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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 205 KB, 940x559, Guardians-of-the-Galaxy-Comic-Book-e1340911703680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6919809 No.6919809 [Reply] [Original]

I read Watchmen because it was like le literature comic book and I enjoyed it (although the movie was better), but I'm not sure how good it is since I haven't read any other comix (besides Maus in my Jewish history class at uni). My friend reads all of le Marvel and le DC, but I always thought those were for dumb kids. Is he just a manchild or are there some good ones?

Forgot to add I also read V for Vendetta cause same author as Watchmen, but didn't like it as much.

>> No.6919813


>> No.6919832
File: 1.90 MB, 2292x2700, What You Should Read 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6919842
File: 108 KB, 208x221, disturbed_waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i read books with pictures

>> No.6919878

Y the Last man

>> No.6919885

There is a rec chart thread active on /co/ right now you spurg.

>> No.6919890

You don't seem to have the intelligence to appreciate good comic books unfortunately

>> No.6919896

>always thought those were for dumb kids
Regardless of the quality of most comics published by Marvel and DC, they haven't even been aiming for the under 18 demographic since before most users on 4chan were born.

>> No.6919906


Literally you should consider reading manga instead. It is so much more relevant in Japan than comics are in America that there is a generally higher volume of work available at each quality level. Most American comics are in the level of Saturday morning cartoon hype because some capes are in danger and a big bad has returned with a vengeance. If you ask people what American comics are "serious" they'll tell you watchmen, sandman, killing joke or saga 99% of the time. Ask the same thing even on /a/ and you'll get shit posted with memes and a couple of real answers with variety.

>> No.6919907

Thanks bruh. I have actually read Calvin and Hobbes when I was a kid (p. funny) and the beginning of Scott McCloud when icycalm blew him the fuck out.

>> No.6919911


>> No.6919941

I own 30 of those (and have read a bunch more) but that is a weird-ass selection, almost random, and missing tons of great work.

>> No.6919942


>> No.6919944

if you like alan moore writing about realistic superheroes check out his Miracle Man run. Fucking godly.

>> No.6919954

Yeah but there are more and it's old as fuck. I just had it in my folder is all.

>> No.6919964

Fantagraphics and Drawn and Quarterly. Check them out, you'll find something.

>> No.6920035
File: 15 KB, 236x353, 54814d463ea3aae3b450f9901f49adbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I shitpost on 4chan

>> No.6920051

i read "i read pictures with books" somehow

i think since it was displayed with a linebreak as:

>i read books with

i don't even know what this thread is about

>> No.6920064
File: 161 KB, 748x748, Dicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the movie was better
>my Jewish history class at uni
Well baited

>> No.6920102

>le Marvel and le DC
Oh my god please kill yourself
I'd tell you to read The Dark Knight Returns first but I don't want the likes of you to read the same books as me
It's very good, but it's not a realistic superhero book. It's pretty much about a man's Apotheosis. Like if Superman realized he didn't have to fight crime and could just be God. I feel like Miracleman was a prototype of Dr. Manhattan.

>> No.6920109

If you need to read something with lots of pictures then at least read manga.