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690703 No.690703 [Reply] [Original]

i must ask the writers on /lit/ tonight,
is iambic pentameter as simple as writing a ten syllable sentence (of sorts), or is there more to it. care to explain?

>> No.690705


>> No.690709

An iamb consists of two syllables, one unstressed, one stressed. Pentameter means there are ten of these. A random line of ten syllables is neither iambic (unless you're really lucky) nor pentameter.

>> No.690711

yes ive been there, i want to ask on a more personal basis.

>> No.690712

no. ten syllable lines with 5 metrical iambic feet.

the first syllable in perfect iambic pentameter should be unstressed, then the next stressed--continue in this fashion until line is completed...then continue until poem is completed.

sage for homework?

>> No.690717

not homework. i wanna write a poem in this meter, i wanna make sure im doing it right

>> No.690722


Ten of the individual syllables I mean. Five iambs. Ten syllables. ffffme

>> No.690724

example please? not from wikipedia >.>

>> No.690730

okay, if you know where a stress lands on a syllable of each word, you should be good to go with the advice we gave. if not, look up a dictionary and it will show you were the stressed and unstressed syllables are on every word.

>> No.690737



>> No.690740

thanks guys. if i cant get this to work, itll just be a story. but i think the premise to it is pretty awesome

>> No.690741


But what if you use single syllable words? How can you say one word is stressed and another is not?

>> No.690746

can we sticky this thread?

>> No.690750

HAT beck'ning ghost, along the moonlight shade
Invites my steps, and points to yonder glade?
'Tis she!--but why that bleeding bosom gored,
Why dimly gleams the visionary sword?
O, ever beauteous, ever friendly! tell,
Is it, in Heav'n, a crime to love too well?
To bear too tender or too firm a heart,
To act a lover's or a Roman's part?
Is there no bright reversion in the sky
For those who greatly think, or bravely die?
Why bade ye else, ye Pow'rs! her soul aspire
Above the vulgar flight of low desire?
Ambition first sprung from your blest abodes;
The glorious fault of angels and of gods;
Thence to their images on earth it flows,
And in the breasts of kings and heroes glows.
Most souls, 'tis true, but peep out once an age,
Dull sullen pris'ners in the body's cage:
Dim lights of life, that burn a length of years,
Useless, unseen, as lamps in sepulchres;
Like Eastern kings a lazy state they keep,
And close confined to their own palace, sleep.

does not need to be in heroic couplets, though

>> No.690752


Tonight1 I'll fuck2 your mo3ther's butt4 so well5
that by1 the morn'2 her ass3 will start4 to swell5.

>> No.690757


it's how it sounds in relation to the other words. if you just read words aloud, you can hear where the stronger sound is.

>> No.690759

the FUCK are those now? heroic couplets

>> No.690783

heroic couplets...iambic pentameter with two consecutive rhyming lines.

>> No.690789


>> No.690819

The stresses are what are super important, so building on anon's poem:

ToNIGHT I'll FUCK your MOther's BUTT so WELL
that BY the MORN her ASS will START to SWELL

If it doesn't sound like verbal skipping you're doing something wrong.

>> No.690831

seems logical. should it come naturally?

>> No.690834


well done.

>> No.690841


no. usually it doesn't. english/american speech patterns are not akin to iambic form...its more prone to dactylic forms used by greek poets

>> No.690846

you need to alternate between unstressed and stressed syllables for a total of 10 syllables.

Boom, iambic pentameter

>> No.690852

Depends on what you mean by naturally. It should sound natural. You may have to work and jostle the words around to create the effect.

>> No.690860

>dactylic forms
whats the difference

>> No.690871


It's that simple bro

>> No.690888

i don't know if this will just confuse you or not, but what the hell.

dactylic form consists of a metrical foot composed of a stressed syllable and then two unstressed syllables.

for a modern example from the beatles:

PIC-ture your-SELF in a BOAT on a RIV-er with
TAN-ger-ine TREE-ees and MAR-ma-lade Ski-ii-ees

>> No.690907
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>> No.690917
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To write pentameter, you need to count
To ten, or sometimes counting to eleven
Is necessary for an ending like:
"To be or not to be, that is the question".
That ending's feminine, the unstressed beat
is hanging out there, but it's still blank verse.
You also need to pay attention to
The line break, just like I did there. See that?
That's called "enjambment". Oft times blank verse can
Do interesting things by how you end, or don't
Quite end the line. Like: this line is end-stopped.
Is that enough, or should I give you more?

>> No.690920

i got you bro, no seriously, i understood that

>> No.690925


well, good. hopefully it also helped with the iambic pentameter thing.

>> No.690932

genug danke

>> No.690934

Look at the dactyls of classical metrical fame!
Fucking your mom as you notice you just lost the game!

>> No.690935

going to bed. thanks guys. keep this thread alive! archive or sticky maybe