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File: 30 KB, 711x473, LOGIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6917721 No.6917721[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we all agree that English is the logical conclusion to language?

>> No.6917729

That is a stupid thing to say and you should accordingly be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.6917730

That doesn't make any sense. Explain.

>> No.6917734

so what you're saying is you agree?

>> No.6917740

the yankee version of english is perfect and should be widely adapted as a universal language

>> No.6917925

The premise in your picture is wrong. Read Gottlob Frege. Sin und Bedeutung

>> No.6917980

What is the difference between a duck?

>> No.6918289

Please explain what makes a language perfect and how English fulfills this role.

>> No.6918516

German masterrace

>> No.6918534

English is certainly the most poetically expressive language by this point.

I remember hearing an old monk talk about some dead language and saying "unlike English, there isn't a lot of ways to say something in (old language)."

I'm sure that's the case with English vs. most other languages, today. There are many ways to express the same idea in English.

>> No.6918545

>irregular verbs
>logical in any way

>> No.6918702

I swear I'm not a weeaboo, but I think Japanese is close to the top. No conjugation, no alternate syllabic pronunciations (homonyms, etc), what you read is what you get. To me it's like the Lego of languages.

>> No.6918728

There can be no logical foundation to language, if that's what you mean.

>> No.6918744


>this is what americunts believe

Any language that comes from latin is goat tier

>> No.6918754

It is also among the worst languages in terms of information per syllable.

>> No.6918768
File: 235 KB, 2000x1994, 2000px-Origins_of_English_PieChart.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latin is tied as the majority supplier of English words.

English takes the boldness of Germanic language and combines it with the phonaesthetic elegance of Romance languages to produce a Master Language.

>> No.6918774

Medium quality bait.

>> No.6918782

English translations of ancient latin/greek are pretty terrible and contrived because of a lack of cases.

>> No.6918786


This, latin languages are the best.

English is just way more malleable. I think it works better in post-modernism and current literature, but not overall.

>> No.6918790

ITT: The languages I know are the best languages ever !!!!!!111

>> No.6918806

It's a bit like waving those little plastic flags on your national holiday.

>> No.6918810

I'm German, this is outlawed around here.

>> No.6918811

gh = f
gh = g h
f = g h

>> No.6918824

You think it's the best language because you spent all day viewing hollywood and HBO

>> No.6918836

still no gf tho

>> No.6918857

Dude I thought that was a myth. Sorry German anon, I'll wave pic related for you

>> No.6918907


>> No.6919524

>thinking anything happening in this era is the conclusion to anything
Look at this self-centered, shortsighted little twat.

>> No.6919533

>it's like the Lego of languages.
that is german

>> No.6919654

English is a hashed together creole that consists of mostly nouns, with an equally atrocious set of grammar rules, that sometimes have more exceptions than adherents to the rule.

>> No.6919662


>> No.6919664


>> No.6919678

I too have read this internet clickbait, next to "Can You Reach Space By Farting ?".

But let's be honest: do you actually know what the people who measure this define as "quantity of information per syllaba" ?

French is also a bastard of Latin, Germanic language and Celtic languages like English.
Thus combinaison is not particularly graceful to be tbh.

>the logical conclusion to language
>implying it's not Ithkuil
>I'd insult you in Ithkuil but nobody is smart enough to speak it

>> No.6919697

>French is also a bastard of Latin, Germanic language and Celtic languages like English.
Yes but French is the worst of all, whereas English is the best of all.

>> No.6919784
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