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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 88 KB, 705x900, birthday books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6915045 No.6915045 [Reply] [Original]

>Birthday today
>went out to dinner with parents and older brother
>got books
>10/10 would have birthday again

So I intended to read them in the order they are pictured from top to bottom.

Also got an Animal Collective album, and had steak and lobster tail.

>> No.6915065


yeah i remember getting phenomenology of spirit when i wasn't ready for it either. but we all go through those naive precocious phases when we're just starting off.

>> No.6915080
File: 80 KB, 1466x450, edgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are they enabling you?

>> No.6915086

only read the top two of your pile and love them both

>> No.6915091

Fatal Shore isn't history btw.

>> No.6915092

Fuck these Phillistines, happy birthday anon, enjoy your gifts.

>> No.6915106


Thanks! It's been an amazing birthday.

>7 oz lobster tail
>lobster mac and cheese
>books to keep me busy for the rest of the summer

>> No.6915110




and no one has been overtly philistine i don't even know what you mean by that

>> No.6915138

>Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.6915185

I can't believe you asked your parents to get you a meme book

This is your life

>> No.6915903

>Animal Collective

You're clearly not mature enough for those books.

>> No.6915941

>Diving into Spirit, Tractatus and Being and Time this newfaggishly unprepared

I can see the disappointment a mile away. That delightful epiphany of your ambitious yet naive prior self that thought he could understand just about anything under the sun...

We've all been there. And it's inevitable that many will make the same mistake over and over again.

>> No.6915944

My birthday's the same day too, hope yours was fun OP

>> No.6915946

>what do you want for your birthday son?
>something I can impress lit with!
>say no more

>> No.6915951

You seem like you have a really awesome family bro :) of those books I've only read Meditations but it has been life changing and is up there with the bible for me.

Congratulations and happy birthday man.

>> No.6916002

those family dynamics sound fucked up op.

but those books are not bad, i hope you make something out of them and that they guide you into even better ones cause you are gonna need them... cause they are the only thing you will have. youll remember this.

you sound young enough, around 20 maybe?, so it is fine to get so many different things, as in exploring whats out there. but eventually you gotta choose and focus on a single orientation.

>> No.6916077

Which AnCo album?

>> No.6916080

i hope youve done some background reading or/and are prepared to read complementary texts to accompany and aid your reading of a few of those

>> No.6916083

the bad one, oh wait...

>> No.6916086
File: 445 KB, 2000x3000, 1436383600929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those books look hard. I'm not ashamed to admit it I am a fiction pleb. I took a class on greek phil and Plato sort of made sense but when we moved on to Aristotle it was just incomprehensible. Meditations is pretty basic but I probably missed out a lot not knowing Epictetus etc.

Happy birthday anon.

>> No.6916087


Learn Greek and German ffs smh

Also surf and turf is a splurge dinner for plebs. Go to a real restaurant with Michelin stars.

Just taking the piss. Happy birthday bro.

>> No.6916552

get a facebook and some friends you worthless loser

>> No.6916897

uhh anon, true but you need to polish the way you say things...

>> No.6916916

wich ac album fag?

>> No.6916931

read a comfy overview like McGee's Story of Philosophy

>> No.6916939

i have that same copy of being and time lad

>> No.6916945

This thread is a travesty of bitterness and jealousy.

Happy birthday, op.

>> No.6916965

Ech. Way too much philosophy for my taste I wouldn't read all of those in a row personally, but not a bad haul overall. You'll probably find many of those are really difficult to understand, but that doesn't mean you will not get anything out of it.

>> No.6916970

way to waste your gift on a bunch of shit you cant handle dumbass

>> No.6916983

Have you read Descartes? Hume? Kant?

>> No.6916999

wonder how your brother feels being related to someone so pathetic he has to show off his 'birthday hauls' on /lit/

>> No.6917014

You got a bunch of memes? Cool. You know philosophy is just maths now, though, right? What a waste.

>> No.6917023
File: 95 KB, 605x421, mwpp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, but it looked interesting enough

>only teenages on /mu/ like ac

>these are my first philosophy books
>im new to this kind of thing
>im going to be disappointed with these "hard" books

Projecting much friendo ?

I rarely coming across Aug 1 birthdays, even with the birthday paradox being the way it is, Hope you had fun and Happy birthday to you.

Thanks annon! and they are awesome.

>pic related

>family dynamics are fine.

I agree and dislike reading translated work but hoping to enjoy these.
Dunno about Greek, but was considering picking up German over the next year or so.

Thanks annon!


>yes, yes and why waste my time

>> No.6917028
File: 185 KB, 1344x1344, arthur_schopenhauer_33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading schopey without kant

>> No.6917048

Yeah he's reading hegel and schopenhauer without the background of kant or schelling/fichte for that matter.

>jumping into heidegger without a background in husserl

What a pleb. full pleb
could you imagine universities/colleges filled with OPs.

>> No.6917055

Anyone who cares about that obscurantist mystic is a pleb.

>> No.6917064

What could you expect from a guy who thinks Kant is a waste of time.
Least he's got ego&hisown so he can meme it up.

>> No.6917066
File: 39 KB, 512x326, even medvedev laughs at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>philosophy is just maths now

>> No.6917074

>not here comes the Indian or sung tongs

>> No.6917078

Yes, because maths is the perfect language. The 20th century was about deciphering language and the 21st century is about expressing logical formulae through the perfect language.

>> No.6917079
File: 1.71 MB, 331x197, banderas smaller.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying an album on vinyl that has been digitally mastered
you're a fucking idiot

>> No.6917082
File: 72 KB, 629x354, dasmerkel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but seriously, someone here mentioned husserl. go and read him.

>> No.6917096

I don't care about non-philosophers. Go read Kripke

>> No.6917097


While you are correct there is no "le warmer sound" to be gained by something digitally mastered, if someone plays vinyl and collects vinyl and is going to buy something physical anyway. . . why not vinyl?

>> No.6917122

>You gotta read the entire canon prior without reading x
you'll never get to the 20th century that way

>> No.6917134
File: 700 KB, 2560x1536, David-Cameron-laughing-014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't care about non-philosophers
oh boy, you're on a roll!

>> No.6917138

Go back to Paris, fag, this board isn't for your kind.

>> No.6917147

>I take this meme board seriously

>> No.6917151

You're just upset because you can't sound deep here.

>> No.6917153

It doesn't take long to read a few books fella

>> No.6917159

why cant you let people enjoy stuff? even if hes not "prepared" for them they will whether motivate him into working to understand them, or just discouraging from philosophy and trying something that better fits him.

doing things "in order" is not a guarantee of succeeding in understanding them anyway.

>> No.6917160

>le continental meme

See sport you're participating in the same meme fiesta.

Embrace it!

>> No.6917162

Happy annual celebration of your uterine emancipation, OP. Those all look like great books.

>> No.6917165

Happy birthday anon. Meditations is what got me into reading/philosophy again... Enjoy your presents

>> No.6917167
File: 27 KB, 300x296, Vous êtes fou, toutou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please continue. and while you're at it: could you please explain math and it's purpose? but only use math for it ;)

>> No.6917170


wow... something sounds terribly wrong there... have fun with your books anyway, theyre cool.

philosophical investigations would be a good one to read after all that.

>> No.6917171

Strong logic moron.
Why dont you go and pick up an advanced maths book when you dont even know how to add/sum numbers together.

Implying reading philosophy is about enjoyment.
If you want enjoyment/distraction just go read some pleb fiction.

He's reading stuff he wont really understand just so he can be smug / pretentious.

>doing things "in order" is not a guarantee
Sure it doesnt, but you *definitely* wont understand if you dont.

>> No.6917174
File: 43 KB, 363x326, 73euysK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6917176


>> No.6917178

The linguistic turn is over.
It achieved absolutely nothing.
Read some philosophy by authors not on the autism spectrum.

>> No.6917182

>you *definitely* wont understand if you dont.

witty disagrees.

>> No.6917183

>waaah spoonfed me

>> No.6917185


Get back to me when you finish undergrad

>> No.6917187

You are not the Real, but rather Signifying the Signifier in Significance of the Signal that the uh-uh nigga can't uh Identify with uh-uh the uh whiteness of the not Blackness of the Other.

>> No.6917188

I'll have a mocha please B)

>> No.6917190

>pleb fiction



>> No.6917191

Considering the very philosophers he is reading actually read the philosophers previous to themselves and built off their work, you'd think it might be a slight advantage to read the history of ideas.

angry plebs detected
>why cant I just read nietzsche without any previous reading in philosophy and be cool, it's all about enjoyment anyway

>> No.6917193


>> No.6917194

Wittgenstein never did.

>> No.6917196

Do you know why these "analytic" philosophers have a particular distaste for fiction? Because they are literally autistic, they have trouble empathising with the characters.

Don't try and argue with someone like this, their stance is legitimately a result of a mental incomprehension.

>> No.6917198
File: 44 KB, 384x312, sì, è veramente folle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6917201

Nice pickups, OP. Getting good books as presents is the best. I got a friend of mine Cinema 1 and 2 by Deleuze because he is a massive film buff, and the Criterion blu ray of M.

>> No.6917202
File: 101 KB, 636x616, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't refute something
>a-autism!! You are not the Real Human Experience!!!

>> No.6917207

There is nothing to refute. You attempt to refute using your capabilities, which happen to be impaired in a sociological manner.

>> No.6917212

Are you implying Wittgenstein did not read philosophy before he wrote his books?

>empathising with the characters
Yeah stick to that.
Meanwhile philosophers go about understanding reality, language, morality, consciousness etc.. etc..

>muh characters
>muh feels

Apparently suggesting that a book that requires pre-requisite readings makes you autistic. I guess that kind of attitude wouldnt bode well for any kind of complex area of study (e.g. STEM) or philosophy.
Do they expect to just be able to walk in and instantly understand everything without any effort?

>> No.6917213


>> No.6917216

Don't try and pretend you're above emotions and empathy.

I know you have trouble comprehending it, due to your impairment, but you still have that longing. It is in your DNA, even if you'd wish it wasn't.

>> No.6917217

this is 4chan. your attitude makes sense for a philosophy class. whats your problem with people reading philosophy without having a clue and then pretending to know?

the value of something is not the thing itself but what one makes of it. if op wants to pretend that is his value, if you want to find truth, or whatever, that is your value. philosophy is just a tool, and as such can be used for whatever the user wants/needs.

a hammer can be used to make chairs, but also someone could use it to break windows and steal or to as a weapon in a fight. whos to say those are wrong uses? they are each effective in their field.

>> No.6917218

Dude Witty learned Norwegian just so he could read Kierkegaard

>> No.6917223

He did not. He only read Russell and Frege's mathematics. He even bragged about not knowing a word of Aristotle or Plato. Read Ray Monk's biography of him.

>> No.6917228

After he had published Tractatus.

>> No.6917230

This thread is turning retarded.
You don't need to read the whole canon to get something out of a book, but reading Hegel and Schopenhauer without at least Kant is silly. Being And Time can be done without Husserl - I've seen it happen. But German Idealism requires Kant.

>> No.6917235

>I read Monk's biography!
>I am an expert in Wittgenstein!

Actually he read Schopenhauer as a teen. Get your facts straight.

>> No.6917237
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>> No.6917239


>> No.6917241


>> No.6917243

Each valuable work of philosophy is standalone in its own right.

You might get more out of it if you knew more of the context of why it exists in the first place, there might be some terms and technicalities that you might not understand, but if you pick up a work of philosophy and you cannot understand any of it due to its complete reliance on other works, it is worthless.

>> No.6917246

>Are you implying Wittgenstein did not read philosophy before he wrote his books?

not him but yes, exactly that. he of course read some shit in a non systematic way, moved by his existential drives.

there is even a quite straight quote about the question, from his 30-32 cambridge course. he literally says that philosophy is to be attacked straight without wasting time reading its history.

>> No.6917251

But Heidegger, Lacan, Sartre and Foucault all require You to read Their Predecessors to properly understand Them.

>> No.6917253

That is not true at all.

>> No.6917255

A knowledge of preceding texts isn't necessary, but it's good to have an arsenal when approaching something as difficult as the Phenomenology of Spirit. If you read Phenomenology without context you could put literally any words into Hegel's mouth.

>> No.6917267

That's the problem with obscurantism.

>> No.6917276

Just confess that you bought these yourself

>> No.6917280

All works of philosophy are interpretive. Regardless of the amount of knowledge a person has.

>> No.6917297

Yeah, mathematical and logical formulae are so interpretative.

>> No.6917302 [DELETED] 
File: 669 KB, 1408x2560, 084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wittgenstein on teaching the history of philosophy.

>> No.6917303

Of course they are.

>> No.6917311

I mean, I'm all for the death of the author...but Hegel is constantly referencing big name philosophers without explicitly naming them, and doing such crazy dances with their ideas that the interpretation needs some knowledge behind it. He uses Kant's terminology to take a dig at Kant, without mentioning Kant's name or his work once. There's some common knowledge assumed, and it has nothing to do with stifling interpretation.

>> No.6917320


>> No.6917328

Interpretation is a subjective practice, you can't measure it's value in any sort of objective manner.

Sorry to see you go.

>> No.6917333
File: 25 KB, 230x325, dubisteinautistischeridiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6917336

>maths is subjective
I guess the theory of relativity is privileged, too?

>> No.6917339

I don't even know what this is supposed to mean. I'm not talking about the value of interpretation at all. I'm talking about a philosopher whose philosophy is about the development of philosophy. It should not be an argument that history is necessary for reading Hegel of all people.

>> No.6917348

It's an interpretation.

A work of philosophy is an interpretation.

>> No.6917356

I know people who can shrink you.

>> No.6917361

Prove it.

>> No.6917363

Sorry to see you go.

>> No.6917368

Through an interpretation an interpretive theory developed.

>> No.6917371
File: 11 KB, 255x200, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, I thought we were having a conversation.

>> No.6917372

That's not a proof.

>> No.6917373

It's an interpretation, which is all the proof anyone can give you.

>> No.6917374

How do you know that is true?

>> No.6917381

It's my interpretation that it is true.

>> No.6917384

>a more perfect language than the ones we use already to communicate can ever come to exist
Please read Philosophical Investigations again

>> No.6917392

PI is baloney.
You can't prove it, therefore I am right to believe your statement is not true.

>> No.6917394

You are right only in your interpretation.

>> No.6917412

Prove it.

>> No.6917417

My interpretation is the only proof I need or can give.

>> No.6917419

No, you need to prove it.

>> No.6917427

My interpretation is the proof.

>> No.6917448


>> No.6917465


>> No.6917481

No, lrn2science

>> No.6917483

this thread is pathetic. the only funny guy was the one with the pics of laughing politicians (me). happy birthday, op.

>> No.6917489

2 autodidacts that wish they knew logic, fighting

yawn; go read a textbook or two, you two

>> No.6917490

What science?

>> No.6917491

>Do they expect to just be able to walk in and instantly understand everything without any effort?

The internet makes amateurs and dilettantes feel like experts.

>> No.6917502

Sorry to see you go.

>> No.6917505

Science, bitch.

>> No.6917659
File: 84 KB, 1294x490, btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sung tongs or strawberry jam are next on the vinyl get list.

>exactly this.
Wanted something physical for a change.

Thanks annon, Mom said almost the same thing

Thanks annon, Mom said the same thing at dinner.

Plan to finish meditations and Prometheus rising tonight so I can start on the rest of the pile

>He's reading stuff he wont really understand just so he can be smug / pretentious.

Again, Projecting much friendo?

implying I haven't
>linguistic turn will ever be over

Thanks anon, books make great gifts.

>>a-autism!! You are not the Real Human Experience!!!

fucking topkek

I enjoy books, fiction books count, and there are some good ones.

>muh prose
>muh Bildungsroman

>Meanwhile philosophers go about understanding reality, language, morality, consciousness etc.. etc..

Sure they do buddy.
>great fiction authors dont touch on the same subjects in their works.

this threads great.
>all these butt mad Kant shills.

Nothing is stand alone...


>pic related

Who would do that, who go on the internet and lie about things like that?

They are. Read some GEB

>so anus angry


Thanks annon, it was a great day.

>The internet makes amateurs and dilettantes feel like experts.

>Dunning–Kruger effect is strong everywhere.

Don't feed the trolls kiddos. Ill post a pic of the lobster tail and next.

>> No.6917685
File: 122 KB, 725x940, bdaydinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6917704

how the fuck can you eat that much



>> No.6917706


>> No.6917718

happy birthday friend!!

>> No.6917727

>how the fuck can you eat that much

I like to run.
>have to put down about 3000 cals a day.

We also had
>calamari, and prosciutto wrapped mozzarella
>lobster mac, wild mushrooms and some greens.

Thanks annon! :D

>> No.6917741

>being 30yo
>attention whoring as if you were 15
>on 4chan

>> No.6917744

that's a big meal

>> No.6917746


>for you

>> No.6917750

also, i think your parents should give you a bit of the attention you come here to get, even if that means less money spent on gifts.

>> No.6917764

you seem like a nice guy OP, enjoy those books

>> No.6917775


>projecting so hard

Oh Friendo, is something upsetting you?
Do you want to talk about it?

Thanks annon, I will. :D

>> No.6917807
File: 38 KB, 492x306, u dun it nao arry potre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>burning through Prometheus Rising so you can move on to other books
>not taking your time, thinking about what you read and doing the exercises so you can directly experience and thus internalize the concepts

Why bother?


>> No.6917871


That steak look crazy overcooked

>> No.6918618
File: 1.32 MB, 1000x1000, TYJ_Honest_Measure_Small_D6108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking Aurelius and RAW are worth reading and Kant isn't
>listening to Animal Collective
full pleb

>> No.6918649

Prometheus Rising seems like a good book if you want to be dysfunctional and weird

>> No.6918681

>logical positivism

I bet you believe that a person can't justifiably say he holds two conflicting beliefs

>> No.6920061

Think its the lighting, the steak was great.


Kant sucks.

Anco is fantastic.

>Thanks for the great post though

>if you want to be dysfunctional and weird

My greatest ambitions in life really...

Math is not the perfect language.
>All code has bugs.
This has been a fun birthday thread, Thanks everyone. :D

>> No.6920067


why mate?

>> No.6920108

>Kant Sucks
>Proceeds to purchase Phenomenology of Spirit and Being and Time


>> No.6920918
File: 41 KB, 500x493, MI0001010328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's actually a walking meme

>> No.6920923
File: 5 KB, 250x187, carrotblanca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"something I can impress lit with!"
>gets the satanic verses

>> No.6921954


>all these books were gifts.

and why read Kant when he just gets blow the fuck out by Hume?

>All this Kant shilling, no real discussion on philosophy

aren't we all?

>I would get books to impress teenagers on a taiwanese basket weaving forum.


>> No.6922034

You're right that Kant sucks but you're not right that he isn't worth reading.

>> No.6922253

Happy birthday OP

>> No.6922455

>The linguistic turn is over.
tell me more about this I'm genuinely curious

>> No.6923214

>i also tried reading those books
>didn't understand shit due to autism
>didn't get em for free, spend food money for em
>not my bday
>come to anonymous board to whine
>inb4 it's just b8

>> No.6924182

Did you actually ask your family to get these books for you / hinted at them or did they get them off their own volition?