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6908529 No.6908529[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books to make me feel less retarded?

>> No.6908532

Glas by Jacques Derrida

>> No.6908546

What do you mean? Books to increase your knowledge and thinking abilities? Or easy books to make you feel superior to idiotic authors? Because that could go either way.

David Foster Wallace makes everyone feel stupid but you'll also feel smarter afterwards

That godawful piece of shit "War of Art" is the stupidest book I've ever tried to read. I literally threw it at the wall multiple times screaming about IQs in the 70s godamn that author was stupid

>> No.6908552

Anything by Foucault, then you will realize that stupider people exist and they can even be praised as smart individuals.

>> No.6908569

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.6908578

The Greeks
Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.6908591

Reading books can make you more knowledgeable about certain subjects, but sadly you can't read your idiocy away.

>> No.6909020

Twillight of the Gods.

But the most fundamental key to feeling less retarded is establishing healthy sleeping and eating routines. Get up at 6 every day and eat regular, healthy meals. You'll feel less retarded when you're cooking good food. When you hate yourself, everything you see and do seems to confirm your being inferior. Thus, if life is a walk across a lawn, the self-hater's lawn is full of thistles, wheras the happy man walks on soft grass and flowers. Good habits are like walking with a lawnmover in front of you - cut down the thistles of your own self-hate. When the thistles are gone, and you are okay with admitting that there are things that you don't know and that there are many people who are smarter than you, read books that slowly challenge you.

Siddhartha is a book often recommended on /lit/, and though it recieves heavy criticism whenever it is mentioned, I think you should check it out. To Live by Yu Hua is one of the best books I've ever read, and it's really good for us who carry shame for many of the major actions we have taken during our lives - it's about a spoiled rich kid who wastes the family fortune and has to start over. Waiting for the Barbarians might be for you.Memes aside, I also like reading the Gospels every now and then.

These books are all about 200 pages long, which means they're fairly easy to finish even with motivation problems. For every book you finish, you'll feel less and less retarded.

Trust me.

>> No.6909063

If you didn't feel retarded writing that, they certainly are good

>> No.6909121

Ignore every preceding post to my post and focus on these six, wisdom-filled mammoths instead:

Mathematical logic by Joseph Shoenfield
Set theory by Thomas Jech
Theory of Recursive Functions and Effective Computability by Hartley Rogers
Model Theory by C. C. Chang
Algebra by Serge Lang
Principles of Mathematical Analysis by Walter Rudin

In no particular order. You can thank me in about 5 years.

>> No.6909122

I'd suggest Lord of the Flies. It's a classic, but still an easier read.

>> No.6909158

Stupid is forever OP.

>> No.6909180
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>Principles of Mathematical Analysis by Walter Rudin

>> No.6909190

Anything by Sartre, his shit is so moronic you have no choice but to feel better about yourself.