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6910599 No.6910599 [Reply] [Original]

Which is better; This

>> No.6910603
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Or this?

>> No.6910608

Read both and tell us, anon :)

>> No.6910623


>> No.6910630

How so?

>> No.6910647

Read and you shall know

>> No.6910655

>oxford vs penguin
hmmm I wonder.

>> No.6910661

Based on experience with the publishers, the oxford edition. Penguin is often shit.

>> No.6910678

I was mostly wondering about content, whether they both contain the same exerpts; since I can't find any examples online. Not a "le >reads meme-translations" thread.

>> No.6910707

Get "The Presocratic Philosophers: A Critical History with a Selection of Texts" instead

>> No.6910898
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Owning one (OWC) but having read both, I can honestly say I prefered the Penguin on my first read-through.

I found the indexing and apparatus of the OWC edition mildy frustrating when grazing for info/reading forentertainment, but it's otherwise excellent if you have a specific passage or author to look up.

I definitely don't regret the Waterfield purchase, but I'm also on the lookout for secondhand copy of the Penguin. They both have the merits.

>>6910707 is right, though. The Cambridge edition is objectively the best, but a lot steeper price-wise.

>Scholarly standard
>Excellent for its pricepoint but with mildly obtrusive formatting

On the topic of good OWC Classics titles, Robin Hard's "Diogenes the Cynic" is unimpeachably excellent; it pretty much reverses my formatting-quibbles with Waterfield's Presocratics, being easy to dip into while still being thoroughlt referenced.

OWC also does cheap parallel-text editions of the complete poetry of both Catullus and Tibullus (perfectly fine translations), and their edition of Cavafy da bess.

>> No.6910964

barnes is better, and i'd recommend roochnik - retrieving the ancients as a supplement

>> No.6911004


>> No.6911019

So the penguin is easier to read, and O WC is a bit of a pain? How bad?

Do they both contain the same content though? Like the same fragments of xenophane,Heraclitus etc? Cause I've only been able to find the contents of the penguin, and I'm a little suspicious as to whether or not the oxford contains the same, or less or more.

>> No.6911074


I don't have the Penguin to hand, seeing as it was a library book, but they're pretty much the same. Fragments and excerpts arranged by philosopher.

OWC is exhaustive in its bibliography and cross-references.