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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 319 KB, 1200x860, Orson_Scott_Card_at_BYU_Symposium_20080216_closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6911746 No.6911746 [Reply] [Original]

Post ITT with the authors you read who have the worst politics.

pic related it's Orson Scott Card

>> No.6911780

He's certainly quite the asshole. I spent a lot of time reading his books as a teenager. I remember one where a gay character valiantly gets married to a woman and produces offspring for the good of the species.

>> No.6911783

Anything wrong with that?

>> No.6911791

Knut Hamsen

>> No.6911796
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>I remember one where a gay character valiantly gets married to a woman and produces offspring for the good of the species.

Holy shit the fact that he thinks that's heroic is disgusting

>> No.6911802

Wow. That's literally the only reason I was born : )
it didn't end well. My parents are divorced now

>> No.6911807

In apocalyptic circumstances, there is nothing wrong with this.

>> No.6911848
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>> No.6911870


Who's that?

>> No.6911873


>> No.6911874

What is wrong with that?

>> No.6911892

Marriage makes no sense for gays.

It's a state incentive for people to make babies in a stable environment with tax breaks, and its prestige is due the couples' shouldering of the burdens of childbearing.

Now it's just another glamorization of men blowing out each others buttholes and smearing their dicks with shit.

Nice going, faggots. Civilization is burning.

>> No.6911898


/pol/ is that way, pls go

>> No.6911905


He's right.
Marriage has been completely redefined in what? 20 years?
It doesn't even make sense that the government would care about marriage as currently defined.

>> No.6911908


Feel like if I sincerely reply to this then RIP this thread although it was always inevitable it would just fill up with turds and waste when it's about politics.

>> No.6911911

>I would punish elitist English professors by making them read Ulysses over and over until they admit that it's a long, well-written joke on literature. I would require people who think they hate science fiction to read Octavia Butler's Xenogenesis trilogy. I would require people who read only science fiction to read Nobody's Fool by Richard Russo or Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant by Ann Tyler. And I would require people who never read at all to read William Goldman's The Princess Bride or Robert Cormier's I Am the Cheese. In truth, though, the world would be a better place if everybody just read Leonard Pitts's book on fatherhood.

That man was an imbecile, but not mainly for his politics. He was r/books before r/books.

>> No.6911924

Orson Scott Card pretty much takes the cake here. Also Ayn Rand.

Yeah, this thread isn't about literature, it is about the political views of the authors.

>> No.6911983


I know I know, it should have been expected. Ayn Rand a good shout but I've never actually read her, I'm sure she'd have made the cut otherwise.

>> No.6911986


Shhhh if you say that too loudly the mods will remove it. I was mainly interested in dirt on authors that I didn't know about really.

>> No.6911999

Heidegger was a huge raging Nazi and anti-semite, weird seeing that he had an affair with a Jew

>> No.6912009

yeah, its such a shame because he's such an amazing writer otherwise

>> No.6912077

I'm a flaming racist and traditionalist catholic and my fwb is a sexy fit chocolate mama who is involved on our university's black lives matter movement.
We literally fuck in secret. I'm part of the edgy bourgeois patriarchal Greek life and her black power friends would disown her if they ever found out we smash.
Tl:Dr forbidden fruit is sexay af

>> No.6912123

this is hot

>> No.6912144
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>at small library with tiny sci-fi section
>already read anything remotely worthwhile
>loved ender series, figured anything by Card would at least be decent
>pick some weird, obscure book of his off the shelf
>start reading
>its about a slave owner
>jesus comes to him in the form of a burly, well-oiled manly man and tells him that he needs to breed with his black slaves
>passage detailing his new jungle fever
>turns out the jesus was actually satan in disguise

I couldn't get any further, not from any moral friction, but just from the sheer absurdity. I wish I remembered the name of that book.

>> No.6912150

>well-oiled manly man

>> No.6912170

that is heroic, since the outcome saves the entire human species. May not make for the best tale though.

>> No.6912176

>that is heroic, since the outcome saves the entire human species.
But then the offspring will be incestuous - one couple is far below the minimum viable population

>> No.6912184

But black pussy was made for BWC.

>> No.6912187
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This guy tbh

>> No.6912415

It's pretty great. Couple times a month we get a hotel room for a weekend and literally don't leave until it's checkout time. I am a closet /pol/lack and hate identity politics, cultural marxism, and generally all ideology all over the spectrum. Evolva was a tard but he was right about society being to far gone to give a damn. I just ride the tiger and try and lead a good life. We have a strict no political discussion rule but we sometimes have huge arguments followed by all sorts of violent sex acts.
What's funny is her family is super rich and she went to an elite boarding school and I have many keks when she starts ranting about the proletariat. If there ever was a revolution, me and her would be the first on commissar kleetus' list of undesirables.

But she let's me stick it in her butthole so idc. And she is also extremely intelligent.

I never knew how much of a turn on intelligence was until I started fucking her. Do you know how great it is to lay in bed smoking a cigarette after sex and completely nerding out about wolfe's solar cycle and have a hot chick reciprocate and argue about whether alzabo or the claw is an allegory for the eucharist?
It's fucking fantastic.

>> No.6912418

>and generally all ideology all over the spectrum

you must be a special kind of retard

>> No.6912427

Read the Sticky

>> No.6912437

>this entire post and the last one
'tism tbh

>> No.6912438

His Homecoming series is a sci rip off of the Book of Mormon.

He plagiarized a poorly written fanfiction of the KJV which was written by a 14 year old farm boy who was just trying to get laid.

>> No.6912444

He sounds retarded tbh. Glad I never read any of his stuff when I was younger or I might have caught it from him.

>> No.6912451

Would you valiantly get married to a man(/same sex partner) to keep the population down?
Don't Ask; Don't Tell in the bedroom/family unit? Anything for the comforts of the straights. Who cares about the woman? Pretty dumb tbh

>> No.6912474



>> No.6912477

If the situation demands and you feel like you can do the task why not? Not everyone needs to do it but it's a heoric act.

>> No.6912481

King James was a farm boy?

>> No.6912485


>I would punish elitist chefs by making them eat buttered lobster and goose liver over and over until they admit that good food is a long, well-cooked joke on the mouth. I would require people who think they hate trans fat to eat McDonald's triple-patty big mac trilogy. I would require people who eat only vegetables to eat chicken nuggets or eat Dinner at a Homesick Restaurant (burger king). And I would require people who never eat at all to taste boiled hot dogs or American Cheese. In truth, though, the world would be a better place if everybody just died at the age of 50 from artery implosion.

>> No.6912498

It's a selfless act, which can be interpreted as "heroic"
But did I hear this right? In the context of the story, it was to propagate the species? What, like Adam and Eve? And why not artificial insemination? This is just dumb dumb dumb dumb. Card is sophomoric YA

>> No.6912502

Joseph Smith

>> No.6912668

Evelyn Waugh went on to become a Catholic fanatic and an admirer of fascism, but Decline and Fall has to be one of my favorite books of all time.

>> No.6912671

Just wanted to let you know this is the most pleb comment I have read on /lit/ in like a week, and that's saying something.

>> No.6912760
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>> No.6912784


>> No.6912807

>Nazi collaborator
>apologist for Belgian colonialism

>> No.6912808

Good show m8

>> No.6912819

There was literally nothing wrong with colonialism.

>> No.6912846
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>> No.6912896


>implying being a royalist doesn't make you based af
>implying colonialism was bad and that anyone intelligent really cares anyway

>> No.6912931

to be fair the belgians were cunts

probably compensating for not even being a country

>> No.6913148
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>> No.6913306
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>> No.6914057


Sorry I don't know the fuckin portrait of every author and philosopher going pal. I just read the books.

>> No.6914071
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>not being a royalist

>> No.6914084


>> No.6914223


gonna say you are correct on all of these points, lol @ people defending royalism and colonialism in 2015, historical literacy at an all time low.

>> No.6914237

/brit/, is that you?

>> No.6914402

You read Marx?

>> No.6914443

You're probably from a country founded on anti-royalism.

>> No.6914645
File: 30 KB, 386x600, Moai Lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>H. P. Lovecraft
>Racist against all non anglo-saxon people
>Thinks Roosevelt's New Deal didn't go far enough
>Wanted a Teutonic Marxist utopia

>> No.6914713

I think he wanted America to fall back under British rule first before becoming a freetard nation.