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/lit/ - Literature

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6911838 No.6911838[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

me few hours ago

>driving chad buddy to airport as he's leaving to nagoya to meet up with his gf
>he checks in 2 hours early
>offers to pay for coffee at starbucks
>we sit and discuss literature
>group of girls next to us reading dumb airport shit
>buddy starts loudly commenting about the death of intellectualism and how uneducated everyone is in this country
>no one intervenes
>sips shitty coffee then start parotting zizek's starbucks rant
>several people glaring
>giggling inside while poker face outside

top cake

>> No.6911847


>> No.6911940

This is basically how I imagine at least half of the people on /lit/ behave.

>> No.6911947

You mean like op or his friend?

>> No.6911948


>> No.6911954

why did you have to mention he is a "chad"

>> No.6912070

so that people willl know the story is made up

nobody who is named chad can read

>> No.6912160

because he is just pretending

>> No.6912173

>that image

Everything I hate about how pop culture sees Nietzsche.

>> No.6912497
File: 168 KB, 414x433, 1361073944478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those comics on lit about filosophers are painfully unfunny

>> No.6912521

This is me except cheap coffee and I tell my friends I'm summarizing jeejeck.

>> No.6912544

we both know you don't know anything about nietzsche

>> No.6913083

They are made by butthurt marxist, woman, feminists or a combination of all three. What did you expect?

>> No.6913096

so you're both dick sucking euphorialords who think they're better than everyone because they have a small amount of self-awareness and introspection, not realizing that everyone from ditch diggers to Donald Trump has these same capacities and has considered the same ideas?

>> No.6913112
File: 81 KB, 640x480, 1926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually interesting to me.

I think I'd never directly recite some philosophers thoughts, simply because my basic outlook is skeptical and I even if I learn from reading philosophy, I basically believe or by anything I read.
I'm the kind of person who would always say "the position of X is *insert rant here*" instead of simply "*insert rant here*"

>> No.6913244


why does neitzche dye his pubes?

>> No.6913250

who makes these awful comics? why can't they figure out what a punchline is?

>> No.6913251

oh wow you're so mature
i'm really impressed
tell me more

>> No.6913449

I'm a shitty fratboy at a private liberal arts college in the south east. I drive a truck my daddy bought me. A confederate flag hangs in my room. I go skeet shooting regularly. I have contracted chlamydia twice. I am a living breathing caricature of something probably 90% of this board hates with an absolute passion. You never know what anyone on this website does. Ever.

>> No.6913459

what college bby

>> No.6913483

>/lit/ complaining about bad jokes

>> No.6913484


>> No.6913527

how many clays can you hit out of 30?

>> No.6913543

Wofford kinda blows (this coming from another shitty fratboy at a private liberal arts college in the south east [Wake Forest]). Sry bud. Ur rugby program a shit.

>> No.6913587

>private liberal arts college in the south east
>south east


>> No.6913606

I tried to get into Wake. Got wait listed, then rejected. Kind of glad. You guys have a great school and social scene but I've heard awful things. Tuition hikes. Purposeful Grade deflation. And that there is a maximum quota of A's that can be handed out per year. Also my friends that go there talk about how goddamn hard it is. Not "wow man our academics are way more challenging than yours" but that people are constantly breaking down, taking addy to stay awake for days, and the mental health center is crammed full around finals.

>> No.6913613

Yeah I wanted to go to a university free of niggers and dykes telling me to check my privelege 24/7. Wofford is dank. The occasional Dixiecrat and weird liberal hippie pop up but other than that I can actually question my professors without being accused of misogyny or racism.

>> No.6913619

Yes to all these things tbh. I, on the other hand, reject most of the academic suffering and don't do shit. It's amazing how huge the effort gap is between B and A: I probably put in about 30-40% of what A students put in and my GPA is fine. With that said, I did show up to an exam this past semester having pulled an all-nighter and almost too drunk to walk. Nailed a 36 on that final and a C+ in the class.

>> No.6913691

Yeah same here tbh. Business & economics major. I write really good papers and all my professors love me. Other than that i dont do shit. I figure if I have a few pieces published and use some of my profs for letters of recommendation I can land a good job after gradschool despite my roughly 3.0 gpa.
Or I could just go to work for one of my pledge-brothers' dads. I really feel like that's the main long term benefit of Greek life. Some kids super rich dad will hook you up with a job. The nepotism is delicious.
Unfortunately my dad is a retired brigadier general so he can't hook me up with any tasty jobs. He is however a gold mine for setting up internships in the mil-ind complex.

>> No.6913703

>chad buddy


why do you people insist on leaving your containment board

>> No.6913708

oh shit son I'm trying to work in the mil-ind complex. I'm a German major (LOL) but I'm going to be a Marine officer next year and I've got a couple of good connections to the Pentagon. We both shatter the stereotype /lit/izen. This is hilarious.

>> No.6913710

i dont hate you bby

youre what i probably would have been if my rich parents hadnt sheltered me so much

>> No.6913763

Holy fuck. I just realized something.
My dad's best friend who is his contact for setting up internships...
He works as a consultant for the Carlisle group.
His names is General Victor Hugo the Third USA (ret)
He is the great great grandson of Victor Hugo.
My dad and him told me about this a while ago, and I've since forgotten about it. But isn't it hilarious that Victor hugo's great-great-grandson is a fucking cog in the mil-ind complex?
Fucking kek. Can't believe I never really thought about it that way before. Ole vic must be turning in his grave so fast he has his own gravitational pull.

>> No.6913765
File: 38 KB, 512x343, winklevoss_twins_interview_social_network_movie_armie_hammer_josh_pence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being in a Final Club at Harvard

Are you poor, or did you just phone it in in high school?

>> No.6913773

I would literally kill myself if I went to school at one of those marxist enclaves.
That and I could never get into ivy league lmao. Graduated HS with barely a 3.0 gpa. I hated school. Still do.

>> No.6913793


This guy >>6913691 >>6913763 again. You must be doing PLC? My dad was airforce but I grew up in a marine town we moved to after he retired. What type of positing are you going for? Aviation, infantry, or POG?

>> No.6913823

I'm the first guy you quoted but not the other two posts. Infantry, trying to build some character the old fashioned way and employ my physical and mental abilities on a level that can't be reached other than military.

>> No.6913839

Best of luck to you man. Most of the pinkos on the board gripe and moan about dying for Israel or capitalism or whatever the fuck it is. I got a brother at the Air Force academy and that shit really forged him into a man. Hope the corp does the same for you.

>> No.6913841
File: 364 KB, 1500x1000, beaconhill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Final Clubs
>Recruitment for Wall Street and management consulting firms all year 'round.

One of these things is not like the others. Don't let the faculty and edgy college lesbians fool you, Harvard is all about gaining as much for yourself as humanly possible. Protip, professors in the business, medical, public health and law school are conservative as fuck. We just had either a law or business professor, I forget, go to court with a Chinese restaurant for overcharging him like $4 just to prove a point.

>> No.6913856

>trying to build some character the old fashioned way and employ my physical and mental abilities on a level that can't be reached other than military.
cute rationalization buddy, did they teach you to say that or is ass kissing in your blood

>> No.6913868

If you actually do go to Harvard I've got mad respect for you man. My parents are well off but I don't think they'd be able to afford it and I sure as hell won't be able to get in. My aspirations are pretty humble. I want to get a nice job in a private think take doing analysis and publishing research. Retire at 50. Do consulting. Have a hot milf wife, a decent house, and some kids. Most importantly my main goal is to be able to provide the same (or better) quality of life my father was able to provide for me. To me that's the American dream.
Don't want to be a Wallstreet overlord. Just a nice job, hot wife, good pay, retire at 50, publish a few short stories, send my kids to college. Simple man tbh.

>> No.6913874

>Wallstreet overlord

My friend, are you familiar with the Eunuchs of the Universe?

>> No.6913876

Honestly the officer corps of the United States armed forces is indescribable to outsiders. It's like a small aristocracy. Most are highly intelligent. Have you ever met someone whose graduated from a service academy? Those guys are smart as shit, and they are extremely disciplined and organized.
But hey, keep trying to launch the workers revolution off your mac you degenerate hipster fuck.

>> No.6913879

thanks man, I'm gonna need it
>didn't read my post about pulling an all-nighter and getting wasted going into a final and getting a 36% on it
I have a problem with a lack of respect for authority actually. I'm trying to overcome it because I recognize it's a personal flaw.

>> No.6913881

Nope. Sounds like a good comic book for the age of the cuck tho

>> No.6913884

comics like this make me not want to be a philosopher

because if I succeed, and I become famous, I will be turned into a caricature by faggot cartoonists who make jokes about the most reductive version of me, all while pretending they do it because they love my work

at least political cartoonists don't pretend they like politicians

>> No.6913888

i dont think you know what an aristocratic class is

>> No.6913892

You ever been to an Officers club on base m8. Ever seen the difference between enlisted housing and officers housing?