relationships now, while they are young, so that they can transition to older age. Because they failed to do that, they are defenseless to all the Single-parent children who will have only known hatred for mankind.

>> No.6923400



>If a group of men burglarized your apartment, and there wasn't a government, who would be there to protect you?

Even most beta males have enough sense to avoid dangers by changing their man caves.

Women today require an elaborate support structure that is entirely dependent on the World's Strongest Military. The moment it falls,

> Child support is gone.
> Police protection is gone
> Rule of law is gone.
> Most jobs are gone.

Women are playing a very, very, dangerous game. They alienate the men around them, in hopes that Rome will protect them.

>> No.6923690

I'm expecting a lot of cat ladies myself. Fine with that, they're usually cool.

>> No.6923716

Actually yes.

>> No.6923717

lamest thread in a long time
>muh gender issues

>> No.6923784

American men are probably one of the most delusional groups of people I have met in my travels. You idiots have it all but are somehow educated to believe you're owed shit. If you are not given exactly what you want or if others start to become a worthy competitor, your high-self-esteem needs fail you and you get grumpy, cruel, and vehement.

>> No.6924128


As an American Man, I agree our field is shit. But I have yet to see any nation with green yards in the 21st century.

>> No.6924148

Such is the way of people who literally spent most of history ruling the world. Stay mad, shitskin.

>> No.6924148,1 [INTERNAL] 

>It's easier being a woman in youth, but can be a death sentence with older age.
Old age is always a "death sentence". I suppose you meant in the looks department. I'm actually having a better time in my older age, so I'm not feeling this line at all, anon.

>but most feminine people today have little understanding about what it means to be feminine.
Good. I personally like femme-girls but also the gender-role neutral types. So what if future society is made up of the latter? It's an altogether good thing.

>There is a reason why people 'clung' to old traditions, and it had to do with how Older Women were treated in times of hardships (IE: Better off buried.)
I don't get this line at all. Yes they'd be shocked at the liberation, so would male counterparts, but on closer inspection they'd see it as rather amiable. I just don't know what the point of this was.

>I expect alot of Millennial women to kill themselves in their 50s+, in our post-apocalyptic Climate Changed universe. They fucked up the natural rhythm of their lifetimes.
You know so little about humans, young robot. The "natural rhythm" is being restored, however slowly.

A pity you probably wont read this.

Hopefully this will foment revolution, hehehe.